Moon Slave (quet314 and Malfrost)


Jul 31, 2012
Usagi watched the customers pass by the glass. Some of them paid no mind, others looked her up and down greedily and shook their heads at the price. One customer even laughed, she could hear them through the shop window, sharp and loud. Part of her thought he must have seen her shaking.

She was the last survivor of Crystal Tokyo. They were defeated, wiped out, and she was the remaining prize. She had spent decades fighting for her people and now there was nothing left. She had been boxed up and shipped out like an artifact from an ancient civilization.

Only she wasn't going to a museum. She was going to a slave shop... as a window piece.

Usagi was dressed to the nines. They had spent hours changing her and curling her long hair. Her long delicate curls were sported in their normal pigtails with little pink bows and gold stars tied in random places. Her pale skin was smooth and decorated with gold sparkles glittering in the neon lights of the downtown. She had on light makeup, gloss to make her lips more pouty, rouge to make her cheeks flushed, and dark mascara to bring out her blue eyes. Usagi squirmed under the alien's staring. She was also dressed in nothing but lingerie. Pink, sparkling lingerie, gold stars and little moons embroidered in the lace, and a sheer white robe lined with pink fur. The most embarrassing thing by far was the pink leather collar, with a little gold moon tinkling against the chain that held her in place.
She had been standing in the shop window like a mannequin on display for three days. She was past crying now, she just trembled as the aliens passed her. Usagi genuinely did her best not to even look at her potential owners. She ignored everyone that walked through the door, tensing when the shop keepers welcomed them. Crying wasn't going to help her, begging was useless, expecting anything less than the worst was pointless.
Garrus had it all after helping to save the galaxy. Money, fame, and power....but he didn't have a good woman for himself. He had tried dating after the event with the Reapers passed, but he just couldn't seem to hit it off with any girls. So, he decided to use his money and connections to buy himself a good looking human slave. Ever since serving on the Normandy, he found himself very attracted to human females, despite being a Turian.

When he walked into the slave shop that Usagi was displayed in, he knew he had to have her, no matter what. He quickly struck up a deal with the owner...he would be allowed to fuck Usagi in the store for a very high price...then, if he enjoyed her, he could take her home after paying some more. Garrus waited eagerly for the owner to open up the display case Usagi was in so he could get inside and ravage her.
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