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Feb 26, 2013

Welcome to my WWII-based request thread!


I'm a big history buff and I've studied the Second World War extensively, so I'm quite knowledgeable in this time period. I'm looking for roleplays that will be plot and action heavy, as well as incorporate a complicated romance.

I have a list of female character BIOs below. Not all of my characters are Jewish - some are involved in the war through other causes. Likewise, you may play a Nazi member, but it is not a requirement. I am not only looking for people to play strictly antisemitic male characters, but am also open to other ideas. There are many varying reasons as to why people fought in the war. A lot of those reasons were not necessarily related to antisemitism. Although many people stood by Germany and/or partook in the Nazi party or the Nazi-German cause, a lot of them were not truly racist, but were driven by other issues such as politics, finances, military, patriotism, and even necessity. So, if you're not interested in playing a stereotypical Nazi psychopath, fret not, you may develop your character as you wish. Foremost, you do not even have to play a German character. If you have a character (regardless of nationality, involvement, etc) that you'd like to play - send me your character and we'll brainstorm ideas!

Regarding FANTASY/ SCI-FI:
It is a known fact that many countries during the Second World War were striving to create some sort of “Super Soldier” to gain military advantage over their opponents. Nazi Germany, especially, held several medical programs to try and bring that idea to life. If this is something you'd like to explore, I'm more than willing to incorporate elements of fantasy/sci-fi to allow for enhanced characters within a historical WWII setting. If you have any ideas, send them my way! With the rise of popularity in MARVEL, DC, and general superheros, I will ALSO entertain the idea of having “mutants” with powers within a WWII setting, as well! For both of these ideas, I can modify any of my characters (below) to fit them with an ability, or to fit the story with an enhanced character.


1) I roleplay in FIRST person, not in third. THIS DOES NOT MEAN YOU MUST ALSO ROLEPLAY IN FIRST PERSON. Third person role players are more than

2) I do not roleplay over IM (Instant Messengers). ONLY on BlueMoon PM (Private Message) and/or BlueMoon threads.

3) I am very limited when it comes to time. BlueMoon is a hobby, not a job for me, so although I am committed, I will not be able to provide multi-daily responses. I'm looking for a partner who is very patient, and who doesn't mind my posts rolling in every couple of days (and sometimes even up to a week).

4) ROMANCE and SEX is a MUST. For the first time ever, I'm opening up these pairings to smut(ier) options. Normally, I prefer plot-heavy roleplays that focus more on character development and couple dynamic than it does on pure smut, however I am willing to loosen my ends and be more direct (and quicker) in turning roleplays from plot to smut. However, this does not mean I'm looking for straight no-time-wasted dick in vag action. I still do want quality storyline, or I will become immensely bored with the plot within only a few responses.
* Of course, if you still prefer a more romantic plot over smut dynamic, please do message me anyways (that's my specialty)!

5) Additionally, here is my F-List. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!



First Post: Introduction
Second Post: WWII Female Character BIOS
Third Post: Inglourious Basterds Related BIOS

RE: World War II - based roleplays (Inglourious Basterds INCLUDED)

* Please, also take a look at the Inglourious Basterds plots, even if you've never seen the film!
The plots can be played with OC's (of yours) so they are still valuable even out of film context!

I have an album full of pictures for both potential females in WWII and also men in WWII. Feel free to pick and choose from these albums, as well. You can take a gander below:
WWII Women Part I
WWII Women Part II

BELOW are character (OC) bios accompanied by general background information that can be used towards a plot/idea. These characters are not directly created for an Inglourious Basterds themed roleplay, but by all means, if you'd like to mesh the two - I'm more than willing to do so!

"The Runaway"

Character Biography:
Real Name: Liora Gruenwald
Nick Name: Diamond
Age: 16-19 years old
Country of Origin: Hungary
Language(s): Hungarian, German, English
Occupation: Sex Slave
Personality/ BIO:

Although camp brothels dedicated to harvesting prostitutes for war prisoners are a well-known phenomenon seen in the history books of WWII, Jewish sex slaves harvested specifically for Nazi members are not. Despite the difference in documentation, Jewish women were indeed forced into prostitution catered for the Third Reich. Although most articles you'll read on sex slaves exclusively specify that Jewish women were NOT used, due to “racial hygiene” reasons, that proves completely untrue in the case of private escorts. As recorded in the memoir “After Auschwitz: One Man's Story”, Hermann Gruenwald, a Jewish cook in the concentration camps, tells a much different story. Working alongside the Gestapo and other camp-workers, Gruenwald recounts first-hand his encounters and experiences with beautiful Jewish women who were not only used as sex slaves, but glorified for courting the sexual desires of high-ranking officers. Rather than being confined to the slums of a scummy brothel, Jewish women were hand-picked based on their physical beauty to serve the Third Reich. Being chosen as a private escort meant that you were not only protected from the horrors of the concentration camps, but also that you were well taken care of. Escorts were dressed in lavish, expensive clothing and jewellery, and enjoyed fine wine and good food at the mercy of their subliminal line of work.

Liora Gruenwald (named after this inspirational memoir), is one of these private escorts. Although her Hungarian Jewish family tried to escape the war, a round-up left every single one of them on a train straight for Auschwitz. Despite being Jewish, Liora is well-educated, and speaks fluent German. She is a generally quiet character with a soft-spoken voice and a gentle kindness. Shortly after her arrival at the camp, she is recruited and turned into a private escort. She is blackmailed – told her family will only survive if she agrees to be an escort for Nazi soldiers/ officers. She agrees, though, soon comes to discover that all of her family is already dead. One cold, rainy night, she decides to runaway and escape this life or die trying.

I have personally met Hermann Gruenwald. He is an extraordinary man who immigrated to Canada after the war. If you're interested in a short blurb of his experiences in the Second World War, here is a video of him recounting a summary of what happened to him. If you'd like to support him, you can purchase his book at Barnes and Nobles (US) or at Indigo/Chapters (Canada).

"Stone Red”

Character Biography:
SS Agent Name: Genoveva Stein, or "Stein Rot" (Stone Red)
Real Name: Udiya Bernstein
Age: 21-25 years old
Country of Origin: Germany
Language(s): German, English, French, Italian, Polish, Hungarian, Russian, Hebrew, Yiddish
Occupation: Supersoldier, Assassin, Translator
Personality/ BIO:

Genoveva (born Udiya) is an orphan who was recruited by the German government after a fatal accident left her comatose. After many weeks unconscious, the young teen awoke with absolutely no memories. She retained all motor and language skills, all knowledge, except for memories leading up to the accident. As an amnesiac, she is transferred from central care in a hospital in Munich to a secret medical organization run by the Deutsches Reich. With virtually no identity, she is named Genoveva and is subjected to several drug experiments. With absolute resilience, she soon becomes the leading subject in the Super Soldier project. Although the project was originally dedicated to male German soldiers, all of those subjects failed to perform under a newly modified D-IX drug. Genoveva, having been recognized for her unbelievable recovery from an accident that should have left her dead, became a wild-card guinea pig in the Reich's experiments. Successful, she became the first female subject to transform under the influence of the "Red Pill" (rote pille; modified and more powerful D-IX drug).

Within seconds of taking the substance, Genoveva gained superhuman strength, agility, and regenerative healing while on the drug. Not only was the drug a stimulant, but it flooded her body with adrenaline, voiding her body of any sensation of pain. On it she has exceptional focus, concentration, and heightened senses. The pill also makes her an exceptional learner, allowing the beginning folds of Nazi Germany to pursue years of rigorous training with her. From dusk until dawn, Genoveva - now nicknamed Agent Stein or Stein Rot (Stone Red) - transformed from an ordinary girl to extraordinary combatant. By the end of the program, she was completely fluent in multiple languages (German, English, French, Italian, Polish, Hungarian, Russian) and had extensive knowledge of military-grade weaponry, equipment, and vehicles (including planes and copters). Not only did Genoveva blossom into a beautiful young woman under the care of the Third Reich, but she emerged from the program as a trained assassin and the ultimate super soldier. She was as stunning as she was deadly, and the Nazi military wasted no time putting her to work as a undercover intelligence agent.

Despite Nazi efforts to keep her memories from returning to her, the more Genoveva free-roamed as an active agent, the more memories began to creep back in to her mind. We can brainstorm what point in the war we want to put her in, including which country she ends up in for her mission(s). However, with this character, I would like to incorporate that before the program and accident, she was a of Jewish faith. While on a trip alone, she ends up in an accident and goes "missing", to which her parents and family are never able to find her. I would like for my character to slowly start to piece together the truth; that she is a Jew; the very thing she's been taught her entire adolescence and early adulthood to destroy. We can pair her with virtually anyone (a Nazi, another soldier, another spy, an Inglorious Basterd character, another supersoldier... send me your ideas! ).

"The Gypsy Travellers"
* These images can be interchanged with the bios. *


Character Biography:
Real Name: Tsura Klor
Age: 18-21 years old
Country of Origin: Austria
Language(s): German, Sinti-Romani language, some Yiddish
Occupation: N/A
Personality/ BIO:

Although a Gypsy, Tsura's family has settle primarily in Austria for generations. They are different from the more commonly known Roma people, simply in their dialect of the Romani language as well as slight differences in clothing. To the outside eye, they are barely distinguishable, simply because their nomadic background and controversial cultures are shared. Despite official historical reports determining the Holocaust began in 1941, for the Romas (commonly referred to as gypsies), it began several years before, in 1938. Although country-wide banishment had been ongoing for centuries, laws in the name of racial impurity on the same plane as antisemitism began as early as 1925. In 1936, three years after Hitler came in power, the Central Office to "Combat the Gypsy Nuisance" opened in Munich. In July of that same year, police would begin rounding up gypsies from their caravans to export them to interment camps, which served as ghettos in the outskirts of major cities. However, the infamous Heinrich Himmler lobbied to save a handful of pure-blooded Roma, whom he believed to be an ancient Aryan people for his "ethnic reservation". Many efforts were placed into exempting "pureblood" Romas from the "racially inferior". In lieu of Himmler's beliefs, doctors, Nazis, and other experts documented, analyzed, and questioned Romas in order to determine if they were of Aryan lineage.

Tsura and her family, blessed in their investigation, were one of the few Roma families to be deemed "pureblood"; of true Aryan lineage despite Gypsy status. Despite being exempt from concentration camps, her family still bore few legal rights and did not regain citizenship. Although officially documented as "pure" on her papers, Tsura faced many oppositions from Nazi and German soldiers alike at every encounter. Because many politicians, experts, and Nazi Party members opposed Himmler's outlandish Gypsy-Aryan beliefs, Tsura's once-protected family soon became a target. As the war against racial impurity raged bigger and bigger, Tsura's earlier documents had soon turned meaningless. She had become nothing but a dirty Gypsy, no better than any other Roma, and to some, even more worthless than a Jew.

With the rumour of wide-spread Roma massacre spreading like wildfire amid a raging war, Tsura and many other gypsy communities were on the constant move; doing everything in their power to avoid German forces. However, the gypsies could only cover so much ground before there was no more ground to hide in. Like many other bands of Romani people, Tsura's nomadic group had been discovered, and bombarded. Forced by soldiers to surrender their jewelry and caravans, the lot of them were ordered to huddle together in the middle of the forest. Without any apparent warning, soldiers began to open-fire on the group. Gypsies dropped dead like flies, while others graced by the edge took a run for it. While in hot pursuit by Nazis, Tsura makes the bold move to jump off the edge of a cliff in an effort to escape. She falls several meters down to plummet into the river's stream below.


Character Biography:
Real Name: Luvina Dalca
Gypsy Nick Name: Lu-Lu
Age: 16-19 years old
Country of Origin: Romania
Language(s): Romanian, Romani language
Occupation: N/A
Personality/ BIO:

* In Progress *

Luvina is a very intelligent and cunning, despite her young age. She's extraordinarily street smart, and knows how to get around and survive on her own without the help of anyone else. Because she has lived her life in a traveller community, she is used to finding food that sometimes requires hunting – and is also good at finding shelter. Luvina is a handy pick-pocketer and a master actress. She can con nearly anyone into believing she's telling the truth – all to get what she wants (which is usually food, money, or something else needed to stay alive). She's constantly cautious, and trusts no one. She's suspicious of nearly everyone, and chooses to roam towns on her own. Though, her young age makes her a target.

There is no specific plot for this. The character is just a young Gypsy who is trying to escape the war.

"Prayers in Prague"

Character Biography:
Real Name: Anezka
Age: 18-21 years old
Country of Origin: Czechoslovak Republic
Language(s): Czech, German, Polish, and Yiddish
Occupation: Undetermined
Personality/ BIO:

* In Progress *

I haven't written an official bio yet for Anezka, but she will be one of the many Czech Jews who were victims of the Holocaust. Her hometown is the famous city of Prague, where Germans eventually invaded and conquered. She will be quite educated, speaking four languages. Her lineage originates predominantly in Poland, through many generations have since emigrated to Czech and settled in the regions of Bohemia and Moravia. However, Anezka still has many family members in Poland and Austria, which is the main reason why she was also educated in Polish and German.


Character Biography:
Real Name: Nastasia Volkov
Age: 23-25 years old
Country of Origin: Soviet Russia
Language(s): Russian, German, English
Occupation: Sniper, Trained Assassin
Personality/ BIO:

Nastasia Volkov is a Russian spy and extraordinary sniper for Soviet Russia. Nastasia grew up in a military family, born of a father who is a highly-praised and ranked USSR Officer. Since a very young age, Nastasia was familiarized with guns, other weapons, and military tactics. When she became a teenager, she was enrolled in a secret spy program for Russian females. There, she was trained as not only a phenomenal combatant, but also as a specialized sniper and assassin. The program was designed to turn beautiful Russian women into deadly assailants, capable of not only distracting and seducing male opponents, but also in disguising themselves well in order to gain access to their targets. Nastasia is one of the best in her league, with a total of 45 kills under her belt. Her pale features and icy eyes
allow for even the strongest of men to falter under her charming personality and stunning good looks. Mostly operating under cover, she is single-handled responsible for the deaths of dozens of political power-houses and military commanders.

In the recent weeks, Nastasia, also known as Agent She-Wolf, has disappeared. With no body, and no reports of her death - she is long suspected to have willingly gone rogue after her family, including her father had been murdered.

"Black Rose"

Character Biography:
Real Name: Rosalia De Fiore
Nick Name: Black Rose
Age: 19-22 years old
Country of Origin: Italy
Language(s): Italian, Potentially others
Occupation: Assassin
Personality/ BIO:

Rosalia grew up in a small town in the region of Calabria, Italy. Although her parents were both native Italians, she was raised in a family with a Catholic mother and a Jewish father. Despite her parents religious differences, the two were very much in love and found a way to incorporate both traditions in their childrens' upbringings. For Rosalia and her younger siblings, it was the best of both worlds. However, the events of the Second World War plagued Italy after Mussolini twisted his power and shifted his efforts to join forces with Nazi Germany. And so, like so many countries before them, Italy was being evacuated of all its Jewish citizens; Rosalia's father included. Because their mother was Catholic, under Jewish faith, Rosalia and her siblings were not religiously bound to Judaism. Instead, only her father should fall victim to this round-up.

However, one evening, their home town was invaded, and both Rosalia's and her family were forced out of their home. Confused, Rosalia begged with the officers to spare her and her brothers, as they were not Jewish (only their father). The officers did not listen, convinced regardless of the religious red-tape that they were racially infected by Jewish blood. Threatened via gun-point, Rosalia and her family were obliged to board the train. Though, a familiar face, Sergeant Bandoni, recognized Rosalia and pulled her from the train's crowd. A childhood friend and past love-interest, Bandoni could not bear to let Rosalia go. He spares her, though, does not spare her father or her two brothers. Rosalia's mother, in complete distress over the events unfolding, tries to board the train with her husband and two sons as the train begins to move. Though, when she is refused entrance onto the train she becomes hysterical and a struggle with officers ensues. Amidst the physical altercation, Rosalia's mother is shot dead on the platform.

The scene leaves Rosalia traumatized and broken. Not only did she lose her father and two brothers in the evacuation, but also her mother. Several weeks after the incident, Rosalia hears rumours of gas chambers and concentration camps. Convinced her father and two brothers are dead, Rosalia becomes enraged. Riddled with anger, she vows vengeance and makes it her personal mission to kill every Nazi officer responsible for the death of her family. Though, instead of aimlessly killing every soldier with a Nazi badge, she becomes tactically invested in the politics of the war. She gains resources, Intel, and weapons to become one of the most infamous Nazi assailants in the entire country. Travelling from city to city, Rosalia tracks down Nazis that she considers are pivotal members of the Third Reich within Italy. The bigger your impact on the war, the bigger the target on your back. She is soon nick-named the “Black Rose” by fearing German soldiers and Nazi members (Rose deriving from her name Rosalia) and is has been an unstoppable force since the death of her mother.

"Made In France"
Character Biography:
Real Name: Sophie Chevalier
Age: 22-25 years old
Country of Origin: France
Language(s): French, English
Occupation: Businesswoman
Personality/ BIO:

Like her brother, she is very wealthy from the business, and is high-class. She holds herself to the utmost standard, which is seen through her expensive jewellery, fine taste in wine, and glamorous appearance. She is very strong-willed, very smart, and very witty. It's what makes her so valuable to the company, and she has a knack for making good financial and company choices. Because Sophie is so independent, she has a big mouth, and often over steps social boundaries that a woman should not over step in that period. Likewise, she is very outspoken and always speaks her mind.

Sophie is the sister to a very successful French businessman (I'm thinking he owns ammunition factories or something of the like). Though, despite her brother owning the majority of the company, Sophie is the first-hand man (or woman) and the brains behind sales. She accompanies her brother everywhere to meet all the potential buyers. During Germany's occupation of France (after they surrendered), the company would go into arrangements with the Nazi Party. The meeting, since high-class and professional, would be at a restaurant over wine and good food to discuss the details of the sale. Though, little does Sophie know, that the group of men her brother has made arrangements with are reputable members of the Nazi Party. A political group she very much detests, and wishes to have no part in. Knowing his sister would not approve, Sophie's brother pretends like it's a different company – and Sophie does not find out who they are truly dealing with until already in the restaurant – when she meets them.

Possibilities include playing a member of the Nazi party, or perhaps even, someone who is working for the Nazi party to make this sale. Another possibility is also a German soldier, or even, no one from the group – but rather someone who is also eating at the restaurant. This can include the Inglorious Basterds crew – who perhaps can be eating there in order to get to the Nazi party who are meeting Sophie and her brother. If you have any other ideas, I'm open!

"The Christian Jew"

Character Biography:
Real Hebrew Name: Dara Stolarz
Fake Christian/ More German Name: Giselle Kroll
Age: 16-19 years old
Country of Origin: Poland
Language(s): Polish, German, Hebrew, Yiddish
Occupation: N/A
Personality/ BIO:

Dara/Giselle is an extremely gentle character. She is kind-hearted, very sweet, and believes in treating everyone with respect despite their (often) undeserving characters. She is fairly quiet, and keeps mostly to herself, particularly with her loud family. She doesn't like to express her ideas, or what's on her mind, as she is often ridiculed for her sayings of peace and sympathy towards German soldiers and Nazi members. She is very intellectual, and is constantly reading. She has gone over the Torah many times, due to her teachings, but has a fascination with the bible, and has read it numerous times (especially since she is pretending to be Christian now, with her family). Although very young, she is wise beyond her years and is often referred to as an “old soul”. She writes in her diary multiple times a day – to which she pours out her heart and thoughts.

Two Jewish families are posing as Christians together in a log cabin in the woods. They would set up bear traps around the far-off property in hopes of keeping animals and unwanted guests, such as soldiers, at bay. Though, since there is a strong possibility of them being discovered, they have decorated their home as Christians – no signs of Judaism. As Christmas is approaching, they decorate the house with lights and the family sets off to get a Christmas tree. There the young Jewish girl (my character) would have an encounter with a German or Nazi soldier, or perhaps someone else. They could be caught in the trap, or tracking them. This can also be paired with Inglorious Basterds characters.

RE: World War II - based roleplays (Inglourious Basterds INCLUDED)

"Sky Maiden"

Character Biography:
Real Name: Ruxandra Dalca
Age: 20-24 years old
Country of Origin: Romania
Language(s): Romanian and Russian
Occupation: Pilot
Personality/ BIO: * In Progress *

Ruxandra is one of the few women of her time to be a fully trained and licensed military pilot. She is an active member of the Royal Romanian Air Forces, having enlisted under a special forces team of female pilots and military combatants in a project known as Escadrila Albă.Escadrila Albă, or “White Squadron” were an elite team of highly-skilled pilots and medical professionals that served for Romania in the Odessa invasion as well as the Battle of Stalingrad. Although trained to fly almost anything, Ruxandra's specialty in the war was flying medical transport, RWD-13 planes. Although many planes were shot down during battles both out of cross-fire and out of tactical medical sabotage, Ruxandra's is one of the surviving pilots of the war chaos.

"Medical Morals"

Character Biography:
Real Name: Arielle Proulx
Age: 18-20 years old
Country of Origin: France
Language(s): French, English, Hebrew, German
Occupation: Nurse
Personality/ BIO: * In Progress *

Arielle is highly educated, coming from a wealthy family of businessmen and teachers. Her mother is Jewish and ab elementary school teacher and her father is Catholic, a businessman (owner of many companies). Her and her parents, alongside her three siblings, all grew up in central Paris. They were all educated in private schools and became fluent in four languages. After high school, Arielle pursued a career in Nursing. At the start of the Second World War, Arielle enlisted to serve France, thinking she would be utilizing her medical skills to help fighting members in the war. Little did she know, she'd also be at the mercy of treating enemies of the war, too – her country's very own invading German soldiers (and any other wounded members of the Third Reich (including but not limited to Nazi and SS officers). Because France was invaded and seized by German forces early in the war, her seemingly patriotic intentions were turned soured, and she was forced to also aid wounded Germans, as well.

"The Club Singer (Cheetah)"

Character Biography:
Real Name: Eva Jager
Fake Name: Adeline Hase
Age: 18 years old – pretending to be 21.
Country of Origin: Unknown/Undecided
Language(s): Unknown/Undecided
Occupation: Club Singer
Personality/ BIO:

Eva/Adeline is a drop dead gorgeous young woman who has come accustomed to men swooning over her looks and her voice. Though, because of her beauty and the fact that she is ringless/husbandless, she has become susceptible to much disrespect from men. Although she is often seen as an object of sexual desire, she is much smarter than that and holds herself to a higher standard. She is extraordinarily stubborn, and makes it part of her mission to refuse and repel all men who wish to get to know her. She's very independent, head-strong, and quite fiesty. She has a sassy, but charming, personality and a big mouth that often gets her into trouble.

I don't really have a plot for this one. I'd just like her to be a club singer stage-named Cheetah. Someone who would be a reputable performer in a small town. She would sing at a fairly fancy restaurant that has a stage and equipment for entertainment. She would be the entertainment that night where the restaurant is very jam-packed with various families and parties – one being members of the Nazi party and/or German soldiers and/or the Inglorious Basterds crew (or some other group of individuals – open to suggestions!). A male member of any of these groups would find himself entranced by her voice, beauty, and her extremely curvy physique. She would have a false identity as she is Jewish and escaped the hold of a notorious Nazi who tried to keep her and use her as a sex slave. There would be a bounty on her head and/or someone looking for her. This someone could also be your character. Open to other possibilities, too!

The song she would be singing would be:
We can have her from/ the club-resto at any country. She is singing in English, but if we change it to a country where English wouldn't be sung in a restaurant (likely), then we'll just pretend she's singing in whatever language of the country.

"Mystery Bride"

Character Biography:
Real Name: Audra Buckley
Fake German Name: Vera Auttenberg
Age: Claims to be 22 years old but is actually 25.
Country of Origin: England (Pretending to be German)
Language(s): English, German
Occupation: “Widow” – British Spy
Personality/ BIO:

Although Audra/Vera is British, she is a wicked good actress, and has mastered both the German language and the German accent – completely concealing her British accent. Despite all the legal documents to prove her fake German identity, Vera is actually a British spy. She has worked for years to infiltrate Nazi Germany; working with a private British organization. Though she is to be married to a big political powerhouse, closely linked to the Nazi party, there is truly something more she wishes to gain other than Nazi access. She is just as smart as she is beautiful, and uses her good looks and charming personality to lure in people she can use – including her soon-to-be husband. She is head-strong, very stubborn, and acts like nothing can scare her (although this isn't true). Audra/Vera tries not to be intimidated by soldiers and Nazi members though she fears losing her identity, as well as losing her chance to get what she wants.

One of the most beautiful high-class women in the region is Vera Auttenberg. She is smart, cunning, but most importantly, charming and beautiful. She is a young woman, new to the marriage market, as her previous husband died, leaving her a young widow with a ton of money. Since her deceased husband was a very prestigious business man and was active in the political scene in Germany, he was very well-known and left her well off. Because of this, it didn't take her too long to meet another powerful man, though much, much older, a 62 year old gentleman named Eber. Eber is a successful politician and businessman with no wife, an older son, and a very young 9 year old daughter. Having been widowed for a long time, it didn't take him long to fall for the young and beautiful Vera. Their engagement comes as a quick and shocking surprise, though nevertheless, their wedding is announced to be extravagant. Despite this happy day, there is one issue – Eber's son.

Eber's son - who just so happens to be a high ranking Nazi party member who doesn't always see eye-to-eye with his father; particularly not with marrying a much younger woman, whom to him, seemed very, very suspicious. Prior to the wedding, he had only met this mysterious wonder woman once, on a short meeting at his father's and her's engagement party. His life being chaotic and busy with work, politics, and parties, he didn't have the time to interrogate her... though, he did have the resources to investigate her identity. His investigation leads him to a slew of legal German documents, though he can sense they are fake. On the wedding day, he makes his way over to the mansion (to which is in hectic preparation) and snoops around her belongings. He comes to find a British passport labelled Audra Buckley (her real identity) as well as a picture of a baby girl. Convinced she is a spy, Eber's son decides to surprise the bride in her suite, as she is just about to leave to walk down the aisle.

The interaction I envision would be him coming into the “touch-up” room she's rented at the church, to which she is just putting the last of her jewelry and such on. She would already be bride-ready (the pictures above) and would be startled by his entrance. I'm thinking he could start off talking to her calmly and nicely but then he would start to ask her subliminal questions. His intent is to threaten/scare her into a confession. Though she is stronger than he thinks. Being a Nazi, I don't expect him to be particularly gentle, unless you want to make his character vindictive and creepy – in that sense. How ever you want to play him! I do just have one requirement: That his character is remarkably attracted to Vera and her beauty – and cannot pull his mind away from wanting and having her as his own bride and in that sense, carries a lot of jealousy towards his father (especially seeing her in wedding attire).



The OCs listed below can ALSO be paired with an OC - they are not limited to Inglourious Basters, they are simply inspired by the film.


"The Ratskeller Barmaid"

Character Biography:
Real Name: Arianne Bellerose
Fake Name: Christa
Age: 18-25 years old
Country of Origin: Unknown
Personality/ BIO:

Arianne is a Jewish young woman who's actually from France. Her family was massacred at the hands of Hans Landa. Having been part of a decently wealthy and prestigious family, she is fluent in German, having learned it extensively in school. She is very intelligent and educated, and speaks five languages: French, German, English, Hebrew, and Yiddish. She is very charming, sweet, and soft-spoken. She is a general kind and generous person, though, since the slaughter of her family, she has vowed vengeance (although doesn't really have much of a game plan - she's traveled to Germany out of spontaneity). Additionally, her family also had a farm house that they spent most summers at. There, she learned many skills, such as how to handle a gun.

In order to further the Basterd and English military cause, actress Bridget von Hammersmark "The German Actress" arranges a sort of event/party at an underground Ratskeller/German tavern. Bridget teams up with Lt. Archie Hicox “The Brit" - who is posing as a German/Nazi Lieutenant. At the tavern, the group of soldiers are being served by a lovely Barmaid named Christa - who is posing as German Christian, though she is secretly a French Jew named Arianne. A drunken German soldier takes a particular liking to Christa, and oversteps his welcome by sexually harassing her and trying to grab her ass. She gets irritated, and talks back to which she realizes could get her killed. Lt. Archie Hicox realizes the lady is in a social-political murder spot and stands to defend her. (If, like in the film, the tavern scene turns to a shooting, then perhaps they are the sole survivors).

This roleplay will take place with Lt. Archie Hicox "The Brit".

OR can be switched with Sgt. Hugo Stiglitz "The Nazi Killer" - who'd also be with Bridget and Lt. Hicox at the tavern.

Also open to pairing with an OC (not related to Inglourious Basterds).

"The Lone Soldier"

Character Biography:
Real Name: Izolda Izbicka
Nick Name: "Hellfire"
Age: 18-23 years old
Country of Origin: Poland
Personality/ BIO:

Izolda is a disturbed young woman. She has a reputation within the Nazi-soldier community for being extremely vicious, sadistic, and violent. She has been linked to over a dozen high-profile assassinations of Nazi members, and has killed countless German soldiers. She is very gory and torturous with her murders, landing her the nickname "Hellfire"; inspired by her bright red hair. She has often been described as cold, wicked, and even demonic. Because of her past, she has no sympathy towards anyone involved in the Nazi/German movement. Izolda can be interpreted as borderline psychotic, as she shows very little emotion and is very closed off (though, this is just a defense mechanism developed after the incident to protect herself from emotional pain). However, once she trusts someone enough, she does open up, and is actually very intricate, complex, and even humorous.

Izolda is the sole Jewish survivor of her family and community to have escaped a Jewish round-up in her town. She has wondered from Poland, through Germany, and to (potentially) France on an escapade to find Sgt. Rachtman; who had raped her younger sister (and attempted to rape her) before putting a bullet in her sister's head. Adela is driven by a furious vengeance, and as she discovers Sgt. Rachtman at the hands of Donny Donowitz (The Bear Jew) she makes an effort to stop him from killing the Nazi, so that she could do it herself.

This roleplay would either be with Donny Donowitz "The Bear Jew".

OR with Sgt. Hugo Stiglitz “The Nazi Killer”. In Hugo's case, perhaps he'd be the one who caught her creeping up in the woods. He'd stop her (perhaps go to kill her) before realizing she is not a threat. Or, even, when she makes an effort to stop Donny, perhaps Hugo would intervene.

Again, her character can be paired with an OC (not related to Inglourious Basters).
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