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Gone (quitefancy and Openots)


Feb 11, 2009
"Fuck you! That's fucking right, you touch me again and I'll break your whole goddamn hand!" Her screaming was hoarse and seemed rather futile as she was being wrestled back into manacles. God only knew why the stupid guard had believed the girl who promised him the best blowjob of his life, if he'd let Willow's hands free to do it.

He'd ended up with three broken fingers. Pity, that.

Willow kicked out, drawing her bare foot back and slamming it against the back of some guys knee. His legs buckled, came right out from underneath him and Willow was on top of him, wrapping the chains around his neck and beginning to cut off his circulation. Her head tossed, red curls sliding into her eyes and obscuring her vision momentarily. Mistake. Big mistake. Someone grabbed her around the upper arms, easily lifting her off the large man beneath her. "Shut your mouth you stupid piece of chattel," was hissed in her ear. A prick in her arm, then the world grew fuzzy. Eyes blinked, eyelids flickering and lowering slowly to conceal brilliant green eyes, which were slowly glazing over. Her eyelids drooped slowly until her fighting and struggling slowed. "You're... I'm gonna.. fucking.. you.."
She was out.


Abruptly, her eyelids flickered open. She had a distinct feeling of numb heaviness in her arms, and when she tried to lift them, little came of it besides a frustrated groan. "Oh god, oh god," she whispered, closing her eyes again and praying silently to whatever deity out there would save her from this.. this cage. For she was in a cage, a very small one at that, and it was far too easy to feel like an animal when caged.
Eyes opened again, taking in her surroundings without lifting her head. Her throbbing, pounding head!
Slowly, slowly, she sat up, arms finding they were free now, but she was still inside a fucking cage. An animal. Fingers came up to rub against her forehead and it hurt. Feeling along her hairline revealed a small cut, no more than two inches long. But it hurt..

"Stop crying! It's not like it'll make any difference! You're still going to get played with and fucked like all the rest of them!" A large man was shouting and she wished he'd stop for the pounding in her head. She watched a girl be pushed out of the room, shackles around her hands and feet. Then that man approached her cage, and she saw it was the one she'd wrapped her chains around. Well, he didn't look too nice.

"You're next, slut," he said, not looking at her as he unlocked the door that was holding her in. Her instincts screamed 'run! flee!' but her body was too groggy, still moving as if through mud. Very very thick mud. She was pulled bodily from the cage and her feet and hands were bound. It was then that she became aware of her apparal. Thank the gods these barbarians had had the decency to cover her lower half though, even if it was just with a crude loincloth. Her lank, dirty masses of curls covered most of her face and obscured her vision as she was knocked around. The man tugged on her arm, leading her towards a door and through it.

"Lot number 18. Young female, good build, stands at five feet three inches. Red hair, green eyes, a bit of a fighter." He paused in his description to glance over at Willow, who pointedly avoided the man's eyes. From this information, the two men seemed to gauge her value and placed a sign around her neck before pushing her into the next room- which was basically a giant cage, already filled with dirty, trembling slaves. The viewing cage.
He had been in his office when a rather short man dressed in black stepped in. "U-uh, s-s-s-sir. T-t-t-the shipm-m-m-ment of slaves has arrived." He stated, speaking with a very bad stutter. "Very good Sanders, I shall be down in a minute to inspect them." He replied with a wave of his hand as the little man scurried away. No one would expect the thin, black haired man to be in charge of breaking, preparing, and selling the slaves. He signed a document before placing the paper in a small slot which it slid into and vanished.

The man shook his head before standing up and pulling a long black, leather jacket on, along with a pair of black leather gloves. By no means was he an unattractive man, though his mere presence was somewhat intimidating. He grabbed a small pair of round black, reflective lenses and put them on, effectively concealing the dark blue eyes behind them. Quickly, he made his way out the door, and down a long spiral staircase. His office was located in one of the highest towers in the building; the large window behind his desk giving him an amazing view of the sprawling city.

It didn't take him too long to reach the viewing area, right as they called out the information about 18. His boots, clicked on the stone floor outside the cage as he slowly made his way in front of it. "Good evening ladies!" He shouted out, stopping in the center. "Welcome to your new home! If you are here, obviously you are not a good person and deserve what is going to happen too you!" He began pacing from one end to another, making sure the women all saw him.

"You see, good people do not get sent here! Only the worthless trash that cannot control their primal urges ends up here!" He finished before stopping in the center again. "It is my job, to make sure you whores are prime and ready for when the auction rolls around! If not, the hounds in the kennel could always use a new fuck-toy!" He turned and took a few steps towards one of the two men. "Bring 18 up to my office afterwords." He whispered before turning back to examine the women.

"Tonight you lot will be able to rest easy, but for the next year you are going to be trained, beaten, marked, and humiliated! After we are done you will no longer be able to function in regular society, you will be nothing more than a hole for someone to fuck, and you will want it! So once again, welcome to your new home!" He laughed, almost cruelly before turning on his heel and leaving.

Within minutes he was back in his office. It was actually an amazing room, large bookshelves decorated the walls, a massive oaken desk sat in the middle with two cushioned chairs sat in front of the desk. He flopped down in the chair behind the desk, waiting for the guards to bring the new woman in.
The words disgusted her. All Willow had done was gotten drugged at a club and dragged off. She didn't think that partying was ever the sort of thing she'd need to worry about, but apparently it had landed her here. Perhaps whoever it was who'd taken her was of the opinion that only loose women drank and danced.

So much for modesty however, given the fact that all the women in the cage were bare breasted and many of them weren't even granted the comfort of a loin cloth. Willow was just taking in her surroundings again when she was abruptly snatched from behind, two thick arms winding around her waist and lifting her bodily into the air. She screamed and the women around her looked panicked, but the other man accompanying them seemed to prevent any of the women from speaking up.

Willow flailed and kicked as the man carried her out of the cage and into an area that she probably wouldn't have been allowed to be in, were it not for the restraint of her own personal body guard.

A door was opened before her and she was dropped unceremoniously onto the floor in front of a large wooden desk. She quickly scrambled to her feet, wrapping her arms around herself to keep herself hidden and looking around quickly. The two men who'd escorted her here had already retreated to stand imposingly next to the door, apparently waiting for instructions from the man behind the desk, who Willow recognized as being the scumbag who'd just addressed the group.

"Did you bring me here to kill me? Because dear god, if you're going to do it, make it quick," she said sharply, her tone biting and harsh.
He motioned for the two men to leave; casually. He looked her over, noting that the guards probably hadn't bathed her since she had arrived. "Why would I kill you?" He asked raising an eyebrow while flipping through a few papers. "Sit, sit. I have a proposition for you." He leaned back in his chair, and clasped his hands together. "By order of the city guard we have been ordered to, break you, and sell you. But I am offering you an easy way out."

He tossed her the folder, which had her warrant for arrest as well as her sentence. "I can lessen the punishments and tortures you will receive here. Of course you shall still be sold into slavery, but you will be given better sleeping arrangements while you stay here." He let his hands rest on the desk. "So, will you sleep in the pits with the rest of the women, or will you accept?" He asked.
Willow looked immediately suspicious and glanced around the room before moving towards the chair and slowly lowering herself into it. She caught the folder when he tossed it to her and started going through it, her eyes wide.

"In exchange for what? What awful things do I have to do to deserve this better treatment?" she asked, looking up at him and tossing the folder back, none too gently. "You're offering me some great reward, and haven't mentioned what you want in return. That means it's nothing good and it's something that I bet many girls have turned down. Tell me what I must do in order to be your pampered pet slave," she said, sneering slightly. She kept herself perched carefully on the very edge of her seat, clearly ready to flee if he came at her. Her muscles were tense and her breathing was heavy, perhaps because of how angry she felt at his callous indifference to all those womens suffering.
"Actually, you are the first I have offered this to, the cost though. You shall take my place when I retire." He replied. "Though if you want to be treated like the others, I understand." He stood up and pressed a button on the desk, signaling the guards to take her back. "You have three days to make your choice. Keep in mind, until you accept, or if you don't you shall be treated worse than any of the " He cracked his knuckles before sitting back down.

When the Guards started to take her away he called after her. "Oh and tomorrow is Kennel day, have fun." He laughed as the door shut. She would accept his offer, though in the end she was no different than any other slave. "Hm, depending on how this one turns out, I might buy her myself."
Willow jerked when the guards grabbed ahold of her again, pulling her back out of the room. Take his place? Become the sort of person who tortured women and sold them for money? She was not at all interested in that kind of future, but her thoughts were on the immediate. If she could save herself some of the pain and torture right now, why not take taht offer?

"Wait!" Willow screamed as the door was closing in her face. "I want to! I'll do it! Please, I'll do it, I'll take your place!" She felt ridiculous for having given in so quickly, but her own sense of self preservation dictated that she respond immediately, before the offer was jerked away from her.
He gave her a grin as the doors slammed shut. Sanders, stumbled into the room a few moments later. "Sanders, inform the guards to bring her here tomorrow after the days' training." The little man nodded before running out of the room. The purpose of the kennel day was to essentially humiliate the women to the point they were easy to work with. Which would make Willow a little easier to train, as well as to show her what he was keeping her from.

The guards tossed her down into a pit before a large iron grate was slid over the hole and locked into place. It let a little light in but it was still extremely difficult to see. Around her were the rest of the women who had been in the cage with her. "Awrighty nao. Ou ittle piggies sleep nice. Tomarraws a big day." The man laughed before leaving her with the rest of the women.

Within moments Sanders delivered his message before scuttling off. He hated it down here, how he ever was transferred to this hell-hole from the magistrate was beyond him.
Willow huddled into herself when she was dropped into the pit, curling up into the smallest ball she could manage. The women around her were mumbling, crying and screaming, so she knew that sleep wouldn't be coming anytime soon. Instead, she focused her mind on how she might be able to keep herself safe. Surely there were going to be men who would force themselves on her. She wasn't at all pleased about the idea, but it seemed the sort of thing that would happen in slave training. Perhaps, since she'd agreed to his exchange, she might be able to avoid being brutalised. It was a faint wish, but a wish nonetheless.
The next day about half of the women were pulled from the pit quite roughly, a burlap bag placed over each of their heads and tied shut before they were tossed in a cart. They were piled onto each other, the guards making sure Willow was at the bottom. A few moments later the cart jerked to a start and began bumping along. The trip was almost an hour in length before it jerked to a stop. The next thing the women knew they were dumped into the dirt and the bags removed.

The guard was riding the cart off and out of a large caged area, the gate slamming shut behind him. The voice which could only be taken as a Noble's boomed from about. "Welcome to the Kennels ladies. Here is where we keep the royal hounds, though to keep them docile we pay the local slave chapter a fee to bring some of their 'trainees' here." He laughed as several of the cage doors opened and about twenty very large dogs stepped out into the caged area. "Have fun!" He laughed as the skylight opened, revealing a massive audience of people.
Willow didn't expect quite such rough treatment, so when she was tossed at the bottom of the pile, she made an effort to keep herself still so that she didn't get hurt. When they were all dumped on the ground, she was clearly shocked to see what the plan was for them today. Instead of doing hard labour, like she'd hoped and prayed that they would, they were apparently to be the play toys for a bunch of horny dogs!
Within moments, the dogs had pounced on the women; Willow being no exception. A large black dog had knocked her to her knees and mounted her from the back, his red pointed cock poking around at her thighs before it found it's mark. The minute he realized he found her pussy he sunk it in all the way, which had been around 9-10 inches long. There was no mercy with how the dog fucked her, pounding away at her as fast as he could, determined to make this woman his bitch. It wasn't long before his knot began forming and was pushing at her pussy lips, trying to lock inside of her.
Willow screamed loudly, her immediate instinct of course being to fight the dog off. However, the prospect of being torn into by his teeth and clawed up wasn't appealing at all. She sagged forward, her chest resting against the ground, bottom high in the air like the bitch she was being made to be. She gritted her teeth and a few tears slipped down her cheeks from the considerable pain. She'd never been penetrated by anything quite so substantial before.

She jerked in pain when the base of his cock starting expanding into his knot, causing her entrance to tear and rip in small places and causing her extreme pain.
With a few more thrusts the knot popped into her, locking the massive organ inside of her pussy. The dog let his heavy paws rest on her shoulders as he panted away, some of his drool leaking onto her back and hair. It wasn't long after that; that his almost scalding hot cum began to pump into her, though it was trapped inside of her stretched pussy since he had sealed her up with the knot. The audience cheered and laughed as many of them pointed at her, noticing that she was the first to be tied with the dog. It was a little bit after that the dog turned around, going butt to butt with her before trying to trot off, causing her to drag along behind him.
Willow screamed loudly when his knot popped into her, tears dripping out onto the dirt by this point and getting her face very dirty. She writhed and screamed in pain, digging her nails into the dirt when she had particularly sharp bursts of pain. Why this was amusing for everyone and why they seemed to find so much joy in her pain, she couldn't begin to understand.
It was about 45 minutes before the dog's knot shrunk enough to pop out, causing a small waterfall of dog seed to pour out of her. Though within minutes another dog had taken it's place. This treatment continued for hours before a loud whistle blew and the dogs retreated. The guard returned and tossed the girls back onto the cart before it began it's long trip home.
Willow was bleeding, torn, scraped and bitten by that point, dirt and semen having rubbed into all of her wounds by this point. She sagged in relief when she was finally thrown into the cart again, sobbing in pain and trying to lay as still as possible. The girls around her looked bad too, but for some reason, none looked as abused as she was. Her pussy was throbbing with pain, cum and blood still dripping steadily from her.
The trip back seemed to take forever, but since they could see their surroundings for the guard had left the bags off of their heads. They were being carted through, what looked to be a large city, women, men, and children alike; seemed to stop and stare at the cart full of nude, bloody women. Once they reached their 'home', the rest of the women were tossed back in the pit; leaving Willow in the cart. "Can ou alk?" The guard from the previous night asked, standing right next to her. Closer inspection revealed he only had two teeth and was missing a large portion of his tongue.
Willow's mouth and throat were sodry that words came out as soft croaks. She shook her head and tried to lift herself up, taking her careful time so as not to harm herself further. Her tongue poked out from between her lips to wet them a little bit. Her breathing, ragged before, had evened out by this point and she was finally starting to go numb between the legs.
The large man gently grabbed her by the chin and poured a little liquid from a small canister from his belt into her mouth. From the taste it was more than likely cheap alcohol, but it would suffice to wet her mouth a bit. "Nao, ome on. Mial is aiting." He took her by the shoulder and began leading her to the office. On the way up; she was taken to a rudimentary shower and cleaned off along with a healing salve that was applied to her cuts and pussy which had been ripped. Within minutes the various injuries had been healed. They gave her a solid gray dress to put on before taking her back upstairs to the office.
Willow limped and stumbled most of the way, forcing the people around her to hold her up, none too gently, by her upper arms. She grimaced and groaned softly each time she stubbed her toes on the ground or ran into something that was quite solid. She allowed the dress to be pulled over her head, and felt better for it. Now that she was healed slightly and clothed, she felt somewhat more human.
He looked up at her after the large man pushed her inside and slammed the door. "Ah, it is nice to see you again 18." He stated, reaching under the desk and pulling out a large leather case. "Now, sit down. We will start you lessons now." With a snap, the case opened; revealing rows, upon rows of silver tools. "You will be taking my position as the slave master, but unfortunately our lot never will have true freedom and I have my own master I must serve." He pulled down the collar of his shirt, revealing the queen's royal crest tattooed on the skin. "You will also serve as the royal family's chief interrogator, a career that falls into line very closely with breaking slaves."
Willow swallowed roughly, looking very much like she wanted to get out of that room. In fact, she kept looking around, hoping for an out that she just hadn't noticed yet. "So what does all of this mean?" she asked softly. "Will I be... like you? Or will I just be a slave withspecial training?"
"You will still be a slave. But you will have freedom, to an extent. You will not be allowed to leave the kingdom without the queen's consent, or my own. You now work for the queen, but I am your supervisor." He replied. "As well you will be trained in minor arcane arts." Reaching under the desk, he pulled a small book out and tossed it to her.
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