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New In Town & Eager To Get Started

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Jul 22, 2015
Central Florida
Hello, y'all! You can call me Grizz, and I am pretty new in town. I have been roleplaying for years, though I haven't done one in almost 4. I have experience, but I may need to shake the rust off. I used to play mostly on, but that's been gone for quite some time. When I was playing regularly I was considered fairly literate, and though I maybe didn't type as much as some other players I never got a complaint that I wasn't pulling my weight. I'm specifically here because I don't like the censorship of other sites; sometimes an RP just winds up having romance and romance always logically leads to places most roleplaying sites don't want you to end up. Also, I really like the idea of creating your own fantasy, not being limited to what other people have put out there. On that note I should say that I am straight, or at least as far as I know. I could play female characters, though I often do not, I prefer to be my gender. I prefer male x female pairings, but hell, I'll do a male x male if that's your fancy (Gotta try it at least once, yeah?). Also, I'm not averse to playing male x futa or something along those lines; now that I'm thinking about it, I may also even play a futa (that might be a fun challenge). I'm open to nearly every story scenario, though I prefer to play original characters in original settings. I do have some cravings/ideas that I will post next, but I also really enjoy a partner that has their own ideas to posit. Well, thanks for reading this far and I hope to hear from some of you soon!
I really only have two unique ideas at the moment, but I can definitely come up with more.

1.) Save The Trees!: A young stoner is kicked out of their favorite hangout spot one day, and decides to cope with it by blazing one up. However, they find they're out of weed, so they hit up their dealer. The dealer just happens to be their cousin (we can certainly change this, I just like the taboo in this case), so when they don't answer the stoner has no problem showing up on their doorstep. Meanwhile, the dealer is throwing shit and yelling at the TV, which is on a local news station on which the anchor woman is recapping that a major drug bust has gone down, removing nearly 500 pounds of "marijuana" (I prefer the term cannabis) from the streets. The only problem is that the bust took down the dealer's supplier, so their phone is off. When the stoner arrives the dealer explains to them what happened, and the two smoke the last bit of ganja that the dealer has, lamenting the loss as they consume it. While stoned and depressed about the bust the news channel was on, talking about something in Washington and showing images of the president. That's when the pair get the greatest idea they've ever had: they're going to go on a road trip to DC, kidnap Obama, and hold him for ransom, the ransom being the complete legalization of weed everywhere. On the way the duo attracts the attention of a renegade state trooper and get lost on the vast highway system of America. They get into all kinds of wacky misadventures ranging from stealing an exotic animal companion from a zoo, to breaking up a small town meth ring run out of the church, to meeting Bigfoot!

This idea was clearly inspired by Jay & Silent Bob, and is obviously meant to be funny and goofy and more light-hearted. We can easily do away with the cousin part, I just inserted it because I enjoy that taboo. The other idea is:

2.)Mythologia Personalis: It's mid Summer, sometime in July, and our setting is the tiny town of Wilaby, USA. Wilaby is a special little town, a slice of true blue Americana; it just seemed to stop progressing much around 1890 and is tucked away in America's mid-North-East-ish area (it's supposed to be more ambiguous). A couple of families have decided to spend their Summer in Wilaby that year, each for it's own different reasons, and have thus dragged their children (all high school or post-high school age) to rinky-dink ol' Wilaby against their wishes. This particular Summer the town is celebrating it's 260th anniversary, and is all abuzz with activity. A couple of the kids meet at the town library one day in the hopes of escaping their parents, only to find that the library is the epicenter of all the commotion. You see, it's library where the heart of Wilaby resides, for it is there that the folktales and fairy tales, the real history and lifeblood of the town, reside. The kids slip out of the building to meet up outside the library, which is nestled up against the forest that rings the whole town. The kids are not friends, but they are bound by the common thread of being an unwilling outsider trapped in a bygone world. Outside the kids see a small black dog at the edge of the forest, who is barking and dancing and generally trying to get their attention. When they decide to go over to the canine it wags it's tail and disappears into the forest, whereupon the kids follow suit. In the forest they chase after the little guy until they come upon a small clearing, where there is a small stone wall that stretches off into the forest endlessly. There is a small gap, about 4 feet wide, and through the gap in the wall the dog can be seen sitting on the other side, wagging it's tail and waiting for the children. They cross over and the dog takes off again. Now as the kids chase him they plunge ever deeper into a mythical world which intersects our own, a world mirroring the folklore of old America. This new world is inhabited by monster fish who are known to gobble up small children and stray dogs, and yet who everyone and their mother is trying to catch on the end of a rod; by folksy heroes who are challenged to mow the whole town's lawns and manages the task, all by himself, in the span of an afternoon; by strange, witchy crones who live apart from everyone else who charge you with the oddest of tasks; and by horrific demons who dance alone in the woods, under the pale light of the moon. In this strange world it is up to the kids to discover and decide which role they will play in the story of their own life; will they be the Hero? The Sage? The Fool? The Lover? The Villain?

This one is based on the Stardust novel and the Over The Garden Wall cartoon. This one could be done as a group RP, although from what I remember of those they usually dissolve into chaos. I would much prefer to any RP as a 1 x 1; this does not mean that I won't give group RPs a try.

Well, there're my ideas/cravings for now, I hope one of these two has interested some of you out there. Also, don't be afraid to post any ideas you may have if you like what you've seen of me so far and want RP with me. I'm ready to get back into roleplaying, so I hope to hear from y'all soon! Thanks for reading!
I suppose I should make myself clear on somethings. I can dig smut purely for the sake of being smutty, but I can also dig a story that evolves (quickly or gradually) romance through the course of the action. The ideas I've posted previously are the latter, stories in which I would hope romance would develop and sexy things would happen. As far as smut goes, however, I suppose I should list some things I enjoy:

I like incest, I like the taboo
I like futa characters, a lot honestly. I really like the futa x male pairing.
I like romance, i.e. kissing, cuddling, etc.
On the opposite end of the last like, I really like power-trips and humiliation. Particularly I like it when the powerful and meek switch roles.
I like transformations
I like nudity
I also really like dark-skinned partners
It's also stupidly juvenile, but I like games of truth or dare.
That's all that I can think of for now, but I'm pretty open, so if you're into something particular and think I might make a good partner, run it by me. There's a good chance I'll go along with what my partner enjoys. As for smuttier storylines than the ones I previously posited here are some general scenarios:

Brother & sister have well-to-do parents that are really neglectful. The parents send the pair to a beach house rented out for a month alone because they had to cancel their own vacation plans to work. One thing leads to another

A nice, but naive guy moves out on his own for the first time, and the only place he can afford is an apartment in the hood. He is saved one evening from... something, probably an attempted mugging or something... by a native hoodrat, who digs the guy but finds him weak and/or stupid. So, they take him under their wing, but really make him their bitch. This would honestly work best with a futa character, but anything is possible.

Speaking of futa characters, I love the idea of a man being forcibly transformed into a futa, for whatever reason. This isn't so much a story as it is a kink to work a story around.

Thanks for reading, and let me know what's up if you're interested in doing any kind of RP with me!
Alrighty, I have a few things I need to clear up here.

Firstly, though most of you folks are already doing this, I must say that it's probably best to contact me through PM rather than posting here. The PMs are just easier to keep up with.

Secondly, I must regretfully say to everyone out there that I do not use any instant messengers and I do not plan to. I know many of you out there only RP on IMs, and I wish we could play together sometime, but I'm on this site because it's the most convenient way for my to RP at the moment.

Thirdly, this is also a bump. Bump, bumpity, bumpy, bump-bump! Yeah...! Take that... yeah...
Well, I can see this 'bump' shit hasn't been working, and I didn't honestly expect it to. I'm thinking I should create a new request thread to stay relevant. However, I am actively engaged in a few RPs already, so I say this thread was a serious success! Thank you folks for expressing interest in me as an RP partner, and I hope to hear from anyone who's interest I might catch!
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