The Potion Masters Apprentice[HP faniverse][Pendrag0n and GeekyAngelGirl]

Nov 11, 2012
Adelind, the young bright and beautiful mind of a girl, now a woman after her sixteenth birthday, had really started to put some thought into her future career, sure, taking care of the magical animals Hagrid seemed to never have a shortage of, or culling the exotic and rare to beautiful but common plants Professor Sprouts had all seemed nice, true magic never interested her much, as reflected in her marks, sure she always got above average marks in transfiguration, charms, and defense, but where she really excelled was with potions and alchemy, with alchemy being more of a hobby of hers. She had always decided at a young age she wanted to be a potion maker, like all the other great and famous others. Felix felicis, draught of living dead, draught of peace, she had even briefly gotten in trouble with a polyjuice potion by stealing a single strand of Head Master Dumbledores hair and pretending to be him, although in a joking way, during her fifth year, which managed to get her placed in detention with Professor Sprout and meticulously pulling each and every single bean from a plant by hand. Although Dumbledore had found this rather amusing himself. But it wasn't the least to say she was the head of the potion club for five years in a row, starting her second year. Now here she sat, in Snapes potion classes, watching him as he taught the first year Hufflepuffs, she nearly felt sorry for him, with how some of them were doing, one of them managing to upset a cauldron and spill the entire thing of forgetfulness potion on his class mate on the other side of the table. If anyone asked why she was there? Well, she was simply spending her free period studying potions.
Professor Snape let out sigh so heavily laden with exasperation it was palpable. If he didn't know any better, these first years were getting dimmer with each batch. With a flick of his wrist, his wand practically appeared in his hand; and with a sweeping gesture the contents of the spilled cauldron flowed back into their container. He barked at a pair of the Hufflepuffs to carry their hapless classmate to the Infirmary before turning to the fool child who had spilled the cauldron to begin reprimanding them.
It wasn't all bad though, at the very least there were always a few bright and shining pupils who understood. A few who cared for the delicate art of Potions. He glanced over at Adelind, offering one of his rare, wry smiles. She truly was a student to be proud of, carefully guiding the Potions club with a skilled hand he could admire. As the chaos from the accident began to settle down, he began handing out the homework for these first years.
A soft giggle rose in her throat when Snape began to yell at the first year. "Oh come on Professor Snape, don't you remember your first time at Hogwarts? How scared you had to of been? I remember my first time at Hogwarts, I made a lot of mistakes, true I was smart enough to get into Ravenclaw, but still...I remember being terrified while sitting in my first potion class because the horrifying teacher behind the desk was glaring at me only because I knocked my ingredients off the desk by accident." All the Hufflepuffs gaped at her, had she really said something like that to Snape? Had she really just called him horrifying? Snape knew Adelind didn't care, he could knock as many points off of Ravenclaw house as he liked, she always made them up later in a different class.
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