A castle of princesses (with Heiress)

Aug 9, 2014
Nick Jericho seemed to have found a way to get out of his big problem. He had just been kicked out of his apartment because he couldn't pay the manager of the place on time and therefore now was homeless. It would seem that he would have to move back to his parents, but then something came up that extremly lucky to him. An add in the newspaper where they were looking for someone to take care of a huge castle for 6 months. The castle was empty and didn't draw any touists towards it, so it would be like living in a place and getting paid for it, Nick thought to himself as he tried to get the job and sure enough, he was the new lucky man to get the job.

Only a few days later, he had moved into the castle and had made it like his own home and was all happy and fully relaxed. But even though he had been at the castle for days, he hadn't gotten to know the entire place. Only the personal chambers, the kitchen, the diningroom and the study was fully known to him. Also truth was that the place wasn't exactly nice or in any good shape and some of the things looked like it would break any moment, but fortunally it didn't. So he was just relaxing all on his own, when one day he heard a noise comming below him. He wondered what it was, or even where it came from, so he moved down towards what seemed like a basement, where he saw that there was some sort of portal standing down there, reacting for some weird reason.
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