Let's Plot!

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May 10, 2015
I am semi literate to literate and will usually write a paragraph to four or five depending on the situation, two to three consistently. I am 22 and I have been roleplaying on various websites since '07 on and off. I like romance and some action but I prefer not to let fight scenes drag on for five pages...honestly. I also prefer PMs but if you want to make a thread and post there I will add it and go ahead with that. Fantasy and adventure are also welcome with me. I will roleplay on my computer at home and a little at work, so I am on a range of times throughout the day everyday and I live in California so I am pretty much at the back end of the clock as far as the time zones go. If you are interested in possibly roleplaying me, send me your characters and tell me what your ideas and if you want to roleplay with a specific character you see of mine.

Role Play Characters and Intros

This is a list of my Role Play characters. I have anime and non-anime characters, including paintings and photographs. I also have male and female characters and androids and robots. I will always be adding to this and updating it. Let me know if you want to roleplay with me or with one of these characters.

a young, playful warrior elf from a lesser clan known as Adrekkin. These are elves who have bred with other species and have created a hardy clan known for their olive skin and pale hair, fierce fighting style, and their flirtatious, shameless nature. They love nothing more than to fight, eat delicious foods, and, to put it plainly, the art of mating and love making. An Addrekki is seldom known to be shy with their bodies, often slender and lean to match their energetic and active lifestyles. When not fighting the Addrekki hunt for their families and the clan and constantly working to make clan life a little easier with innovation and care. Adrekki are curious but wary at first, eager to make new friends but quick to anger easy to come to blows. All in all, this is an efficient, caring, sensual people that make good allies.

Allara was perched upon a tree branch listening and sniffing. Waiting. She was very good at this. She learned to hunt as soon as she was able to walk and she was a bountiful hunter. Today though her target was a bit different. Her curiosity had become the best of her in her as she had been tracking a group of wild boar. When the wind shifted and she picked up a strange, new scent to her, she just had to know what it was.

When she took to the trees, Allara had to take note of the wind, tracking purely by smell was common to her, especially in the beginning of a hunt. The wind became her only ally alongside her strong sense of smell. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath in, the breeze carrying the new scent to her. She knew the direction it was coming from, so she moved toward it and leapt to the next tree, landing nimbly on her feet on a thick branch midway down the tree.

She moved quickly, and Allara was not as graceful as a pure bred elf, but boasted of matching them in speed and agility as well as her senses and perception. Most Adrekkin fared similar to her but even Allara could defeat a good many of her kin in a contest of skill such as speed, agility, and battle. This new scent could not elude her for long, she was confident of that. Whatever this strangeness was, she would soon stumble across it.

Allara paused suddenly to reorient herself. She was close, the scent was much stronger, it washed over her when the breeze came and went. The hairs on the back of her neck prickled. What is this that I am smelling? she wondered. It seemed old and rare somehow, sharp and dangerous. She continued to move toward it, bold as ever, eager to satisfy her curiosity with whatever she found.

The first born twin of Allara, Anya is the fiercer, more blood thirsty warrior than her younger twin. She has the companionship of a magnificent white tiger and is renowned in her clan as a strong hunter and warrior. She is strong and quick, often a silent prowler when she needed to be, and with her tiger at her side, they made a lethal duo. Anya is a little more reserved as far as relations go than Allara, she can be selective when looking for mates, and none have been able to crack the hard shell she had protecting her heart. Few have been brave enough to get through her defenses and vie for her affection, especially when it came to the tiger. She wields two spears, one for throwing, and one for quick thrusts and jabs, giving her an incredible reach. She moves with incredible grace and the fury of a tornado, destroying all enemies in her path.
an apprentice human mage with a fun and quirky attitude. She has turned down many offers to take on apprenticeships beside great wizards and mages and witches alike, and even the few schools renowned throughout the realm. Instead, she decided to strike out on her own, living the life of a hermit mage, learning her craft from the different spellmasters and magic spinners she meets and comes across. So far she has mastered several illusion spells and a few alteration spells. She would not have many problems coming up with a good disguise or moving something in her way. Her costly conjuring spells are also few but she is learning more and more each day. She has a score of charms and certain helpful knickknacks and tools in her giant bag she kept slung over her shoulder in her travels. You never know what you might come across as a traveler on the road.

Princess Kaori,
the sole heir to a rising empire in a peaceful kingdom. She is her father's pride and he kept himself and his daughter busy with plans to wed by the time she reaches the age of 17. She has ice blue eyes, olive skin and thick, dark hair that when not braided, reached to the small of her back. She is petite and soft spoken, still shy in the blush of her maidenhood, the signs of maturity already apparent in her soft body. Many have tried to solicit the princess and her father for their favor, hoping to win her hand and their lands and kingdom. Kaori still does all she can to thwart her father's plans and hopes to find a suitable match through the trials of finding love naturally. Though young, she is wise beyond her years and would soon make a wonderful queen to her people...but finding the right person would be challenging.

Jane and her brother lost their mother to cancer when Jane was 7. She was devastated by her death and the only person she had to comfort her was her older brother. Their father fell into a grief ridden depression and became almost entirely incapable of caring for his children. Their father was a very successful businessman, so the house was taken care of by a group of maids and servants and it was easy for their father to let the responsibility of raising his children to them and themselves. For the most part though, the children took care of themselves with each other's help.

For years they lived like this, hardly every seeing their father, until they fell on hard times. Their father's business was starting to fall and he had to let a few servants go. The house was getting emptier but still their father let them rely on themselves to care for themselves. Jane is now almost 16 and has budded into a dark haired beauty. Their father never looked at her because she reminded him too much of her mother. She became alienated from her father and missed her mother more than ever because of it.

Their father began to assure them that things were getting better. He seemed to be getting better after all these years, and the more Jane saw this change, the more she noticed he still refused to look at her or speak to her. It was only a matter of time before the few servants that remained to keep things tidy began forgetting she was there too. But big brother never forgot. She didn't know what she would do without him. It was when Father announced that he was getting married and they were going to have a new sister, that Jane realized that she was being replaced almost entirely.
Jane, Jane2

Melanie is a rare beauty like her own mother. Her hair was cut short, and the bright pink color she kept it made her icy blue eyes pop. She was short and very cute and excited about her new family. Her mother was a professional woman and wanted to have a child with no husband. It is Melanie's understanding that she came about this world through an agreement, one arrangement, and a contract. Her father had been carefully chosen only for his sperm based on his attributes, intelligence, and physical condition and attractiveness. It wasn't until later in life, now that Melanie is 14, that her mother yearned for companionship.

Now Melanie must get ready to have a real family, she will move into their enormous house. They will be bringing all the stuff in her room so the transition will be easier and her mother's new fiancee said she could have his daughter's room! It must be the best one if it had belonged to his daughter. This girl was literally genetically engineered for success and her mother meant to let her have it, with the help of her fiancee, they would rebuild his company to become successful again and leave it for their children. But would they accept her as one of their own, or would they shun her and compete to win the affection of their parents and gain a better standing in their career paths laid out for them?

Best friend
Your best friend! Auggie is a little quieter than all of the other friends in your group, but he is also the most kind and considerate of anyone you know. The gentlest of the gentleman as some would describe him. He is always eager to help and willing to lend a hand to those in need. He was raised by his grandparents after his parents died in a tragic car accident. Or so he was told. He was 9 years old when he lost his parents and he had no choice but to accept it. Life moved on, even without his parents there taking care of him. It was a hard lesson, but he never became bitter for it. He let it make him stronger, and found it easier to love, and he had a deeper understanding of how precious life is in every moment. He knew that you had to spend time being happy and helping and caring for others because you never knew how much time you really had.

His outlook on life was beautiful and it was infectious. Auggie is very likeable despite his usual serene, quietness that the girls always adored. But Auggie never paid any attention to them much. Everyone chalked it up to being a little shy. In any case, whenever he hangs out with his best friend, everything came naturally and easy. Auggie had a sense of humor, quick wits, and he cared about what his friends had to say. He remembered important details and always made you feel better whenever you were sad.

After his grandfather passed away of old age. Auggie had to begin caring for his grandmother who began to get worse shortly after his passing. He had to become the man of the house when he was in middle school and got a job as a mechanic to pay the bills. Still, Auggie was happy to do it, and loved caring for his grandmother as she had cared for him. Even so, Auggie still made sure to he always found time for his best friend as they continued throughout school. Now that he is in highschool, Auggie must decide whether to continue working and caring for his elderly grandmother, or make arrangements so he could go to college . Her condition was getting worse and she seemed to do the best when he was with her. He could not bear the thought of leaving her.

Auggie was feeling conflicted in stressed along with the normal stresses of highschool and teenage life. At this point, Auggie had been able to make a good living as a mechanic and the trade had definitely left its mark in the muscled arms and chest of his body. He was also tall, 6'3 and lean all over. He had a decent life here at home as a mechanic, but he also had a good chance at going to school for engineering with that brain of his and his skill in mechanics and machinery. He just doesn't know what to choose. Luckily his best friend still stuck with him after all that he had to go through and he could tell him anything. Things weren't as stressful when he was with him, and he had to help him decide if staying in town was really worth it, or if he should try and study abroad.
Usagi (Auggie)

Artistic Nerd
Jacklyn Hyde
Jacklyn Hyde

Female Student

The Lycanthrope Vigilante
Elizabeth Gilbert

The Bounty Hunter
Isabella Hawthorn

The Explorer
Beatrice Oswell

Non Anime Characters
Josh Braxton
Josh Braxton

The three talented sisters
The Mechanically Inclined Inventor
Clarice is the oldest of three girls. After growing up in the city and losing their parents to sickness and war, Clarice knew that she would have to assume the position of caretaker and adopt her two sisters and take care of them. She moved them to a small cottage on a plot of land on the outskirts of the city and earned a living as a mechanic. She gained a knack for inventing things to make the girls' lives easier as her younger siblings grew up. Now, Clarice enjoys building robots and androids, cars and motorcycles, and collecting salvageable parts and mechanical pieces of machinery and elements here and there. She has become incredibly knowledgeable in such things and many people seek her out for advice and repairs on all things mechanical. She even has wealthy clients enlisting her to build them a custom android or vehicle. Clare enjoys the work and helps her family get by in a comfortable, safe living by doing so, always keeping watch over her two younger siblings.
Clarice Lockholm
The Assassin
Bobi Lockholm
The Artist
Anne Marie

The Seer
Joan Whithers

The Pussy's of Anarchy
The Leader
Sadie Preston
The Second in Command
Madelyn Cortez
The Firey One
Emma Grey
The Misunderstood Sadist
The Lover
Lottie Bennet
Miss Trigger Happy
Janet Foster

Madame Vanna Jonsen

Dixie Thornton
Writing examples:

I can be Anything you Want me to be...

The Seductress
Not much is known about the pale, fair mistress except for the information that has been passed around the towns she visits. A succubus who preys on young, vivacious men by night, seducing them and draining their life force and feeding off of it. She refers to herself as the Imaginary Friend but her true name, whilst unknown to most, is Adrina. She can hypnotize men and bend them to her will when her visage fails. Sometimes, Adrina will keep a man as her pet, slowly draining him and allowing him time to recuperate his life force instead of taking him at once. The succubus never remains in one place for long however, when the humans get too close to finding her, she moves on to another town, sometimes not returning for decades, sometimes centuries.

Adrina lay strewn about the silk sheets in the house of her most recent prey. He was a handsome young lad with green eyes and sandy blonde hair. The night before she flirted with the man over drinks in a dim pub of sorts. As they stumbled over the damp cobbles toward his mansion, he'd grabbed her and pulled her close. She could feel his warmth, that heart beat pumping his hot blood through his veins. He whispered that she was beautiful and buried his face in the soft, smooth flesh of her neck and shoulder, his breath hot on her cool skin. She knew he had him then. She was almost surprised at how easy this one had been as he was laying her down on these exquisite sheets. She didn't even mind spending the night wrapped in his arms as she listened to him sleep, awaken, and she every so slowly drank that sweet, young life force from his lips.

A few minutes before, the man whose name she couldn't even remember had risen, groaning and stretching. She pretended to be asleep through it all, feeling his fingertips on her bare shoulder before he got up to go about his morning routine, bathing and freshening up. He would feel a bit more tired than usual, but she knew he would blame the drink from last night. He must have had work to attend to because he went about quickly but quietly. She could smell the cologne on him as he made his way out. As he was entering his carriage to take him to whatever destination he had ahead, she sat up and waited until the carriage was out of sight before she herself rose for the day. She knew she would want to hurry about her business before the sun was too high in the sky for her to bear being outside for too long before she got too uncomfortable. Adrina helped herself to a cool bath, soaking her body and her long, thick, auburn waves beneath the surface. When she was done, she slipped into a soft, silk robe and rifled through the closet for something fresh to wear.

As she suspected, this man did not have a lack for fine ladies clothes and she knew that he must be married. She smirked as she picked out a lovely outfit fit for the opera with long sleeves and full skirts. Its high neck and big, matching hat would provide enough relief from the day's sunlight for her to make it to the night's adventures. She slipped on a thick fur coat for good measure and donned the hat after fixing her hair to match the latest fashion. She was thankful that London weather always promised foggy days for the most part as she stepped outside into the fading dawn. ((I think)) She whirled away and headed onto the streets of London, wondering what this new day would offer her.
...I'm Your Imaginary Friend

Born in raised in England on a farm with a large plot of land. We were a humble family that raised sheep. Before I was born there started to be a number of disappearances and brutal, vicious murders happening in our nearby towns, my family went to work with a few other families and church groups to make efforts to discover the cause of these disappearances and put a stop to them. It was not long before it was revealed that these killings were the work of the supernatural. My family spent years learning how to combat these creatures, building up a collection of weapons and lore all designed to destroy these creatures for good. When I was born, it was my duty, responsibility, and obligation to continue the family's line of work as long as these creatures still remained in this world.

From a young age, I was trained on the combat, operation of weaponry, and creating concoctions, poultices, and various tools to keep these creatures at bay and to kill and destroy them. Many things were passed down to the children in our family to keep the circle of protection in the family line. The preservation of our art was most important as well and we were encouraged to seek out places where supernatural creatures were becoming a problem and eradicate it. We also had a responsibility to spread the knowledge of keeping these creatures from returning and instilling people with the tools and weapons to destroy them without outside help. When I was eighteen, I embarked on my first mission with my own team of bounty hunters to take down a pack of werewolves that had been terrorizing a small village for months. It was on this trip that my most tragic incident took place.

I was foolish in my attempts to take down the werewolf pack and mistakenly put my sixteen year old brother in danger. The numbers of the werewolf pack were seriously underestimated and we soon found ourselves surrounded. To protect my brother from a deathly blow from one of the creatures as he was turning, I stood in its path. I suffered from a bad claw wound on the side of my torso and the beast was able to take a chunk out of my arm with his savage teeth. I was forced to flee with my brother, leaving the rest of my team behind to perish as we struggled to make it back to safety. Horrified by what I had done, I left my unconscious brother with a group of nuns and escaped before anyone knew what would become of me. I knew I would have no home with my family and I knew that I would become the very thing I hated. I had to destroy the werewolf pack before I could die in peace.

I lived on as something I hated to make sure I do this deed. Continuing in my line of work, taking on different bounties that were placed on creatures of the supernatural world to make money and get by. With my beast blood, I am more efficient to do this task, it is easier and better that I put myself in danger to protect others. When the night of the full moon comes every month, I make sure to find a fortified place to ride out my transformation, keeping everyone, including myself out of danger. I will not rest until the ones responsible for this, and the death of my comrades are safely in their graves and buried six feet under the earth.[/b]
I've been told I: was once full of love and laughter. But that was before I lost everything. Now I am distrusting and guarded at all times. I am very protective of the weak and caring of others. I try to be kind to humans, but never let anyone get too close or personal. I prefer to keep to myself. The farther I keep others away from me, the less likely anyone is to get hurt. I can be quick to anger if I see something bad happen or when confronted with an enemy of mine which would be anything supernatural. I try to keep in under control because I don't want to turn if I don't have to.

The snarling beast's ears twitched as she heard another, mournful howl off in the distance. Every minutes she stayed in the room, the more angry the beast was getting. She threw her head back and answered the howl with another furious one of her own after she heard the second howl. She tossed her head around, looking for a way out. The monster headed for the door and lifted a savage, clawed paw and gave a vicious swipe at the wooden furniture blocking her path. With a yelp the wolf jumped back, nearly losing her balance as she did. There was now a burning sensation on her paw where she'd touched the furniture. She moved forward again, hackles raised as she gave the barricade a weary sniff. The smell burned her nose as she recoiled from it once more, turning to find another way. She tried the window with the same effect. Angry, the wolf turned to the side door and charged it, hitting it square in the middle with her shoulder. Again, the beast howled with pain and fury as the stench of the wolfsbane filled her nose.

As useless as it seemed to the giant, grey she-wolf, she could not sit still. She tried the barricade again, this time swiping at it angrily with a beastly growl. Her paw seemed to shred right through the antique wood of the barricade. Encouraged, the beast continued to shear off pieces of the furniture blocking her path. Suddenly, she froze, sniffing the air, listening. She turned, trying to figure out what was tugging at her senses. She tried to climb atop of what remained of the furniture, but the surface burned her paws still. She snarled and howled again, her rage evident in the wild sound from her throat. She shifted her weight and shouldered the barricade with the force of her brute strength, shoving with her claws dug into the stone floor. She began to aim for the bottom rather than the tops where she kept getting burned, ignoring the horrible stench that made the werewolf want to run away. She snapped her jaws shut around a splintered piece of wood and shook her head savagely, sharp chunks of wood flying everywhere as she did so.

The werewolf had eventually taken to sprinting around the room on the walls as if her objective were to destroy the building from the inside out if she could. Her claws were leaving deep gouge marks on the walls and whenever she ran over the wood boards on the windows or the wood pile at the barricade, she left a little less of it each turn. A splintery pile of sawdust and kindling was collecting around the doors and window. The werewolf jumped to the ceiling, digging in deep with her claws as she sneered, saliva glistening on her white fangs as she struggled to maintain her grip, trying to get out. When she dropped to the ground, she became eerily silent, listening again. Then..

Thump! The werewolf turned toward the sound near the front corner of the building, springing toward the sound with a snarl, her hackles bristling again. She sprinted and rammed the front door with enough force to destroy what was left of the barricade in a puff of dust and splinters. She backed up to the far wall and rammed it again, creating quite a ruckus. with each hit, the iron hinges creaked in protest, threatening to bust from the wall where they were fastened. The wolf's claws raked against the door and the walls, ignoring the sharp pains that lanced up her arms whenever she brushed her paw over a spot of wolfsbane.

The two figures stood before their brand new tea shop. A small, dismal little building, but that didn't stop the taller of the two to be quivering with excitement. Or it could have been it was hard to tell at this hour. Both wore cloaks about their shoulders, enshrouding their bodies within the curtain of it's shadow, and both wore strange, over sized hats that flopped down over their heads, the base sagging beneath the sheer weight of the hats. The taller one had golden curls spilling down her cloak to her thighs, the ringlets and waves catching the dim silvery light when it could.

The other figure was dramatically shorter and looked so squat in her poofy, dress and robe it was almost comical to behold. Strands of angry red hair sprung out from beneath her hat, but hers was much shorter, coming down to her neck. And odd haircut for a girl of her age truly but judging by the disarrayed state it was in, it was apparent she would be unable to handle much more than that. "Will you quit bouncin' around like that? We are business owners now! We must be professional." The short one instructed with a dignified tone in her voice which was high pitched and too loud. "Oh Winnie! I can't help it! I'm too excited! I just can't believe I am going to walk into my very own store!"

The girl rushed for the door, her long, slender legs taking her there in two steps while the shorter of the two had to make a short sprint to keep up with the other. "Let me open it, Bonnie! I want to do it!" She demanded, grabbing for the key in the other girl's hand. She held it out of reach, the metal glinting in the moonlight. She struggled against the grabby hands of the tiny girl as she grumbled, "Winnie! No! Stop! We agreed that I could open it tonight! And you can open it tomorrow! You always get to go first! Let me!" The girl's squabbled over the key for a few more moments before the shorter girl finally snatched it away from the other, and not before literally climbing the body of the other to reach her hand, the blond struggling to free herself.

With a satisfying click click the tiny girl pushed the door open to admit herself and her now sulking business partner. Winnie ran inside like a little kid inside a candy shop. She immediately began sizing up the space for their store, holding her hands up as she described her vision. "Ah Bonnie! I can see it now! Tables over here! The counter is perfect! We'll decorate with...maybe jars of preserved things. Or maybe skulls!" Bonnie had quickly forgotten about being upset earlier and had a new grin on her face as she looked around. But at the mention of Winnie's ideas for decorating, her expression turned to horror. "That is no way to decorate a tea shop, Winnie! Look, interior design is one of the things I'm good at! I grew up in a house of women! And it's a lot of work, you'll be too busy decorating to run the manager duties of the shop...and then I guess I'll be forced to--"

Winnie punched the wall beside the girl with an adamant, "NO!" The other girl flinched, but grinned down at her small friend, waiting to hear what she would say. "Fine, go ahead and do the stupid decorating. I'll be doing to important jobs." She assured the other as if it had been her idea all along. "We should go bring our trunks in." She told the other before heading to the door again to do just that.

It wasn't long before the two girls were making themselves at home upstairs. Winnie was deliberately decorating her space with jars of preserved animal parts and a few skulls around one of the two small beds on the upper floor which consisted of their shared room, a closet, and a bathroom. Bonnie pulled her hat off her head and hung it on a hook on the wall nearest her bed. She pulled her spell book, her wand, a few vials, bottles, and jars, candles, a quill and inkpot, and other various miscellaneous witchy items to set about her space and the little desk and beside table. She smiled over at Winnie when she was done.

"We did it, Winnie! We're here! What do you think our neighbors are like?" She asked the other, her usual, sweet smile on her face, large, amethyst eyes full of innocence and wonder. "Probably crazies. We should keep our distance, in case they're contagious." The other girl said nonchalantly. Bonnie gave her an incredulous look, used to her usual rude behavior, but that didn't stop her from hurtling her pillow across the room at the other. Winnie was hit full in the face by the downy object, and as if fell away, the fury showed in her face. She could NEVER back down from a pillow fight. She grabbed her pillow and held it over her head and charged the other girl, giving a savage scream as the tiny figure leaped onto Bonnie, pummeling her with her pillow as the other giggled uncontrollably, struggling to get away and retrieve her pillow from the other bed.

[ ooc: ]
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