The Suicide Squad - A reimagining - WithTheDecker and OstrichFromJoust


Jul 15, 2015
"He went that way!" A voice called out. A lone figure peer's out from behind a large tombstone, with heavy breaths he can see as three men went down the steps towards the north end of the grave yard. "How the hell did they find me..." He said, as he looked down, releasing his hand from his side to see his wound. A shot, right through his side. Cracked a few rib's, he sure felt that. But it didn't seem to have hit any thing important. In fact, as he breaths he can feel the metal bullet grinding against his bone, lodged between his two broken rib's. "Fuck..." He hissed in pain. He didn't have to worry about internal damage, but it left a pretty big hole. "Hollow fucking points..." He whispered, as he crawled to an objacent tombstone, avoiding a second squad's line of site as they rushed down the cobble path to his right. Of coarse they are armed with hollow points, cheap, reliable man killer's. Flower right into a guy. Jacob got lucky that it hit something strong. It doesn't take much to stop a hollow point in it's tracks but, give it the right trajectory and it will flower into all sorts of organs. Even now he wonders if it shot any shrapnel anywhere else in his body. As he stood up, he began to trudge through the snow. A small limp in his step due to the pain in his side. "Couldn't be any cheaper huh? Why not 22's? Then the cheap ass bullet's may just ping off my fucking trench coat." Soon, he stopped his whining, as he pressed his back against the side of a mausoleum. "Jeremy Roland, loving father. Well Jeremy, I hope you don't mind me. Just bleeding on your resting place is all."....

"Over here, I see blood in the snow." Dam, Jacob thought as he walked along to the other side of the mausoleum. It was only a matter of time before these thugs got wise. "Ok Jeremy." Jacob said as he raised his pistol in the air. His hand shaking slightly, his loss of blood catching up with him. "Don't haunt me for killing this guys here. It would keep my day from being a hell of a lot worse." As he heard there foot steps trampling through the snow, he looked up. With a deep breath, he gritted his teeth, and it began. For just a moment, time stop's, all that exists is his thoughts. All that existed was that moment. To his left was a thick layer of ice strewn along the cobble path, Behind him he can hear the footsteps of two men. To his lower left he can hear the running of four men, and to his right two more were closing in on him. They tried to trap him, corner him like a rat and gun him down. But right now, he had everything he could accounted for.


As he breathed out, he pulled the chamber of his pistol back and went into action. Jumping to his left, he slid his body along the cold hard ice. Ignoring the pain that shot through his rib's, he began to fire upon the tw- dam miscalculation, three men that were closing in behind him. He take's his four shot's. One hitting the first one in the foot, his next two into the heart then the head of the man behind him, and his fourth shot into the first ones head as he met the ground. Only killing the two he had accounted for. As the other four came clearing around and up the stair case, he kicked his foot up. Propelling himself down the staircase and into their leg's. Two went tumbling with Jacob all the way down, while one narrowly dodged the man's tackle. The last was not so lucky, as he tripped back and met the back of his skull with a tombstone. Gritting his teeth, he braced for impact. As he rolled right into an angel. The other two were already getting up, but Jacob was not out quite yet. Raising his hand, he lit one up. Firing off four rounds into his chest. And with a click, his pistol had ran out of bullets. As he ran out, he jumped from the ground, running right into the other. He grabbed the mans gun, his Machinegun firing off up the staircase. Jacob ripped the gun out of his hands, firing it off in a quick burst. The recoil shot up, the gun nearly flying out of his hand as it riddled the man with bullet's. With a Sub Machinegun in hand, Jacob started running down the path before him. Knowing that it would lead to the west entrance to the grave yard. He needed to get out of here, and out into the public space. It was his only chance of evading the Black skull's thugs.

As Jacob neared the gate, he heard the sharp mechanical sound of bullet's firing. From multiple points, he can hear the machine guns fire. Bullet's pinging all around. With a loud cry, he can feel two mor shot's meet his body. Filling his lungs with blood. He began to cough, as he fell and rolled. Blood escaping his mouth, and hitting the pure white snow. As he looked up, he can see the red lights of police cars flashing. But he knew it was to late.... Gotham pd... About as bad as the crooks behind him. They both are in the Black Masks pocket. Slowly he closed his eyes, as he began to embrace the cold around him...

"Agh!" Jacob gasped, as he sat upright. Pain reaching throughout his body. Looking around he can see a bright, white room, his boddy covered in bandages. "W-" "Where are you?" A voice said, interrupting the young man. "Im sure you would like to know." ... Jacob layed back slowly, he was alive for now so no point in wasting his strength. Looking to his side he can see her.... Sitting there, a disinterested look on her face. "In a official capacity, your no where. Or more accurately six feet under." She said as she slowly tilted her glass around in her hand. The brown liquid inside, could have only been scotch. Or whiskey. She seemed like a tough women, someone who needs a stiff drink. Probably to help her sleep at night. "What do you mean dead?" As Jacob asked, the women stood up, reaching to the table beside Jacobs bed she grabbed a newspaper. Twisting it to show the front page. "Terror in the south Gotham Cemetary. Im sure you can read it your self but, ill summarize. Save us some time. It's actually a good story. It's about how a single man killed five of the Black Masks goons before taking one to many shots. Acording to the paper, this man died five feet away from the nearest squad car, oh how pitiful... Id say poor guy, but as it turns out. Coroner reports id the man as a right scumbag. Jacob Deckard. It was only after authorities investigated his belongings, that he was connected with over a dozen high profile crimes. Jacob was in reality, a High priority criminal, world class hacker and thief. Guy has a long track record of cyber terrorism, hostage situations, murder, and arson. Most of which he did without even being there. It's why he was never caught. He's just such a wizard, that he can do a lot of harm to a world reliant on it's technology. If you ask me...." She said as she crumpled the news paper in one hand. "The world is better off without him." She threw the crumpled ball in Jacobs face, but Jacob was not angry. He snickered, turning his head in the hospital pillow. "Id have to agree, world is better off without him." He said, after all he couldn't disagree. He was after all a right piece of trash. "Or is it?" The lady said as she sat at the foot of his bed. She was an attractive women. She had an air of power about her, smart and calculated. She was tall, with strong features, almost can say she was cute if not for the long face. "What do you mean?"

She smiled at his question. "Well, Jacob was a man of many skill's. Talents that, if put in the right direction can do a lot of good. A man with unparalleled skill on a computer. Of coarse his combat skills can use a little fine tuning but, he was pretty lucky. Id say, a thumbing savant, with a lot of promise." Jacob snickered. Him being good? ""Ya, cut the act. I aint dead yet, so whats with all this he was, when I AM." The women cocked her head side ways, giving a devilish grin. "That paper was from three months ago. Right now, your father curses your name, your mother grieves alone, and your family suffers under much scrutiny. But, on the other hand, because I made you out to be dead. The Black Mask is no longer worried about one of his accomplices blowing the lid on his schemes. Your a free man Jacob! Ha ha, but not really. Out of the pan and into the fire one might say."

"What are you talking about?" Jacob asked as he sat back up. Slowly standing from his bed. "Follow me mister Deckard. And discover why your still breathing." And with that she was out of the room. With haste he stepped foreward, leaving the room and out into a hall way. He barely caught her image as she turned down a different hall. Walking quickly, he followed her. Soon entering a large mass hall. Inside were only four benches, and up above ware large cat walk's incirling the room. To his left was a high security door, closed tight. And all along the catwalk stood about thirty... No thirty five guards. "Welcome to your new home Jacob! Here you will live out the rest of your years paying for your deeds." Jacob was confused, this was not exactly what this lady led him to believe. "I thought-" "Thought what? That your being hired for a job? No such luck." "Then what was all that about being usefull?" The lady smiled. "Exactly, that's what this hole of yours is for." As she began to speak, Jacob realized the others in the room. And how their attention just gathered to him. One was a man sitting alone in a far bench, fiddling with a long sharp boomerang. The other, was a large ... Monster!? A man with thick scally skin, whom looked up from his tray of food to stare into Jacobs eyes. He was unsure if there was another two people in the room. Since his attention was mainly on this women, threatening his very freedom. "Your one of many individuals I have gathered. Call it my lifes work. Criminals with exceptional abilities, their whole lives squandered to hurt others. You, and these criminals all have one purpose. To obey my commands. If I tell you to walk, you walk, run you run, die, you die. End of story."

"What is this you bitch!" Jacob screamed as he took a step towards her. She raised her hand, revealing a small remote control. "I press this, and the bomb we have planted into your skull blows up." Jacob stepped back, he took a deep breath. Calming himself... She has been serious this far, no point thinking she was bluffing now. "Heres all there is to it. You now work for Arguss. As you live out your sentence, you will be sent on missions for us. If you live, you may just earn your way to becoming a free man. If you die well, your-" "Expendable." Jacob said, finally interrupting her. "Exactly." .... "So we are your little Suicide Squad, huh?" The lady smiled, "Thanks. We were working on a name. Well, I will leave you to say high to your new friends. Your not the only new guy, so I think you and that cat can get along real nice. None the less, We'll be in touch." As she turned to walk away the large doors opened. "Wait! Do I at least get to know the devils name?" He said, as she stepped out the large opening. She turned to face him, an amused expression across her face. "Amanda Waller. Now welcome to hell." She said, as the doors closed, blocking the sight between them. "Great.... Out of a sinister mans control, and into a womens..."
"Lookie hea', new blood," a woman said quietly, sitting backwards in a chair, arms leaning on the backrest as she leaned it forward a bit to look. She had blonde hair, pulled into pigtails, pale skin, and wore the same basic orange jumpsuit, marked with an A logo, as the rest of the residents of their humble abode. The real striking part of her appearance was the look in her deep blue eyes, something off, something violent, something...well, call her crazy and you probably wouldn't like the results. Depending on the day, of course. That was perhaps the best way to describe it, that look, that you had no idea what you were in for when speaking to her.

The other woman in the room sat on the other side of it, far from the others. While the blonde seemed happy, almost excited about all of this, the dark haired woman looked to be pissed at the world. There wasn't much mystery to her gaze, it was simply full of anger, annoyance, perhaps disgust with anything and everything that was going on. She had a short pixie-cut of black hair, piercing green eyes, and she was lithe, toned, skinny. The other people down in their hell hole seemed to almost be all right with being here, or at least weren't wearing their emotions on their sleeves. This woman, most likely who Waller had referred to as 'the cat,' was making her discontent known. Her arms crossed, a dirty glare to the woman when she'd brought the new guy in, constantly looking around their prison for something, a way out most likely.

The blonde moved, feet coming onto the seat of the chair, almost walking up the chair as it came down to the ground with a 'thunk' for her to keep walking. It would be hard for her to not make some kind of statement or show out of everything she did. "Hiya, sweetie," she said, giving a bright, white-teethed smile as she approached Jacob, taking some steps around him to observe him, take him in. "Whatya you in for? Somethin' fun or somethin' weird? Or both?" she said, crossing her arms and raising an eyebrow in front of him. She was very interested in him, while the dark-haired woman simply sat off to the side. Her glance was cast in their direction, but still that deep glare.
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