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F Seeking Long Term AIM Partners!

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Dec 23, 2014
Hey guys!

This is my first post here. I mostly play on AIM. My SN there is Madelynsmoment.

I'm hoping to find some quality players around here. I prefer modern/realistic stories. I have a lot of ideas, but I'm also open to your ideas as well, so please message me if you have cravings to pitch! I try to keep my webpage updated with my kinks/interests and story ideas. The site is

Just a few quick notes:
1. No Incest
2. I only roleplay in the third person, you should too.
3. I'm not seeking blackmail, force, or rape stories.

To make it easier here, I'll add some ideas here:

The Celebrity Crossover (This can also be played as non-celeb)
For this idea, I am thinking an older celebrity who crosses from main stream to adult films and somehow becomes involved in the porn industry. The details of this are open to discussion. Possible approaches are:
-A director/producer friend of hers from the main stream industry has just started his own porn business.
-The father of a son's friend runs a porn company.
-Her doing porn with her son's friends, or some other approach for an older female working with younger males
-Any other ideas are appreciated!
Other ideas welcome!!

The Bored Couple (This can be played as celeb or non-celeb)
For this idea, I am thinking of a married couple, engaged couple, or just dating couple who are interested in spicing up their sex lives, or bored with their current lives. Possible approaches are:
-Swinging couple interested in going to sex clubs or finding others online.
-The husband enjoying watching his wife with others.
-The couple finding pleasure in playing with their children's friends.
-Possibly some sort of cuckolding relationship, but I'm not much of a dominant personality so it would have to be something interesting I guess?
Any other ideas are appreciated!
Hey i would love to do the celebrity cross over one. My name is kyle and check out my thread and f list and see if u approve. I would like to make the celebrity loose all her money and maybe if ur ok with it bc it wouldnt have to be she is such a biych and hard to work with that she had to do porn. Check out my stuff and see if we cant make something.

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