A Rip in Time: Trunks X Usagi (RadiantHero and blakkatt07)

"Okay Mom, I'm getting ready to head out and investigate the rip." A purple-haired male said to his mother. Trunks, the time-traveling warrior, was preparing for another trip in time.
"Alright honey, just be safe!" Bulma, Trunks' mother, called out to her son.
Trunks then entered a spherical pod, built to endure spatial rending. After inputting a few commands, the pod created an orb of light that unraveled into a portal. With that, the warrior set of into the sea of time.
Elsewhere, a young silvery blond-haired young woman grieved. Usagi, also known as Sailor Moon and now as Sailor Cosmos the sailor soldier, felt alone. Her friends had fallen in battle, their last act being to give up their powers one last time to upgrade hers. She managed to push the enemy, Chaos, back but she knew the entity would return eventually. The price of winning the battle was too great. Her friends were gone, everything she knew was gone. So here she knelt on the ground where she stood and grieved for all lost to her. As she grieved, unknown to her, her silver crystal erected a barrier around her to protect her even as it gave off energy that was surely to be sensed or picked up, even through a rip in time and space.
A faint crying sound could be heard, and the pod tried focusing in on the source. Trunks realized what was going on and rerouted the direction towards the sound.

"It may be someone in need of help..." He knew that the investigation was his top priority, but his good nature overruled that. Trunks turned on the "Scouter" panel to trace signs of energy. The Scouter picked up on a high concentration of energy, strangely in a crystalline form. He reached the rim of what seemed to be a barrier that didn't allow for the pod's passage.

"I'll have to go out on my own then." He equipped his Scouter and immediately found the source. It was emanating from a distinctly feminine figure, Trunks proceeded onward.

"Hey Miss, are you okay?" he called out.
Usagi lifted her head when she heard the man's voice. She turned her head to look over her shoulder at him, the long ponytails moving with her. Her blue eyes were still filled with un-shed tears. Her mostly white fuku had small rips to it in some places and there were slight bruises and scrapes along her legs and arms, signs of the battle. The area around her was devastated for miles.

"Depends on your definition of okay."
Trunks looked at her, the girl was clearly hurt from some fight. He slowly approached the girl, trying his hardest not to alarm her. The Scouter provided information to Trunks, so he had some understanding of this girl. As he got closer, the energy field felt increasingly heavy, due to her sadness.

"I see you're pretty banged up. You shouldn't just sit out here though, these wounds could get worse if left untreated."
Usagi watched as he moved closer before she looked down at the ground once more. "Small scrapes. I've had worse." She murmured before hugging herself tight. She then glanced at him again. "I actually wish they were....maybe then I wouldn't feel so bad about failing them..."
Trunks holds his hand out and wipes Usagi's tears away. He places the other hand on her shoulder reassuringly. "Hey now, no more tears. What's wrong Miss...?" he asked kindly.
Usagi gasped a bit when he wiped her tears away as she hadn't been expecting it. "You see the destruction and devastation? That's the result of a battle between an entity called Chaos and myself with other sailor soldiers. I'm the only one of the sailor senshi to survive. I managed to drive Chaos back...but after an upgrade in power granted due to my team giving me their powers as they died. Chaos managed to do all this destruction during the entire battle. So not only have I lost my friends, but I've lost my parents and brother." She touched the round brooch on her chest, causing the barrier to drop.
"Look, I know how you feel. In my world, I came from a future timeline. There, my father, my best friend, and fellow fighters were all killed by two superpowered androids. I saw my best friend, Gohan, get killed right before me. I understand your feeling of loss." Trunks explained. He lifted Usagi's head up and made eye contact with her, "Trust me, you're not alone."
Usagi looked in his eyes when he tilted her head up as she listened to him. Even in her grief, her heart went out to him for his loss. "I'm sorry for your loss." She sighed and made to stand up. "I'll need somewhere to go. There's nothing for me here anymore." She looked out over the ruins of the area and closed her eyes as it hit her that she'd lost her guardian cats as well while she silently willed her tears not to start falling again.
"Well, you can come back to my world. It's actually pretty peaceful right now, the Androids are gone." Trunks pulled out a remote that called over his pod. "This'll be our ride back, it's a two-seater." He extends his hand out to Usagi, "Well then Sailor Moon, what do you say?You wanna come back with me?"
Usagi looked at him hopefully before watching him call his pod over. "Really? I can go with you?" She saw him extend his hand and lifted her own to place it in his before she stopped. "Guessing that little scanner you got there somehow told you my senshi name though it's Sailor Cosmos now with my upgrade. But I think you've earned the right to call me by my actual civilian name which is Usagi. I don't believe I've caught yours yet?"

Her brooch was giving off a faint pulsing light now as if it or rather her silver crystal was maintaining something for just a little longer.
"Trunks, Trunks Briefs. A pleasure to meet you Usagi." he said. The pod had arrived and opened up, revealing two comfortable seats. He noticed her hesitation and decided to pull back his hand a bit. A fuel light on the pod began flashing. "Uh-oh, we gotta get moving. This thing only has enough to get us back."
Usagi nodded. "A pleasure to meet you as well Trunks. "Now that she knew his name, she was no longer hesitant about going with him. It was then that she closed her eyes just as her brooch opened up as she was now too weak to maintain her transformation. Her senshi fuku was soon replaced by an outfit consisting of a pink shirt and black skirt and black dress flats before the brooch closed again.

Soon after, she passed out, which meant he would have to put her in the pod.
"What a time to pass out. Well, gotta get her in." Trunks picked the unconscious Usagi up and entered the pod. He sat her down gently and strapped her in. The pod would have to go slowly to conserve energy. He put the pod into ignition, and took off shortly after. Trunks began thinking to himself, "Man, that poor girl really got it rough. At least I got to set things right and save everyone..."
Usagi slept for a good amount of the ride, as slow as it was. Her body was regaining energy that she'd lost during the battle. About halfway to Trunks' world, she stirred slightly. If he glanced over at her, he would see a golden crescent moon appear on her forehead briefly before it disappeared.
"Alright, we're here Usagi." Trunks nudged the girl's shoulder to wake her up. He opened the doors to let themselves out, and then he went over to Usagi's side to escort her out.
Usagi woke up and stretched, feeling fully refreshed. "Okay." She got out of her seat and let him escort her out. "Sorry about passing out like that. I was just too weak. But I'm okay now. She ran her hand back through her hair, lifting her bangs up, revealing the crescent moon that had appeared there again.
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