The Rise Of The New Kämpfer (siren and frogger)


Aug 18, 2014
Running. She held her weapon close to her, constantly checking behind her. She was in the school she went to. It was dark, if what she saw out the windows was any indicator it was around midnight. She kept moving until she reached the roof. Her purple bracelet still giving off a against glow. Some one was around... Some one dangerous. She ran out onto the roof and saw no one... Until she checked behind her. A pink haired girl, wielding some kind of pistol stood, with her in the girl's sights. But more importantly, the pink bracelet... She turned and cut the fence link with her naginata, before leaping off the roof...

Mizuku Akira woke up with a slight headache. He looked around and saw the small toy his friend had given him. What was it's name... 'Hyperthermic kitsune' or something like that. It was a fox, semmingly frozen with it's guts hanging out. Part of some brand of entrails animals. He started to move and her felt something weird. It was almost as if he had something on his... Wrist... He looked at his wrist, and wrapped around it was a tight purple bracelet. It was just like the one in his dream... He wondered what the ever living fuck was going on, but didn't panic until he heard a voice behind him. "Hey there! You're an odd pick! But oh well! I'm touketsu kitsune! And I'm here to help you understand your new life!" He slowly turned around to see the little fox plushie standing up and waving. "Ok I'm still dreaming!" He declared after a second or two, laying on the bed with a sigh. "Wake up Akira-san! You've got school." He rolled over and started to get ready as the little stuffed animal told him some things about his new life. "So your telling me... That I will turn into a girl if I'm around one of the other... 'Kämpfer'. " he said. The fox nodded. "And that I have to fight these other girls and... Why?" The plush simply shrugged and tried to push him out the door. "You're gonna be late."

The boy walked out of his home immensely confused and wishing this was some sick joke. Sadly he didn't think it was. He shot a look both ways before crossing the street. His walk to school was long and gave him time to think.
A Kampfer is a person chosen to fight by ‘Moderators’, whoever they may be, and gifted with extraordinary abilities. Any girl falls under one of the three categories: Zauber, Gewehr or Schwert… better known as Magic, Gun and Sword. Not only is there that… but each Kampfer goes into one of three teams, for lack of a better word: Pink, Purple or White. Pink and Purple fight, and White acts as a sort of… police force? Watanabe Naomi never came across one, but that’s the impression she’s got, hearing it from Bullethole Leopard -or Swiss Cheese, as she has come to call him over the past couple months.

"Naomi-san, wake up!" came the plushie's annoying voice, breaking through the pleasant dream she was having. "Time for school~!" Beady eyes came to land on a form tangled in sheets and curled in on itself, a mischievous glint reflecting off buttons... which sounds impossible, but somehow is. With a shuffle and a grunt, he managed to climb up onto the bed, and dove right into her breasts, earning a strangled cry. "Do not sleep away your youth, Naomi-san!" Bullethole cried out, paws embracing her breasts as he shook his head back and forth... the plushie obviously being in heaven. “You must open your eyes, and seize the day!” A hand descended in order to grasp onto his head, and with that, he was thrown off at the nearby wall. “Back off, ya pervert!!” Naomi cried out, eyes flashing with temper, almost like the heart of flames, and tendrils of messy pink falling about her features. “Can’t I get up in the morning without bein’ groped?!” That said, Naomi threw back the blankets and was on her feet in a flash, stretching her arms high above her head. “I swear… I never get a moment to myself…” With another glare tossed in his direction, Naomi went about her business, changing into the uniform that society demands she wears on a daily basis, climbing through her hair, and digging around for her shoes.

In five minutes or so -who’s counting, really?-, Naomi was walking out the door with not a second glance. Her long, pink hair flowed out from behind, catching the light and reflecting it quite nicely. The girl walked with a grace that is undeniable… and her eyes shone like sapphires, almost. “I can’t believe him…” she grumbled under her breath, shaking her head and brushing pink behind her shoulder.
Akira smiled up at the bright sky. He kept his movement simple, moving in a very low key manner. thoughts ran through his head as he processed the information given to him by the plushie. He sighed, kicking a small rock out of his path. that's when he looked across the street to see Naomi. He gave a small wave, but looked down and noticed something. The bracelet... It was glowing! "Oh fuck me!" he whispered and ran around a corner.

His body began to change shortly after. His brown hair lengthening and growing to a black hue. His body slowly grew in some areas and shrunk in others. His non-muscular form seemed to shrink slightly, but his chest began to tingle as it slowly grew to size C breasts. His ass also grew and his stomach shrunk. "Holy shit!" he half yelled, only to find his voice was in a nice soprano range. Ok, there was one other thing he had to check. He slid his hand down his body before his clothes changed to find a pussy where his penis once resided. Eyes wide and mind racing, he looked down as his male uniform slowly changed to a bra and panties, then adding a blouse and skirt on top of it.

Akira looked around and tried to hide inside a near by walled in garden. She felt something appear in her right hand to find the weapon from her dream. The naginata's handle was smooth, but her hands wrapped around it with ease. She pointed it towards the entrance and waited. one of them had to be close...
Movement in her peripheral vision caught Naomi’s attention, making the young woman turn towards it. Isn’t that Akira, from down the street? she had to wonder, tilting her head and studying him for a long moment. Pink and purple eyes collided… and it was in that very moment Naomi’s bracelet began to glow, once… twice… over and over again. “Wh-What the-?!” Naomi grumbled, glancing about to see who nearby could possibly be a Kampfer.

Unfamiliar symbols making an appearance on her bracelet, bands of light broke out… and in seconds, tore to pieces the uniform Naomi had put on just minutes ago in a hurry to get out the door. It was not long until it was replaced by knee-high socks, black, a short black skirt… and a white shirt which isn’t very different from what the rules dictate she wears. Her pink hair grew longer… gaining curls as the strands tumbled over her shoulders and ended right at the base of her spine. Blue eyes opened, only to be replaced by a sharp green that would strike fear into anyone who sets eyes upon the pair. Transformed, Naomi ran forward, keeping her gun down and out of the way. My guess is… the other Kampfer is over this wall…

With a leap and a flip, Naomi was kneeling on top of it… gun aimed at a… Pink Kampfer? “Drop your sword, now!” she demanded in a heartbeat, indicating it with a nod and her gun. Numerous strands of pink came to lay against her cheeks… which is annoying, seeing as how she’s fighting and all… but she can’t do anything about it right then and there. “Do it!”
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