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The crazy and confused. (Openots & OnnaOtaku)


Oct 19, 2009

Thomas climbed out of his car, it was an old piece of junk but at least it still worked. He pulled a large duffel bag out after him before shutting and locking the doors. College didn't start for two more days, but he lived almost an entire state away so he came a little early. In from of him sat a large building which looked a little like an apartment complex. If his map was correct this was the co-ed dorms, his home for the semester. Quickly, he made his way inside and got his key from the desk near the door.

He walked across the lounge area and made his way up the stairs and down the hall to his room. 205, he looked at the number on the key before looking at the number on the door. With a shrug he unlocked the door and stepped in. Inside the room was two beds, a bathroom, two desks, a large closet, and two dressers. Though, even with the furniture the room was still quite large.

He tossed the bag onto the bed farthest from the door and flopped down onto it. Well, maybe this wouldn't be too bad. As long as his roommate was fairly well mannered then they probably wouldn't have any problems.

Name: Kari Ottes
Age: 20
Job: College Student/Art Store Clerk
Personality: Kari is a 'crazy' girl to most and often times people don't understand her. Her father is a military man which means she is always moving around and makes her rebel against the system a lot. She can never seem to settle down, but once she got into college, she stopped moving...but it took her an extra year to do so because of having to move.

Only a few moments after Thomas entered the room and claimed his bed, the door opened and his room mate wandered in. "Geez the traffic was insane!" her voice sounded through the room as she scratched the back of her head and set her own bag on the second bed. "I mean, can you believe it? It took me an hour to get here. And it normally only takes me half the time! Well I guess those detours added some time, but still. They were as busy as hell."

She soon stopped at smiled at her roommate. "Morning," she greeted him cheerfully. "I'm Kari Ottes. I'm guess that you're my roommate then? Well of course, since you're in this room and obviously with your things."
Thomas had almost fallen asleep right when Kari came in. He slowly sat up, listening to her. He guessed she probably wasn't a first year student if she came here regularly. Also, he had to bring up the rest of his stuff. Man, this girl talked.... a lot. With a grunt, he sat up and gave her a tired smile. "Well it's nice to meet yo Kari, I'm Thomas Farraday."

He looked around the room slowly, as though he was looking for something before nodding. "I hope, I'm your roommate, cause I'll be honest. I'm not sharing my bed." He gave her a slightly sarcastic grin. It was rare that he would actually talk to someone, let alone joke around with them.
Kari smiled and nodded. "Well don't worry," she told him. "I won't make you share a bed with me. There's nothing to worry about with that." She unzipped her bag and pulled out a few things, her laptop, a pillow and a blanket, and gently tossed them onto the bed. "You have to go and get the rest of your things still, right?" she asked him, taking the glasses off of her nose and setting them next to her second pillow.
"Eh, all I have is my instrument and my laptop." He shrugged. He had gotten into the college on a music scholarship. Hell, he had been lucky to get in with that since his grades had been pretty bad in high school. "Then again I probably should get my stuff." He muttered, pushing himself off the bed and leaving the room. When he reached his car, he pulled a messenger bag and a trumpet case before heading back to his room. He dropped the wooden case, which was pretty worn. "So, what are you majoring in?" He asked, sitting back down on the bed.
Kari was sitting on her bed when her roommate returned and she smiled kindly at him. "I'm majoring in art," she told him, rolling onto her stomach so she could watch Thomas. "You?" she asked tipping her head a bit. "I see that you're into music but what are you actually here for?"
"Hm?" He looked over at her. "I'm actually undecided right now." With a shrug he pulled an old laptop out of the messenger bag. "I'm thinking about going into fine arts and becoming a teacher, but. I dunno." He muttered, setting it on a pillow. It sucked that he was pretty much stuck at the college, since his home was a pretty good distance away.
"Oh a teacher," she repeated with a kind smile. "I love teachers. That's what I'm planning on doing with my degree." Kari's eyes seemed to follow Thomas's hands, taking small metal notes of his actions and how he moved. "So where do you come from? Like where's your home?"
If she looked closely at his hands, it would reveal small calluses on his fingertips, meaning he probably played a string instrument as well. "Where am I from? Mountainview Arkansas." He laughed, noting she had probably never heard of the place. "What about you?" He asked, noticing she was watching him carefully.
"Not there," she told him as a small joke. "I was born in Japan, although my parents are both from Pennsylvania." She shrugged a bit. "So is it your first year here? Or have you been here before?"
"It's my first year." He laughed lightly. "I'm guessing though, that you probably are not that new here are you?" He took off his glasses and set them on the dresser, he couldn't see a damned thing, but it felt good to take them off.
"Yup, this is my second year," she told him with a small smile. "Don't worry, it's fun here. Most of the people are friendly but there's a few that don't enjoy...outsiders, I guess it's said."
"Well, I hope so." He muttered. "Well it's a nice change to actually be in a city for once. Back home, it's like stepping back into the sixties." He shook his head. "Anyways, have you picked up your schedule yet?" He began cracking his knuckles, almost as though it was a nervous habit.
"Not yet," she told him and sat up, pulling her sweatshirt up onto her shoulder to stop it from slipping. "Wanna come with me? Then maybe we could get something to eat too. Are you hungry or anything?"
"Sure, I'll come with you. And yes, I would love to get something to eat." He laughed, grabbing his glasses and standing up. He slid the spectacles onto his nose before stretching a little. "Would you mind if we ate in the cafeteria? My scholarship doesn't pay for anything outside of it."
"Yeah, I have the meal plan too. There's a few other places in the school that the meal plans let us eat at, but it's just easier in the cafeteria." She quickly grabbed the small bag next to her large duffel-like bag and threw it over her shoulder. "Let's go though," she said with a smile. "Got what you need then?"
He pulled out a heavy brown jacket from the duffel bag and slid it on before nodding. "I've got all I need." He replied, grinning a little as he walked towards the door. "So, do you remember what classes you signed up for?"
"Mostly art classes but a few along the lines of teaching." She started out of the room, shrugging a little and ruffling her bangs just a bit. "What about you?"
"Mostly music classes. Applied cello, trumpet, and piano." He listed off the instruments he was best at as well as the ones he was taking classes for. "Aside from those, a few other courses that will meet my associate requirements.
Kari nodded a bit. "So you're a band geek then?" she asked, tipping her head a little. "Nothing's wrong with it, just questioning your insane logic. How good are you at playing them?"
"Well, I was first chair in the high school band. Though I prefer to consider myself a virtuoso with the cello." He laughed, joking a bit. "Let's see, I'm best at the cello, then probably with piano, and I'm just learning how to play the trumpet. What about you? You said you were taking art courses, do you specialize in any particular styles?"
"I specialize in portraits mainly," she said with a smile. "But along the lines of art, I like photography of many kinds and I love water painting scenery." She shrugged a bit and looked slowly over Thomas's face. "Hey...if you don't mind, would you let me sketch you some time?"
"Hm, sure thing." He replied, with a laugh. "It's actually a little interesting to meet someone that can draw, mainly because I can't draw to save my life." It wasn't like he hadn't tried to in the past, but he just had no talent with it at all. It wasn't long before they came upon the student center.
Kari laughed softly and nodded. "I could try to teach you," she offered and looked around the student center a bit. "The desk we want is over there," she told him, pointing towards a desk against the wall. There were a few other students already there but the line wasn't too long. It seemed to only take a few minutes to get up to the desk and get their classes.
"And maybe I could give you music lessons, though I dunno how good of a teacher I would be." He shot her a grin as they came upon the line. The postman said his cello would come in the mail the day before class started
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