True Detective: Sleeping with the Enemy (Celebstars and Centurion768)


Apr 28, 2012
It was 4:30pm, Ani Bezzerides was driving her partner home when they got a call in. "I told you to turn that radio off" she said, picking it up, the cord with it's spirals stretching straight as the cop picked it up and held the button to say "go ahead."

"We have reports of a body being found in an abandoned garage near the train yard. Address is Lipton Avenue." That wasn't to far away from their current position so Rachel rolled her eyes and breathed a sigh of annoyance as she chewed on a tooth pick which was meant to help her stop smoking. "We will take it over" she replied, putting the radio back in to it's holder and flicking a switch. It made the inside of the car flash blue before the light was placed on top of the unmarked vehicle. Making a sharp turn which had civilians beeping their horns, Ani made her way to the crime scene.

Six minutes later, hitting the breaks in front of a squad car, she got out, seeing numerous uniformed officers surrounding the area. Lights were flashing everywhere but it wasn't so bad as it was still daylight. Showing her badge to the man guarding the scene, she bent down underneath the yellow police tape and walked towards the garage.

Once inside, Ani looked around, the place was dirty, equipment looked rusty and the car inside was just as bad. "What am I looking at?" She turned to an officer, who then pointed to the car in the centre. Walking towards it, she peered inside through the window and saw guts and organs all over the seats It was nothing like she had ever seen before, the man had been cut in half and in what looked like a sick work of art, his limbs were placed in the front, hands on the steering wheels and his feet on the pedals.

"Sick fuck!" She said, hands in her jeans pockets. "Look over here" another officer said, taking her to the back windscreen. In blood, there was lettering, 'Lets play a game' it said, making her shake her head.

"Take a look" Ani said to her partner taking a step back, hands back in her pockets.

While she let him look, the woman in her thirties asked how they found the scene. "That man over there, talking to Officer Moore, said he was walking his dog, stumbled across this place and then dialed 911."
"Well I fucking thought I turned it off" The older man said gruffly, James Irons sat next to her, the older detective shaking his head as they drove through the scorching sun. It was the end of the shift, it was the last few minutes of the patrol. He wanted to go home...he had a steak ready in the oven, a cold beer chilling in the fridge, his wife would be curled up in her bed getting ready for her night shift at the hospital but he could wake her for a quicky.

But nooooooo.

Some dumb fuck had to go get murdered, and some bastard had to call it in. They were literally two blocks away from his house.

"Fuck!" Declared James, sitting in his jeans, black boots and a red shirt rolled up to the elbows.

As they pulled up to the scene Irons let his partner head out to go and see the corpse as he grabbed his revolver and placed it on his hip, then his wallet and badge and headed to the perimeter to check in with the team there.

Then he was called back to his partner. The grumpy 40 year old already greying, standing at a rather impressive 6'2, but his once lean quarterback body slowly sagged back to a beer gut and a hunch.

"Fuck sake!" He declared loudly as he leaned down to look inside of the truck.

"I'll...I'll be back in a few." The homicide detective said simply. In their few years together, him and Ani had gotten along...rather roughly at the start, but steadily settled down into their ways. She was boss, he was the brawn.

But seeing those fingers still clutching onto the wheel. Too much.
"Excuse me." he said. Barging past a Sheriff's deputy and out behind the garage, thankfully untained by the crime.
And puked his guts up. A morning worth of fast food and bile being splattered out the back. By the look of it he wasn't the first to react that way.

Popping a mint he headed back in. Happy to have that out of his system.
"Sorry." he muttered to his stalwart partner. Shaking his head as he surveyed the scene.
"I think we need to get the geeks in here..." He muttered. Staring in at the carnage and seeing the lettering.

"It looks like we have a freak on our hands..." The police veteran sighed.

He hated freaks.
"I got the civvie." He said simply. Turning and heading over to the witness. Already asking his questions, 'who owned the garage' 'any idea when it happened' 'any idea when it happened'. All that good shit. But it was clear that the detective was not in the mood for it all."You should probably phone your boy toy and cancel that nice candle lit dinner you've obviously been slaving over" He said bluntly as he moved back to the car to start filling in the initial report.
Hearing the way he was speaking to the man, she didn't like it, "wait there" she said to him, before walking over to her partner as he was at the car. "Why don't you do your job properly? How the fuck is he meant to know when it happened? That is for the forensic team to decide. Piss off home you miserable cunt, that means finding another car!" Shaking her head, she didn't know what was wrong with him today and didn't care. At least he was right about one thing though, she would have to ring her fiance.

Using her cell phone, she looked up at the sky as the sun was setting, but the heat was still blazing. The air very humid. A voicemail beep came up, so she just left a message. "Hey babe, I am going to me late, something at work came up, I'll explain when I am home. Love you." Sliding the slim iPhone in to her back jeans pocket, Ani walked up to the gentleman, apologizing for his behavior and wanted to start fresh.

For the next ten minutes, she took the time to take down as much information as she could, finding out what time he arrived, if he knew the surrounding area well as well as any other key points that might of helped.

"Thank you for your help, you can leave now, if I have any other questions I have your contact details here." Watching the man return home, the officer walked back in to the garage and looked at the scene once more. "His hands were placed there as were the feet."

"How can you tell?" The young uniformed male said, not being able to prevent himself from checking her ass out as she bent over to look through the window. "They are neatly cut, he wouldn't of been able to do that with him sitting there." Seeing his reflection leaning backwards to check her out, she looked to him, turning her head. "Do your job!" Turning so he would have glimpsed the badge hooked on to her belt he would have noticed she was a Sheriff.

Leaving the crime scene now, the woman would get in her car and drive home, returning the next morning.
"Maybe he saw something!" The older man tried to defend. Looking shocked and pissed off with his partner at her little outburst at him. From the minute she started talking he knew he was fucked, in the four years they'd spent together he'd only won a handful of arguments, and even then, she had been drunk or pepper sprayed. So fighting a fully concious, fully aware Ani? Wasn't going to work well for him.

So, like the grumpy old man she portrayed him to be, he gave a curt, "Well go fuck yourself" And went to peddle a lift from one of the cops on the perimeter. Ordering the young copper to take him home, he could deal with cut up bodies and serial killers tomorrow, tonight he wanted to eat steak, drink beer and fuck his wife.

Back at her home, Andrew Roberts had just gotten away from a 'conference' and listened to his girlfriends voicemail. Not responding back and just rearranging his plans for the night so she could take part, even if she would work a bit longer. The 6'3 architect rolling his dress shirts sleeves up to the elbow as he set about making dinner. He'd been with Ani for the better part of two years and had moved in after just six months, the tall man was always waiting for her at the end of a shift, a beer in one hand and condom in the other usually. He knew how she liked to work out her stress.

As she pulled up into the drive the man waited for her, still slaving away over the Bolognase in the kitchen. "Beers in the fridge!" He called. His short brown hair cut close in to his head as he looked through the house. Trying to judge her reactions, whether it would be a nice calm night, or one full of bitching and fighting.
Turning left, the headlights of her car beamed at the house, which would have shone in to the kitchen. Getting out of her car, she locked the door and then opened the one leading in to the home. Walking towards the kitchen the cop put her badge and gun on the wooden table where they would eat. "Well why couldn't you get one out if you knew I was here" Ani told him, brushing past him to get to the fridge. Taking a bottle out she used one of her silver rings on her right hand to open it, the cap popping off.

Sitting down in one of the seats, her mouth took a few sips of the alcohol before she rested it down on the table between her badge and gun. "I'm sorry" she said, "I was looking forward to eating with you when we planned it, then some fucker had to find this body." Resting her head back against the wall, she looked out of the window, lost in mind and thought.

Bringing herself back to reality she turned and looked to him. "How was work for you? You had a conference right?" It may have sounded like an interrogation but it was just innocent questions to try and make some conversation.

Standing up, Ani moved forward and peered over his shoulder looking at the food. "Smells, good, I am going to go shower then come back down." Kissing his cheek, she left the beer beside her weapon and headed on upstairs.
Tough day then.
It was rare that Ani would come skipping in through the front door all sunshine's and rainbows, but usually he'd at least get a kiss. As he stood over the pot of sauce he let her relax for a moment. Waiting for her to finally calm herself down.

"How inconsiderate of him." He said with a look of feigned shock as he started to pour the spaghetti onto plates and douse the sauce heartily over the top of it.
"Conference was good, a bit dull, got to chat with the competition. Learned a few little schemes and tricks for the future, but overall it was just boring me to death. Really. At least two people died in that room. Your homicide, go get on it." The man grinned as he put the finishing touches on the food.

"Ten minutes! Make it quick!" He called to her playfully, looking over as she started to sway away through the house to the shower, yet was interupted.
"Hey! Come on. You know the rule." He said back to her, holding out her gun in it's holster to her.

"No guns at the table." He said firmly, back when they were first going out he had 'accidentally' blown a hole the size of a fist in the wall when he tried to move it.
As far as Ani was aware, he couldn't even hurt a fly. He was just peaceful Andrew, the good looking Architect who was by her door with a beer and dinner after she was out in high speed chases and gunfights.

If only that was the case.

By the time the shower was over, the lights were out and even though it was getting on at night, the candles were burning and a nice candlelit dinner. A murder wasn't going to stop her relaxation.
Hearing his words shout up at her as she made her way to the shower Ani rolled her eyes. "Stop being a pussy!" She fired back, her words sometimes as hostile as her weapon was. The woman never saw her fiance as a tough guy, but she liked and enjoyed that, she worked with enough men who were comparing their dicks to see was in charge.

Turning the light on, Bezzerides stepped in to the bathroom, clothing the door behind her. As dinner was being cooked downstairs, she was undressing, stripping herself to nothing but her skin before stepping inside the tub. Turning the taps, she waited for the water to be at the right temperature before she finally turned on the shower. Being sprayed with water, her hands ran through her shirt hair before running down her curvy body. Not every inch was smooth pale skin, some scars were visible, one on her shoulder when she was shot and another in the side, by her ribs. That one was the worst as she broke ribs and punctured her lung.

Finishing up, the water was turned off and a towel was taken from the back of the door and wrapped around her body. Attending her bedroom, the cop got changed in to grey sweat pants and navy blue t-shirt. Walking barefoot down the stairs she walked in to a dimly lit kitchen with an orange glow from candles. "Your such a romantic, I don't deserve you" she smiled, walking up and kissing his mouth, her hand on his neck with her silver rings pressed against his skin.

Sitting down at the table, Ani began to tuck in to the food he had prepared. "I can't remember the last time I cooked for you" she added, her mouth full. She could never get the hang of eating spaghetti, she was messy with it.
A grin just split his face as she headed upstairs. Hearing her padding away. The minute the water splashed on he was upon her weapon, a little game he liked to play. Testing his moves, how fast he could assemble and disassemble it. He'd almost been caught before. Nothing like a bit of a risk to get the blood pumping. His hands flying over the receiver and the action. Tearing them apart, checking and putting them back together.

"Your right you don't" The man replied, her weapon nestled nicely in her holster back in the same place she'd left it on the table as he started setting out the plates. Feeling her lips on his as he placed down the meals and leaned into the kiss. Feeling the cold touch of her jewellery as he pressed back. Just because she was the one with the guns didn't mean she was always in charge.

As the two of them settled down across from eachother he happily slid some wine over to her and started to eat. Albeit rather politely compared to her.

"Chew your food." He said bluntly. She was always quick. Eating was a necessity, not a luxury for her. Especially Spaghetti. It was quite entertaining to watch as he cleanly and efficiently cleared his plate.

"I remember, November last year. You damn near burnt the kitchen to the ground remember? The tea towel hit the flames, that went up, burned your hair, burned your shirt, would've went further if I hadn't thrown that pan of water over you." He said bluntly. A triumphant little grin on his face.

It was rather plainly a rule she wasn't allowed near the oven after that. "Want to talk about the day?" He asked simply. His grey eyes casting over her in a break in the feasting. Knowing she probably didn't, but he was...quite interested in the cases he'd seen on the news before she got home.
The bottle of wine slid across the table, instead of pouring it in to a glass, Ani took hold of it and lifted it to her lips, the red liquid falling in to her mouth before she set it down. Putting it back in to the middle of the table.

"No!" She laughed, saying it as soon as she started talking about that November last year. "You change the story every time you tell it! I only burnt my finger!" Lying, she lowered her head but looked at him, her eyes rolling to the top and staring at him with an innocent look. "Ok...maybe....I needed to shorten my hair because of it but so what! You aren't going to let this go are you!"

The fun atmosphere changed when he asked about her day. "Was ok, was a quiet one until someone called in a body. Whoever it was was a sick fuck. I don't understand these type of killers, they leave it like they are painting a picture. My partner is just an old man to, waste of space, he is probably wasted right now. I'll smell it on his breath tomorrow."

Tucking in to her spaghetti, she liked him asking about her work. "I think you would make a great detective, you always like hearing the gossip and details." It wasn't unusual for Ani to sometimes show him the case files and pictures of the corpses, sometimes her fiance offered a different approach.

"Why do you ask? Do I look stressed?"
The wine went straight to her lips.
"No class." He remarked with a grin. Honestly he had no problem with it. It looked like she needed the drink. Badly. Taking her lead he took a swig from it himself and placed it back to her.

"Of course I change it, it's a good story. I gotta keep it fresh." The man laughed as he took another drink before he looked over her hair."It is getting a bit messy..." He muttered. Knowing how protective she was of her hair.

"What's his name? Irons? Jeremy or something? I met him at that Christmas party you got totally wasted at, he was trying to chat up anyone who'd look at him." The man said. Deciding to leave the corpse for the moment. He didn't want to upset her, even if every nerve in his body was screaming for more info.

"Nah...I'd be crap. I'd take one look and faint. You know me." He grinned, hell the first time she showed him a corpse he had pulled off a pretty impressive faint. Almost convinced himself.

"You look tired. A little stressed..." He said. "But I've got a cure for that..." He mused. Pushing the bottle of wine over to her. Knowing exactly what she needed.
"My hair is fine!" She said, catching the bottle as it slid over to her. Drinking more of it, she downed it with some food, before setting it down. "I like my hair like this I think. You better get used to it!" Ani always saw herself as the person who wore the trousers in the relationship.

"Yep, Irons, he is a piece of work, should be paid double for being with him. He was interviewing the man who saw the body, just asked him random things and quickly to, just so he could get home to his pie or whatever it was. No class or professionalism." Shaking her head she was rambling on, almost going in to a full rant about it.

"You fainted! You fell on the floor and I had to use the same pan to throw water over you to wake you up!" Now it was Ani's turn to over react on a story, given he did with her and the oven. "I think you vomited to, yeah that is right you did."

It was nice having these moments with him, it was why she said yes when he proposed to her. Their relationship was special, he was better than anyone else he had been with before and Ani really loved him.

"You know me to well" taking the wine, she slurped at it. "I need your cock in me, that will work out my stress" taking his hand as the other lifted the bottle of wine up to her lips, Ani eyed him before taking a breath. "Where do you wanna fuck your fiance tonight?"
"Well if you say so..." He teased as he ate away. He knew she was dominant, there was very rarely any times he wanted to be dominant with her. The hidden power he had was a bit of an exciting prospect. Knowing he could easily flip and go to having the power in the relationship in moments. Even though he kept it at bay and had never actually used it before.

He listened to her ramble and rant about her partner, he already knew everything about Irons. But it was good to get it out of her system, it made his life easier before letting out a laugh at her next accusation.

"Ok maybe I did! Seeing my wonderful Fiancée screaming like a banshee and running around the kitchen was a little bit terrifying and not what I'm used to!" He laughed. Watching as she embellished it a little."Oh it was a little bit of drool don't be childish." He laughed.

Just as he finished up his Spaghetti she made that last comment which caught him totally off guard. Almost choking on his food as he broke into a laugh.
"Oh I love it when your horny. It's so simple." He laughed. Placing his food down before taking her wine and having a drink. Pondering over the question.

"You can't really beat the bedroom can you?" he asked as he had another swig before standing.

"Come on. Why you still down here?" He teased. Already his hands pulling her out of her chair and smirking as he placed her in front of him and slapped her rear end.
"Run..." He whispered. Wanting to chase her upstairs. He'd only give her two seconds headstart of course. It wasn't any fun if he couldn't catch the woman.
Stepping on to her feet, she kissed his lips, closing her eyes as she enjoyed the loving moment between them both. Then he turned, it was as though the promise of sex could change a man's personality. The slap on her ass made her flesh jiggle and shake before coming to a firm halt.

His words of run installed a fear in to her, as she dashed away from him, running up the stairs, her hand on the banister to try and support herself. Reaching the top floor, the woman found safety in her bed, but not before she had closed the bedroom door. It like a kid's game, although it was very much an adult one now.

"Leave me alone!" She shouted, the grown up who was in charge of solving crimes acting much younger than her age.

Staring at the door, she heard nothing and could only wait to see the door knob turn to know of his arrival. Little did Ani know though, was that behind that door, the man she was about to give herself to was indeed the killer in which she was going to pursue the very next morning.

Laying on the bed she tripped herself naked, then laid on her tummy, facing the door with her feet in the air.
And so, Police Detective Ani Bezzerides and 'architect' Andrew Roberts went from being respectable adults, to giggling horny 16 year olds chasing eachother upstairs once the parents left. Ani's firm rear end bobbing up the stairs in front of him. His long heavy legs slamming down behind her. Creating as much noise as possible to try and terrify her as he spun on his heel and bound up after her. Hell he almost caught her that time.

Alas, the door was in his way.

His heavy frame bounced off the stout door and he heard giggling from behind.

"Oh I'll never leave you alone officer Bezzerides!" He called through the door at the giggling blonde.

He felt the pressure back off of the knob and heard her step away. He'd give her a few seconds to get ready. He liked a show.

Eventually the door opened and Andrew stepped in, his eyes casting over her lithe body on the bed, already shirtless himself he just gazed over.

"Now what are you planning..." He teased as he stepped closer to the bed. His cock bulging in his jeans as he leaned down to her level. Stripped bare naked save of her rings. Which did have an interesting effect on handjobs if he was to be totally truthful.

Slowly his hands fell to his belt."Is this what your looking for?" He growled. Slowly pulling down the trousers to reveal his tented boxers, straining for release and almost waggling the cock in her face."Have at it officer."
Those eyes of hers were never off duty, watching him as he entered the room shirtless trying to suss out what he was thinking. Standing in front of the bed with his groin in her face she looked up at him, tilting her head back with her hand under her chin supporting it. "I can't see anything" she muttered as the tent in his boxers was visible.

Laughing, her arms stretched out and her soft fingers tucked in to the waist band before slowly pulling his underwear to his knees. "Give me that cock" she said, her hands going to his ass cheeks before she pulled him towards her. Opening her mouth, she used her face to guide him between her lips before starting to suck on his member.

Even though her hair was short, a few loose strands fell near her eye line, annoying her but she brushed it behind her ear before planted her palm back on to his plump ass. Bobbing her head up and down his shaft one finger slowly traveled inwards to his asshole, playing with the outside of it, rubbing it gently before placing a finger inside of it.

Those eyes caught the attention of his while she grinned with her mouth full of his cock and her finger moving in and out of his tight hole.
Sex with Ani was something new every time, some mornings he woke to find himself chained to the bed with her handcuffs, other times she'd just tackle and fight until he submitted. It paid to never be complacent in the bedroom with Detective Bezzerides.

The minute her lips fell to the bulging purple head he let out a groan, his heavy, large hand finding the back of her head and pushing her further down. A fist made in her short blonde hair. That wandering finger not really giving him any worry just yet as he gazed down at her deep hazel eyes. Trying to stuff more cock inside of her mouth. Demanding more from her.

"Fuuuuck." He moaned. the rumble reverberating around the room.

Then he felt the acute sensation of something...where it shouldn't be.

Then he felt something certainly where it shouldn't be.

"Fucking hell Ani!" He shouted. Almost jumping right off her finger, jamming his cock down her throat for a moment before letting go and batting her hand away, his ass stinging in pain.

"The fuck!" He asked.

He still had an erection though.
She'd pay for that.

Suddenly he just glared down at her, with one hand grabbed her hair and the other striking her across the face, slamming her to the side tossing her back over the bed as his boxers pooled on the floor and he stepped out of them. Moving to the foot of the bed as he grabbed at her ankles, dragging her down, belly up on the bed, already trying to push her arms down to take control of the woman.
She knew she was good at giving head, his moaning just added to the already well known fact. Still sucking on him, her finger moved in to his hole further before he shouted at her. His sudden movement and jump made her pull it out and she expected him to take his cock out of her mouth but instead it was rammed deep in to her throat, making her gag and cough until he pulled it away.

"Shut up moaning you pussy!" Ani fired back words of anger, thinking he may be serious about what she did. Feeling the strength he had on the back of her head with his fingers tied in to her hair she saw his hand lift up before slapping her across the face. "Ugh!" Ani yelped shortly after the noise of the smack filled the room.

Her skin was stinging, it's colour turning an instant red and the force of the blow made her fall on to her side. Then a sudden pull of her ankles drew her in closer towards him. Laying on her back, her ass cheeks were on the edge with her ankles wrapped against his lower back.

Feeling him pin her down, his body rested atop of hers, given her a nice vantage point to use her teeth. Planting them in to his shoulder, the pair fought for dominance with one another. Each one wanting to do the fucking, and not be the one who would be fucked.

A slight knee to the stomach to got him off her, and she now sat on top of him with an evil grin on her face.

"That's right, I am on the one who does the fucking around here!" Lowering herself, she nibbled at his ear whilst straddling him.
It was his turn for control. She'd fucked him wild for the last few nights, he was all too aware she would try her damnedest to stay on top. She didn't relinquish control very easily. Now and then he had managed to win, though he always just assumed she let him win to keep the fire and combat going.

Then her teeth went into his fleshy shoulder, just adding to the light scars on there already. He really had to work out how to defeat that attack.
"Fuck!" He roared, all but throwing her on the bed to try get away, but with the legs around his waist he was pinned, a twist and jerk and she was back on top after the knee.

Trying to double over and suck in his breath he still fought, his muscles already burning, joints screaming in pain as he attempted to toss her off to the side, her rings flashing in the low light of the room.

Then she was down over his body again, biting and teasing at his ear as Andrew lay back against the bed. Catching his breath for the moment.
"Not always..." He growled. Suddenly he threw himself up, trying to flip her. His abs burning as he slammed her into the bed. Using her weight and his power to flip her. Suddenly on top as his hands found her neck and tried to pin her and choke her just a tad as his free hand slapped her tit playfully, letting it jiggle as he stepped between her legs, letting the slapping hand slowly glide over her stomach and down, brushing past the hair between her legs and slowly rubbing over her slit.
"Now that was a bit mean wasn't it?" He teased, a tiny sliver of blood sliding down from the bite. She really didn't hold back.
When he said 'not always' Ani felt his strength awaken and she ended up on her back, flipped over and back to where she was in the beginning. Feeling his hands take a hold of her throat and press against it, the cop lifted her chin up and enjoyed the fact her breathing was being limited by him. Little did she know that to many women had also been treated this way by the man.

"Ugh" Another moan left her lips as he slapped one of her breasts, making it jiggle and sting just like her face. Ani's legs were pulled part and he was now between them, although it wasn't his cock touching her slit it was his hand which had combed through her pubic hair to rub over her lips.

Looking at his shoulder, she saw a small trace of blood leaving her bite mark. "I'd do it again!" She said, both her hands on his as it lay resting on her delicate throat and neck.

Trying to wriggle free, she squirmed under his grasp but he finally had the upper hand, now it was her turn to submit to him. Moaning subtly as he rubbed her cunt with his hand Bezzerides closed her eyes and enjoyed the pleasure.
Choking was always a little bit interesting, well, it fascinated him, watching the slow change in colour, from pale white to a bit of a vivid red...then the blue came in, the popping in the eyes and the bulge of the veins. Then the purple. Slowly changing and changing, brusies on the windpipe and the kicking.

It never got to that stage with Ani though, he knew just how to put the proper pressure on. Just enough to get the proper amount of air in, but to put up a little bit of a struggle for her. To give her that thrill as he slowly moved his cock to her moist slit, brushing past the short hairs as he pressed his cock to the entrance, and already started to push in.

And tonight, he was in charge.
His cock pushed in deeper and deeper, starting to sink within as he kept choking her out, leaning down and gently placing a kiss on her head."So sweet and frail...not a detective in here are you?" He teased. Giving her just a second to breathe before he started choking her out again. Slipping deeper and deeper within.

He knew she loved being dominated, the loss of power how she could just...relax for a moment. Letting him fuck her into the bed. Slamming in over and over again. His balls starting to hit off her as he went mad inside of her.
Both of her hands were placed firmly around his as he groped her neck, squeezing it against his palms. It never got to dangerous, her face would sometimes start to turn red but that was just a reminder that it was time to let her breath.

With her legs wide open, stretched to allow him easy access to her slit, the cop felt his member poke at her cunt before sliding himself in. Her hold grew bigger, clenching tightly around his shaft as she was starting to be fucked. "Ugh..." Ani moaned, knowing every time she did she would have been losing some air which was all the more precious now.

Another moan left her open mouth, but no sound came with it, just the last few drops of air. Then a big inhale came after wards when he loosened his grip on her throat.

Choosing to waste some air, she told him to fuck her harder. "Weakling" she put him down, her hands going up to his own throat now and holding it.
And then there was that tiny bit of fight. That defiance burning in her eyes once she had her breath back, the insult hitting up at him, a snarl back to her and he had his hands wrapped back down around her slender throat. More force this time, it was quite rare he got the chance to be in control. He was going to relish it...fuck the marks and consequences.

As she choked him out he went for it this time, squeezing madly as he fucked and choked her at the same time. His hips forcing his cock deeper and deeper inside of her with every thrust.

"Don't fucking try that..." He growled down to her as she insulted him. Suddenly one hand slapping back across her face again before going back to choking her. The struggle wouldn't take long, his own breath starting to come short as he started to redden. It was suddenly a race, who could cum first before they passed out.
They were locked in a battle against one another which Ani knew she was surely going to lose. He had his weight upon her and was fucking her senseless, her pussy more moist now than earlier before. Her hands were tightly wrapped around his neck, willing him to bend the knee for her, submit but it wasn't going to happen.

Then the slap came after the order not to try her own choke hold on him. "Agh!" It made her fucking angry, she saw it as foul play. The cop removed one hand to tend to her cheek, meaning her grip on his throat was now weakened. She was losing control of the situation and eventually her left hand fell and went back to his on her neck.

Moans filled the bedroom as he thrust in to her cunt. Ani moaned, before the sheer ecstasy washed over her, building up she felt it finally hit and one almighty grunt made her bite her bottom lip. Her body went limp while she relaxed, making it easier for him to now use her as a fuck toy to make himself cum.
And finally...dominance.

Limp, he was in total control. Suddenly his cock burrowed deep within her. Using her as his toy, as his tool for pleasure as he slammed the woman into the bed. His cum getting ready to burst out inside of her. His balls burning in sheer pleasure, the pressure building and building. Excited from the whole nights activities, from being fingered, to choking and being choked and the power play. It was all a bit much.

"Fuck!" He roared. Her face starting to redden deeper and deeper.

The minute the slightest tinge of blue turned up though, he just couldn't contain himself.

"Fucking fuck!" He roared, a true poet, just as his balls emptied inside as his thick, virile seed spurted deep within his lover. His hands removing from her throat and groaning as he dumped her onto the bed before collapsing next to her.
It was worth it. All the plotting, scheming and was totally worth every second in bed with Ani.
"You're going soft..." He finally muttered, poking her in the side. it was fairly rare he even got to be on top, nevermind choking her out and using the cop as a fuck toy.
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