Harvest Moon Animal Parade (RP now open)


Jul 10, 2015
My Bed~

Welcome to Harmonica Town! Please take a look around before going to your new farm! Meet your local neighbors and browse the shops and offices as well!
-Mayor Hamilton-


Gwendolyn read the bulletin board as she gazed upon the bright but some how gloomy town. Even though she saw people smiling and waving as she walked by she sensed something was off. Something about the land that the people of Harmonica Town did not agree with. But she put that feeling aside as she went to the Mayor's office and waited outside. But then realized why the Harvest Goddess reached out to her. This land was dying and it needs help.

"How sad...such a beautiful town like this...suffering... but these people still smile..I will find a way to help them." She gave a proud and hopeful nod as she smiled knowing that she was this town's new hope.
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