The Long, Hard Road (Thete & real3000)


Aug 11, 2012
Walking home at this time of night was not the best decision. In fact, it was incredibly ill advised. London wasn't exactly the best place during the day, never mind during the night. Crime rates had soared since Wales and Scotland had become independent... People looking for real, solid jobs had moved out of the capital since the place had turned into a tourist and travel hotspot. Unemployment was high, and so was the anger.

Sarah was here because she had no choice but to be here. She worked in one of the airports, an engineer for the on-board tracking system for the planes. It meant long, gruelling hours, but a consistent work schedule, and that meant it was good enough for her.
But it did mean walking through one of the quietest villages on the way back to her flat. It always made her insides churn. This place, during the night... It was terrifying.
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