Reweaving the Threads [Azecreth & Beautiful Disgrace]


Aug 23, 2013
Ohio, America
The world had changed, in so few years as to surprise many. From modern civilization, death and destruction had come at the hands of Raygo Kiryuin and the REVOCS Corporation, utilizing an alien organism known as Life Fibers to launch an attempt at global domination which would eventually culminate in the transformation of the Earth itself into a massive Lie Fiber organism. A plan that almost would have succeeded were it not for the brave efforts of the resistance group known as Nudist Beach, Ryuko Matoi, and Satsuki Kiryuin, as well as her followers. Ragyo was defeated, and the world saved. But now that that had been done, it was time to put the pieces back together, a process that would neither be easy, nor quick.

At the moment, business had taken Satsuki as well as those who tended to accompany her about, the Elite Four as well as Mikisugi. Ryuko and Tsumugu had headed off to make sure that all the Life Fibers were actually gone and REVOCS had been firmly dismantled, so they were busy, and everyone else was busy as well, though with their own things to do. At the moment the current location was New York City, the site of the former United Nations, for a world meeting to determine what to do now that the war was over.

Ironically for such a momentous event, many of the delegates present were young adults or teenagers. That could be attributed to the fact that they were most resistant to life Fibers and had survived better, and the fact that once the war was over, resistance groups had gone on to reconstitute the governments, and it would not take a genius to guess who were involved in most of those groups. So while there were older people, the demographic was remarkably skewed.

A meeting has recently concluded, and now was the time for the group to take stock, Soroi providing his usual tea while others relaxed in the high level apartment suite that had been provided for the duration of the conference. It was almost a throwback to Hoonouji Academy before the war, if one ignored how everyone had changed in the meanwhile, and the lack of Goku Uniforms.

"I'd say that went well," Sanageyama commented, relaxing as he glanced over at those present. Making the opening statements was hard, but Satsuki had impressed as always. Now they just had to hammer out the details of the new world, if they were to restore the nations, try to make one unified system, that sort of thing. To be honest it wasn't his area of expertise, but if anyone could manage it, it would be her. That said though, he waited to see what her own opinion would be. Doubtlessly it would prove insightful as always.
It wasn't very surprising that she had been asked to represent Japan and it's state of affairs when it came to both rebuilding and the new world order. Even though she was the daughter to the very woman who attempted to sacrifice everyone on the planet to the alien parasitic life fibers and had been seen as nothing but a Tyrant when she pretended to obey that woman, people knew the truth. People still looked up to her. She wasn't really sure how she felt about that. She had been content to go back to being just a regular citizen and had no desire to attempt to run a nation. Maybe that was why people wanted her to lead. Or perhaps they trusted her the most with what was to come. Now that Ragyo was gone, there was an absence in power that made an uncomfortable ripple throughout the entire nation.

That was why she was here. The others seemed to understand too, that they could not have a sovereignty or ever allow a company like REVOCS to exist again. They were all on the younger side, yes...but there seemed to be a mutual agreement between them all that rules needed to be put in place. Things that were once allowed to happen before had to be outlawed to prevent entires city's from falling over foolish squabbles over power. The kind of things that she once had to do to convince Ragyo of her loyalty were things of the past and could never be done again. War was...the last thing a recovering world needed. They all needed time to pick up the pieces and establish some sense of trust between each other.

"Yes..I'm impressed with the representatives that were present at the meeting. I wasn't sure what to expect, but they all seemed wise and mature enough to see the bigger picture." Satsuki finally answered after she had taken a sip of that delicious tea that reminded her of the good times of her childhood...the fond memories of the past that she didn't want to get lost in all the madness that had ensued because of the woman who had conceived her. It was a comfort, really...Soroi always made her tea perfect.

"I'd say that you were the most mature and wise out of them all, Lady Satsuki. They should all look to you for advice." Nonon casually replied as she leaned back in her chair lazily. She only came to make sure that Satsuki was safe..diplomatic events such as these were uninteresting to her. Not to mention, she was never too good at civil talk.

"No. We must all be equal in this delicate state of affairs. No one country should be superior to the others. The reason for this conference is so that our relations with the other countries remain in good standing..and so we can all come to a mutual understanding." Satsuki couldn't deal with this the way she dealt with Honnoji Academy...she had to stand on equal ground with the others in order to gain their trust.
Off to the side sat Iori, tapping away on his latpop as one might expect, and fully enjoying the resumption of the data network now that things were back in order. Of course, hacking and the like were unviable even if there had been anyone to do it to, and instead he merely contented himself with typing away on the keyboard, gathering and accessing the information they had to provide assistance to Satsuki in the negotiations. So, what he did usually anyway.

He reached up, shifting his glasses as he added his own comment. "The video footage that we recorded and distributed of the final battle with Ragyo has been very effective in swaying public opinion, as well as the testimonials of Ryuko, Mikisugi, and Mankanshoku." That last one had been begrudging, since she'd practically forced her way into the whole affair. But it seemed to have worked out, with her being just as persuasive there as in real life. And all those elements combined had done a good job of showing what happened in the final days of the war against REVOCs, and who was responsible for ending it, which only helped here.

Not officially part of the group but still there nonetheless, Aikuro was still busy enjoying the fruits of his labor as a naked Nudist (now that he didn't have to pretend to be a teacher anymore). And as usual, he didn't really care what anyone else thought about it, even at those times when he was yelled at to put some clothes on. At least he wasn't posing right now, or it probably would have gotten him tossed out of the room wholesale.

Still, he nodded in agreement with Satsuki and her approach, much more reasonable and likely to go over well with the other representatives. "After everything that's happened, it would be best to avoid raising any fears amongst the rest of the delegates. I imagine they are worried enough as it is, even with having the full story out in the open." Loathe as he was to admit it, the security was probably needed. Who knew when some idiot might try and take a shot at them, even if they were all well and able to defend themselves.

Naturally, Gamagoori took some offense to that, though less so than he might have in certain other situations. He'd become less stressed over the course of time, though it didn't change certain facts of his character. "Even so, she should be treated with the respect she deserves. It is only reasonable." After all, they wouldn't even be here if it hadn't been for Satsuki and Ryuko, and the delegates should recognize that even if it made them uncomfortable in the process. Things could never be simple, could it?
Nonon casually blew a strand of hair out of her face and nodded in agreement. She understood that things were tense in the world right now, but it just burned her that people weren't recognizing Satsuki as the great leader she was. She and she alone had suffered the brunt of Ragyo's tyranny, and it was because of her that the world was saved! Even if Ryuko was the one who actually finished that monster of a woman off...Satsuki was the true hero of that story.

Satsuki only chuckled in reply as she took another slow sip of her tea. "They respect me enough, Gamagoori. Besides, Mr. Mikisugi is right. If we want to earn their trust we cannot have them fear us. I'm slightly concerned about our images turning from heroes to monsters because the slightest amount of distrust. That video footage Inumuta referred to earlier is all over the media...people know what we are capable of and it has helped gain me favor, yes. However, it is the way we act will determine whether or not they view us as allies or threats in the future." Satsuki placed her cup down on it's saucer and looked over Aikuro. "I'm not nearly as charismatic of a leader as you are. That is why I have brought you along. Perhaps you can give me some advice on how to further handle things?"
"Hmph," Gamagoori grunted, still not exactly content and yet ceding the argument anyway. It was hard to argue with Satsuki's logic, and in cases like this she would be the one more qualified to make a judgment than him. It was merely his pride and devotion that kept him from sitting contently, even when he knew that it was a good idea to take care with their words, appearance, and to not inflame resentment against themselves. They did not need another war so soon after this most recent one had ended, lest people believe that they were trying to take over the country, or the world, again.

Aikuro nodded, stepping forward as he was recognized, though there was no need for him to heed her authority given his own position. Still, it never hurt to be recognized for ones talents, even when it was something like charisma. After all, this was one of those occasions where sheer force of will might not be the best way to go about things, and that eliminated Satsuki's particular forte. The same could be said for Ryuko, but she wasn't much one for diplomacy anyway. And wasn't that the truth.

Arms folded, he took a moment to consider things before providing her with an answer. "Thus far you've managed well. As long as we keep from being too overbearing then we should be able to manage as we have already. If the other delegates feel that they have a voice that matters they will be less likely to view us in a negative light." The concentration of power was the concern, and while the other branches of Nudist Beach could help on that front, it would still be a delicate balancing act to promote their own interests while not scaring off everyone. But if anyone could manage it, it would be this group here.
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