The live-in student (Um x isy)


Jan 9, 2015
Azreal Mitsuka was something of a 'problem student' in Konoha village. It wasn't that he misbehaved or refused to listen to his teachers, it was more like none of them were capable of teaching him. His body naturally produced Chakra in rather unusual ways, always emitting that chakra throughout almost his entire body, which made him very difficult to train. Not only that, it made everyday life difficult for Azreal, he couldn't even touch other people without his chakra either harming or at least shocking them. Finally though, the seniors of the village had found the perfect teacher for him, someone who would perhaps understand his condition and be able to teach him better than anyone else in the village. The arrangements had all been made, though in order to give Azreal a chance to adapt, he had been told to report to his new teachers personal home in order to live with them. The only way to truly get his power under control was going to be to live with someone understanding 24/7. This wasn't just training, it was a way to better his life, and in turn keep the people around him safe.

Azreal didn't know who his new teacher was, he'd simply been told where to go, to pack up his things and go there as soon as possible. It wasn't that much of a problem for him, he had no family after all, he'd never known a parent, or even really had friends, people had been rather scared of him growing up. " we go right?" Azreal reached up, knocking on the door to the house he had been told would be his new home for at least the next year. "I hope whoever this teacher is they're not some hardass..."
The whole night long she prepared for her new student, nervous as she is, trying to make everything right. Hinata knew who the new student was and she also knew why she was chosen. Neji is already a Jonin for a long time and has his own team and she just recently became Jonin and since the boy she is going to teach emits chakra from every inch of his body only a hyuuga can handle him properly.
The fact that he will live with her for at least a year didnt bother her much at first but since the day was getting closer she became more nervous if it will be ok, but to never go back was her Nindo so she will do what it takes.
She was nervous since its the first pupil she ever got and she heard many stories of him being a troublesome boy.

*But i don´t believe them* she thought to herself after everything was ready. Suddenly the door knocks she says "Coming". She rushes to the door and opens it up looking at her first Student, giving him a nice smile saying "Hello, you must be Azreal right?"
When the door opened, Azreal wasn't entirely sure what to expect, though of all the things he could have imagined....that certainly wasn't it. As Hinata opened the door, Azreal found that his eye level was perfectly level with Hinata's impressive chest....and all he could find himself doing was staring rather openly straight ahead. This was by far the closest he'd ever really gotten to a girl before, certainly this part of a girl. They were so close....he could almost reach out and touch- "Ah!" He suddenly realised what he was doing, where he was staring and that Hinata had actually spoken to him. With a flush to his cheeks he rather quickly looked up in order to look the taller woman right in the eye this time, giving her a quick nod. "Y-yes! That's right! I'm's nice to meet you.." Of course he knew who she was....Hinata was well known among the younger male ninja of the village, for several reasons, two of which Azreal had been staring at until a moment ago. "I....thank you for agreeing to have me Sensei" Azreal bowed his head, both out of respect and to get a momentary extra glance at Hinata's chest, before looking back to her face, adjusting his bag on his back. "I'm looking forward to learning from you...and to living with you"
Uminator said:
When the door opened, Azreal wasn't entirely sure what to expect, though of all the things he could have imagined....that certainly wasn't it. As Hinata opened the door, Azreal found that his eye level was perfectly level with Hinata's impressive chest....and all he could find himself doing was staring rather openly straight ahead. This was by far the closest he'd ever really gotten to a girl before, certainly this part of a girl. They were so close....he could almost reach out and touch- "Ah!" He suddenly realised what he was doing, where he was staring and that Hinata had actually spoken to him. With a flush to his cheeks he rather quickly looked up in order to look the taller woman right in the eye this time, giving her a quick nod. "Y-yes! That's right! I'm's nice to meet you.." Of course he knew who she was....Hinata was well known among the younger male ninja of the village, for several reasons, two of which Azreal had been staring at until a moment ago. "I....thank you for agreeing to have me Sensei" Azreal bowed his head, both out of respect and to get a momentary extra glance at Hinata's chest, before looking back to her face, adjusting his bag on his back. "I'm looking forward to learning from you...and to living with you"

Hinata waited patiently till Azreal answered her smiling at him with a kin face as he introduces himself and calling her Sensei.
"Well I´m glad you think so and i´m glad to have a nice student like you i bet you know the rumours about you do you" she giggles "But you seem a lot nicer than they say come on it" she say kindly leading him in.
"First i will show you your room there you can place your things and then i will show you around" she say while walking him to his new room "here it is" she says pointing in a big room with a really comfy looking big bed an even bigger garderobe it was nicely made for him not too girlish.
After he let his bag there Hinata showed him the rest of the house, the bathroom, the garden, even her room and they ended in the living room sitting down on the couch together.
"So this is you new home.....i hope you like it" she asks kinda unsure what he will say, being nervous again like always

Hinata waited patiently till Azreal answered her smiling at him with a kin face as he introduces himself and calling her Sensei.
"Well I´m glad you think so and i´m glad to have a nice student like you i bet you know the rumours about you do you" she giggles "But you seem a lot nicer than they say come on it" she say kindly leading him in.
"First i will show you your room there you can place your things and then i will show you around" she say while walking him to his new room "here it is" she says pointing in a big room with a really comfy looking big bed an even bigger garderobe it was nicely made for him not too girlish.
After he let his bag there Hinata showed him the rest of the house, the bathroom, the garden, even her room and they ended in the living room sitting down on the couch together.
"So this is you new home.....i hope you like it" she asks kinda unsure what he will say, being nervous again like always
Hinata's reaction wasn't what Azreal was used to, he was much more used to people just avoiding him, certainly not wanting to get near him for fear they might end up being hurt. Hinata though smiled and welcomed him....he wasn't quite sure how to take that. She was right he knew the rumours about him, or some of them at least, there were so many going around it was impossible for him to overhear all of them. He just moved to follow her as Hinata headed inside, walking quite close behind her, partly to keep up, partly to watch that rather shapely behind swaying with every step she took, his eyes focused perhaps more on her than on his new home right now. He seemed pleased with his new room, it was certainly bigger than expected, especially the bed. When Hinata even showed him her own bedroom he was even more surprised, he never really expected to see this part of the house. Still, one thing he noted on his tour of the place, there wasn't a single sign of a man being here, or anyone besides Hinata for that matter. Well, that would at least make things a little more comfortable, living with too many people all at once might be a little overwhelming.
When they proceeded back to the living room, Azreal sat as close to Hinata as he dared, though was careful not to make contact with her. Even through his clothes and gloves it was possible for his Chakra to give people a shock. Nothing damaging, but still a sharp jolt. "It's nice....I do like it Sensei, I think I'm going to like living here" What was not to like? It was large, comfortable and he got to live with her of all people! "I'll do my best to be a good pupil and a good....what's the word....partner? Roommate?" Sat this close, it was hard for Azreal not to look Hinata up and down again, doing a poor job of hiding the fact he was checking her out, though given his complete and utter lack of social skills it wasn't really any surprise that he would have no idea how to actually be discreet around people. "I just hope you can help me get control like they said"
Hinata smiled kindly as the young man had his problems to talk to her *he will warm up i guess he is not really used to talking to people* she thought to herself. "i´m glad you like it and its big enough for both of us i would say" she said smiling at him "oh! arent you warm? i mean wearing gloves and that stuff you can take that to your room if you want to........oh wait now i know" she saysy giggling "its because you are afraid of hurting me is it? thats very cute" she gets closer to him and gently pushes her finger on some points of his body not thinking about what a boy his age would be thinking in this kind of situation.
"it should be ok for you now, i blocked some main chakra points so i think it will last like that for about 3-4 hours" she smiled at him again "and lets say we are roommates it sounds more relaxed dont you think, and i hope i will be a good enough sensei for you too" she says suprised about his kindness and polite attitude "i will do everything i can to help you Azreal" she say with a serious look on her face
"Even if I am warm, I have to wear this stuff, not just for my own good but for everyone else too. It's not that I'm afraid I might hurt you, it's because I know I would. Without these, it wouldn't even take direct contact, just getting within a few inches and...." Azreal shook his head slowly, then blinked as she seemed to call him cute, then move closer to him. "Uhhh..." As she got closer, his eyes became focused on her chest again, which was getting close to his face. Before he could stare too much though, he gasped as her fingers began to press at various points on his body. Despite her training, even Hinata would be able to feel it, the moments before the chakra points closed she would get a sharp jolt of Chakra, almost like an electrical shock into her finger.

"Ah...that...feels kind of weird..." Azreal shifted slightly, the sensation of the blocked points being rather unusual...he wasn't sure if he liked it or not, it felt like there was a pressure beginning to build up inside of him, though he dismissed it as his imagination for the time being. "But thanks....I'm sure it'll help me get used to being around you...." And being around her a lot was certainly what Azreal wanted....who knows...maybe he'd get lucky and catch a glimpse of her changing or in the bathroom...maybe she'd be forgetful and leave a door open.... "Oh...I guess I should unpack my things in my room shouldn't I? Help me feel more...moved in?" Not that Azreal had many things, a bag containing a few clothes, some typical ninja tools.....and a few....'personal' magazines....
*This boy is way too wonder that he has problems to keep his power in check he even hurt me while i was releasing chakra into his body.....its almost like an imune system outside of his body" Hinata thought and looked at the boy curiously. Then her expression changed again and she put on her kindly smile again, she didnt want him to worry more than he already did. Hinata already thought about training methods for him and what would be mor effective *its going to be very hard* she thought.
As Azreal said he wanted to unpack some things, Hinata came back from her thoughts smiled kindly at him and said "yes thats a good idea just do what you feel like i think today we have a free day to get to know each other, and i know it feels weird but you have to manage it somehow cause its the best for you, you can change into more comfy things now and even get in touch with other persons" she giggles "like me for example, if you help me with something and you touch me nothings gonna happen and thats something new for you isnt it?" she smiled as the young boy went to unpack his stuff.
*I have a feeling that this boy will suprise me more and more each day* she thought
"Get in touch with other people?'s not like I have anyone to get in touch with. My 'condition' didn't exactly earn me a lot of friends, who wants to be friends with someone who'll hurt you just by getting too close?" Azreal sighed softly as he stood up, looking at Hinata as she giggled. She was so beautiful...Azreal blushed slightly as he thought, finding himself staring at her once again, rather openly for several moments, before he took a deep breath. "Ah, right....I should go and get unpacked right?" He had one last glance at Hinata's chest before turning to head for his room, his mind swimming with images and fantasies. Though he shivered slightly as he walked, his chakra still feeling a little unusual after what Hinata had done. Still, he assumed he would get used to it, Azreal didn't realise that his chakra was just re-directing itself, focusing somewhere else within his body...somewhere lower...
As the day goes by Hinata didnt hear much from Azreal during their first day together in one house. The evening is coming closer and Hinata decided to make him a good dinner for his first day here but he has to work for it too so she called him into the living room. "hey" Hinata smiled kindly at him "I´m going to make us dinner, i will prepare some things now but i want to take a bath before that could you prepare it for me while i prepare for making dinner" she said. Her innocent nature drives many man crazy but because of that many man love her kindhearted as she is.
she sent the boy off and started to prepare dinner, she wanted to make something special for him to make him feel a bit more at home.
As the day went on Azreal settled into his room, unpacking his clothes, though the odd sensation within him also kept building. It was like a small pressure was building up a little, but he just ignored it. He assumed this was simply how people felt when their chakra wasn't constantly trying to escape from their body.
As he returned to the living room after being called, he tilted his head slightly as she told him she wanted to take a bath, asking him to prepare it for her. Well, that was only fair. And besides, doing something so mundane, so normal, he rather cherished the opportunity to do something from living a normal life. And after all, that was part of why he was sent to live with Hinata, not just to train as a ninja, but to merely train as living like a normal person. "Yes Hinata-sensei, right away" He nodded lightly, turning to head for the bathroom.

As he began to run the water, ideas were swimming through Azreal's head. His first action was to look around for hiding places, where he might perhaps see her bathing...but he quickly thought better of it. He'd heard rumours of the Hyuuga abilities, to see things that were hidden. His next thought was an old prank, to put something within the door lock to keep it from locking and shutting all the way. But again he thought better of it. Such a simple prank, a trained ninja would notice it right away. Normally Azreal wasn't one to worry about those kind of consequences, but this was different....he couldn't risk screwing things up with Hinata this early, his life would be miserable if she hated him. So he just prepared the bath, hoping that perhaps he'd get lucky, that perhaps Hinata would be so used to living alone that she would leave the door open, allowing him to get just a peek of her....god the thought excited him...then again it would excite every male ninja in the village.
When Hinata finished the first preperations for dinner she asked Azreal if the bath is ready for her´, the answer was yes and so she went to the bath were he was waiting. "Thank you very much" Hinata said giving him a cute smile touching his hair "I´m going to take my bath now you can do what you want in the meantime" she said.
As the boy headed off Hinata went into the bathroom closing the door, it could be that she didnt see that the door still was open a little but it also could be that she simply trusted Azreal maybe she was just too innocent, either way the door wasnt locked and not even closed completely. Hinata began to undress putting every piece of clothing aside, as she got rid of her shirt her big tits bounced free and Hinata had to hold them tight. She dipped one foot in the water to see if its warm enough, then she got slowly in sighing *ahhh that feels good* she thought *its gonna be hard days starting tomorrow i hope he will like me as Sensei*
While she was bathing her thoughts drifted away and she finally relaxed
As Azreal was walking away from the bathroom, he couldn't help but notice...there was no tell tale click of the door shutting....and certainly no sound of a lock being turned. Could she have...could he really be that lucky? Silently the boy turned around, then made his way back towards the bathroom door. When he saw it was indeed open just slightly his heart skipped a beat. Maybe she was just so used to living alone that she only nudged the door shut, maybe she had simply forgotten, but whatever the reason....this was an opportunity he could not pass up. He got in place by the door, tilting his head just around enough to see through the gap, just in time to see Hinata beginning to undress. He shivered slightly, licking his lips, and then she started to remove her shirt. He widened his eyes, not wanting to blink for a even a second, he couldn't miss an instant of this.
When she pulled her shirt free...oh god they were even bigger than he imagined. And no bra! Then again given their size it was doubtful Hinata would find a bra that would fit comfortably. Despite that though, they were so firm on her chest, as if being held up. Then she grabbed onto them...Azreal had to bite his lip as he saw that. He could feel his body reacting....a bulge quickly forming in his pants. More than that though, the Chakra pressure that had been building within his body was rapidly becoming more and more intense, all of it now focused around his growing erection. When Hinata had blocked the flow of chakra escaping his body, she hadn't actually stopped it being produced. All of that Chakra had since been focusing within his body, and now it was being focused by his arousal.
Despite that though, despite the intense arousal that was building within him, Azreal continued to stare at Hinata in the bath, watching her skin glisten with the water, long hair cascading down her body. It was like looking upon the body of a lust goddess....and every second he looked just made his arousal, and his chakra, more and more intense.
Hinata was so relaxed she didnt noticed tha massive chakra that built up in her own home at first. Some time later she slowly stood up smiling relaxed, her body shining in the lights she said to herself "ok enough bathing now i´m gonna make him a nice dinner". She slowly went out of the bathtub to not slip and fall down all of a sudden. She wrapped a towel around her body to go to her bedroom with it when she suddenly felt the huge pressure in the air. She heard someone runningand then some noise like someone falling down, she used her byakugan and saw Azreal lying in front of the kitchen door trying to get up again but thats not what was worrying her. The chakra pressure inside his body was immense *did i make a mistake* she thought to herself but she also thought that it couldnt be she hit the chakra points directly. *Oh No!! its because his chakra is too strong i couldnt block them from the very beginning* she realised and hurried out of the bathroom to Azreal.
"Azreal" she shouted "dont move!!" she was afraid that his chakra will explode she needed to make his chakra leave his body not so violent, if it does the boy´s life could be in danger.
Azrael couldn't believe his luck...he was watching Hinata in the bath, watching her relax. Every so often she would move and he would be able to see her skin glistening, water running down between and around her breasts, dripping from her nipples everytime they emerged from the water. He had to hold his breath at times to suppress a gasp. It was an unusual way to put his ninja training to use, though the fact he was managing to remain concealed at the very least would show he had some talent. When Hinata emerged from the water entirely he watched for a few more moments, getting a good luck at her entirely naked body, his eyes widening. When she wrapped the towel around herself he suddenly realised she would be coming to the door soon, quickly moving to try and run down the hall, only to fall as he felt the Chakra inside of him building to near bursting point....and all of it was focused entirely around his crotch. The boy winced, then cried out, panting heavily.
As Hinata emerged from the bathroom and rushed towards him, he glanced up, seeing her running toward him in a towel...her huge breasts bouncing wildly from the motion. Oh god...that seemed to even further increase the chakra pressure in him. The boys pants were also straining, a rather large bulge within them, the part of his body seemingly trying to draw on the chakra pressure to release it. "H-Hinata-sensei...." He looked to her, shivering as he looked at her still glistening skin, both his arousal and the chakra pressure, now quite clearly linked, built even further.
Innocent Hinata was just focusing an the boys health not even thinking why he would have this buldge in his pants, she knew about sex and also about the mens body but she was just worried about the boys situation right now. Thinking of a way to help him she tried to talk to him "Hey....what happned...Azreal...can you talk?" the chakra in his body still building up and she really didnt know what exactly she could do to help him.
She could only block chakra but to free it the boy himself has to do something about it " have to think of a way to get rid of your you hera me?" she asked "you have to focus on a part of your body and then release your chakra there sont worry i´ll be ok" she said to him seeing him in pain like this made her fell the same pain, the pain of a very bad sensei.
It took a few moments for Azreal to process what Hinata was saying, his mind was somewhat clouded by the pressure building inside of him, still growing greater with every passing second. Alongside it, other urges were building as well, ones he had felt before, but never this intensely before. "I...I don't know what....I just suddenly felt..." Azreal winced again, his throbbing erection twitching inside of his pants...god, it was painfully tight now. He had to do something, not only was the pressure building inside of him, but now on the outside of his body too. It was getting painful, and there was only one thing he could think of to at least relieve some of the pressure. Under other circumstances, he wouldn't have done this, but right now he had no choice, not if he wanted to make the pain stop.
"Hinata-sensei..." The boy whimpered, then reached down, quickly tugging his pants and underwear away slightly, a 13 inch throbbing erection springing free, pre-cum flicking across Hinata's exposed cleavage, joining the water running down her body. The pressure had been relieved somewhat, but it was already being replaced by the still growing pressure inside of him. "Please...please help....I need to get it out.....the pressure..." His cock twitched powerfully, his chakra was focused intensely within both it and his huge balls.
Hinata was shocked as Azreal exposed himself to her but not only because of that also the little boy wasnt as little as she thought he would be "W-what are you doing Azreal!?!" Hinata shouted out as his cock jumped out of his pants covering her cleavage in pre-cum. She wanted to be angry at him but his pain filled expression and the fact that he really needed her help made her looking at the things in a different light. *well i guess its my fault for running around like this* Hinata thought to herself.

Her expression changed from unsure to serious, looking into Azreals eyes saying "Don´t worry i´m going to help you thats what a good sensei has to do". She was so sure about this looking at the 13 inch cock she moved her hand forward wrapping it around his cock slowly and gentle "i will help you" she whispered again to herself and started to move her hand stroking his cock slowly at first but getting faster by second
Azreal knew exposing himself like this was wrong but...he couldn't think of anything else to do, to relieve the pain and pressure. The relief was short lived though, and soon enough not only had the pressure from before returned, but had once more increased. Still, the fact that Hinata wasn't screaming and throwing him out was probably a good sign right? Still, what could he do? What more could he do to relieve the pressure that was still building and building in his cock?
He looked up as Hinata looked into his eyes, promising she was going to help him. "Th-thank you Sensei..." He nodded gently to her, then gasped as her hand wrapped around his cock. It throbbed in her hand, more pre-cum spurting from the tip. "O-oooh!" Azreal groaned loudly, the pressure was still there but the pain seemed to be slowly being replaced by pleasure as Hinata began to stroke him. " feels better..." He panted as she got faster. The Chakra would continue to build in his cock, almost beginning to reach dangerous levels. After a minute or so, Azreal couldn't help himself, his hips thrusting into Hinata's hands, so much so that the tip of his cock was trying to push up against her lips in order to penetrate her mouth. As good as this felt, Azreal couldn't help but want more....more pleasure.
Hinata was glad that she could help her student but she was very emberrassed as well, she stroke him faster every second and after a short while the young man exploded in her hands. But not only in her hands, his cum flew through the room and landed mostly on her, on her tits, on her arms even on her face and hair a little.
Hinata blushed hard as it happened and looked at Azreal relieved and pleased face, she couldnt help but smile a little, then she said "i hope you feel better now.......i guess i have to take a bath again....or at least a shower" she said "just try to not build up anymore chakra in one place thats very dangerous as you have seen"

"i think you should rest now" she said then and was about to stand up
"Ah...ah ah ah!" Azreal groaned as Hinata stroked him faster and faster, his cock twitching and throbbing in her hand, until finally the inexperienced boy could hold back no more, not that he made any real attempt to hold back. He cried out loudly as he came....and came...and came. The tip of his cock erupted with cum like lava from a volcano, spraying high into the air, showing back down onto the both of them, plenty of it getting into Hinata's hair and all over the exposed part of her breasts. When the boy finally did stop cumming, he dropped back down and panted heavily....though his cock was still as hard as ever, the chakra pressure only partially relieved, and already beginning to build again. "H-Hyuuga-sensei...I can't help it...I don't know why it's building's just been happening since you did that....thing..."

He grunted as his cock twitched, seeming to grow slightly as the chakra surged once again. As Hinata began to stand up, Azreal suddenly sat upright, grasping her arms, pushing her gently against the wall behind her. "'s not enough...I need more...I need more release..." He knew she could easily escape from his grasp, but as Azreal stared into Hinata's eyes, she would see the desperation, the need, in his own eyes. He didn't just want more, he needed more.
Hinata was shocked when the boy suddenly pushed her against the wall after all what she did for him. She wanted to push him away with her Juuken but then she looked in the young man´s eyes showing his despair and the need in his eyes. As Hinata saw that look she nearly started to cry herself she didnt know what to do now she didnt want to hurt her only and first student. After a short while of looking into his eyes she just pulled him to her and emraced him tightly saying "its won´t be alone this time........" her hand slowly moves down to his cock again and Hinata blushed again "I´m here for you....your sensei´s here for you" she said while embracing him and brushing through his hair.
Azreal knew that being so forceful with Hinata, pushing her against the wall like this, was a bad idea, but he was so desperate. Besides, he knew she could escape him in an instant if she wanted, despite everything she was by far the stronger and more skilled ninja of the two. But fortunately she didn't violently throw him away, she didn't scream at him, punish him, throw him out of her home. No, quite the opposite, she embraced him, in more ways than one. He shuddered as he felt her pressing against him, her giant breasts squashing against his chest, only the damp fabric of the towel now separating them.
His cock twitched powerfully in Hinata's hand when she touched it once more, this time she would feel tingles of electrical chakra sparking across her fingertips, though not painfully. "H-Hinata-sensei....I....please..." He glanced down, panting heavily, his hands moving slowly from where he had been holding her arms, up to her shoulders, then down a little, nudging the towel just enough in order to cause it to fall open and out of the way.
"Its ok...." Hinata said with her typically kind look while still embracing the young boy "i kn8w you had hard times out there but these times are oher now Azreal" she said and put up a smile feeling how the young boy started to relax again. She knew that he was not intentionally bad or wanted to hurt her, he had a hard time and Hinata knew that. And it was kinda her fault she didnt thought of the needs of this young man in front of her, it wasnt the best idea to take a bath with an open door.
She felt the towel sliding down her body to the floor, she was a bit embarassed but since he was younger than her she could put up with it. "Look at me" she said gently standing naked in front of him. "Your Sensei will be with you from now on so dont worry anymore ok?" Hinata said smiling kindly at him.
Azreal felt better with every word Hinata said, mentally at least, physically his body's cravings were now more desperate than ever, and his cock was throbbing madly to show it, it even seemed to have somehow gotten a little bigger than it already had been. When Hinata stood up and told him to look at her, Azreal wasted no time in complying, looking up at her and gasping at the incredible sight before him. Hinata's large breasts now fully exposed to him, her beautiful face and hair still somewhat splattered with his cum from his earlier fountain-like orgasm...she looked so perfect. But the sight also drove his desire even further, and the boy could hold back no longer, getting to his feet and rushing forwards.
His hands came up to grasp both of her breasts from the underside, his fingers sinking into the marshmallow soft flesh. As before there would be electric like jolts of chakra from his fingertips, seemingly stimulating Hinata's pleasure nerves directly. His mouth quickly affixed to one of Hinata's nipples, sucking hard, whilst his throbbing cock was prodding against her stomach and lower chest, leaving a sticky trail of glistening pre-cum all across her skin.
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