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You Asked.


Jan 8, 2009
      • And I provided.
        Here are photos of my precious little Tobii boy.

        For all of you who didn't hear, I recently found a kitten in my garbage.
        I took him in and how he's a part of the family!
        So here he is, ladies and gentlemen.


        Favorite blankie




        : P Mommy


        What choo lookin' at?


        EN GARDE Mr Cohen!


        Murr. Evil bunny is evil.[/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]
Even though I didn't ask for it, I will comment on it anyway.

Adorable! *snuggles kitty*
I didn't ask but he is damn cute ^^ I bet he is a bundle of energy.
Also how many pets do you have pretty?? It seems you have brought a lot into your home.
      • A dog, Roxie.
        Two cats, Dora and Tobii.
        A rabbit, Sander Cohen.
        and iguana, Joey.

        He's a bundle of energy when I'm trying to sleep!
Such a pretty cat! He seems very tame for a cat found in the garbage. xD
I saw a cat outside that looked EXACTLY like my cat, only fluffy.


My mom wouldn't let me keep it because it had a collar and we already have too many cats.
      • My mom wasn't home when I found him.

        By the time she did get home... I had already claimed him as mine.[/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]
Oh, he's a Norwegian Forest Cat. Lucky!

I have one of my own, named Specs. If she's anything to go by, Tobii is going to adore people, especially when they fawn over him. At length. Whenever he wants. Also, expect lots of talking, and long, thick, WARM fur that rarely gets matted.

      • Well, that's him in a netshell.

        Thanks for clearing that up. I thought he was a maine coon or something.
prettylykSIN said:

      • Well, that's him in a netshell.

        Thanks for clearing that up. I thought he was a maine coon or something.

      • Maine Coons are HOOJbig, and lack the distinctive patterns. Specs has the exact same white belly and grey tabby back.
I just realized that we have the same cat box.. foldy out thingamabob! 8D
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