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Questions specifically towards Admin.


Jun 22, 2015
Boxley, Arkansas
I'm creating a request thread and using a persons artwork/images. He asked me that in return I try to place his Patroen link where people can give money for him to continue his erotica artwork similar to the " please support us on Patreon". I was wondering if this is legal or permitted by site rules? If there aren't any written rules I just want to confirm with some admin on this site that it is okay for me to do so. Thanks.
In general, I don't care who you link to as long as it's legitimate (not virus infested or otherwise a scam) and not a place actively hostile to us (House Eros / Elysium). We appreciate links back where we can get them, and in the case of other communities or self promotion it's a requirement.
Gluttony said:
I'm not tech savy so I was with you until you said "We appreciate links back where we can get them," What do you mean by that?

Doesn't really apply in this case. You're encouraging support of the artist and that's perfectly fine.
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