A warlocks curse... [HimekoxErotica Maxima]


The wolf who serves
Mar 11, 2011
It had been a long day since she left from her last resting spot and here it was with the sun starting to set and her feet were killing her. "Just a bit longer boy." Himeko looked down at the giant cat that was walking along side her. Himeko Sunsorrow had been on a secret mission for Vol'Jin and left her home in Silvermoon a couple months ago. With the dark portal being opened again, but this time with legions of Iron Horde members pouring through it instead of demons. She would have been sent to the front lines with the others from her squad but her Warchief needed her to find information about how Garrosh had managed to escape and that there would be information somewhere in a uncharted place on the map. Vol'Jin had had his scouts search for this place and found somewhere close to where they were looking for and that is why she had been sent out. She was one of the true members of the Horde who stood by what the Horde was meant to be and helped overthrow the former Warchief of the Horde, Garrosh Hellscream.

She was a skilled tracker and a great huntress, so this mission was most suited for her. The forest seemed to go on forever and both her and her companion were tired and weary from the long day they've had. "Wait, do you smell that Tosho? Smells like a lake nearby. Which means a good place to rest and call it a night." She said softly as she reached down and petted the beast behind the ears. His glowing frosty blue eyes looked up towards her as he purred happily from the attention. They didn't know that they had been followed from the last village they had been at, seeing as whoever it was was very good at concealing themselves from both of them. After a little bit more of walking they both found themselves at a large clearing in the forest as a large lake was there. "Ahhh... A nice place to set up camp for the night." She sighed happily as she walked over towards the edge of the lake.

"I know we've been traveling for a long time, and I promise to make it up to you... But can you go get us fresh meat? I promise to fix it the way you like it." She asked Tosho who looked up at her, shaking his head before nodding and then headed off to go hunting. After watching his figure vanish into the forest she then started unpacking and setting up her campsite, fixing the tent up for the night as she then looked back at the lake. "I guess a little swim wouldn't hurt." She shrugged as she started undoing the chain-mail she wore. As she stripped down till she was completely nude, she then removed her helm and placed it neatly on her armor. As soon as the helm had been removed she allowed her eyes to adjust to the surroundings around her while her silver hair waved slightly in the air. Leaving her bow, arrows and other weapons with her armor behind as she walked into the lake. "Nnnn... Cold but feels very refreshing." She murred softly as she took the time to do a few laps in the lake before going back to the edge to relax and rest a bit, seeing as it would take a good while before her companion returned with dinner.
Opportunities had to be taken when they arose, or at least, these days that was the way she lived. Before, she'd actually been a respected Paladin, serving the Light and fighting the forces of darkness, heavy plate and hammer in hand. Not since her run in with a foul little imp of a Goblin when she was passing through Ironforge had she been able to continue her quest. Since then she had been transformed, in more ways than one. Her body had been altered, turning her from a proud warrior and a woman, to something slightly different. Her body was mostly the same, the violet skin, smooth and without imperfections had not change, her bust had grown slightly, her hips wider now, her hair and horns were as they had always been, even her legs, leading down to hooves, as all Dranaei had, were the same. The biggest change though, was between her legs. Where once her womanhood rested, now an engorged and throbbing shaft stood, pressed against her stomach, like it usually was. She'd been hexxed for turning down the Goblin's advances, not aware that it was a powerful Warlock, cursed as she was to have endless lust and to lust after those of her own sex.

She had not been able to remain in any settlement for long, always being drawn to one woman or another, leaving her a mess of sweat and semen and lust. The shame of it alone would have been enough to force her to leave, but the way they came after her, chasing her, hungry looks in the eyes of her victims... She was sure they wanted retribution for what she'd done. No, she had to leave, stay on the move, lest she be lynched and hanged for her crimes. She had gone from a proud, righteous Paladin, to a lustful creature, unable to control herself or her desires. She always felt the need for sex, always felt it pounding through her body, in her ears, constantly. Even as she left the last village she had been, she had caught sight of an Elf, young and lithe, which had gotten her blood pumping. The way it's animal companion followed her though, she was sure that she wouldn't have a chance to get to her, at least not safely... No, she'd have to wait... She'd have to follow her, wait till she was alone, or at least till she could deal with the pet...

Ellerii blinked at the thought train, realising just how heinous it was. She was already planning on ambushing this woman, ambushing her and taking advantage... She couldn't do it, but then, she'd already been following her for hours... The sun had already begun to lower in the sky by that point, night overtaking the light of day. She bit her lip as she realised that there was no turning back now. All she could do was remain out of sight, follow this one, and maybe, just maybe it'd be over quickly... She held back a good distance, little more than cloth protecting her now, her armour, her hammer, both gone, pawned off to pay for her travels. She had nothing to her name any more... She watched as the animal and the Elf separated, and realised that her chance had come... She followed through the brush, slowly, silently, watching as the Elf made for a lake.

She swallowed as the Elf stripped, feeling the lust burn inside her, till she couldn't wait any longer. She made her way out of the trees, pulling the cloth dress over her head, and letting it fall silently to the shore of the lake, before she slipped into the cool water, barely feeling it's coolness against her burning skin. She was like a shadow as she approached, closer and closer, till she was within arm's reach, and then she struck. Her arms wrapped around the Elf, her hands going straight up to her breasts, squeezing them gently, as she pulled her back, pressing her own body forward, her breasts mashing against the Elf's back, and the length of her rock hard shaft pressing against her sweet cheeks. "You are divine..." She purred in her ear as she ran her tongue along her neck. "Let me please you, let me show you everything..." She was lost to the curse by that point, her own rational mind crushed beneath the weight of the lust.
As Himeko rested in the water she allowed her eyes to close for a little bit as she let her mind slip into her own memories. She was remembering the time when Garrosh had been the Warchief and had enslaved all those who had been loyal to Thrall and refused to bend to his will in his "new Horde" he was creating. She was one of the many who had been enslaved and had been tortured for several months as he did his best to try and get her to bend and give into his visions. She was stubborn and wouldn't give into his will no matter what he had done to her. It had taken almost a year till she had been freed from her torment, and it was thanks to Vol'Jin and his people. Himeko had been a very lucky that she had not been killed, though many times she had wished Garrosh had just ended it.

When she saw Vol'Jin and the others she thought that it was just some sort of hallucination, but after being taken in by the Vol'Jin's healers who helped nurse her back to health, she then found out that it was real. She had been saved and owed everything to him. Garrosh had left Orgrimmar to get the ancient artifact from Pandaria and that was when she and several others had been freed. Vol'Jin knew that her lust for revenge was strong and reunited her with her former squad that had gone into hiding before Garrosh went on his rampage. That was when they were all brought together and that was when they made their allegiance to Vol'Jin and the Darkspear tribe as they worked together with the other races of the Horde to overthrow Garrosh and take him down once and for all.

Just as she was about to fall asleep she was then ambushed by someone who wrapped their arms around her body and the strange hands went straight for her ample breasts. "Th-The hell?!" She growled as she felt the hands starting to squeeze her breasts gently before being pulled back into the other's body. "L-Let me go!" She stammered as she felt the other person's breasts now pressing against her back along with something else, much harder that was pressing against her ass cheeks. She found herself blushing as the person behind her whispered in her sensitive ear as a tongue ran along her neck. "N-No! This is not right!" She replied as she tried to break free, but she was being held back and could feel her body starting to grow hot as the hard shaft continued pressing against her ass.

She didn't know what to do and her body was starting to weaken against the forced embrace while her nipples were starting to grow hard under the gentle squeezing. "What's going on with my body? Why is it starting to burn when we are in cold water?" She questioned as she found herself starting to pant while waiting for the answers that would soon come.
Ell lightly nibbled on the Elf's ear before she chuckled, her fingers expertly working on her nipple, while the other traveled down her body, trailing, feather light, dipping down beneath the surface of the water and continuing even further. "Haven't you ever enjoyed your body before?" She whispered, "Haven't you ever lain with a man? A woman?" She purred, as her fingers pinched the Elf's nipple, twisting it ever-so-slightly as she pushed her hips forward and back, sliding her throbbing shaft between those soft cheeks. She wanted to do so much more than that, she needed to do so much more... She pulled her hips back, away from the Elf's ass, and pressed the head of her meat between it's thighs, pushing forward, forcing it between them so that the top of her length slid along her slit. She could feel the water adding a level of lubrication to it all, making it just that little bit easier for her, which only added to the pleasure that tingled up her body.

"I will show you the pleasures of the flesh..." She whispered, "I'll make you scream in ecstasy... All you have to do is give in, and tell me you want it..." She went on, as her fingers finally finished their journey, expertly finding the little nub of the Elf's clit. She began to slowly draw circles over it with her fingers, as her hips pushed forward and back, drawing the length of her shaft over the Elf's pussy like a saw, feeling the pleasure in her own hips at the same time. "I promise you will not regret it... You'll enjoy it, even..." Ell knew that she would, there was a certainty about her, knowing that she'd give the Elf pleasures that she'd never experienced before, that she'd never forgot.

And this was the truth of the matter, every woman that Ell had ever been with, every woman she had ravaged, had hunted her down in the days that had followed, yes, but never for retribution. She could never remember the acts that she had done to them, but she recalled the shame of the sight of their bodies, covered in their lust, expressions blank and unfocused. She did not realise that she had given them so much pleasure that their minds could no longer cope, and they had blacked out. They had hunted her so that they could have more, almost as if they had been infected by the curse that had been cast upon her.
The only time Himeko had ever been 'in bed' with someone was back in Garrosh's dungeons where he had her body used for his men's pleasures. Not once had she enjoyed it, seeing as it had been forced upon her. But as the woman worked expertly on her nipple, the more she could feel her body starting to betray her. Unlike the ones who raped and ravaged her body before, this woman was more gentle and kind about it. "No... I've never enjoyed my body before... And the only men who 'slept' with me was against my will as they had raped and ravaged my body to fulfill their urges..." She replied as she could feel her face starting to burn when the woman pushing her hips forwards and backwards against her. She then felt the woman pulling her hips back away from her ass before pressing the head in-between her thighs as she then pushed forward, forcing it between them, causing it to slid against her slit.

"Nnnn... Please... You d-don't have to do this..." She said as she could feel her arms starting to grow limp as her body was slowly getting turned on. A part of her was wanting more, while the other part was repulsed by what was happening to her. She could feel the other hand slowly make it's way down her stomach and knew what was next to come. Once the fingers had reached her pussy she could feel them starting to work on her clit, causing a small moan to escape her throat. The panting had increased at this point and she knew she wouldn't be able to hold out for much longer if this kept up.

She was completely naked and exposed, yet she was also feeling her body start to give into the woman's lust. Her ears started lowering in submission as the woman's member moved back and forth against her pussy as she could feel her lower half starting to burn in need. "V... Very well..." She answered softly as her ears had completely lowered in submission now as her body couldn't handle it anymore. She needed a good fuck and this woman, which seemed like she had been using magic on her, yet she knew that wasn't the case. It was just the more the woman continued touching her body, the more that the lust would burn deep inside of her until she gave in, which she had.
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