My Pervert (Oreimo RP)



The early morning sunbeams shimmered from the distant horizon, spreading warmth across the city from the tips of the street lights to the clean concrete sidewalk. Summer was in full swing, or at least it felt that way to a certain highschool model who turned one last corner. She reached up and brushed a strand of her hair away from her face, an ill-subdued scowl causing her eyes to slightly narrow.

Ayase let out a sigh, shifting the loaded bag resting on her right shoulder before walking toward the steps leading up toward his room on the second floor. While virtually all the girls in Kyousuke's life had wished to take turns caring for him, the privilege, or the chore rather, fell to Ayase due to scheduling conflicts and other outside forces. She had volunteered for this, but even so she could not help but worry that he had come to take her services for granted.

Well, if it helped keep his claws away from Kirino, then it was time well spent regardless. The pervert did not know when to call it quits. They were related, damn it! Ayase's eyebrows twitched just thinking about it. If he learned to appreciate the company of other females as a side-effect, that would be just fine... Granted that he kept his mitts of herself as well.

She certainly would not want that... Or at least she had convinced herself of such for the time being.

With an audible sigh she rapped her knuckles on the doorpost briefly before turning the knob, letting herself in without further ado. She had much to do and little time to waste on pleasantries. Kyosuke being the pervert he was, she would rather save her breath on more fruitful endeavors, namely cleaning, dusting, and cooking.
Kyouske sat impatiently on the floor drinking his coffee as he tried to study. He knew the pressure was on to do well on his test so he didn't let his family down...but there was one thing that kept distracting him....and that was the beautiful girl that kept visiting him everyday to clean his room and help him study. Ayase, to the young man, was the most beautiful girl he had ever met, save only prehaps for his own sister, and even then it would be a close contest.

He liked her the moment he saw her and that affection only grew when he realized just how much she truly cared for Kirino, like he did. That shared affection for his sister brought them closer, even if neither of them admitted he. Even with the way she treated him, he couldn't help but think that deep down, that was her way of showing that she cared for him. After all...why else would she take time out of her day everyday to see him and help him.

It was the highlight of his day everyday when Ayase walked through the door, and this day was no different. When the beautiful young woman walked through the door, Kyousuke quickly stood up, a beaming smile on his face as he walked towards her. "Good morning, Ayase-chan! Thank you again for coming to see me today!" He chuckle as he held his arms open, trying to hug the girl he wanted to show affection for, though a hug was all he was currently comfortable trying, anything else and he feared for his life...
"Don't greet me in such a gross manner," Ayase took half a step back, her arms drawn across her chest protectively, "You pervert... Just who the hell do you think you are, anyway?" While her initial reaction was to swing her bag at his face, she thought better of it. He could have tried something even more disgusting, after all, and there was no need to reward stupidity with violence. Just what did Kirino see in an idiot like him? Ayase for one was at a loss, but the more time she spent with him the more tempting it became to simply beat his idiocy out of his face with a frying pan or tie him to his bed post until hunger drove it from him. Thankfully, she chose neither of these courses of action.

Instead, the girl deftly avoided his arms, slipping by him with her bag in hand. She stepped into the kitchen, slipping her shoes off and replacing them with a pair of slippers before reaching into her bag and unfolding a pink apron, which she promptly tied around her waist, smoothing it out with her hands before starting on her work. She hummed while stepping about the apartment, dusting off the shelves and counter tops with her little hand duster, trying her best to completely ignore Kyosuke lest the urge to punch him grow to such an extent that her willpower would prove insufficient to resist it. Why did Kyosuke annoy her so much? She did not have a clue at this point, but perhaps a small part of her did know... A part that she chose to ignore for the time being.

What Ayase did pay attention to was his laundry, which she pulled out of his hamper and rolled into a ball, taking it with her over to the washer and dryer. How did a single young man run through so much laundry, anyway? Ayase tried not to think about it too hard as she began to divide the light-colored clothes from the dark-colored ones.
Kyousuke was clearly hurt by the girl's sharp and bitter words. Tears seemed to be forming on his eyes as he frowned largely. "Ayase-chan! Why do you have to be so mean...." He whined slightly, his tone clearly a hurt one. He let out a sigh and then chuckled as he smiled, "Well, I suppose that is just what I should expect, you hate me after all, don't you?" He asked her with a grin, his expression an affectionate one. He knew Ayase didn't really hate him...even if she often said she did. She wouldn't be here helping him if she did.

When she started to sort his dirty clothes, he blushed slightly. He thought it was quite embarassing for a girl other than his mother to be going through his clothes. "Here...let me help with that." He quickly moved to her side, helping her sort his clothes. Every few moment, their hands would brush against each other as they reached in for an article of clothing at the sametime, though the boy didn't seem to mind the slight contact at all.
"I would not have to say all that if you would stop being such a pervert," Ayase huffed, refusing to answer his voiced question, "If you can't even do that much, why don't you just roll over and die?" She took the laundry with her, ignoring what else he might tell her along the way. Why did he push her buttons so easily? It was as if he knew exactly how to draw the strongest reaction and did it repeatedly just to get a rise out of her.

"I never asked for your help... Go study or something," Ayase rebuffed him once again, "That's why you are living here by yourself, isn't it?" Despite her words, however, she let him help her sort the clothes, her hands jerking back every time their skin touched. She looked over him with building suspicion, wondering if he was doing it on purpose just to mess with her.
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