Duties of a King (RoleplayMaster x Celebstars)


Jun 26, 2013
Tommen stared at his book, learning about some of the previous wars that had happened across the Seven Kingdoms. The book detailed the sides, their leaders, their strategies, and the victor. Every page was filled with gory details of people that died in the most gruesome ways. For most 15 year old boys, this would be the best thing ever. For Tommen though, this was barely anything.

Growing up was never a problem for Tommen Baratheon. His family was one of the most wealthy in Westeros, so he usually got what he wanted. At least, anything he could buy with gold. When it came to everything else, his brother Joffrey would get it.

Joffrey was Tommen's older brother, and King of Westeros. Even growing up, Joffrey had gotten everything. He got the most attention from their mother and uncle. He would get first pick when it came to toys, to tutors, and even the people they hung out with, it wasn't fair. And since he was older, Tommen also got the title of King, and the beautiful wife to go with it. And all Tommen got was a seat on the sidelines. The boy was too distracted by his thoughts to notice the door open behind him, bringing in a visitor.
"Are you crazy!" Said the future Queen.

"Keep your voice down!" The grandmother of Margaery ushered in a whisper with a stern look. "No one will suspect a thing, it will fall to whoever the poor bastard is who gives him his drink."

"It is murder!"

Stopping her in her tracks, the old lady held her granddaughter's wrists. Falling silent as a guard walked past, she began to talk. "If you think I am letting that boy marry you and do awful things to you then you do not know me." Linking their arms, they moved on, walking in the garden's of King's Landing. "Now, you must do something, you have to assert your stance here, so you will go to Tommen."

"That's why you wanted to talk to me isn't it." Margaery knew her grandmother fitted in rather well here, to well.


The door slowly creaked to Tommen's chamber as Margaery entered. The room was well lit with the window he had opened. "Studying, a smart move." She said, seeing the book open. "But don't believe everything you read, King's and Queen's will always bend the stories to suit them and make them look powerful."

Walking closer, she was standing in the middle of the room, her hands by her sides. "Will you ever do that? When you tell people your stories?"
The boy jumped as he heard a voice, knocking him out of his thoughts of hate and jealousy, only to find the woman he was jealous of Joffrey for. Margaery Tyrell, arguably the most beautiful woman in Kings Landing, stood in his room. It took a moment to realise that she had spoken to him and she was waiting for a reply, and he blushed lightly when he realised his error. He didn't apologise though, hoping that his silence was not noticed. "Uh.. Stories? What makes you think I'll have stories to tell?" He retorted with a small, timid smile. Did she want something? Or was she just here to talk?

This was the first he had spoken to Margaery, other than brief hellos in passing. "If I do have stories to tell, I'll tell them honestly. Kings and Queens lie to make themselves look more powerful, yet I will not be King for years.. Or possibly ever" He said, a slight look of disappointment on his face showed for a brief moment, before disappearing.
"You will have stories to tell one day when you are in battle, riding bravely on your horse at the enemy, thinking of the one you love so dear back home. The flag you swear alliance to, the family you plan to protect. You will tell stories Tommen Baratheon. Just up to you how they are told" she smiled weakly.

Listening to him go on about being King, she was just as devious as her grandmother. "Be careful, speaking like that, someone would say you wanted the King dead." Turning around her, she closed the door, her hand planted flat against the wooden surface.

Moving back to the center of the room, her hands were in front of her, fingers linking with the other. "I know Joffrey isn't the best, but to say you want him dead is treason, you do know that?" The woman was playing with his mind. "I will not tell, you just want to be King yourself, every man wants to be King."

Leaning in, she whispered something in to his ear. "I think you would make a great King." Smiling when she pulled back, she turned her back to him, showing her bare flesh above her ass in the dress. "Our secret" before walking away.
His smile grew as she described him riding into battle, thinking of how amazing such a feeling must be. To fight for your family and your home, and bring honour to yourself. It would be an amazing experience, though he wondered if he would live to tell the tale, let alone spin it in a way that made it seem better for him.

The smile faded away as Margaery spoke of him wanting the King dead. "He's my brother! I don't want him dead" He protested, though he was not quite sure any more. Did what he said imply that he wanted his brother dead, so he could take his place? No.. right?

He blushed as he heard her say that she thought he would be a good king, replying with a soft "Thank you." His soon to be sister-in-law turned around, giving her a nice view of her butt and the skin revealed just above it, and she walked off. "I look forward to the wedding" Tommen said, watching as she left, shutting the door behind her. "That was odd" he said softly to himself.
"Joffrey!...Joffrey!!" Margaery shouted, seeing his face turn colour, running around the table, past her grandmother, the newly crowned Queen went to his side, holding his head. She didn't get a look in though as Cersei came from nowhere, pushing his wife out of the way so she could cradle him herself as she cried. A few fake tears left Margaery's face, before false anger erupted. "Who did this!" She shouted, before Tryion, was named by his sister.

Later that night, with King's Landing still in shock, Margaery was in the garden's, she knew Tommen often walked in these parts so she laid in waiting. It was to risky to go to his chambers after what had just happened so she wanted to make it seem like their meeting was by chance. To everyone else, Margaery had said she needed some air, it was a welcome escape to from that bitch of a mother in law who tried to say she wasn't Queen. On the day of her son's death no less. Nothing would surprise her about Cersei any more.

Hearing a rustling in the bushes, Margaery spun around on the stone bench, looking upset.
Tommen sighed, walking through the gardens all alone. Today was horrible, as he had seen his brother die with his own eyes. He couldn't get that image out of his mind, of Joffrey's face turning purple with his mother and sister-in-law crying over his body. He knew it would be a few nights before he could sleep again.

His mind kept going back to the conversation he had with Margaery. She thought he wanted Joffrey dead, and now coincidentally he was dead. She would think it was him! Tommen would go to the cellar and eventually he would be beheaded for treason. It was horrible!

Stuck in his own thoughts, he rounded a corner and saw Margaery sitting on a stone bench, upset and alone. "Lady Tyrell" He greeted softly, approaching her slowly. "Would you like to be left alone, or do you want company?" The boy asked gently, unsure if she wanted to be upset with no one looking at her, or if she would want someone's shoulder to cry on.
It was him, her plan had worked, not she had to be careful the way she played it out. Maybe react angry? Blame him for their conversation? No, it would scare him away, he was only fifteen. The upset approach would be better. "I did come here to be alone, but I can see you are upset to are you not? My grandmother, my dear grandmother always said two upset people half the sad times." She wanted to roll her eyes, her relative's saying drove her crazy but it might work now.

"Sit down" moving over, she picked up her dress, and then placed her hand flat against the space, wanting him to come over. "We are alone here, I asked the guards not to follow me. Sometimes I come here and just look up at the stars, wondering what it all means. Why would Joffrey be dead!" Falling on to Tommen's chest, she sobbed, a napkin arriving as she placed a hand to her face, the other on his chest. "I can't bare it. I know he wasn't a nice person, but I didn't deserve for him to die. I just wanted a good man, a nice man."

Crying, she sobbed, eyes closed whilst leaning on the boy.
Tommen nodded slowly when she asked if he were upset. He may not have looked as upset as he should have been though, since it was his brother. His eyes were red as if he had just been crying, but tears were not running down his cheeks at a constant rate like Margaery.

Sitting down at Margaery's invitation, he looked at her as she spoke. He was about to reach out to comfort her, when the woman leaned into him, her head and hand on his chest. The feeling was very nice and he smiled for a brief moment, but was glad that Margaery didn't see it. He had never been this close to a woman that wasn't his mother or sister. "It's alright" He cooed softly, rubbing her back while she cried.

He nervously spoke up, knowing he had to say something before she accused him. "It wasn't me." The boy said, before following it up. "I didn't kill him. You mentioned the other night that you thought I wanted him dead, but I didn't. Someone else did it." He explained. He was horrible at explaining things, and if anything, he sounded more suspicious.
"You...you...I remember, I had actually forgotten!" Standing up to make herself have more authority she looked down at the boy. "You said you wanted to be King!" Her face had an anger about it, she saw the worried look on his face as he denied any of it. Exactly what she wanted to see. "No..it couldn't of been you." Sitting down next to him again, she took his hand in hers and rested it on her lap. "You are a sweet boy, you wouldn't do that, I know. Please forgive me my King." Purposely adding on the last two words.

"It was your Uncle, Tyrion, he gave him the cup, I did not know for one so small he would be bigger than any of us with his boldness." Looking away, so she was hiding her face she began to cry once more. Then lifting her hand up from her lap with his, she put it on her chest. "My heart bleeds in pain my King." His hand against the breast now, only the thin layer of clothing preventing him from touching her skin.

"I wish I had someone to share my pain with."
Tommen was clearly worried when she began to accuse him, looking angry at him for taking away his husband. His heart was beating fast, and he was bracing himself to run despite the fact that he was innocent. Thankfully, she calmed down and realised that he wouldn't do that as he was a 'sweet boy'. Being called 'my king' was new to him and would take some getting used to. He had to ensure that he didn't let it go to his head like it did with Joffrey.

The boy was quiet, like usual. He was always told that if he didn't have anything worth saying, don't say it. He preferred to listen rather than talk, as you could learn a lot from someone from listening to them. There was something.. off, about Margaery and how she spoke, but Tommen could not understand what it was. He was distracted from this when Margaery took his hand, placing it on her breast. His cheeks turned a deep crimson, trying not to close his hand on her breast.

"You do! You do have someone to share your pain with. I lost a brother too, so I know what you're going through. If you ever need someone to talk to, I'll be here for you" He promised her softly, offering a small smile.
Letting go of his hand on her chest, she took it away, smiling at him but not in an eager way. "Thank you, I know you share my pain, your mother is very upset to, she needs you. You should go and see her." Rubbing his arm now, she stood up. Slowly walking away, Margaery tried not to push it to far, she had to be subtle.

"Goodnight" she said, wiping her eye, thinking it was a nice touch.

The following day, things were different. All meetings and council were cancelled, instead, everyone was talking of trials and replacements. Guards were thought to be at blame just as much as Tyrion who was rotting in a cell.

A handmaiden approached the Queen, although that title wasn't sure to last long. "Your Grandmother and brother are in the garden's your grace, they wish to speak with you."

"Thank you" making her way down, she joined up with her family.
Tommen nodded at Margaery's suggestion, standing up and feeling disappointed that he was no longer touching her breast. "Goodnight" He said, watching her walk off before making his way back to the castle.


When Margaery joined up with Ser Loras and her grandmother, she was sitting down near the gardens while Loras stood nearby. The old lady gently gestured for Margaery to sit opposite her, watching as her granddaughter sat.

"So how did it go last night with your encounter with Tommen? Did he seem suspicious of you?" Lady Olenna asked. She waited for a reply before continuing.

"Good good.. Now, with Cersei becoming increasingly suspicious of you, you need to ensure that Tommen has all of your trust. Make him like you. He's a fifteen year old boy who's stuck in the castle all day. I doubt he's had much experience with a woman such as yourself. It's common knowledge now that you are betrothed to him now that Joffrey's dead. Show him some of the benefits of marrying you." Olenna said, before adding "Don't go too far with it. I don't want you pregnant on your wedding day" She smiled.

"I'm on guard for Tommen's room tonight. There's no chance that your late night meeting with your betrothed will be spoken of to Cersei" her brother, Ser Loras promised.
"It went well, I didn't push it to far, he seemed worried about how I might think it was him who did it because he wants to be King. I played on that but told him I knew it wasn't him. He isn't suspicious."

Stopping now, she listened to her grandmother go on. Telling her how she would now be promised to Tommen after the death of her husband. Interrupted by her brother, she heard how he was on duty tonight. "Don't listen in" she smiled at him, before turning back to her grandmother. "I will talk with him tonight, Cersei probably has already, who knows how she has her claws in to him with all the rumours going around about her brother."

The talk wasn't long, but Maragaery stayed for lunch with her family, it was a beautiful day, yet they couldn't act happy in it, no one would because of the death the day before.
Lady Olenna nodded at Margaery as she explained what had happened and what Margaery planned to do, and soon those matters were put to the back of their mind as they had lunch together.


That night, Ser Loras waited outside Tommen's room, watching for anyone with ill-intent, or for his sister. When she arrived, he quietly greeted her and let her inside. Tommen didn't hear her enter. The boy rested on the ground on the other side of his bed (the side far from the door), stretching his legs. The only evidence that he was in the room was one of his feet poking out from the end of the bed.
She walked along the lantern lit corridors, the orange glow making Maragaery look as beautiful as ever, she finally arrived at Tommen's chamber, seeing her brother there guarding it. "How has he been? Has he even left his room?" She asked, not seeing him all day. After a little more conversation with her sibling, Margaery opened the door quietly, peering in and seeing no one. Her first glance would of been the bed, then her nose turned the corner of the door to see the desk where she spoke with him a couple of days ago.

"He isn't in there" she whispered to her brother, before one final look to the left and saw his feet. Walking in, she placed her soft hands against the wooden surface and closed the door quietly. Taking her shoes off, she she stepped with the soles of her feet, climbing on to his bed, walking on her hands and knees until she looked over the far side.

"Why are you not sleeping" she gazed down at him, her face resting on her hands whilst looking down, laying flat on her stomach on the silk sheets. "Do you mind if I am here? I was hoping we could talk, I noticed we had a lot in common, you like to read as do I." Lowering a finger, she brushed it against his cheek and then ran them all through his golden hair, the colour of his house.

"To be honest I get lonely during the night now that Joffrey isn't here."
Loras shook his head "He's inside. Hasn't left since I got here" Margaery's brother told her, letting her inside.


Tommen was laying on the ground, stretching his limbs. Eyes looking up at the ceiling, he was surprised when a head popped out of no where, and it was the face of his betrothed smiling down at him. "Sore limbs. Can't sleep if I'm sore" He answered her. "No, I don't mind. I like the company" The boy grinned up at her, blushing as she ran a finger across his cheek and through his hair. "If you get lonely, I'm usually here in my room. Come by any time you like" He offered. It was better than being alone.

Slowly, the boy sat up, groaning softly. "Might lie down for a bit on the bed." He smiled at her, sitting on the bed and waiting for her to move a little bit before sliding under the sheets. "So what did you want to talk about?"
Moving off the bed when he got on it, she helped tuck him in to the sheets, pulling it over his body up to his chest. "I'm glad you want me here, that you don't mind if I visit you." Sitting back on to the bed, her ass was on the edge, one leg crossed over showing some thigh.

"I wanted to talk about us silly" she smiled. "We are going to be married soon, everyone sees it as being a good idea, to keep our families together." Moving to his side, she laid on her hip, elbow resting and keeping her head steady on her hand.

"How do you feel about it? I was going to be with your brother? We never did anything though, never even kissed before." Leaning over to the King, who was going to be properly announced tomorrow Margaery kissed his cheek. "There, we have done something now, I am all yours" Her finger tapped his nose before she turned on to her back, staring up at the ceiling.

"Your in good hands with my brother outside, he wont't let any harm come to you. Not just because your a King, but because you are mine"
"It feels.. wrong, that you were to be with my brother, and now your with me. Don't get me wrong, I love having you around and I do look forward to us being together, but Joffrey died and that's why you're with me" He told her quietly. "He died and everything of his became mine; his room, his clothes, his position, his duties.. his betrothed." Tommen listed off. Thankfully some of those things either weren't used much or at all by Joffrey, so it didn't have any reminders of Joffrey when he was with those particular things (Particularly, Margaery).

A blush came to the boy's cheeks as she kissed him, the feeling of her lips on his face burning into his skin in a pleasurable way. He felt that if someone asked him hours from now where he had been kissed, he would be able to accurately trace where her lips had been placed. Tommen smiled as she mentioned why she did it, saying how that was something that the pair of them have done now, that she and Joffrey had not done.

Margaery rolled onto her back, and he couldn't help but glance down her cleavage briefly. It was easy to look down, so it was a challenge to not let his eyes drift. "Your brother's outside? I feel safer already" He smiled at her. "So um.. You asked how I felt about us.. But you never said how you feel" He mentioned, hoping for an answer.
She knew he looked at her cleavage, it made her smile inside at how innocent he was and how his curious mind worked. "How I feel?" Margaery replied, turning on to her side, laying on her up, head back on her hand. The dress grew tighter as she rolled over, her breats practically wanting to burst, her nipples were even showing through.

"How I feel" she said. "Well..I feel like the luckiest girl in the world. You know, every girl wants to be royalty, every little girl wants to be a princess, but then reality sets in and then they just do whatever job they can. But for me, it stays with me, I don't just want to be a princess, I want to be a Queen, your Queen. I feel amazing to be yours, I just hope you want me of course" she winked at him with a smile.

Although this was a game, as everything was in King's Landing, Margaery thought he was pretty cute, she liked his blonde hair, even if it was part of being a Lannister.

"You know, you don't have to steal looks at my breasts, you can stare as much as you like, they will be yours after we are married."
Her answer made him smile widely, her admission of wanting to be a princess and queen sounding quite familiar to him; his younger sister, Myrcella, often spoke of being a princess since their dad was a king, but he never really thought that all girls wanted that.

"Want you? Of course I do. Why wouldn't I?" He replied quickly, not wanting to put any doubt in her mind that he wanted her as a wife. His smile stayed wide, but a blush accompanied it as she mentioned his glance at her chest. He didn't think it had been obvious, but in fact, it had. Thankfully she didn't mind, and even encouraged it, which was nice. "S-Sorry. Just um.. You're the first woman I've been with and will be with, and um.. it's just hard not to look" he admitted.
"I hope the only woman you will ever be with to!" Her hand pushed against his chest playfully. "I don't want to marry someone who is going to be with whores. You only belong to me, as I only belong to you." Taking his hand with the one she just pushed him with, Maragaery locked her fingers in with his, "see we are one." Her eyebrows lifted up with a joyful look, then she spoke about something serious.

"Tommen, you know some people will try to break up us, say we aren't good enough for one another. I don't believe that, I want to be your wife, I want you to be my husband. We can rule together, have so much fun and I would give you many children." A finger from her spare hand brushed some of his hair away as she held his hand still.

"We can't let that happen for the good of the kingdom OK?"
Tommen smiled at her and shook his head. "No, I would never be with whores." He promised her, managing not to stutter over the word 'whores'. His smile faded slightly as the conversation turned more serious, giving a small nod. "I think we'll make a good couple. I don't enjoy when people think they know what's best for me, so if someone tries to stop us from being together, I won't let it influence us." He promised her. The idea of them having many children together made him blush quite a bit.
Smiling as he agreed with her, Margaery brushed his hair some more with her fingers. "I am proud of you, you are being a great King already. Maybe you will be better suited to it than your brother. Leaning in and kissing his cheek, the future Queen once more showed him some love and rested on her side, arm laying on her hip.

"I will leave when you want me to as I am yours. Do you want me to leave? Or would you rather me stay?
The boy blushed deeply as the woman kissed his cheek, watching as she altered her position to be on her side on top of the bed. His eyes ran back down to her chest, hoping the fabric would loosen enough to reveal what was hidden beneath, but unfortunately he was not that fortunate. His attention went back to Margaery's face when he heard her voice, asking him if he wanted her to leave or stay. "Stay! Please stay." He told her instantly, not hesitating at all. "I am usually stuck in this room all day, so the only people I get to see are yourself, mother, and Maester Aemon, who teaches me and gives me homework. I look forward to these visits" he admitted with a shy smile.

His eyes roamed her body for a moment, his blush deepening as an idea came to him. She had told him that she was 'his', so hopefully she wouldn't mind his offer. "I-If you like, you could join me under the sheets. You don't have to of course" Tommen hastily added
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