Elsa Finds Love (Ryanmo97 x Horror_Show)


May 18, 2010
Ryan Morris
Age: 35
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 195 lbs.

Ryan Morris was a self-made millionaire. He owned a very successful company that sold consumer electronics to various businesses. He sold it a few years ago for $250 million. He took that money and through good investing he figured he was set for life. He bought 50 acres of land in the country outside of Detroit, Michigan. There is some woods, a natural pond feed by a waterfall and some open fields of land. He built a nice two story house there for him to live in. He had just about everything. The only thing he was missing was someone to share it with. He had gone on a lot of dates over the years but he still hadn't found the one.

The two most important people in his life were his 33 year old sister, Gwenevere. But everyone called her Gwen. And her 10 year old daughter, Annabelle. Ryan and Gwen lost their parents in a car crash a few years ago and Annabelle's father was a one night stand than Gwen had. Gwen and Annabelle lived in the suburbs of Detroit and visited him often.

One night, there was a big thunderstorm. He was watching CNN, when there was a very loud lighting strike. Ryan saw the flash of light and to him it it looked ice blue more than white. Then, a few moments later he heard a knock on his door. He was surprised that anyone would be traveling in this weather. He went to the door and was surprised to see two young women there. One dressed like Elsa from the movie Frozen. The other was dressed like her sister Anna.
The boom rolled across the valley, announcing the start of what the brooding cloud layer had promised since dawn. The boughs of the trees swayed in the strengthening gust, surrendering their fall leaves without a fight. Portals between two worlds were opening in the midst of the night, ancient and powerful spells and been performed and put into action to send both Elsa and Anna to Earth that night. They would believe it was pure evil, a curse by one of the many villains of their own fantasy world, but in retrospect it was for their own protection.


Blackened clouds that dominated the sky swirled building on top of one another. After a few experimental drops the clouds unleashed a torrent of water, driven by wind strong enough to push the gorse bushes flatter and scatter their golden petals like confetti. The waves became titans, smashing into the grass below, and the sea that had been so dark under the gloomy sky was now white with foam and spray as it poured and lightening struck.

Both young girls were sent through the chaos and were now left in the storm. Both were on their hands and knee’s shielding them selves from the vicious storm. Elsa pushed up from her bare feet and grabbed her sister; afraid she would get hurt or stuck by lightening. She pushed them through the heavy rains and wind until they found a huge lit house in front of them.


They hustled as much as they could run up the porch and after finding the front door begun banging on it rapidly. They were soaked from head to toe, Anna’s make up was smeared…. their dresses were torn and soaked. Elsa wasn’t even in her usual blue dress but something more comfortable; her dress was torn revealing one of her thighs. Elsa eye shadow and eyeliner had smeared making the girls look like sweaty fans at an alternative concert.

Elsa was saying polite curses if there was such a thing, sounding like a child using other phrases when they meant another as Anna banged on the door.

“Anna we don’t know who lives in this place…. we need to get home, where ever home is.” Elsa said drenched and watching Anna happily knocking.
Ryan didn't know what to think then he saw the two woman standing on his porch. Both women we soaked to the bone. Their makeup ruined, their clothes torn. The woman who was dressed as Elsa had lost her shoes somehow. He didn't even had to thinking about it when he let them inside. His mother would come up out of the grave and get him if he didn't try to help these two lost women. He looked at them and asked "What on earth are you two doing out on a night like this?" He looked in his driveway and didn't see a car, "Where is you car?" He figured they had car trouble and went looking for help when the storm hit.

The front door opened into the living room. It is was nicely decorated, with some pictures of Ryan and his family. The large screen TV ,on the other side of the room, was on CNN. The fire in the fireplace was already going, so he had the two of them sit on the couch, in front of the fire and he got them some blankets. "Here you go," He said as he passed out the blankets, "My name's Ryan by the way. "
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