Keep Your Enemies Closer (Sly&Templar)


Apr 29, 2014
United States
The year had started again and students were all over the train, hurrying to find a seat. Lily Potter, seventh year Slytherin, walked around the corridor of the Hogwarts Express, throwing out detentions and reducing points just because she could. Her parents were very proud of the fact she had made Head Girl. Rose Weasley, her cousin and the position during her year, though she had graduated by now. The only thing the beautiful redhead didn't like was the fact she had to share her duties with death eater scum like Scorpius Malfoy.

She just wished he'd throw himself off the Astronomy Tower and not survive - she hated him that much. Just his presence made her angry. But she had to keep things civil in front of Professors because Headmistress McGonagall already threatened to expell the two because of all the fighting. They were rivals in basically everything - classes, friends, quidditch, etc. Wonders how they even landed these positions. But Lily wasn't one to look a gift horse in the mouth too closely.

"Look what the cat dragged in,"

She snarled as she saw Scorpius walk down the hall towards her. They actually had to go on patrols now and they were forced to do it together. She couldn't stand that being true but she honestly had no choice. Fuck McGonagall and her lame ass rules, thought Lily. But she promised her daddy she'd behave just like the good daddy's girl she made him think she was.

"How the hell did a dumbass like you get Head Boy? I'd rather work with a Hufflepuff."
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