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Spending Time with my Aunt (asianxx91+blakkatt07)


Jul 5, 2009
Michelle waved to her parents as they pulled off from her aunt's house. They were going on a second honeymoon and she was going to stay with her aunt while they were gone. She never really saw her aunt often so to be able to spend a month with her was exciting to her. She knocked on the door and waited on her aunt to answer
Sarah pulled open her door as she heard a knock. She was expecting her niece today as her sister and brother in law were going out of town on their second honeymoon. She saw Michelle standing there. She smiled as she saw the girl. "Oh, hello. How are you? Come on in, why don't you." she said, standing aside and clearing the path for her. Her house was fairly small as it was just her there, but there was a guest bedroom and certainly space enough for the two of them.
"Hi Aunt Sarah. How are you?" She stepped in, carrying her suitcase. "I'm so excited to be staying here for a month." Michelle was positively beaming with excitement. "We'll have plenty of time to catch up."
"I'm good, how about you?" she asked, closing the door behind the girl. "I'm glad you'll be staying here too, it's been a while since you've last visited." she said with a small laugh. The woman was young, pretty much fresh out of college at the age of twenty six. She was the youngest of her siblings.
"I'm alright. Thankfully it's summer so I don't have to worry about school." She grinned. Fresh out of high school at 18, her Aunt Sarah was always more like an older sister to her rather than an aunt because of the close age range.
Sarah laughed a bit nodding. "Yes, that's always a good thing to not have to worry about. Though I just finished up school not too long ago and now I'm out in the real world." she said, smiling. "It's a nice change, not having to sit in class rooms and be lectured. So what about things outside of school?"
"Thing have been pretty good. Just relaxing until it's time to go back to school. What do you have planned?" she laughed, interested to hear her aunt's plans
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