Game Over (RoleplayMaster x OfTheFireFlysX)


Jun 26, 2013
This is a roleplay about Harley Quinn finding a new boss after being kicked out by the Joker. She finds a young member of her crew to take over, teaching him the ins and outs of crime and the benefits of being in a relationship with her. The roleplay will include crossovers with DC, as well as featuring celebrities too. Some male heroes and villains may also be genderbent into a female. The main characters in this are Harley Quinn, and my OC, Curtis Smith. The title of the thread is 'Game Over' because the identity that is eventually created for him will be Video Game related.
A large warehouse housing the excluded members of The Jokers gang, who when Harley Quinn was abandoned by the Clown Prince himself, decided to defect from the criminal mastermind and leave their loyalty at the bidding of the girl who was the right hand woman for her love for so long.

"Right, listen up you purrrdy, purdy people!"

Harley stands atop a large wooden create that slightly towered above her new gang, swinging her hands into the air, releasing glitter all over her men.

"I just thought things needed to be a bit more... sparkly!".

The princess yell's, much to loud to only have the goon's in the abandoned place to hear, the whole of Gotham would probably have of heard if they weren't too busy wallowing in their own sins.

"Now that Mistah J has left us, you all belong to me and have to do my bidding no matter what I say, got it!"

She shows her new power as she points over to two new members of the 'Party' as Harley would call it, and makes a pout, signaling for them to kiss each other as she nod's in the others direction. Standing tall, Harley beings to laugh like the little perfect clown she is and leans in as the two goon's contemplate kissing to please their new queen, but one can simply not do it and refuses the princesses request. Forcing his way to the front of the pack, he confronts Harley, climbing on the crate with his tall physique finding it effortless.

"How dare you... do you even know who I am and what I can do!"

The goon roars in the face of Harley, only greeted by a large smile, a smile that if it got any bigger, she would give herself a Chelsea smile.

"I do know who you are Mistah James, and I do know what you can do, and because of that, you cannot really of let me expect you to live..."

Harley tells the man, patting him on the shoulder, leaning to him, her cleavage on clear show for him.

"Wha-What do you mean... you recruited me to join you Harley!"

With the man's genuine inquiry, Harley picks up a clipboard on top of the crate and begins to read out names, pointing to several people in the group and reading their crimes, seemingly all related to abuse of children in one way or another before she get's to the goon's name who she is confronted with.

"Mistah James... I can't read your first name, it reminds me too much of J. Anyway... Mistah James, convicted of abuse of 14 minors in either a sexual or physical way and got broken out of the big house by the your old gang huh..."

Throwing the list to the floor from the crate, she grabs the mans collar with both hands, pulling him toward her, dropping her smile, looking him right in the eyes.

"I hate child abusers... with every fiber of my being, and now it's time to pay. Say hello to them other sick fuck's for me..."

With that, the man's face dropped as Harley's smile returned and pushed the man from atop the crate, letting him fall to his sure death head first on the floor below. After the impact, the man was laying on the floor, blood pouring from his skull, but he was still alive, and this did please Harley.

"Fuck Mistah James, you are a resilient fuck aren't cha'!"

Surveying the crowd, Harley look's for other new recruits to her gang which was not with The Joker at the time she got thrown out. Seeing a man at the back of the pack looking slightly nervous and maybe even a little shy, Harley grabs her signature hammer from down by the side of the crate, shouting over to man she spotted.

"Hey you!... Wanna' please a girl?"

Gesturing for him to come to the front, she dangles her oversize comical weapon, waiting for him to come over to the front, and seeing if he uses his initiative to please his new princess.​
Curtis stood in a small-ish group of thugs, looking up at Harley Quinn. He was 18, and had been a part of this group for three years. He never wanted to be here, as his father had gotten in a crowd of very bad people. As punishment, they took his 'pathetic' son away from him, and would return him once his father paid the money. Unfortunately, his father never made that payment, so here he was, three years later. Thankfully he avoided doing anything that would get him in trouble, instead doing things like clean-up and the like... the less enjoyable jobs that no one else wanted to do.

Harley Quinn was an odd woman to him. On one hand, she seemed completely and utterly nuts. In his opinion, no one should listen to what she said or notice what she did. She managed it though, and had a crowd of completely loyal men at her beck and call. On the other hand, he could help but admire her, as she could be quite kind in private. Curtis had been a shy young boy who was scared, and she was the only person to actually give a crap and look after him. Now, by look after, it was nothing special, but it definitely helped. That was why he was here with everyone else, instead of with the Joker, or dead in a ditch.

To his shock, he was called forth by the woman herself. He had never been called forward before, and frankly, didn't want to. Shakily, the young man made his way to the front and was asked if he wanted to please a girl. His palms were sweaty and he gave a small bow. As he did this, he couldn't help but stare at the almost-dead man on the ground in front of him.

"Of course, Miss Quinn. I shall please you in whatever way you ask. You say the word, and it will be done"

He said obediently. He had no clue how to use his initiative to please her. Did she want him to kill the man in front of him? Please her sexually? Please her romantically? Say something that she wanted to hear? Most of those options were things he was not prepared to do.
Harley stood, watching the young man approach her, her smile still on the verge of splitting her cheeks.

"Do I really have to spell it out for ya'!"

Harley yelled, throwing the hammer down into the goon, making him either catch it or get two crushed feet. This was not normally the Clown Princesses way of working, but seeing the man at the back made he realize that she needs to show some interactiveness with her fellow goon's, or they might turn on her like the did with the Joker and so many before. Plus, Harley really did not fancy a whole small army of men just turning on her.

"If you don't do what I want you to right now, there gon' be trouble mistah!"

Harley handed the back a warning I guess you could say, but she never had any intention of hurting the man, in fact her goals were the complete opposite it appeared. Watching the man hold the weapon that herself only uses, and never let anybody touch it began to make her a bit tingly. She felt a shiver through her legs and began to wobble for a moment before regaining her balance. Licking her lip's, Harley jumped down from the crate and rolled on landing, ending up sitting on her fine round tush beside the man she almost killed.

"Fine, I'll spell it out for ya', kill this man!"

Harley yelled, using one hand to slightly push herself up of the floor in doing so.

"If you do it to my liking, you shall get a reward, heck', all of you shall get a reward!"

She exclaims, sitting herself back down and hearing a thunderous roar from the crowd, reaching into her pocket and chucking yet more glitter over them. Harley leans onto one hand, open palm curved around her cheek and let out a sigh, keeping eyes focused on the sick fuck infront of her.

"New guy, sexy guy, shy guy, once you done this shit, think of a new name for our group too. We won't be bad, we just want power, and you gotta' reflect that in the group name, or that reward, tis' gone!"

The young boy groaned softly, catching the hammer and fumbling it a little bit. The fact that no one but her touches this hammer was completely lost on him, not being observant enough to notice. Everyone behind him was dead silent though, so something must have happened. Why did he have the hammer anyway? Was she going to grab it and hit him with it? That thought alone was making him nervous. As if she knew what he was thinking and wanting to make it worse, she got down from his crate.

His nervous thoughts were put to rest though, when she told him that she wanted him to kill this man in front of him. His breath hitched a little, unable to breathe. This was exactly the thing he didn't want to do, and managed to escape from for three years. But since he was 18 and finally 'a man', he supposed he had to face the music of his situation, and comply. Grabbing the handles of the hammer, he flexed his fingers and held it tightly. The hammer was then swung over his head, and hit the dying man's skull with a satisfying crack. When the hammer was removed, it didn't even resemble a head any more, what it looked like, was indescribable.

The hammer was coated in Mister James's blood, as were Harley and Curtis' shoes. Trying to hide his disgust, he listened to Harley's new request. A light tinge of pink came to his cheeks as he was called sexy, having a bit of low self-esteem for his looks despite his attractive appearance.

A new name? One that reflected power, and not being bad?

"Uh.. How about.. How about 'Gotham's Saviours'?"

He suggested weakly, unsure if she'd like that. The name reflected that they would save Gotham from the hell that it was today, and they would need a lot of power to do such a thing.
Standing up, Harley swung one hand up to her face and smeared the blood across her face, giving her usual white face paint a new twist, and knowing how Harley rarely washes, the assumption was that she has discovered a slightly new look. Walking over to the man who just killed the target of Harley, she now grabbed this nervous wreck by his collars, but this time, pulled herself toward him. Once face to face, Harley heard his opinion of a name for her group, listening to him as she took off his glasses, leaving one hand on the collar and put the other on her shoulder after putting his glasses on herself.

"Meh, I would something that says, 'We Are The Cruel Hand That Delivers What Criminals Deserve But We Ourselves Are Criminals And We Are Kinda' Bad For Doing Want We Are Doing Even Though It's For The Greater Goodd!"

After saying that whole thing with no pauses, Harley takes in a deep breath and carries on after regaining herself.

"Just shortened down y'know, because people would not say that every time they mention us!. Oh! How about a anagram, so we are W.A.T.C.H.D.W.C.D.B.W.O.A.C.A.W.A.K.B.F.D.W.W.A.D.E.T.I.F.T.G.G..."

After reviewing what she just said, she smirks at the man and let's out a little chuckle, placing her forehead on his shoulder, the Princess patting him on the back.

"Ah fuck, it started off so good, but then went to shit!. Your smart prolly' so you can figure it out later huh!"

After realizing her anagram was much more confusing than the actual sentence she blurted out, she pushes herself away from the man who she still does not know the name of and begins to stand in front of the group after looking back at her new friend, winking and telling him a statement she's sure he would love to hear.

"Once you get us a good name... this sweet red lips, around your dick hun'! That should give you something to motivate yourself".
He smiled, feeling amused at her suggestion and the following anagram. His eyesight was a little blurry, but nothing that he couldn't deal with, and she looked pretty cute with the glasses on. Her body was kinda close to his own with her hands going to his collar, shoulder, and back. He wondered if there was blood on him, but frankly that was one of the thoughts on the back of his mind right now.

The boy blushed deeply as she told him that she would suck his dick when he came up with a good name. His cock hardened a little just at the thought, but it was moving a little fast. After all, he never had much luck with girls due to being shy. He was going from no experience straight to a blowjob. Now that, was progress.

"Well, working off your uh.. long name.. how about the 'Cruel Hand of Justice'?"

He offered. It shows that our group is bringing justice to Gotham by exposing of other criminals, yet we will still be cruel and criminal about it. He hoped that she liked it, mainly due to earning Harley's favour. The blowjob was just a bonus, though a very very nice bonus..
As Harley began talking to the group, she was interrupted by the nervous man behind her, muttering what he believed to be a good name, or trying to at least. Before he could offer his take on the name now he had more to work with, Harley spun her head around to him, her body and mainly hips swaying around too as the white and red face of Ms. Quinn stare daggers into him, making a fist and placing it on her hip. With the other hand, she swings it up to point right at him, screaming at him.

"Did you just interrupt me!"

Not making it obvious if she was asking a question or being rhetorical, she looked at the man's face and saw no answer coming from him, making her shout it once more.

"Hey, prolly' smart, sexy, badass guy, answer me!"

With yet no answer, but in all fairness, the rapidness of yell's Harley was hurling at the man made it impossible for him to get a word in edgeways. Leaving the pack of goons, she walk back over to the man, placing his glasses on the floor between where they stood. Back once again face to face, she started to open her mouth to probably yell more and more at the guy, but was cut off when he finally finished off what he had to say, and uttered the name 'The Cruel Hand Of Justice' which caught Harley off guard, closing her mouth and stroking her chin. Looking upwards past the man, she mumbled it to herself.

"The Cruel Hand Of Justice... I..."

She kept the man waiting, though at this point, she hoped her yell's had taught him a lesson about interrupting her.

"... I like it, it's need's something else in there, it doesn't really feel... us"

The clown princess extended her arm across the goons behind her, showing how the justified name did not suit a bunch of men covered in clown make up, holding comically oversized weapons. Most of the men there were very serious criminals, but only having committed crimes against other criminals, this most likely being from them being in a mob or crime family, though when the Joker recruited most of them many years back, he didn't really take note of their past, he just wanted a man who could do his bidding. This is why Harley had previously spoken to these men, sensing that one day the Joker would get bored of her and trade her in for a newer model, rumors of this 'upgrade' being Copperhead. Harley in her years with The Joker had already began building her team to one day when she was thrown away like garbage, she could overthrow the criminal lord or Gotham and take her place where she thought she belonged, as a savoir, though the more she started to control her forces, she started to look past Gotham.

"It's gotta' be, 'The Cool Hand Of Justice' serving out justice in a cool way, which is what we do, and we are all pretty cool eh' boy's!"

Harley hears the roar behind her and begins to chuckle, then remember her statement about if the man came up with a name or not. Though he did not come up with the final name she settled on, he contributed to it enough to make Harley reward him with a slightly worse offer.

"Right right, yeah yeah, the deal and that, though ya' didn't come up wit' tha' final name, you might aswell get a reward, your cute anyway. Meh, you better be fine with a handjob, that's what your getting, like it or not!".

Turning back around to group, though beside the guy, she yelled out to the men, something they would love.

"Boy's... here's a late welcome gift from me... or more preciously, Mistah J to you. We are in the most high class hooker district of Gotham with the finest girls you shall ever see... apart from me of course. But regardless, I would you boys to enjoy yourself, since we are taking over Gotham, all you guy's go and show these lowlife ho's who the boss is, and remember... be gentle".

With the statement, Harley pressed a button on her belt and a secret sliding door opened up in the wall, slowly peeling back, the metallic rust scraping between the door and wall as the door showed to be the most lucrative stash of money these goons have ever seen. They all grabbed a handful, pushing each other aside, all wanting to get their dick wet first, and once they all got the grope of cash, they were, off to recruit the hooker's of Gotham for Harley. But not her little friend.

"Oh you... you... I'm just gonna' call ya' Sexi Boy, I suppose you want your treat now huh. Can't even wait till' they get back from hardcore fucking no?".
He had begun talking just after she did, and it was too late to stop. It had been only a moment later, but he was accused of interrupting her. Curtis flinched as the fist swung at him, believing it was going to hit him. He was completely taken off guard, however, when it did not touch him. Swallowing deeply, he listened as she considered it, and then made a counter offer for the name. The crowd of criminals liked the name, but it was likely that they were just agreeing with Harley since she was their boss.

He was relieved not to be punished, and still somehow rewarded. It wasn't a blowjob, but he had figured the bonus was still just extra; favour of Harley's was more precious and long-lasting. He did not speak at all, learning his lesson about interrupting the woman. He listened as they were told to go and get their dicks wet, and soon they were alone. He blushed lightly at being called Sexy Boy, and that he wouldn't be able to wait for his reward.

"I will take my reward whenever you feel like giving it to me. If you wish to wait for them to all return, you may"

He said obediently.

"You honour me by offering such a reward to me in the first place"

He added. Despite saying he could wait, other parts of his body didn't seem to like this idea. His cock was rock hard and pointing straight out, as if stretching out to be touched by the beautiful jester.
With a dull look on her face, Harley heard the man about his lack of needed her reward right there and then and just simply started right through him, almost mocking him for his shyness. You kind of get the feeling that if this was someone else, a more confident goon, Harley would essentially just start doing it, but then again, she never had the choice of rewarding goon's before since it always The Joker handing out the rewards, usually in the form in some alone time with Harley, with or without her approval. Though the rewarded men were no around long after their experience with her since she really didn't take to kindly to what she was made to do by some of the men.

"You done hun?"

Harley asks after the man stops and once more takes the pose of her fist on her hip, tilting her head, her luscious blonde hair just falling to the side since she wasn't wearing her usual hairdo. She throws a hand behind herself to point at the man that was just murdered rightfully and then makes a frown at the man she knows as 'Sexi Boy' for now.

"You just killed someone hun', now grow them ball's even bigger and start demanding things!"

She yelled at him, almost like a teacher telling off a student for being naughty in class, or not doing his work. Harley takes a few small steps forward toward him, placing one hand on the man's shoulder, looking him directly in the eyes, the other landing on the mans tent he began to poke out at Harley, her hands cupping the bottom of his length.

"I want you to punch me... then I want you to push you dick into my mouth when I'm done, preferably with a bloody eye or something, you know, to make it look better..."

Harley makes the shocking request, something to any normal person would be unspeakable, but Harley is not normal, and her goon's do what she say's, so she is near enough leaving 'Sexi Boy' no choice.

"No jokes... I want you to gain confidence. After, we gon' go get ya' some nice new clothes and a signature weapons, or if you want, 'weapons'. This is not a bad thing to do right, it's what I like, and if you please me Sexi, we are going to get along even better. What you say I take you as my new sideman... there's something about you I like, whether it's the shyness that I can break or that fact your fucking hot!... I don't know"
The man sensed that she was annoyed or bored of him so he suddenly shut up, hearing her ask if he was done. He gave a small nod and watched as she approached, a hand going to his shoulder, as well as his tent. Her hands were very gentle, and not like he had expected from her. Of course, the yelling with her head very close to his own was something he did expect. She told him to punch him, and his shock was clear.

"P-Punch you?"

He repeated softly when she paused, so he did not interrupt her again.

"I would love to become your sideman. It'll be fun"

He chose that wording instead of saying it was an honour, as she hadn't reacted well when he told her how much of an honour it was to work for her.

Since she asked for it, and he wanted to obey, he began to think about all the shitty things in his life. How his father made sure he was here, and he couldn't leave. How he was constantly pushed around by the older men, laughed at and abused in both physical and verbal forms. All of a sudden, his fist made contact with her face, hitting her in the left eye. Instantly he felt guilty, yet he followed through with her demands, which was to force his cock inside her mouth.

Taking a deep breath, he put a hand on her shoulder and lifted his foot, bringing it down on the back of her knee so she was forced to the ground. With one hand still on her shoulder, he used the other to drop his pants. His cock was a marvellous tool, and one of the largest for someone even twice his age. This was extremely nervewracking for him, but he still continued. He pulled her chin down, making her mouth open for him while he slid inside.

The warm wetness of her mouth was driving him crazy, and it took a lot of effort for the virgin to not just cum straight away. The ability to do this to such a beautiful woman did not come often, so he would need to make it last. Curtis' hand moved to the back of Harley's head, and he slowly began pulling it closer, pulling back, and repeating that motion. On every thrust, he put a bit more of his cock inside her, not rushing her yet. He could feel his climax already building so he got a little rougher. Instead of moving her head, he decided to begin to thrust inside her throat. His hairy balls began to lightly slap her chin as he thrust.

"You want me to make some demands? Okay. Um.. Play with your.. your breasts"

He requested. He watched her, her left eye already bruising up and bleeding a little, and somehow that sight turned him on.

Feeling a line of blood trickle down her face, Harley dizzily raises a hand up to her eye, using most of her reserved strength to even lift her arm at all. She places two fingers on what seems to be the source of the cut, wiggling her fingers around, slightly opening the wound up more before she drags the length of her fingers across the gash, marking them in blood. Meanwhile, 'Sexi Boy' has his penis in Harley's mouth, thrusting it and getting more and more force with each push. This is usually not what is expected of the Jester turned Clown princess, at least not of her own accord, and for such a violent request, she was enjoying being throat fucked with blood pouring down parts of her face.

"Ohh, fuck, hold on..."

Harley used her hands to push off of the guy's thighs, turning her head away from his cock, several stringy pieces of saliva mixed pre-cum break the connection from her mouth to his cock. Harley takes this time to take a few breaths, gaining her stamina back, hunched over. Droplets of blood fall to the floor below, making a little puddle.

"You want me to play with my tiddies' or you want to?"

She asks, slightly confused, yet that's probably because she just got punched smack in the eye. Harley beings to open up her shirt, though she did not need to do much since it was already half way down her stomach, but she does unclip her bra from the from, letting her little, yet round and supple breasts slightly bounce out, graced by little cute pink nipples like a cherry on a cupcake.

"You can spray your man ju-juice on them, but that's all, and you have to do it, I'm not touching that thing again, I gotta' get this sticky stuff outta' my mouth"

Her speech slightly slurred as she shimmied closer to her, tit's exposed to him, blood dripping from her chin onto them, letting him do what he has to while she uses her own hand to scrap the inside of her cheeks to clear it of a large amount of pre-cum he had already painted in there.
Curtis watched as she pulled herself off him, scraping out his pre-cum from her mouth as she told him that he could cum on her breasts. Was this a test? She did tell him he needed to grow bigger balls and make demands... so what if this was a test? Should he ignore her and use her mouth again? He didn't want to get in trouble for disobeying an order, yet earlier she ordered him to make demands. He was caught in a dilemma, and decided to just do what his gut told him to do. And what his gut told him to do, was to use her mouth.

"What I meant was that YOU play with your titties"

The young man told her, pulling her hands from her face and mouth, and placing them on her breasts. He gave them a small, experimental squeeze and enjoyed the soft feeling. Standing up straighter, he slid his cock back inside her mouth and began to thrust.

"You told me to make demands, so I'm making them. Play with your breasts and let me use your mouth for my pleasure. When I cum, I want you to swallow"

A little bit of confidence was shining through, but inside, he was very nervous. Gripping the back of her head, he began to thrust again. His right thigh grew a little wet as her bloody cheek made contact with it.

It was only about a minute later that his cock began to twitch and pulsate within her mouth, and a healthy load of spunk shot inside her mouth. This was his first time with a woman, yet he managed to make the demands that she wanted.. or maybe not have wanted. Pulling out of her mouth, he watched her for a moment, waiting to see either a very happy, proud face, or a disgusted and hateful face. This was what she wanted.. right? Right?
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