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Pity for the Pious [PrettyxWhiteStar]


Jan 8, 2009

      • It might have been the sunlight spilling in through the open window that woke her,
        or it could have been the screaming baby three seats back. Probably the baby. Groaning,
        Lana tried in vain to stretch out her cramped limbs. She'd been on this god awful bus
        for the past thirteen hours. She was close though. So close. According to the little
        automated map on the small television screen in the corner, they had about fifteen
        minutes until they reached San Fransisco, and her destination.

        Propping her chin on her hand, the busty redhead stared blankly out the window. San
        Fransisco. She hadn't been home in years. Not since she and mom got into that fight
        over wanting to go into Film School. They had quarreled over the expenses and the job
        market, but in the end, Lana had ended up going to Florida to become a student at Fullsail
        University. Needless to say, that had not gone over so well. The class schedule was
        enough to kill anyone, but then the teachers were just kids themselves! Lana had gotten
        as far as Advanced Lighting before her failing grades caught up with and they kicked
        her out. Two years, and what did she have to show for it? A Macbook Pro and eighty
        thousand dollars in debt. It was enough to make her cry.

        Her mind wandered idly throughout the last fifteen minutes until at last they pulled into
        the San Fransisco Central Bus Station. It didn't take her long to get off. All she had with
        her was a small duffelbag of clothes, her laptop and her ipod. Her huge headphones dangled
        around her neck, blaring out some obscure techno music. Faint words could be heard if one
        got close enough. She quickly hailed a cab and hopped in, giving the almost English speaking
        driver her directions. Honestly, she could have walked, but she was tired... and lazy.

        It took about ten minutes to reach her destination with all the traffic, but she used the time
        to go over her plan again in her head. Never hurt to be prepared. Lana ran her fingers through
        her short, dark red locks and looked up at the apartment complex before her. No time like the
        present. It was only two flights up. Fourth door on the left from the stairwell. Luckily, she had
        been here only a few months ago for the holidays, so it was easy to find her way back.She stood
        in front of his door for about five minutes before she mustered the nerve to knock.

        No response. She knocked again.


        Feeling slightly aggravated, the tried the knob, and it turned easily, so obviously not locked. Lana
        sighed. "So much for safety," she muttered. She opened the door and entered, looking around
        curiously. "Hello?" she called out, looking for any signs of her brother.

The early morning was always fresh, the air felt empowering, as a young, but slightly older man was in his windbreakers, doing his routine jog, which was happened every other day. As sweat pour down the manâ??s cheek, he realize something, an e-mail from his sibling stating that she would be staying with him for some time, for which he took it as indefinitely. The man felt somewhat remorse that this sibling that he had known, had been apart from them for a few years. She had missed a lot. His wedding, which soon followed his divorce, their mother remarrying again, and then the guy leaving her, but then it ended up there was a reason for his disappearance. It was truly a tough time on him, mostly, and it did help that the sibling had tried to make him feel better through e-mails, and web camera sessions, but it would have been better if she was actually here, though.

He took a breath, as he looked at his clock, and began to calculate the time it will take for him to get back, and make brunch for his sister, Lana. He decided to take her out for brunch, instead of staying in. He began dashing back towards his apartment. It took about three minutes, from the half a mile he was from his apartment. When he arrived, he saw the taxi taking off after dropping Lana off. He smiled, after seeing the red head entering his building without noticing him.

A thought, soon entered his mind, it was partially thanks to the holiday that was around, and that he was already set up for it. It also helped that his door was unlocked, usually when he jogs, he doesnâ??t lock the door, since heâ??ll just be gone for about an hour, and heâ??s confident that no one will rob him, that and his place is pretty secure with cameraâ??s and such. It was all benefits from his job. A few seconds later, he was by the staircase, and slowly opened the door, hearing her say â??Helloâ? and enters his apartment. He snickered and slowly reaches out his iphone. He dials his home phone, and judging from the distance of where Lana was, there was no way sheâ??ll pick up his phone which was in his bedroom, after three rings.

So it began, the phone began ringing, after three rings, his door that was open by her, was now suddenly closed. All the power in the apartment is shutdown, except for the refrigerator. And since all his windows were covered, it made the apartment completely dark. Then suddenly, the TV turned on, but there was nothing playing, once the TV was on, the VCR followed shortly, and a tape was played. It was a dark screen, but there was sound playing.

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