The dark fae queen bleeds red and blue (Krystal x KGT Witty)

Feb 26, 2013
Crystal Palace and Egypt
Krystal awoke in her bed, cold sweat on her pretty yet pale face. "Can't.. be..." she breathed out, feeling the energy from her expensive penthouse in gothem, having fallen asleep waiting for her boyfriend, nightwing. They had met as titans when Jason was still robin, and she had been with him. Jason died so tragically, being blown up and beaten by the joker. She was so glad she killed that asshat. You don't kill the love of a dark court fae, particularly their queen, without extreme retribution. krystal ran her fingers through her now damp with sweat blue hair, and jumped into the shower, drying herself before she put on her hero outfit and left the penthouse, locking up behind her. Dick had a key.

"I'm gonna find you" she said softly, no mask on her face. Krystal was one of the few heroes who didn't wear a mask. Instead, she wore glasses out in the world, like her old friend clark. She had known him since he crashed, having been friends with his adoptive family. That wasn't what was important now though. She was on the edge of finding him, so close she could see the golem of the red helmet. She stopped, smirking at him. "Hey red head! You called?" She asked, and she had no idea it was Jason. She could feel the similar energy, but it didn't register in her mind. Perhaps he would reveal himself to her. After all, she had been with him for 5 years before his death.
Gazed out into gotham a city he used to live in unfeared by anyone and even a hero is his own right. Now he's a wanted man and his only allies being those who know hes alive and krystal. "I thought I told you to stop calling me that blue" he said his voiced unrecognizable do to the helmet. He shook his head turning back to her and sighing. "Nevermind, I called you here because I have a question." He said tilting his head back and taking a deep breath. "I'm a wanted man and you know that, so why don't you turn me in. Bat brain and boy blunder where ever he is now would never be so leniant even if they new I killed to help the city. So what keeps you from doing it?" He asked it habing been on his mind for a long time. The only allies he had was her and a couple of people who new he was alive but very few of them agreeing with what he had become.
Krystal chuckled. "What would be the point of turning you in? You'd only end up in arkham where all of the villans batty took down are. You're not a villian. Besides, i'm a fae. We are supposed to be indifferent." She told him, heels clicking the as she walked closer to him. She took his hand, tugging at him slightly. There was that spark she'd only felt with her heart. With Jason. That slight touch and she knew. No one else had that spark. He waa supposed to be dead though. "How? I saw you die." She said, looking confused as she stroked the helmet, same as she had his face once.

She had a light smirk on her face as she kissed the helmet. "Come. There's someone I want you to meet, jaybird." She told him cryptically, and in a flash they were in a little girls room, her long brown and blue hair cascading down her back as she awoke.

"Mommy! You're back!" She said excitedly as Krystal picked her up, bringing her over to jason. She tilted her head. "But mommy, i thought you'd said he was killed before I was born? Papa?" The little girl asked quizzically, glacial blue eyes staring in awe as she reached for the man in front of her.
He felt her hands grab his the shock causing him to pull away but it was too late, she knew. Jason sighed looking down "Talia al Ghul that's how. She found my body and took me in. When I awoke my body had been fixed but my mind it was all over the place I was ready to go insane but talia..." he said looking back at the city "talia took me to the lazarus pits and threw me in it fixed my mind but ra's now wanted me dead. Talia helped me escape and so now I'm here." He said looking down feeling his body pushed up against and seeing her hand stroking the helmet.

Before he knew it he was somewhere else with a little girl and her mother seeing as krystal showed off their child to him. "Blue I can't do this right now" he said scared of what the child may think about his unlawful deeds. He had killed to many people in the name of justice it started to seem wrong. Gotham feared him and he himself was to blame it couldn't be shown to the little girl. He watched as the little girl held out her hand to him evem though she had no clue who he was and his heart began to pound. "Yea, it's me sweetie" he said almost sad but also happy taking a hold of her hand looking at the both of them.
Krystal nodded. "Ah, i see. Talia is good for breaking the rules. Its one of the reasons i like her." She said with a chuckle, giving him a small smile. She stroked his arm. "He'd want to know you're alive, jaybird. Dick's been blaming himself for it a long time. Think he killed you like he killed his parents and brother." She admitted with a sigh, remembering when the three of them used to be together.

Krystal picked up on his thoughts right away. "No. You stop that. She won't hate you." She said simply, the small girl tilting her head. "Papa, you don't have to wear that here. We're in the castle." She said, taking his hand and giving it a tiny squeeze. She gave him a hopeful dmile, almost as if to ask if he would stay. Krystal gave him a smile. "Still love you, birdy. Don't care what you've done. You do it for the right reasons. I am fae. We care not if one lives or dies if the death is justified. Killed joker. That felt.. good. He deserved it. Jared misses you alot." She said, knowing the boy would likely barge in soon.
He took the little girls hand smiling listening to the words coming from krystal. He sighed letting go of the little girls hand before grabbing the helmet and taking it off to show his face. He let the hekmet fall tl the ground before taking her hand again this time picking her up from krystals hands. "As you wish my little princess" he said with a smile looking to krystal "I don't know krystal Dick may blame himself but he isn't as level headed and balanced as you. Sure he'll be happy I'm alive but I doubt he'll let me go after he finds out who I am." He said looking back to the small girl "as for jared I doubt he knows my wereabouts though knowing him he has already found out my secret" he said looking to the helmet before turning to krystal.
Krystal nodded, watching as jamie snuggled into her father. "Maybe. Maybe not. Dick's become more indifferent now that he's let me turn him fae." She explained, walking over ti him just as jared varged in. "Mom. I heard voices. Is everything. . JASON!" He exclaimed, not looking surprised, but happy to see him as he hugged him.
Jason felt jamie pushup against his body as Jared opened the door quickly "either I was wrong or he has amazing luck" jason chuckled looking back to krystal as jerad rushed to him. "Hey jared how have you been?" He asked using his free arm to hug him back jamie still holding onto him.
Krystal chuckled a little. "Probably sensed your aura." She admitted with a shrug, smiling as jamie snuggled close to him. Jared practically ran to his friend, hugging him tightly. "Missing you. On the bright side, raerae and i are gonna be parents." He told thd other, krystal just smiling. She'd guessed that from the last time she'd seen raven.
"You and raven? Never would have guessed it" he chuckled putting his free arm around his frien still holding jamie in the other. "Just be careful she tends to be a little pushy" he chuckled remembering tpwhen he was with her which was before he fell for krystal. Raven was pretty sad after that but she never held it against either krystal or jason. She knew the dangers of someone being so close to krystal, she was an incredible and beautiful woman with a lot of love in her heart so it was only a matter of time before jason fell for her.
Jared chuckled. "I'm aware. But I think i've found my heart." He said siming softly as he hugged jason back and poked Jamie's nose. She giggled, grinning at her father and half brother. Krystal smiled, giving Jason a kiss. "There's someone else who should know you're alive, jaybird. " she said, stroking his cheek as a man came in, just back from patrol. She smiled at him. "Hey Dickie-bird. "
"A heart is a strong bond, Keep up with it.... And never let it go" Jason said sighing "krystals I don't think I'm ready to see him so I need to go" he said putting his helmet on and turning his back. Unfortunately before he could get to the door dick had walked in. Confused as to why a wanted man was in his house he looked at krystal and jared before a gut reaction occurred. With out notice he took his batons and swung them out at Jason causing him to be knocked back. "You've made a mistake coming into my home now I'll make sure you stay in prison" He said charging at jason who struggled onto his feet having little time to dodge dicks attacks. As he weaved through his attacks it almost seemed as if none of dicks attacks had changed in the amount of time jason had been gone.

It almost seemed to easy to take a shot at him and run though he decided not to, Dick needed to know and there was no way of getting out of there anymore. "Hey blue, a little help, he said bending backwards so dicks staff composed of both batons would pass by his head
Jared nodded. "I've been doing the best I can. Life has been just falling into place for me though." He told him with a smile, frowning slightly at the thought of jason leaving again. He pouted. "You just got here..." he half whined, looking v every bit like his mother, blue eyes wide and innocent, despite what he'd been through in his life.

Krystal looked horrified, and a barrier went up between the two men. "Stop it Dickie-bird. You know the barriers wouldn't let him in unless they recognized him. There's more to this than meets the eye. Keep an open mind." She said, looking at both men, motioning for Jason to remove his helmet again. Jamie simply watched from Jated's arms, looking quite curious as to what might unfold.
"Don't you dare talk to her" Dick yelled watching as the barrier went up "He's an assassin!!! A killer!!! He screamed as an answer to krystal. "He obviously found a way through why the hell are you defending him" He continued smack at the barrier before being trapped all around as if in a box, though it was no longer krystals barrier. "Fae magic, such a simplistic way to trap someone" jason sighed having only used his magic in events that called for it. "Well not simplistic I just don't like using it" he continued as he looked to krystal. He sighed again kepping the box up as he removed his helmet showing dick who he was.

"Hello blue bird" he said looking down and slightly shameful. Dicks eyes widened as he fell to his knees "no... You're not him... Stop using his face!!!" He said looking down and pained. Jason put his mask on and started towards the door "I'm sorry blue, Another time I guess" he said brushing off Jareds hand as he tried to stop him "another time" he said again closing the door letting the walls around dick drop.
Krystal shook her head. "That matters not. I know something you don't." She said simply, and just by krystal's actions dick wouldbbe able to tell she'd slipped back into being more fae. She rolled her eyes and jamie giggled, looking to dick. "Papa-dick, the barrier makes no mistakes, nor is it able to be tampered with." Jamie stated simply, still just watching. She was curious, despite not liking where this was going. Krystal let outva little chuckle. "You never did. Its a wonder i got you to turn at all." She said, referring to the monthdnlong debate before his death.

Krystal nodded slightly, though she frowned. "Some other time, jaybird." She said, kneeling down to Dick, giving him a concerned look. She wasn't sure if she should touch him or not. She really wasn't sure what do do. She looked at him. "You okay?"
As jason walked out the walls fell and dick fell back sitting. He felt jared's and Jamie's eyes on him just before he heard her voice again. "Just fine" he said though it sounded irritated. Jamie was right the barrier can't be tampered with, nor can it be tricked. Then how was it possible? Krystal was there when jason was found his body had been beaton and he wasn't breathing. Not even her magic could save him so how was his partner alive, and why did he have to become the very thing he used to fight,
Krystal put a hand on dick's shoulder. "Talia al ghoul that's how. She threw him in the Lazarus pits that her father has been using to stay alive for centuries. Real thorn in my side is ra's. There's a reason Talia is thenonly one in that madhouse I talk to." She explaind, showing him with her magic the memories Jason had unintentionally gave her. She knew he'd understand if he watched them. Jamie looked worried. "Papa-dick, daddy does what he does to help gothem, just as you do. He simply has more of a fae outlook. Sometomes, like in the case of bro's papa, people just need to get dead." She said, every bit as wise as her mother though she was only 6.
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