Second time around [Malfrost x Samaire]


May 2, 2015
It was going to be an unforgettable evening. She recalled the first time she set foot in Hogwarts. The very journey had been truly magical. The pure embodiment of the spirit of Hogwarts. It hadn’t been long since last she was there, but things had changed. It felt like an eternity. It was with joy, and sadness she thought back to her days at Hogwarts.
The friend she made , and the friends she lost. It was all bittersweet.

“-During Professor Flitwick's study of goblins and advanced French charms in Champagne, Ms. Luna Lovegood will be stepping in and taking his place for this year. As both Head of Ravenclaw and Charms professor.”

That was her cue. Luna daintily corrected her navy coloured witch-hat, it had a small eagle figure attached to it. Long blonde hair was flowing down over her shoulders. She felt so, grown up. With that she’d stand up, when she was being presented at the table. A smile, folded hands, she’d have fun teaching them about Bibbering Humdingers. There was some half-hearted applause, and she’d sit back down. Around the table was a lot of old familiar faces, and some not so familiar. Even some she was surprised was still there.

Like the pale darkhaired man that taught potions, and had this extreme hatred for every Dark Arts professor that had ever taught at the school. There was a conspiracy there somewhere, she was certain of it. Severus Snape. She always wondered about that man. He of course, was a few seats over, so to break the awkward silence that covered the long-table after the initial presentation, she’d lean forward, smile to him and say . “Professor Snape, did you ever work out if Rufus Scrimgeour was a vampire?”
RE: Second time around

Snap sat stoically, sipping on a goblet of wine as the introductions were made. Another year, another new batch of students, another wave of people asking for his autograph. After he had survived the war against the Dark Lord and Harry had learned the truth of his involvement, the young man could not stop himself from proclaiming to the wizarding world his whole involvement in the affair. Overnight, he went from hated Death Eater to a hero right below the level of Harry himself. While he had hoped to retire and relax for the rest of his life, Hogwarts was in need of skilled professor, and it was decided no one was more qualified than Snape.

He was made Head of Slytheran and got his job back as professor of potions. Despite his new hero status, it seemed the job of teaching the Dark Arts still alluded him. Still, his new job was nice and he was alot more open and less cold than before. He was turning his house into a more respectable one step by step and enjoyed socializing with his co-workers much more than before now that there were no secrets to be had. He was surprised to see Luna as a teacher....he could never decide if he liked her or not as a student. She was well behaved but eccentric, which made her had to work with at times. As she addressed him, he gave her a small smile as he poured her some wine in a goblet. "Sadly, I have not had time to finish my research with my new job and fame bogging me down...if you would like though, I could give you my notes and you could continue the research if it interest you, Ms. Lovegood." He gave her a small smile, his eyes glimmering slightly as he made it clear that despite their former relationship, he considered her an equal now.
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Luna’s large blue eyes seemed fixed on the man’s face. Or was it nose? Her hand would automatically position her hat once more, before trying to correct her dress. It kept scrunching where she was sitting, rather uncomfortable.

“Oh you did not finish it? I suppose you have been busy?” Luna always thought him to be part of some secret agency, aside the death eaters, and Dumbledore’s army. Maybe for the government? The pale brows would rise in surprise when she heard him offer her HIS notes. That was, certainly not something she expected.

“-Oh I would be delighted!” she exclaimed “I always thought you to be kinder than what you let onto being…!” oh she had been right about that one, in many ways it seemed. Though a small giggle seemed to grace her the very moment he was winching about his new job and how fame was bogging him down. A few years ago, this is not how she imagined the future,but anything was possible.

“-Why won’t’ I come by and perhaps pick it up later this week? Or tonight? I am not sure what our schedules are like yet but I am assuming that if students are anything like they were when I was a student. We will be kept busy, and perhaps even a tad angered, but I shall refuse to fall for their tricks!” waving her finger around in the air as she spoke. After all, she had been exposed to a lot of their horrible pranks during her time as a student. Luna would turn and give the older man a soft smile, perhaps he’d be more pleasant now. Less, scary somehow? Then she looked at him again. Or maybe not?
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Snape could not help but blush slightly as Luna giggled and gave him a smile. He turned his head away slightly and took a sip of his drink to calm himself. He still loved Lily, to be sure, and that love would always live on through his protectiveness of Harry...but he knew Lily would not want him to be depressed and alone his whole life, so he had decided to open himself to dating once again. Still, he never expected himself to be attracted to one of his former students who had grown into quite the beautiful woman.

He turned to face Luna again and gave her a small nod at her request. "Sure, feel free to come over this evening. I'll have a lovely dinner and bottle of wine waiting as well, if you wish to join me..." Snape tried to sound charming, but he wasn't sure how his tone came across...after all, he had almost never flirted with a girl. Even with his love for Lily, he never expressed it at all. As her mention of pranks, he chuckled slightly as he gave the blonde a grin. "Well...we'll be busy for sure...but as I recall, you pulled a number of pranks yourself when you were a student here." Snape recalled Luna being the unwitting pawn of the Weasley brothers sometimes in their pranks, he wondered if she remember.
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Luna hung her head in defeat. Grimacing to the Professor Snape after he made mention of those pranks. “yes, about that, some of that, I sort of regret, other, not ….that much.” Which was sadly true. “I do say some did have it coming..” In part she was still upset about how they had used her as a plot device for their pranks, though some she understood and knew. Though a bit eccentric, she wasn’t dumb. Thinking back at it now, it made her solemn and almost dejected. Though Snape was acting a tiny bit out of character for himself. Perhaps it was the stress? Aftermath of the war. Maybe the fear of being famous. Had he just invited her over for wine? Surely she misheard him. Probably did. It was noisy and he couldn’t have meant it that way!

“Oh I didn’t realize you …drank wine, outside events that is..” she admitted. Luna would shyly stare at her goblet, then with a swift fluid motion grabbed it and chugged it down. “I’ll be there.” The dinner bit? Since it had been proven Severus Snape was not a vampire, she assumed he like everyone else would require normal food. Glancing quickly sideways she was certain she caught his cheeks, were they pink? Must be the wine. She was clearly imagining things.

“-One day I hope to teach George’s son Fred how to do it and get away with it…” she added with a quiet whisper to the man. That would probably make him cringe. “I will see you then I suppose?” the blonde tilted her head, clueless with a friendly smile. After all, he was her professor still. Least in her eyes.
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At Luna's statement, Snape let out a small chuckle. "Most people like to drink wine every now and again outside of events, you know?" He couldn't help but find her naivete at his personality to be amusing. After all, for many years he played the part of the brooding professor to keep people away from him, lest they risk discovering his secret.

At mention of teaching Fred what to do, Snape just nodded his head. "Yes,'ll have to train him sure to train Ron and Harry's children well too. I already know they'll be troublemakers, best then learn from a professional. " He chuckled lightly as he gently grabbed Luna's hand and brought it up to his lips, planting a gentle kiss on her backhand before giving her a small smile. "Yes, my lady....I shall be eagerly awaiting your arrival." With that, the event was over and Snape stood up to leave, walking down the Great Hall, he was soon assailed on all sides by admiring students. He did his best to placate them so he could leave.
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The young woman froze when his hand was placed on hers. The gentle kiss was even more surprising. Luna was holding her breath, feeling her heart suddenly jump in surprise. Lune couldn’t resist the urge to smile, out of embarrassment, or perhaps something else. “I always thought you weren’t the type. But…..with all those potions you can make then something interesting must be in your list of drinks…”

Though, she doubted they’d need much training, but they would need education about important things, such as nargles. As Snape walked off, her gaze followed him for a long few seconds. Maybe she had been inattentive as younger, but had he always been so gallant? A proper gentleman it seemed. It was a bit puzzling. Or maybe, someone had used the polyjuice potion, and was pretending to be him. Thus it would be her purpose and mission to make sure this intruder was exposed!
Luna waited for about 20 minutes, and would make a quiet exit. Misplacing her eaglehat in the process. It seemed to be a thing, her items in
Hogwarts went missing, mysteriously.

After 3 wrong turns, and some helpful guidance from the Fat lady, she found herself outside what she thought was Snape’s chambers. It was located somewhere far down in the castle and seemed as lonely and creepy as she had imagined as a student. Knocking gently on the door she’d simply chirp.

“-Professor Snape! I am here for the notes! And a glass of wine…!” the last bit said with merriment and a coy tone. She would have to work her womanly magic to draw the impostor to her only to reveal him…! Or her.
RE: Second time around

Snap had been busy preparing the notes for Luna as well as preparing the food and wine. They would be having salmon tonight with a lovely red wine. Snape had added just a few drops of an aphrodisiac to Luna's goblet. Not enough to be noticeable, but enough to where once she drank...she would find herself wanting of pleasure in the most fleeting of ways. He opened that would be enough to open her up to him, because he was often clumsy with women.

As he heard the knock on the door, he looked at himself in the mirror and straightened out his robes, brushing his black hair to the side slightly. He opened the door and gave Luna a small smile. "Ah, Ms. Lovegood...glad you could make it, please...come in. I have the notes and dinner all ready for us." He motioned towards the table, showing her the food and drink he had prepared, as well as the stack of notes waiting for her to pour over.
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Once stepping inside his chambers, it didn’t look so bad. Not entirely what she expected, actually not at all. It was a pleasant surprise. Meant he wasn’t as lonely and scary as she had thought him to be.

“Terribly sorry about taking a bit of time, I lost my hat. I have a house elf looking for it..:” she sighed, and lowered her shoulders before stepping further inside. As he gestured to the table, she’d walk straight up to it and pick up the top paper and start to skim through it. Eyes big, shimmering with joy and curiosity. Lips puckered unconsciously as she read it, almost in half a pout.

Once she glanced away, and smelled the air, she noticed the food. He had cooked? Luna froze oddly in her pose, and then slowly leaned her head a bit out to the side.
“-You cook….” That puzzled her, though she’d grab one of the glasses of wine and lift it to him.

“-I never knew you had such interest in Rufus, but it shows my point. I was onto something!” Although the report really said nothing about him actually being a vampire. Least not the first page.
Once the wine went past her lips and down her throat, she could feel a warm feeling tingle through her body. Maybe tonight was not a good time to drink? She had always been a bit of a lightweight.
“-Good wine too…”
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Snape shook his head at her mention of being late. "No no, its quite alright. I wasn't expecting you for awhile after all. Besides...that hat doesn't suit look much more lovely with it off...." He chuckled slightly, running his hand through her flowing blonde locks for a few brief moments while she read the top page of his research.

At the mention of him cooking, he laughed. "Is it quite odd for a man to know how to cook? I have to eat, after all. I'm not a vampire." He teased the young woman as he grabbed his goblet as well and gave her a quick cheers as he took a sip. He pulled a chair out for Luna, offering her to sit as he sat across from her, cutting into his salmon and taking a bite. "Yes, well, for awhile I thought Rufus might have been connect to the Dark Lord, so that is what started my research....he is fascinating though, that is what continued it." He explained as he drank some more wine, watching her drink and show apperciation for the wine. "I'm glad you like it, my lady...its a fine import from France....1920 vintage I believe."
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Blinked, he didn’t like her hat? But everyone loved her hats. She especially loved her hats.
“I am certain they’ll locate it, they are house elves, they are expert finders, the only ones better at finding things are hufflepuffs. And I can’t really start rewarding students already….!” Then she went silent. He was touching her hair. Lifting the paper up in front of her face, she was trying to hide her cheeks turning into pink fire.

“-prof…wh…” she didn’t get further into the question before Severus had pulled the chair out for her and talked about cooking. It made her rather relieved. In turn she’d sit down, trying to hold it together and lift her glass at him, taking another sip. “Well I had reason to didn’t I? to think you were a vampire!” well not really. Aside the black clothing and pale skin there was very little other indication that he was a vampire.

Rufus and Voldemort, it could have been a legit concern, she had touched upon the subject as well. “I thought so as well, for a while….” So did a few others. “Good to know it wasn’t just me.” It was followed by a nervous laugh, and she seemed to quickly let go of the glass of wine when he told her how old it was.

“-That must be expensive, like the nectar of life….” She glanced between the twine and severus, before just letting it go. “I am sorry, I am just not used to you being so. ….” Luna’s nervous face seemed to fade and give room for a calm happy look on her features. “Nice.” Sweet and even welcoming. “Would you mind just calling me Luna? After all we’re colleagues now.” Was it getting hot there or was it just her? Looking down at he rplate she’d help herself to a bite.

“-This is really good…!” Though, chewing and swallowing she had an important question to ask. “Why the sudden change?” She wasn't sure what was stranger, discovering this new side to him, or actually liking this new side to him. It was rather attractive.
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Snape noticed that Luna was starting to feel somewhat embarassed around him. He supposed that meant his flirting was working...though he wasn't sure. He continued to eat his salmon, chuckling and waving off her accusation of him being a vampire. He saw she was reluctant to drink the wine when she learned of the vintage.

"It was a admirer gave it to me for my part in the war. So please, don't let it go to waste. It most all be drank now that it has been opened!" Snape poured Luna and himself some more as he took a sip out of his goblet. When she mentioned him being nice and calling her Luna, he smiled and reached his hand out to hers, placing it atop hers and giving her hand a gentle squeeze."Of course, I would love to call you Luna...feel free to call me Severus." He let very few people call him by his first name, even with his kinder attitude.

With her question, he let out a sigh before looking her straight in the eyes, almost like he was peering into her soul. "This is the real me...right here. That cold and harsh attitude I put up for was all to protect Harry, to protect my keep people from getting close to me..." Snape moved his hand up to Luna's cheek and cupped it gently. "Now I am free from that burden..and I want to get close to people again..." He slowly started to lean in towards Luna, his lips nearing hers...waiting to see what she would do.
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Had touched the win again, gift from admirers, he probably had quite a few worshipping him as a hero. It would be strange if he didn’t get those odd gifts here and there. She’d finish her glass, and continue to eat as he spoke. “It is a very great wine, I am not that fond of red wine normally….” This was an exception. Her cheeks remained tinted pink and she’d eat whilst she listened to him.
It was a sad, yet sweet story.

“You did a good job hiding it…” she admitted “I am sorry I judged you wrongly, like so many others.” It was perhaps an apology, perhaps an attempt at being friendly. Her slender soft fingers would lace into his and two of her fingers gently caressed the top of his hand. The touch felt electric, dreamlike. Not even sure why it felt like that. Or why she was feeling very allured by all of this already. Luna didn’t question, she always went with her gut and instinct. No matter where it took her.

“Close to pe…:” it was first then it dawned on her how close he had gotten to her. His face was almost touching hers. His lips near hers. It seemed like her body knew before her mind knew, cause she was holding her breath. Was his hand on her cheek? It was. Half-lidded blue eyes stared back into his dark eyes, and then…..she closed the distance between them. It took but half a second. Soft lips landed on his in a sweet chaste kiss.
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Snape was somewhat surprised when he felt Luna's lips on his own. He wasn't expecting her to close the distance. The shock quickly vanished though and was replaced with a sense of warmth as he kissed her back, his hand stroking her cheek gently. He didn't want to part with her...and he only wanted to deepen the kiss....if she didn't like his advances, he was sure she would stop him...that was his logic.

With nerves resolved, Snapes' tongue slithered out of his mouth and gently licked at Luna's lush lips. Like a snake attempting to slither its way into its burrow, his tongue wiggled at her lips, seeing if she would part her lips for him or back away in shock.
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Surprised herself, honestly. Despite all of this, she didn’t regret having done that. Maybe it was everything of late. The long journey, the long day, the wine. The fact that he was very clever and being a gentleman. It didn’t matter, she was enjoying it and her body was saying yes to this. Whatever it was. An innocent kiss, or two?

Luna drew back, her hand pushing carefully into his black hair, twirling some of the hair around her finger. The edge of her lips tugging up in a silly smile, then would lean back in, part her lips and let him in. This was not how or what had expected. Though she was finding herself wanting it. Letting her free hand place itself on his chest, running her finger up those buttons. Why did he have all those buttons?
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Snape was worried slightly when he felt Luna draw away, but he felt her fingers tussiling through his hair and swiftly her lips were back upon his own, parting for his tongue. He was quick to accept the invitation, his tongue darting into her mouth and exploring her wet cave. He pressed his tongue up against her own, encouraging her own tongue to play with his own.

He felt her hand on his chest, running up his buttons. His own hands moved to the straps of her dress on her shoulders and slowly began to push them off her shoulders and down her body. He wanted to see her naked body so badly right now, the desire was raging in him. He again reasoned with himself that if she was uncomfy, she would stop him as his tongue ravished the inside of her mouth as he tried to strip her.
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Had for a moment let their noses touch, though it was brief and she’d fall right back into that kiss. Pressing her tongue against his, before trying to explore him. It was careful, more shy, but she was holding on tightly to his jacket and top. The soft hand would run through his hair, and then trail down his neck, placing itself behind his neck, running her finger down into his shirt.

Other hand was trying to unbutton his shirt, It was however rather futile. The buttons were small, and they were so many. Somehow she didn’t think she’d manage to get it open. That was oddly disappointing. Feeling her shoulders exposed to the air, she’d pull back, lifting her shoulders demurely, before giving him a playful smirk. There was something gleaming in her eyes.

“-So what’s the trick to your buttons?” daring herself to ask the older man. Magic? Did one simply rip it open? Or have the patience of a god every morning, night and date to remove them? Luna scooted, from her chair, over on his. Not really his chair, as much as his lap. “Care to share? I’d like to learn…”
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Snape let out a soft moan in the kiss as their tongues clashed and he felt Luna's hands upon him, trying to unbutton his robes and get the clothes off him. As she pulled away from the kiss, he chuckled at her question as she got onto his lap.

"It's simple magic....all I have to do is this..." He twirled his index finger around for a few brief moments and then ran them down the line of buttons, causing them all to vanish from his robes loosening them up. He pushed Luna's dress down more, exposing her perky breasts to him. He grinned as he planted his lips on one, sucking gently, his tongue swirling around her erect nipple. His hands slithered down her said and planted themselves on her firm rear, giving her a spank before he groped her ass. A bulge was starting to form in Snape's trousers...and Luna could definitely feel it.
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She would lean her head against his, watching as he was about to illustrate. Lips resting by his brows as she looked down at his chest and hand. Wordless magic. This was new, though hardly something she’d stop to ask about. She was a bit taken up by something else. Her hand would trail down his neck, dip in under the jacket and shirt then push it back to expose his chest. Lune was curious about what she’d see.

Feeling the crisp air upon her skin, which had been nice and warm inside her dress just moments ago, her nipples grew pert and firm. The spank got her by surprise, making her let out a surprised yelp , resulting that she’d bury her face down into the nape of his neck. Trailing small kisses down to his collarbone. The blonde let out a sharp breath and moan once he suckled on her nipple, pressing her half naked body against him. Wiggling on the lap to find a balanced and good position, which , drew her attention to something poking at her leg…
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