Three Heads are Better (Ren Olvry & MidnightSpade)

Ren Olvry

Dec 22, 2012
Many might say that a Hydreigon really wasn't suited to something like contests... and would, for the most part, be quite correct. They were traditionally very aggressive, after all, which didn't exactly serve the environment well. This one was no exception, at least at first, but now? He could, and would, fly circles around any of his opposition, and have a little fun doing it. Suffice it to say he could still be... rough around the edges, but he wasn't that bad any more, except perhaps for the occasional little scuffle that got him into a bit of trouble from time to time. Others tended to annoy him, though, often poking fun at the fact that a powerful creature like him was being dressed up and putting on shows rather than crushing anything in his path.

Well, never mind them; right now, he was on a bit of a high after finally, truly winning a contest. Emotionally, as well as literally, flying with his trainer on his back a good distance away from the surface, to the point where any people down below would just look like ants. It was a view he quite enjoyed, and most assuredly didn't mind sharing.

As to the destination, though... he hadn't a clue. He thought he recalled his trainer mentioning something for if he won, but for as much as he didn't consider the possibility before, he'd hardly registered it. Now, though, the left-most of the dragon's three heads tilted up and glanced inquisitively back to the blonde-haired woman upon his back, seeking out some direction for where to go, especially as his lazy flight path happened to take them off away from most of the nearby cities, over a forest that would eventually lead to the coast. He could fly her anywhere; so he'd (essentially, if he'd managed to convey it well) promised. It was just a matter of where she wanted to go in the end; right now, he was just happy to go anywhere, and be with she who'd led him to this latest victory in spite of his relatively frequent attitude and how much he'd fought back against her at first.
With a straight arm and pointed finger, Kiara directed her beloved Pokemon to a cove just beyond the trees they flew over. Her smile was wide, if a little nervous. She had plans that she wanted to enact but was beginning to doubt herself. Could she do it? Maybe, maybe not, but at the very least there'd be privacy and chance to finally relax.

Hydreigon was her pride and joy, having raised him from a Deino and training him for contests and battles alike from the moment they met. He was surprisingly good in contests, loving to show off his strengths and how cool he looked. He wasn't the usual cute or beautiful standards, but Kiara loved him all the same.

The cove itself was secluded. The blonde had found it on her travels many months ago and had made note of it to come back for a brief repose sometime, but she hadn't entailed it to be for the reason that ran through her mind. The beach she chose was cut off from the rest of the forest by a large cliff, with the only options to get there being to surf across the water, climb down the cliff, or fly there. Of course her preferred method of travel was flying her dear Hydreigon.

"Just down there!" She said loudly enough for her Pokemon to hear above the wind, her hair wiping about her shoulders where it was tied back in a ponytail. "On that beach!" A small tingle of thrill made her shiver as Kiara thought of what she was going to suggest to her most favourite Pokemon as a prize for winning his last contest.
Taking note of where that finger was pointing, something only further aided by the fact that the Hydreigon had three heads and, as such, a much wider field of vision than most all else, he gave an affirmative nod with that left-most head, diverting his course a little to take him that way. For a moment or two, he wondered a little where she was directing him, before that seemingly private cove started to come into his view. He'd admit, he was never the biggest fan of water, but it seemed like a relaxing, out of the way area; if there was anywhere around here to get some relaxation after that victory, that was probably it.

So he started a steady descent that would easily take them straight there when he heard the woman call out just where to go. Down from the sky, above a few trees still, before his descent slowed down to a gentle hover that alighted him easily on the sand. Shifting his toes a little to get a good feel for the stuff, the dragon moved one head over and around to come up to about Kiara's side, in offer to help her get down more easily than merely him leaning down; the last thing he wanted was for her to fall, after all; not with how graceful she usually seemed to be!

Only once she was off did he move a little again, allowing himself a leisurely stretch after the relatively long flight and the contest, every one of his six wings and three necks joining in on the stretching. With that done and his body relaxed just a little more for it, he moved one head over to nuzzle affectionately against his trainer's cheek, granting it a small, affectionate lick in turn. Following that, he moved over to stand facing her a few feet in front of her, each of his heads tilting curiously to the side as he waited to see if she might have some sort of reward, something for finally winning his first ever contest after multiple times of merely coming close to that point in his previous stages of evolution.
She couldn't help the smile on her face as the head that acted as an arm came to her side to help her climb down from his back. Hopping down onto the sand with ease, she stretched with a happy sigh, breathing the ocean air in deeply. The breeze caught her hair, and she pulled it free from the tie she always pulled it back in when she flew. It was only logical considering how blown around it would get while they were in the air.

Turning to her dear Pokemon, she reached up and petted his main head, rubbing under his chin with the smile still on her lips, scratching his neck with her other hand. "Thank you. You've been such a good boy. I'm so proud of you." Kiara told him, standing close to him as she doted on him with affection.

Hydreigon was a few inches taller than her, and accompanied with his mass of muscle and scales it would cause a soft rush of heat to flush over her when she thought about how big and powerful her Pokemon was. There had been more than one occasion where she'd fallen asleep next to him by a camp fire or in a hostel while they were travelling. His warmth was comforting, and his power was reassuring that she wouldn't be attacked in the night.

"My big, strong, handsome Hydreigon." Kiara continued to gush, moving closer to embrace him, arms reaching up around his middle neck with a happy content sound as she leaned against him. Her breasts pushed up against him, half by accident but mostly on purpose. Her nerves spiked, but her feelings were winning the fight against them.
As Kiara reached up to rub under his chin, that head tilted up a little, eyes half lidding and a content little rumbling coursing through him as he enjoyed the touch there and to his neck. Hardly feeling like not returning the affection, especially when she hugged him closely like that, the Hydreigon soon moved to give precisely that. Though, at the same time, he was a little curious, in a way. They'd been close plenty of times, but her chest pressed up against him like that was... odd. It felt fleshy and pliable from what he could feel of it so far, and wasn't even something he'd felt before.

Not letting that curiosity linger too long, the dragon moved his central head around to the girl's back, nuzzling a bit against it and the long, soft blonde hair there with his neck practically hugging her back that way. His other heads, in the meantime, moved to their own particular places. One came up to nuzzle gently and affectionately into the other side of the female's neck, while the other, meanwhile, gave the bottom of her sweater a small tug upwards.

It was an innocent gesture, in all honesty; merely the fact that it was a beach they were on, and while the ocean breeze held a slight chill, he doubted it was enough to warrant a garment like that. That was merely all it was; there was no way he could possibly know yet about her feelings toward him, or how such an action might otherwise be perceived.
With a small chuckle, Kiara pulled away, giving his head a quick rub before patting the one that tugged at her sweater. "Lil bit warm, huh?" She asked, gazing up at the sky at the small scattering of clouds that barely covered the sun. It'd be a while before the sun set and things got cooler.

Once her bag was off her shoulder, the cream sweater was pulled over her head leaving her in only her black tank top and skirt. She gestured for him to follow as she moved closer to the cliff at the back of the cove where sand became grass. She set her sweater and bag down on the ground, bending down to pull a blanket and other things out of it. With this position her skirt was lifted slightly, revealing the edge of her panties to the Pokemon behind her. Another purposeful movement, and she hummed softly to herself before standing straight to lay the blanket on the grass for somewhere to sit.

She looked over her shoulder with a smile once the blanket and her belongings were spread out comfortably. "Come and sit down." Kiara told him, blonde hair caught in the light breeze. The blanket was purple with small stars lining the edge, but it was plenty big enough for both of them to sit down and not be on the rough ground. But the blonde had more in mind than just sitting as she waited for Hydreigon to take his place first.
Giving a little nod... or two, given the fact that two heads participated in it, the Hydreigon freely let the woman pull away, even if he did enjoy being close like that. With a curious tilt of a few of those same heads, he was quick to follow after when Kiara gestured for him to, his gait somewhat lumbering as normal for the fact that his body was shaped like it was, but only had two legs to actually hold it up on the ground. It wasn't exactly the prettiest form of movement, but it worked for him... and he usually just flew in contests now anyway, so what did that matter?

What did matter, and he was certain he should stop but couldn't quite bring himself to, was the view. Only one of his three heads took it, the others looking ahead or a little to the side, but it gave him a fine view between the female's legs, if not for the skin that was hidden by those panties then definitely the shape. His eyes quickly enough tore away from there as she stood back up again, his other heads left to take note when she called on him to sit.

What was starting to go through his head, anyway? Well... he knew, essentially, but that didn't make it feel any less... wrong, in a way. He shouldn't be looking at his trainer like that, surely...

Shoving those thoughts out of his head, the Hydreigon moved to sit, his heads each spaced out a little with one looking out to the view, while the others watched Kiara from two somewhat separate angles. She was attractive, for a human, and they got on fairly well despite his own attitude when it came, he had to admit... and those idle thoughts set one of those two heads watching her to start tilting down a little, its eyes wandering a bit over the woman's form. He shouldn't, he was certain, but he barely noticed to possibly stop himself.
A soft giggle came from Kiara as she moved closer, instead of sitting on the blanket she took a set in what would be considered the dragon Pokemon's lap, shifting around to get herself comfortable before settling against him. She pulled one of the heads that acted as a hand towards her, placing a kiss atop its nose before nuzzling it.

"You did really well at the contest. Your first win." Her cheeks were flushed as she smiled up at his middle head, biting her lip slightly with nerves. "You looked so cool, and powerful. I'm so proud of you. And... I have a little reward for you... if you're interested in it."

She hesitated, her fingers idly stroking over the head in her hands, nuzzling it once more and kissing the frilled scales around its neck. Between her legs throbbed softly, reminding her of the dreams she'd had more than once, waking her with a mess in her panties and the need for a shower. She knew she shouldn't be feeling such things for her Pokemon, but they were in a secluded cove, just the two of them. No one else had to know.
Blinking in surprise as the woman moved closer, then closer still, the Hydreigon was otherwise only too happy to shift himself a little as well, hoping to make the spot she'd chosen to sit as comfortable as he could. A little grin formed on that head as she kissed its nose, only for it to affectionately return that nuzzling a little while the other head moved around to rest gently in her lap, effectively wrapping his neck partly around her waist.

Then another tilt to the side in curiosity from that central head, glancing down curiously at the female from a bit above and giving a happy grin of its own. A quick little nod was granted on the point of it being his first win, the head she still held nuzzling a bit further against her in affection. He wouldn't have gotten anywhere near this far without her, he knew that much full well; so far as he was concerned, especially now, she was owed anything she possibly wanted from him. Yet he was the one being rewarded... with... something.

'Of course!' was, essentially, the sound he made... something he was certain she and probably no others would actually get, thanks to all the time they'd spent together. Still plenty curious, especially as she started to kiss around that neck, the Hydreigon moved that middle head down in the meantime, nuzzling it gently against Kiara's cheek and starting to grant it soft, affectionate little licks.
The smile would not leave her lips as she finished showering the smaller head with affection, turning to Hydreigon's middle and placing a kiss on his nose too. Kiara curled up against him, sighing happily and biting her lip as her wandering thoughts sent another flush of heat through her body. Her hands idly traced over Hydreigon's chest and stomach, lightly tracing over his scales and wandering a little more south than they would normally do.

"It's going to be... a very special present." The blonde continued, and once her hands were done tracing over him, she pulled back just enough to tug at the bottom of her shirt.

They were completely alone, so she barely felt any shame as her black tank top was pulled over her head to reveal a plain but cute blue bra. Blush spread across her cheeks as she looked up at her faithful Pokemon again, shuffling closer.

"Um, I... I think I feel more for you than a trainer should for... for her Pokemon." Her voice was quiet, a stammer present due to her anxiety. What if Hydreigon wasn't interested? What if he left her? Didn't want her for a trainer anymore? She hoped even if he wasn't interested it could be forgotten and pushed aside, but there was some small hope.
As the woman removed that head from her grip, that neck wrapped around her just as well, the head coming down to rest upon her lap not far from the other. A 'special present', though... he could hardly wait to find out what it actually was, and meanwhile let out a light, content rumbling as her hands wandered over him... turning to ever so slight fidgeting as they moved lower than they had before.

Then he blinked again in curiosity as she started to tug up her tank top, all three heads turning slightly to watch as her stomach started to become exposed to the open. Each of those three pairs of eyes wandered curiously, and slowly, over that exposed skin, and the bra that had been beneath the tank top. And, perhaps a little more so, the bit of cleavage his central head could gaze upon from its somewhat higher vantage point. Between that, and especially her words, he could tell well enough: Kiara herself was his reward. Her, in her entirety.

If she cared for him so much that she'd offer herself to him like this, how could he possibly decline? Possibly invalidate those feelings, and the amount of affection he had for her?

So, after a few moments of apparent, still thought, the Hydreigon started to move again, with each of his three heads. One moved up a little from her lap, nuzzling against her now bare stomach and trailing a few small, gentle licks against it, ever so slowly moving up toward one of her breasts. The other moved a bit further along her lap instead, giving her skirt a small tug; if she was going to willfully show him more, then he wanted to see more. The central head, meanwhile, moved down just a little more. Nuzzling gently down from her cheek, he started to place slight licks and nibbles along her jawline, trailing them steadily down to her chin, those eyes especially watching her own, seeing what she might like, what she might want him to do.

If she wanted to give him everything, then he would give her everything in return.
A gasp of shock was pulled from her at the sudden attention, and Kiara found herself flushing even further as Hydreigon seemed to accept his 'gift' with enthusiasm. She giggled nervously, tilting her head for him, hair brushed out of the way, as she pressed closer to his warm scaled body.

While trying not to move away from the gentle nibbles, the blonde woman shifted to pull off her shoes, wanting to nestle close to him and allow him to do as he wished to her without anything in the way. She would see where he wanted to take it first, and remove anything she had to while he explored. On the other side of those thoughts, she was too nervous to properly initiate things such as taking her clothes off entirely. It was all about where her dear Hydreigon would go.

"Do you like this?" She asked, her voice a little quiet and breathless, reaching out to scratch the closest head she could reach under the chin. Her panties were quickly moistening already, and she bit her already abused lip as she tried not to fidget while arousal raced through her.

There was a sense of shame from it, which served to only fuel her more. Her Pokemon was barely doing anything so far and she was already getting aroused from the mere thought of where his limbs could go. With a little push, she nudged his head between her breasts to nestle in her cleavage.
Off came her shoes, the Hydreigon vaguely noted... that was a little something more, no doubt of that. It was not nearly as much as it could have been, but it was something... and if things were to go in this direction, he'd little doubt that there would indeed be more coming off soon enough. For the moment, though, he supposed he could enjoy and appreciate what he had, curiously wander it while he considered what Kiara might particularly enjoy.

So on that question, he gave a little nod in affirmation, with all of his heads, no less. He was definitely starting to enjoy this already, and definitely wanted more, to which end, he offered no even slight resistance to where her hands guided one of his heads. That bra was still mostly in the way, he noted somewhat grudgingly, but that head still nuzzled forward all the same, pushing in a little where it could manage. Then that tongue came out, pushing in a bit further as it started to lap slowly and somewhat firmly along what of her cleavage it could get to.

Not to be fully left out, his other heads continued to move in the meantime. The one still at her legs gave her skirt another little tug to try and start on getting that off, in the process nuzzling a little against part of her thigh. His central head as well moved a bit further in its actions, its eyes still meeting with Kiara's own as his tongue flicked out a little against a somewhat different spot than before... that was, right against her lips. He had at least some inclination from what he'd seen that humans did something of the sort, and he wanted her, at least, to be able to enjoy that with him as that head hovered mere inches from her face, the tongue flicking out a little a second time to grant her lips another slight lick.
Kiara shuddered softly, another gasp coming from her throat as his tongue lapped down her chest. Her skin tingled as the saliva cooled in the air, making goosebumps raise over her flesh. Her fingers lightly raked down the scales on one neck that she could reach, needing to hold onto something and feel something under her fingers as the sensations washed over her. She never imagined it would be like this, that he'd actually want her. A further blush flushed her cheeks pink.

She was taken by surprise by the somewhat awkward kiss and the tug on her skirt. With a smile, she reached down to unzip the fabric, raising up to let it fall down her hips before tugging it off for him entirely. Once that was done, the blonde returned the kiss, pecking his surprisingly soft mouth with her own, allowing him to lick at her as best he could and kissing the tongue that flicked out for her.

"Good boy." Kiara praised him, leaning fully against his broad body in nothing but her blue panties and bra now, not even remotely cold even in the slight breeze, though her nipples were stiffening underneath the fabric from all the sensations. "That's my big strong dragon."
Hearing those little sounds she was making, feeling how she held onto him like that, seeing that red tint on her cheeks... all full proof, to the Hydreigon, that he was doing reasonably well so far. The little kiss against his lips caught him for a moment, and was not something it felt to him like he'd be able to easily replicate, but... he had to try, at least. For her. Especially, perhaps, now that that skirt of hers was off, exposing her legs to him, and, more than that, allowing that head to get a perfect view of the damp spot on her panties between her legs. She really wanted this that badly, it seemed.

Still, though, it wasn't enough, in a way... but it would still do. Just for now. So his heads eagerly continued their actions, the one at her chest lapping a bit more firmly at her cleavage, and occasionally moving down a little to a certain something else. A little tug was granted to the middle strap of Kiara's bra; enough for her to definitely feel it, but not enough to damage the garment, lest she possibly get upset at him now. Not especially when he was very clearly quite the opposite, a light, happy rumbling coursing through his entire body now as he enjoyed the little touches, and the attentions he could offer her with his trio of heads.

To that end, now that her skirt was off, the head down there knew exactly what it needed to do now. Nudging down between her legs, it started to lap slowly and firmly at that damp patch, merely serving to make it worse as his own saliva was added to the mix. Those eyes, for now, contently closed, enjoying the taste they caught from that area and eagerly going in for still more, his tongue starting to lap a bit more quickly there. And, in his best impression of a human 'kiss', the dragon's middle head moved up to press his lips gently against the female's own, parting them a little to let his tongue poke out again to brush against her lips. It may not have been something he was made for, really, but he wanted to experience all of her, including that.

Never mind the fact that his length growing steadily out between his legs was starting to poke slightly against her lower back.
With her chest softly heaving from how she was beginning to pant, Kiara didn't waste much time in reaching around her back and unhooking her bra. She may have seemed too eager to some, but this was something she'd fantasied about for a long time. Though her actions were halted as gentle tongues lapped at her wetness, causing her to let out a startled moan and a pleasant shudder.

"A-Ah, that's good-" She stuttered out words of encouragement, bra being piled aside with her other clothes, freeing her breasts to the open air. She didn't think they were too big or too small, not that a Pokemon would know much difference.

The growing hardness pressing against her brought her attention back, and as Hydreigon's tongue lapped at her, still causing her to moan softly, she managed to move to grasp his hardness in her hand where it peaked out from underneath scales in a sheath. With red cheeks Kiara bit her lip, staring down at the cock that she now held, still growing in size as she stroked it to full attention. How big would it get? Would it fit inside her?

As if on cue, a small gush of wetness flooded her panties from the thought of it inside her, a throb of arousal driving an increasing need between her legs. It was embarrassing how easily aroused she was, already soaking through the fabric with the smallest movements from her prize winning dragon. She was eager, growing more desperate, but still wanted to take it at the Pokemon's pace.

"Some Pokemon seems to like the smell of me." Kiara teased with a breathless smile, hand firmly stroking the erection that was presented to her, nuzzling close to him and placing a kiss on one of the three heads that was closest to her.
And there went another, allowing that particular head of Hydreigon's to take a moment or two to really take in the female's breasts in their entirety, now they weren't covered by anything and left to be free. Hardly was he normally concerned with a female's chest size, of all things, but to him, they seemed perfect. Perhaps just because of who they were on, admittedly, but he wasn't concerning himself too much with that.

When he felt her hand reach back and come around his length, however, a light shudder coursed through him, his breathing suddenly deepening. Just a little, his hips started to shift as that hand stroked along him, encouraging it just to grow even more quickly under that touch. It wasn't long then until he was at his full length, definitely longer and thicker than a regular human male's but still just the right size, likely enough, to fit safely... albeit a fairly tight fit.

Already, though, he knew he couldn't go on with this much longer, not especially with what she was doing, how she sounded and even tasted. Releasing her from his attention just for the moment, the dragon moved around from behind Kiara, only to move in front of her and give her a gentle nudge to try and lead her to her back on the blanket. All three pairs of eyes slowly taking in the view of her form nearly in its entirety, but for those panties still hiding some of it from him, he didn't wait long at all before he lavished her with more contact. His body hovering just above hers, including his member hovering just above that space between her legs, his three heads got to work back to their own separate areas. To her neck one of the smaller ones went, nibbling and gently licking along the side of it. The central head went to one of her now freed breasts, lapping slowly and somewhat firmly at her cleavage between them both before steadily turning his attention to that mound itself, even the hardened nipple atop it that his lips soon enough closed over, nibbling and tugging carefully at it. His last head, most of all, gave those panties a little tug, before otherwise nudging back down between her legs and letting his tongue poke out again to lap slowly and firmly at that area, hoping to get her prepared to really take him.
Staying still, Kiara watched him move with curious and wide blue eyes, rubbing her legs together to try and quell the ache between them. Once pushed, she lay back, smiling up at him with how gentle and caring her Pokemon was towards her. It made her heart flutter slightly for more reasons than simple desire. She arched deeply into his touch, sharp gasps and moans coming from her mouth as she was nibbled and licked, unable to grasp hold of anything for the simple reason she didn't know where she wanted to grab. Should she clutch the blanket below her or reach out for one of his heads, and which head should she grasp onto?

She had almost forgotten the fact that Hydreigon had three mouths to use, not expecting it to have taken this particular turn. It thrilled her, sending pleasure up and down her spine, especially with the sight of his now fully erect cock resting between their legs. With the insistent tugs on her panties, she finally shifted around to remove them, pulling them down and blushing even further as she realised how wet and dripping she was. She'd have to go commando until she could clean them.

"Look what a mess you make me." The blonde chuckled, once again her voice sounding shaky and breathless, finally completely naked as she lay back on the blanket, settled below him like a platter of food for him to devour. She spread her legs, biting her lip and showing off the dripping wetness between her legs, allowing him a good view and watching his cock twitch in response.
Finally, the last piece was disappearing. Thus the eyes of the head practically between her legs gazed upon his real 'present', that which lay between her legs and already appeared to be more than wet enough for him. Much as he sorely wanted to claim her now, though, there felt like still a bit more for him to enjoy, and that comment of hers to worry about. He'd made her a mess? Then the little smirk on his faces might well have said it all: he'd just have to clean her up.

Precisely that, he went straight to do. That head once more moved between her legs, made all the easier by how they were now spread for him. Out his tongue came once his head was where he wanted it, but not to simply lick. On the contrary, with how he pressed that head between her legs like that, his tongue all but dove right in, pressing beyond those lower lips of hers and onward still, into her to start to lap perhaps as eagerly as he could manage at her inner walls. Rather than help clean her up on the outside, at least just yet, he'd clean her up a little there, and at the same time indulge himself happily lapping up her wetness and very much appreciating every taste.

The other two heads, in the meantime, made no slight move to stop. On the contrary, they just went a little further, nibbling and licking a bit more firmly at the side of her neck and part of her shoulder with one, tugging and even suckling at one of Kiara's nipples with the other. Letting himself be driving merely by instinct and his wish to please and, ultimately, claim the female below him, he went about just doing what felt right... though if the little shifting of his hips was any indication, more would inevitably be coming soon enough. Especially now, he couldn't keep himself out of her forever.
She practically screamed as that tongue simply delved inside her, instinctively bucking up against him and rocking against his invading muscle with a loud moan. A hand clamped over her mouth, trying to stifle the noises lest there actually be anyone nearby to hear them, and she was almost ashamed of how lust full she was being.

Arching her back, Kiara shuddered under the ministrations of the other two heads, completely helpless underneath him. Her naked body was his to ravish, and she could think of no one she would love to give herself to more than her Hydreigon.

With a hazy mind clouded by desire, she couldn't think straight. Her reactions were on instinct, driven by need and the want to please her precious Pokemon. His scales brushed against her soft skin, rubbing against her in ways she didn't realise would feel so pleasant.

The blonde spread her legs wider, rocking harder against the invading tongue and whining behind her hand, trying to encourage him more as the wetness grew, and a craving for something thicker overtook her.
He could perfectly tell, she was loving this at least as much as he himself was. 'His' special present, that had quickly turned into a prize for both of them, and he'd have it no other way. Noting those legs spreading like that, though... clearly she needed more. And, much as he enjoyed drinking her up, it was probably about time to give more.

So, after a short while, the Hydreigon slowly drew his tongue back out of Kiara's body, even taking a few moments from there to lap eagerly at his lips and the area surrounding the slit between her legs, cleaning both of them up in fairly short order and allowing himself to enjoy still more of her taste. It wasn't long at all before that feeling would be replaced by a rather different one, the almost pointed tip of his member starting to press and rub a little against that slit. Down his hips started to move, his full body shuddering in pleasure and need as the head of his member started to sink into the woman beneath him; a tight fit, just as he might have expected, but not unmanageable. Up and down, in slow, gentle movements for now so he wouldn't risk hurting his trainer, for as much as it was so, so tempting to go faster, claim her more deeply right now. At the very least, he still had some hold over his instincts, and even just the feeling of his member moving slowly inside her, pressing just a little deeper with each downward movement of his hips, felt wonderful.

And for his now freed head, hardly was it to remain unoccupied for long. Instead, it joined in with the others, claiming the female's yet untended nipple in its grasp and starting to suckle and nibble just as intently as the other. He'd heard the expression sometimes, 'two heads are better than one'... well, so far as he was concerned, three was better still, especially when it came to giving his trainer everything he wanted to.
Juices practically poured onto his tongue as he lapped at her, violent shudders raking over Kiara's body as she twitched and writhed with every little movement Hydreigon made. His tongue felt just as wonderful lapping at the wet lips between her legs as it did twirling inside her, perhaps even more so as he licked over the sensitive nub hidden between them.

When that was pulled away, the blonde momentarily whined, opening her eyes which she didn't even realise she'd closed to watch him begin to nudge his engorged member at her wet hole. She bit her lip, breath coming out in short gasps through her nose. She was so slick and soaking there would be no resistance at all for him, and he was so thick, so huge. Another throb of lust ached in her, she was getting impatient.

Spreading her legs wider to give him easier access, Kiara lay herself before him, arching her back once again with a deep moan as he finally began pushing into her. She was right, he was thick. She'd not had a lot of experience before him but was by no means a virgin. Still, Hydreigon was far bigger than any human she'd had, and he was amazing.

"Hydreigon-" She moaned out loudly, starting to become less embarassed and ashamed, not limiting the sounds she emitted now she was finally getting what she had been craving. "Good boy! So good-!"

Kiara couldn't move, with two heads suckling at her perky nipples and an ample cock pushing inside her wet slit, she didn't know which way to push or pull so simply lay there, waiting for him to sink inside her entirely.
Deeper and heavier the Hydreigon started to breathe out, over the girl's breasts, against the side of her neck. Especially as she spoke, encouraging him onward, he could hardly help but want to give her more... and, soon enough, he did. The pace of his hips steadily quickened as he went on, his heads starting to tug a little at those hardened nipples of hers, his middle head meanwhile seeking a bit... more again. So he moved it up from her neck, continuing to place little nibbles and licks along it as he went, before slipping his tongue out further, just to where he wanted it: that was, right to her own tongue. Coiling partly around it, suckling gently at it, he made a point of enjoying that particular taste of hers just as well.

Then his hips, moving further and further, faster and faster until he reached the point of thrusting almost furiously in and out of her, not all that much time passing since he started to push himself in to now, when he was pushing in as deeply as he could get himself. He hadn't a clue how long he was really going to last like this, but he wanted to enjoy everything while he could, not least of all the incredible feeling of sinking all the way into Kiara's wet depths.
It was as if the air was being pushed from her lungs with every thrust, leaving her breathless and wanting more, more, more. She felt insatiable, rocking her hips back harder and harder, meeting every movement he made with her own. Kiara tilted her head to allow his fangs to nibble along her flesh, shuddering violently at how her skin tingled. The blonde tongue flicked out, grasping it between her lips to suckle on the slick muscle presented to her.

Kiara was his prize, his body to claim. She was loving every minute of it, a strong throb of pleasure building inside of her just below her gut, getting more and more unbearable the more he moved. Her legs trembled, her juices flowed around his cock, her pleasure was building and building and she could feel the walls clamping around the thick intrusion clenching even tighter in anticipation.
(Sorry for the little delay)

As though it wasn't painfully obvious, Kiara wasn't the only one who wanted more... and the Hydreigon was happily taking it for himself. Suckling and lapping somewhat eagerly at her tongue, as well as both nipples with his other heads, he made to thoroughly appreciate nearly every part of the female's body he could get to... all the more so for his thrusts deeply into her. How much further he could go, though, was answered soon enough; all the sensations, especially that of her walls clamping a bit further around him, made it just too much.

So, soon enough, he finally hit his limit, releasing his trainer's tongue and nipples to instead growl out in pure pleasure as he made one last, forceful thrust as far as he could go into her. With that, his body tensed over her, his length buried in her in turn filling her with his warm seed. When he was finally done a short time later, the dragon panted out heavily, his body mostly spent but at least still able to stand as opposed to his full weight flopping atop her. If there was any better 'special present' than this, he couldn't think of it... nor a likely incentive to actually win more contests.

"Are you alright?" he did his best to communicate, his two side heads nuzzling gently at either of her shoulders and a bit of her neck.
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