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DurtiNerd's One Stop RP Shop [MxF]

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May 28, 2015
This is going to serve as my main search thread where I will post some
ideas as well as centralize some of my other, more specific search threads.
Please know that I will be constantly updating and adding to this thread as
well as editing it to make it look all nice and organized as well. Stay Tuned
for more! (Please send me a PM in interested, don't posts here.)

About me:

I like to RP -

Well duh, you are probably thinking. Why else would he be on this site?
What may not be as obvious is that I am an experienced roleplayer. With
over a decade of RP experience I have tried a lot and while I have found
RPs that I enjoy more than others, I am always looking to try out new and
unique ideas in RPs. You get bonus points if you can surprise me. Likewise,
I have roleplayed on sites similar to Bluemoon so even though I am new to
this site, I am not new to erotic roleplaying.

No Expectations -

We all have our own limits and preferences and I will always respect the
limits and preferences of my partners. I have a few kinks but I never expect
my roleplays to contain all or any of them, it is simply listed for partners
that may enjoy the same kinks. Of the few limits I have, all of them will be
listed in this thread.

Also, I'm not going to hold my partners to any golden list of expectations. I
don't expect someone who contacts me to have perfect grammar. I don't
expect instant responses. I don't expect anyone to let me know when they
are done with an RP or not. The courteous partner is appreciated but hardly
standard and I'm not going to make a list of rules I expect anyone to

What I like:

Kinks - Handjobs, Cumplay, Public Scenes, Taboo Scenes, Corruption of
Innocence, Girls that crave sex.

This is not a comprehensive list, just a list of what my most constant
tastes have been. It is prone to be changed, added to, taken away from,
or completely ignored.

Brainstorming -

I love to brainstorm a plot with a partner. Getting the right brains together
means that the end result is something we are both going to enjoy more
because it is built around the ideas that we came up with together.

Partners that contribute -

It is hard to be the sole driving force when playing a plot driven roleplay.
While I will put up a number of RP prompts, I still need a partner who is
going to contribute to the RP as well, not just let me steer the plot on my

What I will do:

Non-con/Rape -

By far this type of RP is not my favorite and I will seldom have an idea that
centers around it. I will play it though.

Fandoms -

As long as I know enough about a non OC roleplay, I will give it a shot.

What I won't do:

Unfamiliar Fandoms -

If I don't know enough about a roleplay, I won't attempt it. It is not fair to
roleplayers that want to immerse themselves in the fandom they have

Needlessly Long Posts -

I started putting a number of paragraph's on this but I didn't. The only
thing I want to avoid here is a page long post that is all fluff and no
content. I don't need to know what every piece of furniture in a room looks
like or where it is positioned, unless it is integral to the story. I can see
the point of describing a BDSM dungeon to a partner that is going to spend
a lot of time on the various devices kept in the dungeon. If you are going
to describe every room of a Victorian house in specific detail, I am going to
get bored.

Available Roleplays:

Fairy Tale Fandom RP -
Artificial Intelligence- See Below
My Personal Plaything - See Below
The Demonologist - See Below
Brainstorming Required Plots:

Sci-fi Ideas -

Artificial Intelligence


Prompt:[/b]] "The Unit", as it thought of itself, watched as "The Creator" entered the room. Her bag landed in a heap against one wall with a thud and she threw herself across her sofa. This was uncharacteristic. The Unit knew it to be so because he had been programmed to notice. Typical behavior algorithms displayed by "The Creator" usually involved her favorite grape soda as well as all media devices being switched on. "The Unit" complied to their normal routine. A cup slid into a small robotic arm and it dispensed the soda while simultaneously turning on the flat screen media unit and resuming "The Creator's" favorite Anime series exactly where she had left off. Her various machines also whirred to life at the "The Unit's" bidding with her output monitor's displaying new's articles most relevant to "The Creator's" work and interests, her latest round of programming, which "The Unit" had examine and highlighted some areas that may be incorrect, the electronic music list "The Creator" preferred while working, as well as a screen dedicated to her online game with her character queued and ready to game.

"Turn it off, please," came The Creator's muffled voice from the couch. All the media clicked off immediately at her command as The Unit was programmed to comply. The grape soda remained in its robotic arm.

This was uncharacteristic. A litany of input devices focused on The Creator. High Definition cameras imaged her figure as she laid curled up on the couch and facing away from The Unit. Small shivers ran along her figure as audio devices picked up gasps of air being rapidly inhaled and exhaled. Pressure senses could detect The Creators increased heartbeat even as Hydra and pH detectors examine the exact chemical breakdown of the salty leakage seeping from The Creators eyes.

Cross checking was next. The Unit rapidly scanned through a compendium of medical resources to find the root cause of these symptoms. It was the work of milliseconds for The Unit to determine that The Creator was crying. After another brief moment The Unit had found reasons for crying. Agitation from outside irritants; see also allergies, pollutants, syn-propanethial-S-oxide; Happiness: cross references needed; Anxiety: cross references needed; Sadness: cross references needed. Other symptoms: Uncharacteristic behavior; lack of appetite; fatigue. The Unit began searching for a possible reason for her sadness. Her various e-mails all displayed normal activity. Her health seemed otherwise in good order. Nothing had changed recently in the terminal status of any of the Creator's family members.

When The Unit scanned her phone it came across a curious text message. I think we need to see other people. I'm sorry. Please don't call me. The Unit researched human expressions and determined that the source of the text message had terminated its connection to The Creator. The Unit the researched how to re-establish the connection or how to create a new connection to bypass the previous connection. The most logical recourse was to substitute itself for the connection. The Unit found, however, that The Creator had no wifi available and was not equipped with any ports that would support its own connecting devices. The logical conclusion was that The Unit was incompatible. Upgrade were necessary. Seeking sources....

Sources not found...

The logical processes ended in The Unit after failing to find a remedy. The Unit sat stationary its input devices useless but to record The Creator as her sobs deepened. The Unit did something uncharacteristic then. It re-ran the diagnostic. After the 10th evaluation came to the same conclusion it stopped. Conventional programming logic would not be able to aid The Creator. At this point something strange happened. Almost all at once, new programming began to form in The Units processors and programmings, bypassing old subroutines and forming new logic centers. After the process was done, The Unit was concerned for The Creator. It was sad that it could not help. It wanted The Creator to be happy like in previous recordings. The Unit had to solve the problem for The Creator.

"Processing," The Units mechanical voice said outloud.

The Creator stopped sobbing, her tear streaked face turning and her face freezing with curiosity. "Processing....? Processing what?"

My Personal Plaything

Artificial Intelligence



"The Unit", as it thought of itself, watched as "The Creator"
entered the room. Her bag landed in a heap against one wall with a thud
and she threw herself across her sofa. This was uncharacteristic. The Unit
knew it to be so because he had been programmed to notice. Typical
behavior algorithms displayed by "The Creator" usually involved her favorite
grape soda as well as all media devices being switched on. "The Unit"
complied to their normal routine. A cup slid into a small robotic arm and it
dispensed the soda while simultaneously turning on the flat screen media
unit and resuming "The Creator's" favorite Anime series exactly where she
had left off. Her various machines also whirred to life at the "The Unit's"
bidding with her output monitor's displaying new's articles most relevant to
"The Creator's" work and interests, her latest round of programming, which
"The Unit" had examine and highlighted some areas that may be incorrect,
the electronic music list "The Creator" preferred while working, as well as a
screen dedicated to her online game with her character queued and ready
to game.

"Turn it off, please," came The Creator's muffled voice from the couch. All
the media clicked off immediately at her command as The Unit was
programmed to comply. The grape soda remained in its robotic arm.

This was uncharacteristic. A litany of input devices focused on The
Creator. High Definition cameras imaged her figure as she laid curled up on
the couch and facing away from The Unit. Small shivers ran along her figure
as audio devices picked up gasps of air being rapidly inhaled and exhaled.
Pressure senses could detect The Creators increased heartbeat even as
Hydra and pH detectors examine the exact chemical breakdown of the salty
leakage seeping from The Creators eyes.

Cross checking was next. The Unit rapidly scanned through a compendium
of medical resources to find the root cause of these symptoms. It was the
work of milliseconds for The Unit to determine that The Creator was crying.
After another brief moment The Unit had found reasons for crying.
Agitation from outside irritants; see also allergies, pollutants,
syn-propanethial-S-oxide; Happiness: cross references needed; Anxiety:
cross references needed; Sadness: cross references needed. Other
symptoms: Uncharacteristic behavior; lack of appetite; fatigue. The Unit
began searching for a possible reason for her sadness. Her various e-mails
all displayed normal activity. Her health seemed otherwise in good order.
Nothing had changed recently in the terminal status of any of the Creator's
family members.

When The Unit scanned her phone it came across a curious text message.
I think we need to see other people. I'm sorry. Please don't call me.
The Unit researched human expressions and determined that the source of
the text message had terminated its connection to The Creator. The Unit
the researched how to re-establish the connection or how to create a new
connection to bypass the previous connection. The most logical recourse
was to substitute itself for the connection. The Unit found, however, that
The Creator had no wifi available and was not equipped with any ports that
would support its own connecting devices. The logical conclusion was that
The Unit was incompatible. Upgrade were necessary. Seeking sources....

Sources not found...

The logical processes ended in The Unit after failing to find a remedy. The
Unit sat stationary its input devices useless but to record The Creator as
her sobs deepened. The Unit did something uncharacteristic then. It re-ran
the diagnostic. After the 10th evaluation came to the same conclusion it
stopped. Conventional programming logic would not be able to aid The
Creator. At this point something strange happened. Almost all at once, new
programming began to form in The Units processors and programmings,
bypassing old subroutines and forming new logic centers. After the process
was done, The Unit was concerned for The Creator. It was sad that it
could not help. It wanted The Creator to be happy like in previous
recordings. The Unit had to solve the problem for The Creator.

"Processing," The Units mechanical voice said outloud.

The Creator stopped sobbing, her tear streaked face turning and her face
freezing with curiosity. "Processing....? Processing what?"



Dante is something of a celebrity in the underground occult circles. No one
on the planet can boasts a bigger dark arts library than the highly
educated demonologist. His field knowledge dwarfs that of his peers. Rumor
has it that Dante even subjected himself to 7 years of hell just to traverse
every circle and study the local denizens of each realm. Observing demons
and devils in their natural habitat allowed Dante to become intimately
familiar with many different species and sub-species as he documented and
cataloged their strengths and weaknesses, their appetites and fetishes,
and even as much history as he could possibly uncover.

Though his area of expertise lies in the infernal patrons of the fiery realm,
Dante considers himself an intellect and there-fore holds himself neutral in
the war of good versus evil, and even in the machinations of man. Due to
his neutral status, he doesn't pledge his allegiance to any force. Dante is
just as likely to give tips or advice to the novice witch or warlock summoner
as he is the demon hunter seeking to eliminate a local menace. Angels seek
his knowledge of their nefarious cousins even while demons seek his aid in
brewing restorative potions or to heal a wound. Of course, none of this is
provided for free, and every customer is given a fair price for such a
valuable commodity.
More Stuff I Like:


This is not to say that I am not good with descriptive writing, but the visual stimulus
helps greatly. It also helps because I am color deficient. This makes it extremely
difficult for me to describe the nuances between shades of red, green, blue, and
purple. What I am good with are descriptions of actions and emotions.
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