New Planet, New Life (NicoRio x True Grave)


Mar 18, 2015
((Not all the characters are human. I will explain them as they show up.))

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Gundam Wing or Freedoms Landing(the book in which this RP is based) However there will be other characters (add ins) to make the story flow better THESE do belong to me and/or my RP partner.

New Planet, New Life

Wufei grinned as he hid from the Kitony in the poisonous thorn bushes. These plants were lethal and armed with little needle like barbs in which they shot out if something/someone got to close. The poison in the barbs hurt like Hell and would kill a lesser being and paralyze anyone else. Wufei had learned the weak spots in the plants defenses and used them to hide from his captors.

He had been taken from his collage grounds back on Earth over a year ago by the Kitony and was sold as a slave. But two months ago he managed to get away from his 'Master' and was now waiting for the right time to make his escape from this planet, Desnie. He munched on a fruit that grew at the base of the plant he was now hiding in. The Kitony that were after him seemed confused and looking around franticly.

They spoke in their language, but Wufei understood them.

"He could not have come this way. No human could survive those bushes' barbs. And he wouldn't risk going into the trees anyway. Not with the Desnetik always on the hunt."

"Meh, you are right. Let's go this way. Maybe he went to hide himself among the other slaves..."

Their deep voices went farther away and Wufei sighed in relief as he watched the Kitony walk away from him. He waited another few minutes before crawling on his stomach up the hill and to the small cave like hole he had hid the small flitter he had stolen from his 'Master'.

Once there, Wufei opened the hatch and crawled into the opening. He looked at his handy work and smiled. When he took the flitter at first, he had crashed it into the hillside. He had spent this time hiding and fixing it so he could use the next 'Shipment' of slaves to take off and leave the planet.

It wasn't even ten minutes later that another ruckus outside had Wufei sliding out of the flitter and into his hiding place under the thorn bushes that grew under the big tree next to the hole he was using as a hiding place. He was better in the bushes because he could set them off if he needed to. In the flitter, he was as good as dead. The deep voices of two Kitony were frantic as they got closer.

"He has to be here! I saw him run this way..."

"If we don't find him before the time is up, we are going to be in so much..."

Wufei frowned. They couldn't be talking him. He hadn't been running that day. Who were they after? A human or one of the other slaves? Wufei listened carefully this time. If another slave had been strong and smart enough to get away, then he would need them as an ally to get off this God forsaken planet.

"Zechs is going to get it when I get my hands on him!"

"Yeah right. Master Zechs is one of the highest ranking on this Hell Hole of a planet. You would never..."

"Shhhh! Listen..."

Wufei listened too. A scuttle to his right made him move his head just slightly. Then the thorn bushes shot out their barbs and the two Kitony cursed as they ran away from the edge of the line of poisonous plants. Wufei heard a grunted curse in Kitony tones and cursed his luck. Those stupid guards were looking for an elite Kitony. One who had done something to have the 24 hour hunt rule applied to him. And he was hiding in Wufei's spot. Or close to it.


As Wufei listened, the scuffling got closer and he heard a sigh and a hiss.

*Double crap! He found me flitter! Shit bricks....*

Wufei made his way to the flitter, sustain that the guards had left as the bushes re-armed themselves. He snuck into the flitter just as the door closed and staid in the shadow of the door. This Kitony, Zechs, was just like the others.

Tall- at least 7ft 5in-, long blonde hair pulled back into a braid that was a sign of his high rank, skin as bronze/copper as a brand new penny, pointed ears that were pierced all the way up from the bottom to the point with shinny gems and golden rings (a sure sign of his rank), his clothes - however - were torn and dirty. As if he had been in a fight.

Wufei waited until the Kitony was busy with the controls and then slowly and quiet as a shadow, then got right up behind the blonde and zapped him with the tazer he had taken from one of the guards a couple weeks ago on his run into the market to get some things he needed. No one had thought it strange that a slave was at the market. It was run by slaves and many who belonged to higher ranking Kitony knew how to shop and were often sent to do so.

The Kitony...


Wufei would keep the name logged away in his mind...
Fell to the floor of the flitter with a grunt and thud. Wufei moved fast then, getting the flitter ready for take off. He was almost done and smiled to himself. Even if he had to take the damn Kitony with him, he was getting off this damn planet!


ZAP! Thud...
Wufei zapped Zechs again and made sure that the Kitony was completely out of it before he went back the driver seat. That's when his world became a smoky, foggy blur. He heard noises and voices and knew he was done for. He and the Kitony in the flitter with him.
The other Kitony had found them, probably no thanks to Zechs, and now they had been gassed and were being lifted out of the hole, flitter and all.

Wufei moaned as the gas took effect and his last coherent thought was that the guards were taking BOTH of them to the slave ware house. There they would be processed and cleaned and put into a ship to be taken to a new found planet. He was sure the Kitony was going with him because of the 24 hour rule. They would come get him if he was still alive after the time was up. But for now, he was no more then a slave himself.

*Poor bastard....*

Wufei then succumbed to the gas and drifted into the long sleep that would take weeks to wear off as they flew to the new planet as 'Testers'.
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