A Girl and Her Robot (OneNightNinja and I)[RWBY]{OCs}


May 27, 2015
Beacon Academy, a place where promising young hunters and huntresses gather to learn important skills for their futures. Skills from teamwork, to combat efficiency, to wilderness survival and more. These bright students will go on to defend Vytal's very way of life. While Beacon has many students, we're focusing on a very specific student, and her mechanical companion.

This student's name is Sienna Auburn. While Sienna was only seventeen, she was highly intelligent. She didn't think so though. Currently she was out and about around the city of Vale. Her long redish-brown hair swung back and forth in it's pony tail as she walked down the streets. She liked to take the side streets, they were quieter and much more peaceful.

Eventually she stopped, her boot coming to a scuffled stop against the pavement. She glanced around, gently covering her hands with the sleeve of her shoulder-less sweater. She let out a dismayed sigh and crossed her arms before proceeding to state a fact that had been bugging her for quite some time now.

"I seem to be lost..."
"L-Lost?" Came a quiet, squeaky noise from behind Sienna. A familiar sound. A slight silvery blur zipped behind the student, taking a place behind her. Two white-gloved hands wrapped around Sienna's, gentle and trembling slightly. They were attached to a pale girl in a black double-breasted jacket with short sleeves, and a blue skirt. Short silvery hair hung in front of her face, as the girl cowered behind Sienna. "H-How are we going to get back?" Her voice trembled. Nickle may not have seemed much, but she was Sienna's constant companion, willing and able to go into any danger just to be next to her.
"Not sure, but I'm sure we'll get back before dark." Sienna replied, giving Nickle a light hearted smile. It wasn't uncommon for Sienna to have the timid girl following her. They had been together for a long time, after all. Besides, it made her feel better about walking around the city alone if she had Nickle by her side. Vale was a big place, and it wasn't hard to find trouble, looking for it or not.

Speaking of Vale, Sienna had never been to this part before. Maybe she had made a wrong turn somewhere... She should have stuck to the main roads... Oh well. Everything would be fine. If they didn't make it home, she had enough on her to get a room somewhere come nightfall, it'd just set her back on funds for a week or two. No big deal, right?
Unlike Sienna, Nickle was a bundle of nerves. They didn't really have anything to fear, being in Vale and all, but still, the girl was looking about every which way as if the Grimm themselves might pop out unannounced to make life a little less possible. However, today, it would not be the Grimm giving them trouble. It would be Sienna's penchant for not following the proper way to get from A to B. "M-Maybe if we get some elevation, we could work out where we are?" She suggested, still quite attached to Sienna's hand, clasped in the gentlest deathgrip.
Sienna returned Nickle's grasp, although a bit more gently. Nickle was so timid, and while it might not seem practical, it was really cute. She had good ideas too, elevation would certainly hep in this situation. If she could get them up higher, she could possibly locate a main street or a familiar shop. That'd definitely give them a starting direction. Perhaps they were even close enough to spot Beacon. "Alright. Then let's try to get onto a roof for a bit." She responded, looking around for some kind of fire escape or tall pile of stuff to climb.
Nickle's timid nature also served one main purpose... It kept the girl near Sienna almost constantly, so that she'd never be without her trusty partner. She nodded when Sienna suggested they get onto a roof. While Sienna was looking, Nickle was taking action. She scooped up her partner, carrying her bridal style. With a loud blast directly below her, Nickle and Sienna both launched into the air, rocket jumping towards the roof of one of the buildings they were near. She landed on the roof with a heavy thud, and a slightly unsettling crunch as the pair landed.
Sienna tensed up as she was scooped off her feet, but quickly relaxed into the hold as she realized what had happened. She wrapped her arms loosely around Nickle's neck and held tight for impact. When they landed, she was a little worried about the crunch. Hopefully they hadn't ruined the building's roof... That would be bad. Though seeing as it didn't give out, it was probably just a surface crack... Probably. Either way, goal achieved. They had made it to the top. She gave Nickle a hug-like squeeze, resting her head on the girl's shoulder. "Thanks Nickle.~"
Maybe it hadn't been the best way to get up there... But Nickle didn't so much as think about that. Instead, she let Sienna down gently after she'd been thanked. Now that they were on the roof, they could get a decent view of how things were. The academy was fairly distant, but visible, being such a large place. And a few other prominent places were visible too.
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