En Ny Brennende Ordre ~ A New Burning Order (ShanTheChan & JanÅgeSolstad)


Jul 9, 2013
Who would do something; harness the contempt to disobey royalty? How could a 12 year old boy from a tribe of irrelevant monks shunning the growth of hair -

A ragged breath was inhaled. Eyes widened with panic were searching for something for a moderate span, even though a majority of their discoveries looked like it was being viewed through a dirty fishbowl.

When focus began to return, it did so in a motion like someone was painting the images with mist. Throughout the length of the body of the female who tried to make sense of what was happening, nevertheless she was failing, a shudder ran. It was not from the return of her vision, but from seeing a sheet of metal laying ten yards away, tucked in sand partially.

Speaking of sand, her fixation on the object trailed away to in front of her. Hands which were a usual fairness of milk, now were sullied in soot. They quickly curled into what they were resting in all this time.

What was felt was warm, at its base, damp.

In the position she possessed, her knees were holding her weight assisted by upper limbs spread to an uncomfortable space. This stance had not been repeated since she was a toddler, it was not welcomed.

The Fire princess let vision fade, to be replaced with the darkness of the lids of her eyes.

A certainty that could be grasped from the current location was.... it was a beach. Creases developed over the bridge of her nose, cycling through plausible reasons to be where she was.

She had not been to s beach in approximately two months, and these were not the shores of Ember Island. Her nose twitched; opening her eyes she found she wanted to turn and plopped over onto her side. Unseemly a hiss vocalized "ah, damnit!"

It was there. The pain. It was not going anywhere. However when she had fallen over, a glimpse of something had her feverishly trying to lift her head.

Climbing a sky painted with blue, pink, and yellow was heavy smog.

From a distance "he- He-lp" gurgled.

In stitches from pain, she fought with a drive submerged someplace helping to get her closer to a seating position. A Fire Nation cruiser reduced to its inner makings met with the princess of the Fire Nation.

Scattered amongst the sea was bodies.
There was no life here. Not here, in the shadow of the most wrathful volcano in the Fire Nation, or possibly even the world. Almost yearly whatever plants did take root in that blazing black soil were razed to the ground by another eruption, another decimation of the same source of their life.

And then there was the sea. The saltiest, most corrosive mess of water in the oceans, and it was always freezing cold and dead. Walking within ten feet of it often caused nausea, but to be immersed in it for any amount of time... that was to risk death.

And yet there he was, patrolling his lands for the honor of his family, with a sword at his side and a walking stick in his hand. Sheer indigo cloth covered his body and his face, except for a tan band of skin around his tight watery gray eyes. The way his skin bunched up indicated that he was sneering, perhaps even more than the caustic air necessitated.

Another shipwreck. That was nothing new and nothing special. Bodies. Another lack of cause for reaction, one way or the other. But then he saw her head lift halfway, and, from fifty yards away, he heard her half-choked word.

And then he sprinted toward her, down slate gray rocks and still warm cured lava. Hopefully he'd reach her before the next wave came and washed her away, but there was no guarantee. There never were in this country.
Her senses were grated, had it been rock or concrete he was passing over, perhaps it would have been detected. An arm flew up working as a leveler to propel herself upward. Behind clamped teeth released a pained huff, which she tried to maintain below a whimper. Finally she made it to her feet, wobbly. The pointy tips of the black boots on her feet were turned inward, supporting legs which twitched frequently. She anchored her feet into the gunk below quite solidly, albeit.

At the new heightened vantage point the wreckage could be seen quite well. Partly fallen from a tied knot atop a heart-shaped head was raven colored strands. They'd clumped into four strands which were stuck onto the prominent cloth decor donned over her shoulders. It was a piece meant to show status. All Fire Nation personal wore the detail of the royal house's structure upon their attire and armor. Her long robe was ruined, wearing her body down with the muddles of mud, or whatever the soggy textured stuff stuck in it was. Before it was majestic burgundy, now a dappled mess. She wheezed throughout crumbling to her knees . Before she knew it she found herself coughing uncontrollably.

Her golden but bloodshot eyes shakily floated to the left and slightly upward. She witnessed a blurry structure moving towards her. Was it a person? Maybe an animal?

Her body was shaken with deep coughs as she attempted with a hand on her chest to stable it. What was this? She was panicking and something was coming right towards her!
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