Beside the Dying Fire (1x1 between randomname and amarxnthine)

Dec 22, 2014
United States
It was crazy how quickly things could go from rather calm to shit hitting the fan in a matter of minutes. One gunshot rang out and then soon all hell broke loose. A herd of walkers were roaming down a country road, heading straight for the Greene Family Farm. It spelled trouble for anyone that was in their hungry path. The first horde were attracting even more walkers and soon enough, two herds converged with each other. Panic set in the farmhouse as Carl, Rick, and Shane were missing. They couldn't just simply hide, so they got all the gun power that they had and were fighting back. John stood outside on the front porch, assault rifle in arms and firing into the horde. When they got close enough, the immense size was intimidating and he knew that they would run out of bullets and be trapped if they didn't move quickly. However, Hershel refused to leave, claiming that it was his farm and he wasn't leaving. Disgruntled, John stayed and fought back when everyone else was leaving. He had know these people forever and was in love with his daughter. He wasn't leaving her or her father. The horde just closed in quickly and John kept shooting, hoping something could break their way.


Daryl and Glenn were just arriving back to the farmhouse after finding that Randall was a walker. Strangely enough, he had no bite marks or scratch marks on his body. It seemed that his cause of death was a broken neck. It truly didn't add up in the slightest. Didn't the human have to be bitten or scratched to turn? There wasn't any time to dwell on this, though. The hordes were converged on the farm quickly and Daryl knew that they had to move and quick. He didn't get why Hershel refused to leave but that was none of Daryl's business. he wasn't dying on this farm. Daryl quickly got onto his motorcycle and lead the caravan towards the farmhouse. The barn was up in flames but he figured it was something Rick did intentionally and soon, Rick and Carl emerged from the flames. There wasn't any time to wait around as he sat on his motorcycle and fired into the crowd of the walking dead. However, something caught his attention. Something that was shooting, too. Walkers couldn't shoot... was it, another person?
How she had managed to go this long without knowing how to deal with situations like this was her father's fault, not that Beth would ever even think that. However, that didn't make her any more suited to respond to the hectic chaos that had suddenly formed around their farmhouse. They had once sworn it impervious, but now that was proven wrong. Panic-stricken, Beth Greene kept one hand on the side of her boyfriend's arm, a soft touch that didn't hinder his range of motion any. Carol was yelling to Lori beside them, who was fearing for the lives of her son and husband. There was noise coming from every direction, and she didn't know what part of it she was supposed to pay attention to.

"John, we need to go." That was the most painful thing that she had ever said in her life. She then turned to her father who was shooting at the walkers as they closed in on them. "Daddy, daddy please." She moved to tug at her father's arm as Lori gave in to Carol's pleas. God have mercy on their souls if they stayed even a minute longer - did they even have a minute? A walker was shot down close to the porch, and Beth reached for her sister's hand with a fearful expression on her face.


After waking up to the sound of walkers in her current home, Ava had needed to flee. She threw a shotgun sitting at the ready beside her makeshift bed over her shoulder and shot her way through the series of walkers as her companions aimed to take them down as well. She watched them go down, leaving her to escape as they chased after her. A series of shots later, and she was out of the clear - for now. Out of the clear and alone - not that she couldn't handle being alone. She just didn't know where to go from there, as their only car had ran out of gas the night before, and it didn't seem like there was anything close by. That was at dawn - the sun had barely broken over the horizon and she was on the move.

Ava neared the farmhouse by the time that night had struck and, unfortunately, just in time for the horde to be making its way there. She didn't catch sight of the fumbling beasts until they were virtually at her back. Hearing the shuffles of footsteps, the woman turned quickly and pulled the handgun out of the holster on her waist. She fired three rounds in to the skulls of the closest ones before dashing. There was fire in the distance, illuminating the sky in orange and red, and she could see people in the distance, at the house. Ah, fuck - what had these people gotten themselves in to? They probably wouldn't live to tell her. Wait... that was a motorcycle noise, wasn't it? She turned her head to see what was going on behind her, and saw a man on what most definitely was a motorcycle. Well.
The situation was way too intense and John really didn't event notice Beth's hand on his arm. The eighteen year old man still focused in on shooting as many walkers as he could, ignoring Carol and Lori just shouting beside of them. Finally, when Beth spoke up again, John realized that they literally were running out of time. "Beth, hurry, go! I'll be there soon!" He shouted to her and to Maggie before the older sister tugged on the blonde's hand to get her to run with her towards the vehicles. Now, John stood with Hershel and when he turned around, one walker was about to finish Hershel, but John quickly shot it. Things went slowly for a minute and he saw Rick and Carl running towards the farmhouse. John was basically just pushing Hershel out of the way, pushing him towards safety into his SUV. Once he was securely in the vehicle, John had to fend off more walkers but finally made a running jump into Otis' truck with Maggie, Beth, Lori, and T-Dog. He cursed silently to himself as they drove away. The farm was a lost cause and now they were on the run.


Daryl couldn't quite see what all was going on around him. He couldn't tell if everyone had gotten out to safety or not, but something told him that there was no safety now. All he knew is that they had to get moving, and fast. When he got close enough, he saw the woman that was fighting her way. A walker was coming up behind of her without her knowledge, so he quickly gunned it down and drove to her. "Come on! Get on before you run out of time!" he shouted to her but wasn't about to stand there and argue with her if she tried to protest. After a few moments passed, he drove on after allowing her time to get onto his motorcycle if she chose to do so. On his motorcycle, Daryl was leading the caravan of vehicles down the highway. He wasn't sure where they were going now but he kept driving until he stumbled across Rick, Carl, and Hershel a couple hours later. Their car had run out of gas, so he pulled off to the side along with the other vehicles behind them trying to sort out this mess.
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