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Sci-Fi Adventure idea?

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Apr 27, 2015
Ok! So...I just watched the fantastic Pixar animation of Wall-E, got me thinking. (Not always a good thing)

I have a couple of pictures, but I will tag one with this post for inspiration. The idea is that the characters of Wall-E, EVE, The Auto-pilot, and the other robots are actual people.

Story wise? We can do quite a lot with this. It would follow the general idea that YC finds MC on earth, after the planet has been essentially reduced to nothing more than a dumping ground for galactic waste. MC finds an object of some kind of significance which alerts your character...and we go from there. Details can be discussed, and nothing is necessarily set in stone. XD

What I'm looking for in a partner:

1.) Literacy
2.) Punctuation
3.) Creativity (during the initial set up and plot discussion)
4.) Adaptable
5.) Female (I don't think this is much of an issue, but yeah)
6.) Plot creation and involvement (This is obviously not a fully fleshed out idea. So, I'm looking for someone willing to brainstorm!)

The themes I want to play around with in this are as follows:

1.) Romance (this is sort of a given)
2.) Drama
3.) Adventure
4.) Danger
5.) Long term

Now, in reference to the last option. I do prefer pretty long term ideas. It helps, I think, with character development. Also, it wouldn't have to remain only about the events of the movie adapted to this, we could even come up with a new type of story to go along with what happens after, seeing as these are humans we are dealing with instead of robots.

I was thinking that there could be a solar system that had multiple worlds, and the planet that your character ends up finding mine on is a 'disposal world'. It ended up like that during a war from ages past between worlds, and it was thought uninhabitable. There is an object that ends up being dumped on the planet, and it is vital to the current war. Whichever side has the object, will most certainly win the war. My character is unaware of the war, and ends up finding it. And Doesn't realize he turns it on.

The signal from it alerts the ship your character is on, and it heads there to find it, thinking it a stroke of luck...and, well. That's the basic beginning.

If you're interested, please drop me a PM. I like to actually make friends with my RP partners, so don't hesitate to chat with me about random things along with the RP.

Also seeking someone willing to RP on AIM or Skype, and if you are, mention that in the PM. :D

(Here is an example. I just thought it looked absolutely on the adorable)

RE: Wall-E...with a twist?! (more details/ideas added in recent bump)

Bump for hope...which is dwindling.
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