Halloween night out <L337&Heart>

The Heart Stopper

Jan 23, 2009

Jessica muttered as she was cramped in the window, trying to get it from the tree branch she stood on. Even though she wasn't suppose to, Jessica went out with her friends on Halloween night, and partied at a local college club. Since it was local, and more or less run by students, they didn't need to card. Jessica hooked up with a college guy, as they escaped to one of the rooms and for the first time in a while, Jessica felt like a woman. A woman that still ached from the event.

Jessica still wore the skimpy red-riding hood outfit, but had her stockings and underwear tucked underneath her arm as she tumbled into her room. She grunted, and quickly sat up. "Ah... Safe." She said, with a sigh as she began to untie her braided blond hair.
A few moments after Jason watched his little sister climb through her window from across the street he got out of his car and walked up to their home. Chuckling he headed inside the house, still wearing his combat tactical clothes that he chose for his costume of a swat team officer. Making his way up stairs Jason sighed and pulled his digital camera out of his cargo pocket. Walking to his sisters door he knocked and opened the door a bit. The door was opened wide enough for him to slip his arm through the door and toss the camera he was holding onto her bed.

He smirked and shut her door walking to his room which was a few doors down, past the bathroom and closet. Walking into his room Jason turned on the light waiting for his sister to come running in after him. Jason had been at the same party as his sister, and had happened to walk in on his sister's love making with the older guy, as had many of the party goers. Jason had snapped off quite a few pictures and had just tossed the camera to her. Being smart the eighteen year old brunette had locked all the pictures from being deleted and they were pass code protected. The five ten athletic male chuckled as he pulled his shirt free of his body and tossed it on the ground of his room as he walked to his dresser.
Jessica sighed, but stiffened as a flying object was tossed to her bed. That was her father's camera! She looked at the door, but found that the person, whoever it was had already left. She kept her eye on the door, as she reached for the camera. It was on, and the first picture she was was of herself with the college guy who was dressed as a knight. His helm hid his face, but her face was visible in the picture. Her heart rate shot up a few notches, as she scrolled through, looking at picture after picture of her having sex with an unknown college guy. That was when she screamed.

Afterwards, she quickly stormed down the hallway and busted through the door to her brother's room. "How did you get these photos!?" She screamed at him. Her face red from embarrassment as well as the idea that she was being watched during the event. There was no other person home, and if it was her parents taking the photos, they wouldn't sneak shots, they would've stopped her and dragged her home immediately.
Jason turned and looked at his little sister as he smiled softly. "Well you know, you can't expect to go to a party hosted by your brothers best friend and then expect your brother to not be there." He said with a chuckle. "I am sure I am not to only one who took pictures, if you missed the like ten people watching through the door you must have been enjoying that tiny dick." Jason said with a chuckle as he walked past her to sit down on the edge of his bed and start untying his boots. "You know I showed you for a reason, I figured we could discuss a price for those not hitting the internet or mom and dad."

Jason smiled as he kicked off his boots and looked over at the window for a moment. "Oh... why the fuck did you go through the window when mom and dad are gone anyways?" He asked with a chuckle before standing back up. His mind in fact had a few other things on it, one of them being food, the rest involving her, in that outfit, on his bed, against the wall, his mind was in overdrive from what he had seen earlier.
Jessica glared at her brother. She didn't know it was hosted by his best-friend, let alone that he was going out at all. That's why she left through the window in the first place. She scoffed. "I'll have you know that he was good okay! He is one of the soccer players!" She stated defensively for the guy that she barely knew and met. "And you better not show mom and dad or I'll... I'll...." She lost her words as she tried to threaten him in some way, but came up with nothing in her mind.
Jason chuckled as she tried to threaten him. "You'll do nothing, you hold no cards currently Jessica." Jason eyed her body as he smiled and stood from his bed. "I will give you some time to come up with three offers for me as to why I shouldn't tell mom and dad, you have until I get out of the shower." Jason smirked and brushed his shirtless body against her lightly as he walked over to his dresser to find a pair of black running shorts and a tank top for after the shower. "Oh and one other thing, I tried to block all the other cameras so I should be the only one you have to worry about." It was a gesture of good faith but he had bumped into anyone else trying to snap a picture attempting to blur their shots of his younger, sexy sister who was acting like a slut.
Well, this was a very good predicament. She noted with sarcasm, but it was still a very serious situation. She couldn't very well be plastered as a slut at school, and who knows what would happen if her parents knew about this. His words of comfort did little to ease her soul, as she glared daggers at his back. And so as she heard the shower run, she began to contemplate on what she could do for him, and what exactly would get her out of this situation. Even if she broke the camera, she probably wouldn't have the money to replace it as it was dad's good one. "What... should I do..." She mumbled, as she sank to the floor.
Once in the bathroom Jason had turned the stand alone shower on to a hot mixture of water before stripping from his pants, socks and boxers and climbed in. The water ran over his mildly tanned flesh and through his dark brown hair as he rolled his head back and let out a long sigh at the feeling of the warm wet sensation of the shower. Grabbing the bar of Irish Spring soap off the side rack he began to wash his body letting the water wash the residue of the day and the soap away. With a groan his hand found his erect eleven inch cock. Wrapping his hand, covered in soap, around the hard phallus he began to stroke himself. The soap helping to lubricate his hand as well as clean his dick. Sighing he closed his eyes and started to play with himself until the image of his sister, riding the knight helmet wearing male in reverse cowgirl, her exposed bald pussy sliding up and down the soccer players, maybe six inch cock popped into his head. He growled and put his forehead to the wall of the shower, the cool glass felt good as he tried to clear his head.
While he took a shower, Jessica headed into her own room. She had washed up after the event in the bathroom, but somehow she still felt like there was something unclean. She thought about it a little bit as she untied the red mantle and took off the puffy blouse of her costume. She searched for something else to wear as the cold night gave her goosebumps along her peach-skin. She placed on a tee-shirt that was obviously much too big for her, as the cloth went down her body and ended at her thighs. She slipped on a pair of underwear and returned to his room, walking for her evil brother to get back to the room so that she could tell him what she had to offer.
Jason finished his shower and had allowed his erection to vanish. Getting out he dried off and pulled on his shorts and tank top before brushing his teeth and heading back down the hall slowly to his room. Walking in and seeing his sister had changed her clothes he smiled and nodded to her. "Feel better Jess?" He asked as he walked up to his bed and started to turn down the plush navy blue comforter as he waited to hear her speak.
She watched her big brother settle in before she opened her mouth to speak. She trembled for a moment in anger, but she took a deep breath to calm herself. She faked a smile and spoke in a casual tone, even though her mind just wanted to scream and throw punches at Jason. "Well... I thought about what you said... and How about I do you're homework for the next month. And if that isn't good enough how about I... I'll pay for all your dates next week! I... I don't know." She mumbled finally. She sighed, and bend down beside him. "Look! I'll do anything you want! Anything! Just don't show mom or dad.... Or anyone else!"
Jason sighed and shook his head as she pleaded. "How about this, I will think your offers over and tell you in the morning what it's going to actually take for you to get out of trouble. On one condition. Keep me company tonight, like when we were younger." Jason said as he slid into the beg and raised the blankets for her to join him. She had said she would do anything, now throughout the night he would put her to that test in a few different ways if she would get into his bed.
She was puzzled at his generosity. It wasn't unnatural for her brother to be kind, he was like that a lot, but when it came to something like this though, someone Jessica thought he would be much more... evil, to say. "Is that it, just to keep you company like before?" She asked. Back then when they were much younger, often she would sleep in the same bed as her brother because she was scared of the dark and being alone. At first it was disapproved by her parents, but after a while, they just let it be. It wasn't until she was about seven did she final break the habit and started to sleep alone. Jessica sighed, and started to crawl into the bed. "Alright... just for tonight then." She said and slipped into the bed. It was comforting to do this again, yet the situation itself brought her displeasure, making her feel awkward.
Jason smiled and reached over turning out the light. "This isn't all of it, but this will be a good start." He said as he rolled over to face his sister and smile. "So, was he your first?" Jason asked and gently poked her stomach. "I mean, you seemed to like riding him, though your face was priceless when he bent you over, you said somethings I never thought I would hear you sis." He said with a smirk trying to drive the memories of the earlier events into her head, she had slept with him and more then likely if she thought about it she would become wet, horny an eventually more compliant to his real desires that would soon start.
When he asked, she blushed madly. She was silent for a while until she spoke. "Well... Yeah he was my first. I was curious and he seemed very nice..." She trailed off for a little bit as she remembered that he met her completely in character, stating that a girl like her shouldn't be wandering around without an escort, and like a real knight he started to follow her. "He was good, and then before I knew it we were... you know..." she blushed, as the blood flowed through her shallow cheeks. She stirred a little bit from his touch. "I never, felt something like that before... It was good and..." She sighed, trialing off again as her body started to churn and grow wet without her knowing.
"And what Jess, come on it's not like I haven't had sex, you can share...plus I saw it all. I just want to know what you're thinking." He said with a small, her frame silhouetted by the moonlight coming in from the window behind her, his hazel eyes watching her intently to see what was happening. Some girls have tells about when they're aroused, hers seemed to be the mad blush that was raising in her cheeks as she spoke of the knight who had apparently deflowered her that night. Jason had missed the first of the act but arrived pretty soon in while she had her legs spread and was making heels to Jesus.
She giggled, "If you saw everything you don't need to know what I was thinking." She concluded playfully. Regardless she continued. "But yeah... It hurt at first, and it still does a little bit. But God, did it feel wonderful. The way his member throbbed inside me. The way that he rocked his hips against me. It was the best feeling in the world." She sighed, and accidentally let out a soft moan as her panties grew a small wet spot.
Jason smirked and he leaned in a little closer to her, his lips gently next to the soft flesh of her neck. "Did you cum? Did you get to feel him cum in you, I didn't stay for all of it, I left when the crowd died down." He said with a smirk as he leaned his head up, his lips brushing her earlobe. "He wasn't even that big, you must have been one tight virgin, I bet he loved it." Jared said and moved his head back to his pillow, his erection starting to grow once more in his shorts. He was far enough that he wouldn't brush his clothed cock against her as he laid there waiting for her to continue.
Jessica giggled and looked at her brother, playfully punching him on the shoulder. "No! It's much harder for use to get off. As for him... Well, he pulled out so I didn't get to feel it. I can only dream how it is though." She sighed, not even bothering to spot her brother as she kissed her body. "I sure hope he did..." She said dreamily, as she snuggled into the bed, letting the warmth of their bodies under the blanket comfort her. "I don't know about size, Jason. I don't have anything to compare it too." She stated.
Jason smiled as she snuggled into the bed. "Ok so I think I know what you can do for me to get rid of those pictures." He said with as smile as he scooted in close to her. Letting his lips slide up against her earlobe once more he smirked. "You said anything, I want you to be my slave for a while." He said as he nipped at her ear playfully in a not very brother like fashion. "It won't be for too long, and all you have to do is....whatever I say, it could be anything."
Her eyes opened to the reality of the situation as she gasped as her brother nibbled at her. "Ah... Wh-what did you have in mind?" She asked nervously, but didn't move from her spot. Her hand trembled, but at the same time, she was still comfortable around him. "What do you want me to do?" She asked, turning her face to him to look. She didn't know what she would see in his eyes, but whatever it was, she would face it through. After all, she agreed to do anything he wanted.
"I truly want to do very little, that would be your job, to do most everything." He said with a smirk. A gleam of lust and power in his eyes as she turned to look at him. "I am your brother Jess, it's not like I am going to do anything to hurt you. Hell, I have always looked after you." He said with a soft smile as his placed his right hand on her hip, her long tshirt blocking the skin to skin contact that he longs for. He smiled and looked over to her once more. "So, it's up to you."
She was nervous to say the least as he smiled at her with that wicked grin. Her breathing grew heavy as she stared into his eyes, slightly entranced by the look. "If... As long as mom and dad doesn't know about all of this then, I'll do it." She said. She looked back up and him and turned her body so that she was on her side. "What would you want me to do now?" She asked, almost afraid to since she didn't like that look in his eyes.
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