Alt. Universe Naruto, a land of Clans (Silverknight and Wingshadow)


Jul 14, 2011
The morning was lovely outside, the sun had risen early that morning and there were few clouds int he sky. It was a great bit of weather for what was said to be a very important day. People were moving around, talking exchanging information about what was going down and where they needed to be. Inside the great mansion of the head of the village, the servants moved with a extra bit of urgency on their behalf. They knew that everything had to be perfect, that the meeting was one of those extremely important events that the future of their home would depend to a very large degree. Plus, they knew if they did well, that they would be noticed and they would have a chance to get a better job, moving up the career latter for performing so very well.

These people lived in a world of Ninja, a world that was very turbulent and dangerous, but this world had a changing point that made it very different from the main universe version of Naruto. The clans did not come together under Hoshirama Senju to form a village under the power of the Lord of Fire. No, Hoshirama took over the leadership of the whole Fire Nation, when the leadership of the land failed. There was no Konoha in this village, but many smaller ninja villages in each of ninja nations. These villages would be when clans settled, and as a result of this the leaders of the main clans who were the leaders of the cities. They were what made up the great council who decided upon the actions of nation.

The house that was busy was one that belonged to the long time allies of the Senju, the Uzumaki Clan, their matriarch, Kushina Uzumaki was moving around with a great nervous energy inside of her, as she couldn't sit down for a moment. The redhead knew the importance of the day, the Uchiha, and the Hyuuga were coming to talk over ideas for possible alliances and deals for the future. She knew well that the impact of the day would be large. She walked around her office as her husband, Minato was sitting doing paperworkd at the desk. The blonde was the calmer side of the relationship, a supremely powerful ninja, he looked very much like his son though as well who was wondering around. Kushina the holder of the nine tails demon, was nervous cause she knew that the young members of the other clans would be arriving too, and hoped her son would get along with them.

Their son, Uzumaki Naruto was out training, the young man wanted to be greater then any other ninja, he wanted to better then either his mother the red habenaro, or his father the yellow flash. He wanted to be the best Uzumaki ever, better then any going back to the founding of the powerful clan. His attacks were solid, as he trained with his sparing partner. He was fast, and had a great deal of chakra naturally. He was a talented and capable ninja who his parents had such high hopes for.

The young man who he was training with was a pale looking young man who had been taken in by the clan, as was what happened wtih many young men and women who had no place in the world. That or when they were orphaned by war, they had the chance to restart in one of the small villages which was why there were a number of minor clan ninja in each of the villages in Fire Country. This young man had been orphaned at a young age, and was raised by the orphanage in town, and had a great talent as a ninja as well, and had grown up friends with Naruto and trained with him now. The young man Sai, was a quiet introverted young man who grew up mostly away from emotions and was still trying to learn them to a large degree.

Naruto looked at the carriage as he knew that it was one of the guest who was arriving for the meetings, he paused as he looked over at Sai. Sai nodded his head as the two knew it was time to head back, and raced back heading back as fast as they could to get back and get changed before the arrival of the carriage. Luckily they knew a short cut which saved them a great deal of time. It enabled them to arrived with enough time to change and both be ready, as they waited for the arrival of the carriage. They stood in the watching eyes of Kakashi, their teacher, who trained both Naruto and Sai and led them out on missions as well. He knew that it would be a big day for his teacher, Minato, and the clan as a whole. The gray haired ninja didn't have a sharingan but was still one of the greatest ninja in the world.
The first carriage to arrive sported the Uchiha Clan family crest, powerfully and proudly emblazoned upon banners which stood on either side, the lengthy tapestries tugged by the wind as they announced the clan representatives' arrival. The carrage's wheels clacked across the ground until at last they came to a rest, the curtains to the right of the carrage parting to reveal the head of the Uchiha Clan himself, Fugaku Uchiha.

While proud and confident, Fugaku was also a fair and reasonable man, one who commanded respect from his subordinates and fear from his enemies. He had made it a point to attend this meeting out of courtesy as well as genuine interest in forming an alliance with their long-standing rivals the Uzumaki, although the terms of which remained undetermined, especially since the third family, the Hyuga Clan, had yet to arrive.

Along with his guards and attendants, the Uchiha head also brought his son, Itachi and his daughter, Sasuko, both of which he had personally trained in the clan's signature techniques. Itachi was the more silent and stern of the two, holding his place as the firstborn and heir, while at the same time harboring a deep-set care and love for his family members, his sister included.

Sasuko had a somewhat sour disposition about her, her arms crossed over her chest as she stood by her brother's side. The reason for this remained unclear, while the tension between the clans may have had something to do with it, she largely kept her thoughts to herself... For the time being, at least. Almost as soon as she had stepped into view, her somewhat unpleasant gaze was directed toward none other than Naruto Uzumaki. just as soon as she had done so, she turned her head away with clear disdain, a gesture that that most certainly would not go unnoticed.

The Hyuga Clan, headed by Hiashi Hyuga, made their appearance not long afterward, their own banner announcing their presence much like the Uchiha Clan before them. Hiashi Hyuga and his younger brother, Hizashi. Along with them and several branch members, the siblings also brought with them Hinata and Neji, their respective heirs. While Neji appeared more confident and self-reliant, the gentle and sensitive Hinata bore a much less imposing aura around her. The three heads of the clans gathered to share pleasantries, leaving the youth to mingle as well before light refreshments were served and preparations for negotiations proper began.
Naruto walked to where the others were arriving, he knew who would be arriving and took a deep breath as he walked into the room where the others were gathering. He noticed Sasuko right away, and noticed that she was as sour as she normally happened to be. He knew that many found the Uchiha to be beautiful, and a dream girl according to many, but he never quite got it. Naruto, sighed, he knew within a year or two the terms of marriages might be talked out as parts of alliances, being 17 himself, he knew that it was right around the corner but something he didn't want to think about much at all. He gave Sasuko a annoyed look as she could many times find a way under his skin. He smiled as he walked over to Hyuuga, and smiled.

"Well now, I think that it is a a pleasure to see you two here," he said with a friendly tone that was very natural for him to him. He smiled kindly as he looked at Neji as well as Hinata knowing that they were there due to their family having a important role in any talks that were going down. He figured they were a bit uptight, but both had been rather nice when he dealt with them. Granted, Hinata was always a good bit on the quiet side around himself, and then Neiji was so formal in his ways. He sat down at one of the chairs, "So, what is up with you all, anything interesting happening in the other cities, anything cool that should be told about, any good stories," he asked his outspoken personality easy to notice as always.

Neji stood there for a moment, "I am doing fine, the trip was fine, but there is nothing new really about my home, everything is rather normal," he said with a formal tone to his voice as he found a seat himself. He knew that he unlike Naruto wasn't the most out going person, and was far more serious in nature. He looked at Sasuko and then Naruto. "I figure this meeting is the most interesting thing that has happened in a good long while. I am sure they will find some fair deal. A exchange of ninja for training, ways for us to work closer together, perhaps one of us will have to spend time in the other's village to show our contentment to peace as well," he said with a serious tone to his voice. He sat upright in his chair and then motioned his cousin to come over and join him at the large table that he had sat at a bit earlier.
Sasuko maintained her distance from the group, her eyes closed while standing by herself against the far wall, arms crossed over each other in a somewhat dismissive manner. When Neji began talking about the possible outcomes of the negotiations, however, her interest seemed slightly peaked as she glanced over at the two of them seated at the table. "You know... There are even talks of possible arranged engagements. Training, common work projects, and such I can understand, but what right do they have to decide something like that?" Sasuko scoffed, "If they have time to waste on such things, why don't they put their efforts to better use, like strengthening their ranks and honing their own skills? When it comes right down to it, outward shows of good will are just attempts at saving face, nothing more."

Hinata reluctantly stepped over to the table, taking a seat beside her cousin after he beckon her over. She remained silent, only casting the occasional glance in Naruto's direction as she sat in a rather stiff manner. She always seemed to act that way when Naruto was in the general vicinity, as she became even more quiet and reserved than usual in his presence. This particular occasion was no exception, but she took the opportunity to address Sasuko's statement. "I... I think it is a good thing for us to learn more about each other in person. If we know more about each other, we will find trusting each other a bit easier as well."

"Humph, whatever," Sasuko shrugged, "Believe what you want."

Hinata and Naruto had met previously on several occasions, but aside from a few words of courtesy they had not engaged in much actual conversation. Using her cousin's body like a shield, she obscured herself from his view for the most part, although this was not immediately obvious to anyone other than herself and perhaps Naruto as well.
Naruto narrowed his eyes as he heard the comment from Sasuko, she was always like this, looking at the negative side of things, and how things were. He crossed his arms in front of himself for a moment as he looked over at Sasuko, and then looked at her. "They do it cause they care about us, and they want the best for us," he counter loudly as he looked at her, "it isn't a waist of time to want to protect those important to you, it makes you stronger. They know that by having us be together, that we will get to know each other and grow closer and stronger. Then in time, perhaps we can end any possibility of war between our clans, I hope that we don't end up with you, cause I know that if you were here, you would just sit around and complain all the time about waisting your time," he counter as he was upset and as normal the young man tended to wear his feelings on his shelve as he knew agreements would be made and that they would be in his opinion fair deals for all involved.

Neji paused listening, and knowing that Sasuko was behind him, "Well, I don't think I can call them weak till I surpass them in strength nor should you, the last time I heard, your brother was far stronger then you are, Sasuko, perhaps you are also wasting your time doing other things, or are you afraid perhaps that you Uchiha are not as strong as your made out to be," he said coldly his voice without a bit of emotion, saying it as a challenge in a way, but also as a matter of fact in style. He didn't care for Naruto in the least, he was to loud and in many ways very annoying as well, but he didn't like Sasuko either. In that way, he symbolized the Hyuuga in the relations between the three clans, none of them were very friendly as he knew that they were not that close in general. He paused as he heard the door open and some food brought by Sai was carried and put onto the table.

"The food is here, the meeting is going a bit long, there is a disagreement from what I can tell over you Sasuko," Sai commented as he looked at the group, his tone rather flat as he didn't know these people and needed to try to read them before he figured how he should use his words. "From what I can tell, you will be here perhaps for a while, and will be working with the teachers here to improve your skills, but the final agreement seems still far off," he mused to them as he looked at the Uchiha, "Then, who knows the full details, the Hyuuga are trying to push their way into the agreement as well."
"If staying here means I can prove my strength and bring honor to my clan, than that is what I will do," Sasuko huffed, her sour gaze directed at Naruto and Naruto alone, "You can shout all you like about wanting to become the strongest ninja, but you do nothing at all toward accomplishing that goal, then you might as well not have a goal at all... Seriously, people like you really piss me off." Sasuko turned her shoulder toward Neji, refusing to so much as respond to his pointed jabs.

For some reason, she did not feel like answering the prideful Hyuuga's remarks, even though being compared to her older brother was a particular sore subject for her. He even had the audacity to question the superiority of the Uchiha clan. In her mind at least, the Uchiha Clan could defeat any other clan in terms of skill and power, and the only reason for the meeting to take place at all was to ensure that the other clans did not team up against them in a massive show of cowardice. If Neji was foolish enough to believe otherwise, then there really was no point in trying to cure his idiocy.

On the other hand, hearing Naruto's two yen on the subject raised her ire rather than her indifference. What was it about the spiky-haired young man that caused her such consternation and annoyance? Given the way members of his own clan treated him, being annoyed at Naruto was not a position she alone possessed. Was it his cheeky grin or his overly-naive way of viewing the world? Sasuko would not say for certain, so the matter remained a mystery, for the time being at least.

With Sai's entrance and subsequent update on the state of the meeting, Sasuko let out another deep sigh, "Great... Well, at least I'll have a chance to prove myself." What exactly she felt the need to prove remained ambiguous, but rather than outwardly oppose the decision she seemed to passively accept it as given. Perhaps she had expected such a result from the start? A barely-noticeable smirk curved her lips.

Hinata remained silent, although she too had her own thoughts on the matter. her heart nearly skipped a beat when Sai mentioned that the Hyuuga clan was trying to enter the arrangement as well, implying that either Neji or herself might be chosen to reside at the Uzumaki Clan for some time. She would be able to spend more time with him, the object of her hidden affections.
Naruto narrowed his eyes, as he looked at Sasuko, something about her just got under his skin, something about her really bothered him to no end, and he disliked something about how it did. "Well, you know what, in time I will be way better then you and your lame ass self," he retorted back loudly as he looked over at her, before he heard Sai come back into the room and explain the situation to them. He was surprised by this, but he knew it was possible. He reached down and grabbed a a bowl of ramen on the patter, he knew that his mother or father knew what he liked the most as fast as food. His focused mostly went to eating the ramen after he saw it. He wasn't worried about even Sasuko after that moment as he was focused on the taste and wonderful flavor of the ramen and that alone. He looked up as he thought about Sai, he wasn't sure if he wanted Sasuko around him but he knew that he had little choice in the matter.

He ate slowly as time past, neither Sai, Neji or Naruto had anything to say as time went pretty quickly, before a couple of messages were passed down to the room for both the Hyuuga and the Uchiha. It seemed a deal had happened, between all three, It would seem that both the Hyuuga and the Uchiha were trying to talk an alliance with the Uzumaki. The alliance would be one of marriage, with Naruto either marrying Hinata, or Sasuko when they turned 18 years old. The agreement allowed for the issue to remain unresolved for one year. After that one year, the situation would be visited again and it would be decided who Naruto would marry. The two would of course stay in the village for the year to train but also to oddly spend time with the blonde hyper ninja as well.

Neji read over the agreement and noted that he was to stay at the Hyuuga home in the village, he was there to keep an eye on and protect Hinata from danger but also to learn and work with the Uzumaki encase Naruto choose Hinata and they would then be able to work far better. He was sure that he could keep an eye and do what he need to do to help Hinata in her aims, well once she read it she might faint, so he handed it over to Sasuko instead of his cousin knowing this. The information said more to the Uchiha, telling her that another member of the village a non Uchiha would be sent to keep an eye on her and make sure she didn't mess up their chances for an alliance. That they would be heading home and that this would be a chance for her to prove herself to the clan.
"You're just proving my point that you are all talk and no substance," Sasuko huffed, letting the matter drop entirely once Naruto began to eat his large bowl of ramen. Nobody else felt like talking until further word was given concerning the alliance arrangements, which thankfully did not take overly long for the clan heads to agree upon.

Upon reading the note, Sasuko seemed unusually calm, merely fanning herself with her hand as she looked over at Naruto. Rather than the usual frustrated and annoyed look, there was a hint of something else glinting in the corners of those eyes of hers. It quickly vanished, however, hidden behind a facade of indifference, "If it is the clan's decision, then there is really no point in arguing over it. I will perform my duty to the fullest..." Her eyes narrowed, "You best be prepared, Naruto." Exactly what she aimed to accomplish with all of this was anyone's guess, but it was clear that it had served to fuel some sort of determination within the young woman.

Without even reading through the details, Hinata being the perceptive person that she was soon picked up on the current state of affairs. This would be a contest of sorts with a duration of one year to see which of them, the Hyuuga or the Uchiha, would obtain the Uzumaki's alliance through a family-arranged marriage. She would have one year to spend with him, and potentially win his affections. The poor girl's head nearly melted just thinking about the full meaning behind this, her head turning a bright shade of red. She stood up and mumbled a few words before excusing herself, fleeing to the safety of the adjacent guest room.

The details of the Uzumaki's new guests' living arrangements for the next year had not quite been ironed out, but one thing was certain. Both girls had a lot at stake, and neither could afford to back down from it, with Hinata's childhood crush in the balance on the one hand, and Sasuko's pride (and perhaps something more) on the other, the battle lines had already been drawn... But who would obtain victory, after the one-year duration was completed?

Neji and Hinata were given their own guest rooms on the west wing of the house, while Sasuko and the yet undetermined assistant from the Uchiha Clan would have their own rooms as well in the east wing of the house. Thankfully, all three of them had brought extra changes of clothes and other necessities, which allowed them to move in immediately and get accustomed to their new surroundings before the rest of their things were delivered.
Naruto looked at the message, he was to marry either the Hyuuga or the Uchiha, he blinked as he thought about that for a good moment or two. He took a deep breath as he let out a a sigh a moment later. What the heck, he didn't even know these two, and what he knew of Sasuko, he knew that she was the most annoying and frustrating woman who he had ever meet in his whole entire life. He rubbed his nose looked at the two of them leave the room going in opposite directions as he knew that they both were to get settled in and he knew that he would not see either of them for some type as they would be far to busy to even interact with as well. Still he was surprised by the fact he was to get married, he figured it would wait, but he knew in the back of his mind the day would come at some point.

"Well, you have you work cut out for you," Sai commented as he looked at Naruto knowing that his friend had a lot to deal with in the coming days. The alliance would be important and the choice of who they would ally themselves with would be extremely important and would have a massive impact on the future of the village and the clan. It was possible the side they allied with would have a natural advantage over the one they did not ally themselves with as well. Naruto had a choice bigger then he even understood, which wasn't saying that much given how it hadn't hit him that it was a huge choice to begin with even already. "I will make sure a servant is sent to both rooms to make sure they are comfortable with everything and make sure they don't need anything," Sai commented as he took his leave.

Naruto followed suit a bit later as he walked to his own room which was across from his parents room on the second floor of the mansion. Naruto had a lot on his mind, but as he thought it over he figured he might as well forget it. He could have a whole year to decide who he wanted to be with. It wasn't something he needed to worry about any time so, and he figured something. He would know who the right person was in a year, there was no real pressure to know. He needed to just live his life and it would enjoy the year ahead of him, letting whatever happened happen.

Neji knew that Hinata was going to be very shy, but he knew that she couldn't be so, he knew that he would have to help her in this contest, he would have to get to know those who were close to Naruto to learn more about Naruto. If he could do that, then he could find ins for Hinata, and help her win the day. He knew the importance of the alliance and how important it was for the clan. He knew that he had to use any trick he could figure out and the dark haired man knew that he would have to find friends and people who could help her have an edge on the Uchiha. He figured she was already at a disadvantage due to her quite nature. He looked outside, he could start to meet people and figure out a in to get closer to at least one of naruto's friends the following day so that he could help Naruto, but he could wait till the following day to worry about that fact at all.
Hinata spent most of the afternoon settling in, but Sasuko headed outside as soon as she felt satisfied, wasting no time in surveying her new surroundings. She stepped out into the dim afternoon, the faintest of the sun's rays still clinging to its previous domain. She reached up and brushed a stray lock of hair from her forehead, her eyes gazing out into the calm, cool forest. Stepping out into the foliage's wide shadow, she moved silently with lightly-placed footsteps, her breath forming thin clouds about her lips. The night mist rose around her as she journeyed even deeper, until at last she felt like she had gone deep enough to provide some much-needed privacy. She drew in a deep breath and let it out slowly, then at once she began her usual drills, her body moving into precise stances, each movement performed with grace and certainty.

Back at the Uzumaki estate, Hinata sat on the edge of her borrowed bed, her shoulder resting against the wall as she looked out the window on the far side of the room. her cheeks were still tinged with the hint of a blush, as she considered just how fortunate she was for being chosen for such a role. She knew it would not be an easy thing for her to do, as the two of them had hardly knew much of anything about each other. Naruto inspired her to strive for more, to push herself and never give up no matter what the circumstances. The memory of him had helped carry her through even the most brutal of training sessions, but even that would pale in comparison to the trials that she would have to undergo in order to win her love's affections.

The scene had been set and the players assembled... All that remained to be seen was how the performance would act itself out.
The following morning Neji was out and about, walking into the village, he went to meet with one of the main families that was there. He meet with the eldest advisers son hoping that he would be able to make a connection with him which would help Hinata win over Naruto. Things didn't go as he planned as he ended up finding out that the young man was the most lazy person he had meet. He spent the time with Shikamaru being as kind as possible, and Neji had to admit he found the Nara smart, but he was on the lazy side spending much of the time wanting to watch clouds. By lunch he had given up the chance to work on the connection and went off to figure out what would work best for the rest of the day, and working on gathering information on the village and learning his way around the village, walking around the village mostly at random.

Naruto spent the morning as he had the day before, training with Sai after waking up late. He always trained at the training grounds near his parent's home. It kept him close enough, but he also thought it was the best place to spend time training. He was working on hand to hand combat with Sai, who was as good or better then him. The two clashed at slower speeds working on the form of their styles. He also trained with Sai now, cause he knew that Sai wouldn't say anything dealing with the situation he was in, and he would focus on training and not the fact he had a year to pick his wife. That was nice, to have a friend who would avoid such a issue and focus on something different was nice. He didn't want to deal with the issue and put it out of his mind for the most part.
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