Grumpy Koala
- Joined
- Apr 27, 2015
- Location
- United States
Hello, and welcome potential survivors, to a new hell on earth.
This is a systems world based on a D-20 with several aspects regarding survival, which I will get into in a moment. For starters, imagine a barren wasteland that used to be Earth. Nuclear warfare tore the world apart, and nuclear winter has struck. Almost all the population is dead. Those who died reanimated as grotesque beings, slow moving but vicious in numbers. You must struggle as a survivor, finding supplies and weapons to defend yourself. You may kill monsters. You may kill each other. You may sleep with players. You may rape players. You can work together. You can work alone.
It's up to you.
A player may have a maximum of two characters, and must fill out a character sheet for each one. Every character has to have at least 2 defects, and number of attributes which are effected by the defect. Attributes work in the same sort of way that it does in D&D, where performing a certain action pertaining to an attribute requires a roll of a D-20. If the roll is higher than the attribute, the action fails. If the roll is lower, the action succeeds. There are also diseases and viruses that can be obtained that bear negative effects and may or may not go away. Lastly, there are two sets of inventory modifiers: Space and Weight. Packs and pockets will give space which items will have certain occupancy values. Weight is determined by dexterity and cannot be passed under any circumstance. Fall damage is a factor and bone integrity is a factor.
-Metabolism- Static. The ability to conserve energy gained from food and water.
-Hunger-(on a scale of 30 points) GM will determine when a hunger roll must be made. A high roll will determine how many points are deducted from hunger, minus metabolism. If this reaches zero, your character will starve to death.
-Thirst-(on a scale of 30 points) See hunger, as it functions the exact same way.
-Dexterity- Static. The ability to do physical activity. Used in fatigue and moving object rolls. Also determines maximum carrying weight.
-Fatigue-(on a scale of 30 points) GM and actions determine when fatigue rolls are made. Functions similar to hunger and thirst. At 10 points player will be sleepy. At 5 points, player will be sluggish and delirious. At 0, the player will pass out.
-Temperature- (on a scale of 40 points) Determined by environment with the temperature rating of the clothing worn. At 5 player will start to develop frostbite. At 0, player will freeze to death. At 25, player will start sweating profusely. At 30, player will start to see mirages and hallucinate. At 40, player will die of heat stroke.
-Mental Stability- Static. Affected by drugs and murdering people. Affects perception, charisma and intellect.
-Perception- Static. Ability to see. Mostly static. At 0 player is blind. At 5 player requires glasses to see (unless effected by mental stability). Also determines how well a player can use a ranged weapon.
-Agility- Static. Determines the player's ability to dodge, run, and jump, among other things. Hindered by bone breaks.
-Intellect- Static. Ability to solve problems, puzzles, and perform tedious tasks. Affected by mental stability.
-Vitality- Static. Determines bone strength and health. Static.
-Health- (no true scale, but hp can vary in between 15-40 hp) Player's life. If this runs out, you die. Can be recovered through various medical treatments. Players will take bleeding damage from large wounds unless patched up.
-Charisma- Determines conversationally successful a player is. Affected by mental stability.
-Strength- How hard a player hits with melee weapon, as well as how well the player can take hits.
-Luck- Static. Self explanatory. Duh. Used in luck rolls for most tasks.
-Libido- Static. Determines how long you can go without an orgasm. Reversed; the higher the number, the worse.
-Radiation- (on a scale of 30) Starts at 0. Gains .5 every turn spent in a radiation pocket. Radiation sickness begins at 20, and death comes at 30.
Base stat is 10 for every static attribute
-Gigantism- Player is larger. +2 Strength, -1 Agility, +2 Vitality
-Dwarfism- Player is smaller. -1 Strength, +2 Agility
-Dyslexia- Letters and words are jumbled. -2 Perception
-Narcissism- Self Important. -2 Charisma, +1 Intellect
-20/20 Vision- Perfect Clarity Eyesight. +10 Perception, -1 Mental Stability, -2 Luck
-Far/Near Sighted (Astigmatism)- Blurry in respective focus. -5 Perception (without glasses or contacts)
-Kleptomania- Take things subconsciously. +3 Luck, -2 Mental Stability
-Dementia- Insane. -5 Mental State
-Sociopathic- Disregard for human life. No mental stability loss for murder, -2 Charisma
-Hyper Intelligence- Super Smart. +5 Intellect, -2 Charisma
-Prince Charming- Charmed I'm sure. +4 Charisma, -2 Intellect
-Rapey- Super Creepy. -5 Charisma, +5 Strength
-Nympho- Sex Addict. +5 Libido
-Ambidextrous- Can use both hands equally. +1 Perception, +2 Dexterity
-Short Term Memory Loss- Forgetful. -1 Perception
-Oafish- Not intelligent and very clumsy. -2 Intellect, -2 Dexterity, -2 Agility, +6 Strength, +3 Vitality
-Limber/Flexible- More Agile. +3 Agility, +1 Dexterity, -2 Strength
-Squeamish- Doesn't like the sight of blood, gore, and vomit. (-2 Intellect, -1 Perception, -3 Mental Stability, +5 Metabolism) in the presence of blood, gore, or vomit.
-Skinny- Thin as a rail. +5 Metabolism, -2 Strength
-Chubby- A little on the heavy side. -2 Metabolism, -1 Agility, +1 Vitality
-Color Blind- Can't see in color. -1 perception
-Buff- Muscular. +2 Strength, +1 Vitality, +1 Dexterity -1 Intellect
-Asexual- No Sexual Attraction. -10 Libido
-Deaf- Can't hear. -6 Perception
-Anorexic- Doesn't eat much and doesn't put much weight on. +4 Metabolism -2 Dexterity
-Amazonian- Not gigantic but tall and muscular. +2 Strength, +1 Vitality, -2 Intellect
-Dense Bones- Bones are harder to break and weigh more. +3 Vitality, -2 Agility
-Tourette Syndrome- Some muscle spasms and little control over what comes out of the mouth. -4 Charisma, +1 Strength
-Lucky- +3 Luck, -1 Mental Stability
-Congenital Analgesia- Cannot feel pain. +3 Dexterity, +1 Vitality, -4 Mental Stability
-Neurosis- Easily stressed out about trivial things and often hysterical. -2 Mental Stability, +1 Luck
-OCD- Everything has to be perfect. -3 Mental Stability in presence of messes or disturbance of patterns.
-Unflinching- Nerves of steel. +4 Mental Stability, +1 Vitality, -3 Dexterity
-Cold-Blooded- Susceptible to cold temperatures. -2 Temperature at all times
-Hot-Headed- Quick to Anger, often lashing out in violence. +1 Strength, -1 Mental Stability
-Militaristic Regiment- Active training in armed forces has done wonders for the mind. +4 Mental Stability, -3 Charisma
-Cannibalistic- Eat people. -4 Mental Stability, +3 Metabolism
-Schizophrenic- Hallucinations, talking to yourself. -3 Mental Stability -1 Charisma, +2 Dexterity
You may also allocate 5 points to the attributes of your choosing. Points may be deducted to allocate elsewhere.
Character Sheet
Blood Type:
Bust(if applicable):
Penis Size(if applicable):
Mental Stability:
NPC's will do a perception roll every time you are within earshot and get a +2 boost if they have line of sight to determine if they see you.-Common Infected: Common infected bear the resemblance of the person they once were, but are utterly mindless other than the motive to kill. They are slow but aggressive. Usually very weak on their own, but in a pack they can be a challenge. Sensitive to sound and will be attracted to loud noises such as explosions, car alarms and gunfire.
Luck: 9
Agility: 3
Strength: 11
Health: 7-12 Hp
Perception: 4
-SWAT Infected: The same as common infected, but they're wearing Kevlar vests(see items), carry police batons (see items), and their loot roll is based on a 20 instead of 40 (roll the d20, add 20 to the roll). Police baton will always drop as an item.
-Juggernaut Infected: The same as SWAT Infected, but they wear Kevlar Juggernaut Suits (see items), and their loot roll is based on a 15 (add 25 to the roll).
-Exterminator Infected: Common infected but wear gas masks (see items). Will always be lootable for the gasmask.
-LARPer Infected: Common infected, but wearing various medieval armor and sometimes wield medieval weapons.
-Bloats: A special type of infected, where gas has built up in their bodies. They are very weak and very slow. However, it's ill advised to melee attack them, as the gas expulsion is generally explosive. The sound will also draw more infected. Blind, so only sound will attract them.
Agility: 2
Strength: 8
Health: 5-10 HP
Perception: 1
-Ghouls: A deadly but rare type of infected that packs a major wallop and runs incredibly fast. They are skin and bones, and are very easy to kill if you can land the hit.
Luck: 11
Agility: 12
Strength: 16
Health: 5-8 HP
Perception: 5
-Screechers: An infected with its arms warped and melded into its body so it cannot attack. However it does have an ability which takes a luck roll. The ability is Screech, which will emit a piercing whine that attracts nearby infected. It's best you avoid them at all costs.
Luck: 12
Agility: 8
Health: 10 HP
Perception: 4
-Abominations: Walking tanks of flesh, usually only found near radiation zones. They are big, slow, bulky, and powerful. Dangerous in close quarters but a breeze at a distance.
Luck: 10
Agility: 2
Strength: 20
Health: 25-30 HP
Perception: 2
-Imps: Small infected, usually either deformed to small stature by the infection or were children beforehand. Weaker but faster.
Luck: 9
Agility: 5
Strength: 8
Health: 3-7 HP
Perception: 4
Broodmothers: A special infected designed to spread infection and give birth to swarmers. Very weak but tend to run away so that it can birth minions.
Luck: 4
Agility: 10
Strength: 7
Health: 3-7 HP
Perception: 12
Swarmers: Born of broodmothers, they are small but vicious freaks of nature that rush in packs. Beware of the little monsters.
Agility: 12
Strength: 6
Health: 3-5 HO
Perception: 3
-Breeders: Specifically designated infection with a long, tube-like appendage designed for inseminating to create broodmothers. Luckily, your character is immune, but can still be raped by a breeder regardless of gender.
Luck: 11
Agility: 8
Strength: 17
Health: 6-10 HP
Perception: 8
-Wolves: Self explanatory. Predatory wolves aggressive and quick. Weak but sometimes in a pack.
Luck: 16
Agility: 10
Strength: 15
Health: 3-7 HP
Perception: 8
-Other Survivors: These are potentially dangerous, as they vary so much. They tend to be well armed, and hostile. If they are male and the player is female, the NPC will attempt one rape roll to see if they rape the player. Stats will be assigned when necessary.
((More to be added))
All items are assigned a weight and a space occupancy value.Weapons
Make loud sounds unless suppressed finite ammunition, which can be scavenged, but high damage. There are Pistols, Semi-Auto Rifles, Shotguns, Assault Rifles, and Sniper Rifles. Guns come in all different caliber so there are no generic bullets to be found. If you have a 9mm pistol, you need 9mm pistol ammo. If you have a .308 hunting rifle, you need .308 rounds. Ect. Guns do a set amount of damage, but can be rolled on luck for a headshot and critical damage.
-Bows and Crossbows-
Like guns, but they require higher perception for accurate shots due to drop and are always silent. Crossbow bolts and arrows are not caliber specific and transferable across all Bows and Crossbows.
Throwing weapons, like knives and small axes. Uses dexterity for damage. These are finite but can be recovered.
-Melee Weapons-
Melee weapons can be anything from a hunk of fencing to a tire iron, and do different damages based on material, weight, and strength roll. In addition, several types of melee weapons can be modified to do more damage, for example, hammering nails into a baseball bat.
Hand Grenades, Flashbangs, Fireworks, Ect. Loud and dangerous. Be cautious.
Things like the hairspray flamethrower, a Molotov cocktail, a slingshot, and other craft able things fall under this miscellaneous category.
Status Effecting Items
Canned, Hunting, Farming, ect. All lower your hunger.
Bottled water is the safest. Water can be affected by pollution and radiation, but you won't know it unless you drink it. Or if the GM gives context clues. Used to lower thirst.
-Sleeping and Comfort-
Nobody likes sleeping on the ground! Bedrolls, Sleeping Bas, Mattresses, Hammocks, Cots, Couches, ect... can all be used to lower your fatigue. Sleeping on the ground provides significantly less fatigue for sleep.
Players start with basic clothing. Most articles of clothing give +3 Temperature. Jackets give more, and you can wear up to 3 layers of clothing. But beware of heatstroke. Clothes also can be ripped and burned and loose some or all of the temperature bonus.
Backpacks, Handbags, Suitcases. Anything that provides mobile storage for inventory space. Increases carrying capacity.
•Pain Pills +2 Health
•Bandage/Gauze +1 Health, Stops Heavy Bleeding
•Morphine +5 Health, Roll Against Metabolism for addiction after three uses.
•Blood Packs (Must be your blood type) +3 Health, -2 Fatigue
•Energy Bar -2 Fatigue
•Antibiotics (can cure disease)
The effects of drugs are not permanent, but addiction is rolled against metabolism.
•Marijuana -2 Perception, -1 Agility, +2 Hunger
•Ecstasy +8 Libido, +2 Dexterity, -3 Intellect. Roll against metabolism after first use for addiction.
•Speed +4 Agility, -1 Intellect. Roll against Metabolism after first use for addiction
•Steroids +4 Strength, -1 Intellect. Roll against metabolism after third use for a potential decrease in cock length and libido.
You can pick up almost anything, as long as the GM says it's there. Sometimes it's useless, sometimes it's useful. You take a gamble on your pack space.
Disease and Viruses
Diseases have inverse effects on you but can be cured with antibiotics. Viruses tend to be worse, and cannot be cured. Some illnesses have attribute effects, others have rolls or effects to take into account, and finally still, some can make you immune to other diseases. Effects will not be listed, and will be experienced over time.
Also, some pathogens can be taken from labs and injected into people with syringes.
When in a swamp, every other turn, a roll must be made against a 10. If you lose the roll, you are bitten by a mosquito. If the roll is higher than 15, you contract Malaria.
If you are struck by a rusty weapon or cut yourself against rusty metal, a roll against a 15 is made. Higher than 15 contracts tetanus.
If dirty/polluted water is drank, a roll will be made. Contracted if roll is between 13-16.
If dirty/polluted water is drank, a roll against a 17 will be made for contraction.
(((Under Construction)))
The Map

(Don't judge please. I'm not a digital artist and I can't scan crap. So this was drawn on sketch paper and taken on my phone. :/)
Mechanics to Keep in Mind
Luck has a number of rolls made to it, so it might be an important attribute to keep in mind. For starters, it determines melee accuracy, and therefore rolled first. High luck means the more strikes you land. For ranged weapons, luck is rolled after perception for a chance at a headshot.
It's also used for looting containers and bodies. On a loot, the d-20 is rolled twice. Once against the players luck to determine whether or not the container looted is empty and if it's booby trapped. If the roll is at maximum, three higher than luck, the container will be trapped, higher than three will just be empty. The second roll is on a 2D-20 (2 D-20s) for the quality of the item and not against the player's luck. It follows this chart:
1-15= Junk | 16-25= Common | 26-31= Uncommon | 32-36= Rare | 37-39= Legendary | 40= Godly
The libido attribute determines how many turns your character can go without orgasm. The turn timer is found by multiplying the libido by 2 and then subtracting it from sixty. Then it gives you how many turns you can go without orgasm. Orgasm can be achieved through sex or masturbation though a roll on your libido will be made to determine if you can get it up (for males).
Going without orgasm will decrease perception by 2, decrease mental stability by 2, and decrease intellect by 3.
A grim subject, but it is possible to both be raped and rape. You can rape anyone of any gender and be raped by anyone of any gender.
If you want to rape someone, you must subtract your strength by half of your victim's strength and then roll a D-20 against it. If it is lower, the rape attempt is successful and you may subdue your victim for as many turns as you want. Keep in mind that if they struggle, an amount equal to a quarter of their strength is removed from your fatigue. Optionally, you can knock them out with another strength roll. Keep in mind that clothing must be removed or torn and that gives the victim a chance to try and escape.
If you are being raped, you can struggle, fight, or submit. If you struggle, a quarter of your strength is removed from the aggressors fatigue, but you also loose equal to an eighth of your strength in fatigue. Fighting rolls a against your luck to land a strike equal to a quarter of your strength in damage. Once again, fatigue is applied exactly like in struggling. If you submit, neither aggressor and victim loose fatigue, but... well you're raped and if the aggressor cums inside (and you're female) you could become pregnant.
Sex is free form between the participants. It also will reset the libido timer. If an internal ejaculation is to occur, a roll on two D-20's will be made to determine whether or not the character gets pregnant. The roll must be a 5 or lower to become pregnant.
Melee combat involves a luck roll to land a strike along with a strength roll for damage. Damage is determined by adding 5 to the roll, then subtracting that number from your strength and the finally adding your weapon's damage. Fists do 1 damage. If it's 0 or negative, you do no damage. Additionally, the cap for damage is 10. If you find you are losing, you can surrender if the enemy combatant is sentient. A player may decide then whether to continue fighting you or let you go. An NPC will roll against your luck.
Turn order is determined by highest agility to lowest agility.
Combat (General)
Melee combat creates a "combat zone" in which grenades and other effects are applied. Range combat works the same way, but "combat zones" are isolated to the individual, unless the distance is closed
Sneaking around NPC's and players is a tricky process. To sneak, you must subtract your agility by half of the perception of every NPC that could notice you, and then rolled on. This only applies, however, if they do not have line of sight. If they do, it is your agility minus their full perception for the roll. Once again, if the number is zero or negative, there is no chance to successfully sneak. Obviously, if you're noticed by a hostile NPC, they will begin to attack you.
The idea is that all characters will start in different locations and will have separate turn-cycles from everyone else so that fluidity and playing is not hindered by inability to play. The one caveat to this is if two or more characters are within a certain range of each other in which their actions will directly effect them. For example, blowing up a car near someone or firing a rifle. In the instance this occurs, turn cycle will be assigned in OOC.
This system is intended to mimic a rouge-like rpg game where your death is permanent, but you may continue playing through a different character, and the dead character's actions and items effect others in the long run. As stated previously, you may have two living characters at once. Should one die, you may then create another character on the profile thread. If death is to occur, you are to replace their age with 'Deceased'.
For an elaboration on what purpose exactly this serves, it has a direct effect on the health of the character. Vitality has a 2x multiplier on health, which means that one point of vitality=two points of health.
Damage Types
•Blunt- Caused by blunt melee weapons and large projectiles. Can break bones.
•Piercing- Caused by light sharp objects like knives, spears, and bullets. Can cause bleeding.
•Bleeding- Damage over time caused by large wounds that require bandages to stop.
•Cleaving- Caused by heavy sharp objects such as axes and swords. Can cause permanent dismemberment.
•Chemical (Gas/Poison)- Damage over time caused by inhalation, injection, or ingestion of harmful chemicals such as smoke, bleach, mustard gas, ect. Some can cause paralysis.
•Burn- Caused by fire or volatile chemicals. This refers to after effects that could cause harm to a player, not the status of being on fire.
•Fire- Being on fire. Quick and high damage per turn until extinguished. Causes burns and easily death.
•Fall- Implied. Your character may slip and fall, taking damage equivalent to the distance they fell. Could cause immediate death or serious fractures.
•Electric- High voltage should be avoided and does quick internal damage. Can cause paralysis, burns, or even death.
•Explosive- As the name entails, caused by sudden eruptions of explosive energy caused by mines, grenades, detonating cars, or... if you're stupid, purposefully causing the nuclear power plant to melt down. Usually leads to burns, dismemberment, and potentially death.
•Disease- Sickness strikes quick and hard. If you aren't prepared, it could lead to an early death.
•Radiation- Radiation sickness is no joke. Caused by wandering into pockets of radiation without a lead-lined suit can easily lead to death.
•Freezing- Cold temperatures can hurt! Leads to burns, hypothermia, and death.
•Respiratory- You have to breathe. Going more than three turns in oxygen-deficient atmosphere leads to the beginning of suffocation (or drowning if in water). After three turns, you will suffocate to death.
Guns and Other Ranged Weapons
Every gun is different and unique in its own right. Every one has an unspoken effective range. The GM will tell you if a shot is even possible, because distance will subtract from Perception before a roll. A number of factors play into these, and damage is very different from melee weapons.
•Ammo and Magazines
You must keep track of how many shots are left in your magazine. However, if it's empty, the GM will say something along the lines of "You attempt to take a shot but all you hear is a click, signaling your weapon is empty." Keep in mind, this is not call of duty and you have a limited amount of spare mags and those each have their own bullet reserves. Spare magazines can be found, and found with or without ammo in them. Also, mags are gun specific or specific to a certain group of weapons, and must be loaded with the caliber they are entended for.
Attatchments can be found and be placed on tactical rails if your weapon has them. It might be noted that a weapon only has a rail for optics. This means you can only put sights and scopes on it. You may only have one attachment per rail unless specified otherwise. Additionally, a suppressor can be added to most weapons at or able uncommon quality.
•Ammo Types
Along with caliber, there are also a number of types of bullets that have their own sort comings and strengths. Here is a short list of the different types and what they do.
-Standard- Nothing special.
-Green Caps- Tracer Rounds.
-Armor Piercing- Not as good against flesh, but removes defense from most armors.
-HE- Explosive Caps. Small fragmentation payloads to increase damage against unarmored. No penetrative power.
-Hollow Point- Hollowed out cap with a pin for expansion when traveling through mass. Increases unarmored and light armor damage by a large factor. Drastic drop on penetrative effectiveness and against medium and heavy armor.
-Incendiary- Ignitor caps for explosive combustion of target. No penetrative power, adds fire damage.
-Subsonic Caps- Suppresses sounds. Decrease to effective range and damage.
-Buckshot- Normal shotgun shells. Fine metal pellets for close quarters.
-ShrapShot- Craftable shells loaded with cut metal and shrapnel. More damage against unarmored.
-Flechette- Shells loaded with tiny metal hooks. Huge damage bonus to unarmored, damage decrease to armored, slight boost to effective range.
-Slug- Replaces pellets with a single high-caliber slug. Damage centralized, longer effective range.
-Bean Bag- Fire a heavy shot not designed to harm. Major damage decrease, 50% Chance to stun
-Dragon's Breath- Adds flammable powder to pellets which spark and ignite on firing. Adds burn damage.
-Explosive Slug- Same thing as HE Rounds but for shotguns.
Armor has three main parts. It's Reduction against Physical Damage (Blunt, Piercing, and Cleaving damage), it's Reduction against Energy Damage (Electric, Explosive, Burn) and Environmental (Freezing, Chemical and Radiation). Additionally, wearing armor takes from carrying weight. Some armors become useless if they recieve tears or other major integral damage. For example, the hazmat suit will not protect from radiation or chemicals if the visor is cracked or there's a tear in the suit.
Weight and Carrying Space
Weight is based in pounds. Dexterity times ten determines maximum weight. Carrying space is determined by the kind of pack you have, and is measured in Units. The base carrying space is 10 Units in the pockets.
Fighting Disease
Disease is rolled against vitality, and depending on the severity of the pathogen, the vitality is modified to suit. Trivial are Vitality +5, Common are Vitality +2, Standard are Vitality +0, Dangerous are Vitality -3, Extreme is Vitality -5 and Lethal is Vitality -10. The roll can be made once a turn, but if failed, fatigue will drop by 1.
Random Events
On the whim of the GM, a number of random events could occur such as changes in weather, a supply drop, natural disasters, hoards of infected migrating, a commercial airliner crashing, an A10-Thunderbolt strafing run, a P-8 Poseidon carpet bombing, a nuclear meltdown, chemical attacks, and many, many other things.
If a radio is found, a number frequencies can be tried to get a signal, and there is a possibility of it being able to broadcast as well. Can be used to communicate with other players or even potentially stop military bombing runs.