MIA Never KIA (LadyWolfie & Frelance)

Evo Var

Jan 2, 2010
SPARTAN-B170 blinked as he closed the files he had been reading on his HUD and looked down the length of the pelican towards the cockpit as the craft was tossed to the side. He scanned through the fleets communication channels and listened to the fleet made contact with the enemy. There were only two Covenant ships in orbit but he knew that that was no guarantee that the UNSC forces would win the encounter. Changing the channel and focused on the marines that he had hitched a ride to the surface with. He had only been assigned to his new posting until just a few weeks before they had left the staging area and had not yet met most of the marines in the fleet.

"Sergeant secure the LZ before you start searching for the files we need. I will go for the data center on my own." There was a pause as the marines realized he had been listening in to their conversation before the sergeant spoke up. "You sure you don't want some backup chief?" Jake grinned behind the mirrored visor of his SPI armor. He had been offered a suit of the MJOLNIR armor but he had declined the offer. He had not trained in the armor and knew that he would need time to train with it before he could use it efficiently. "I will be fine just lock down out LZ."

"Get ready to drop we are approaching the LZ." Jake turned his attention back to the back of the pelican started to open its bay door. He looked out over the glassed landscape and gritted his teeth as thought of his home and how it would look just like this planet now. He stood with the marines as he pulled his SMG leaving his DMR on his back as he jumped the last few feet to the ground. As soon as he jumped he activated his suites cloaking function so by the time he hit the ground only the cracking of the glass below his feet revealed his position as his armor attempted to compensate for it. Standing he started off on a quick run as he headed towards what was left of the ONI research facility. All he could see of the above ground levels was a half melted tower or what once was probably a sentry tower.
Kari-119 had been on this Planet since her last mission, which was a while to say the least. By now many probably thought she was dead, but then Spartans didn't die they were just Missing. Of course for most Spartans now it was true that they were dead. But not for Kari, she had survived two glassings now, first on Reach then here. Of course the Covenant couldn't completely glass the planet, that fire power was impossible, but they could do enough damage to sent the UNSC running. That's how she was still able to survive on this planet. However perhaps Kari would accept it if the glassing had died, after all she had lost her closest friend on Reach, that sad part is, he died thinking he'd just saved the planet, he was lucky.

The Spartan-II had taken refuge in the remains of an Oni building after she had been strained here. Her ship had been destroyed in the final attack by the Covenant, just as the Glassing had started. Occasionally a Covenant patrol would show up and she'd have to defend herself, but not once had the UNSC come looking for her. Although that was to be expected despite the saying about how Spartans never died, it was likely the higher-ups assumed she had died in the Glassing.

With a sigh Kari pushed the thoughts of the past from her mind as she got up and looked around the ruins of the Oni building and adjusted her MJOLNIR Armor which had been painted in Oni Black for this mission. Then she picked up her DMR and made her way to one of the many open areas so that she could check for any Covenant activity which she was expecting since she was about due another patrol soon. What she saw however was not expected, a UNSC Pelican, "Well that's new... they can't be out here for me..." she thought out loud to herself. Though she would have to watch and wait since she didn't have any way to contact them. Instead she went to the security room of the Oni building which surprisingly still worked. Though she didn't have many Cameras outside she could still watch the doors. Seeing nothing she went to her make-shift armory and checked her DMR and Pistol before getting ready for any kind of fight and grabbing a few plasma grenades and a few frags. There was no doubt if the UNSC was here the Covenant was too, and she would be prepared.
"Contact! I have a covenant drop ship come in fast. I am taking the ship up and will provide what air support I can." Jake glanced over his shoulder to see the marines taking cover behind what had once been buildings but were just piles of slag now. He turned back to the tower and slowed to a stop just outside the towers entrance. Confirming that he did not have any contacts on his motion scanner at least from inside the building. He then slipped inside appearing as just a shimmer outline of a human form to anyone watching close enough. Bringing up a map of Oni complex he started searching for a way into the lower levels that would have held the labs and the secured archives.

He had just found what he thought might once have been a elevator shaft when a scan picked up an active power source. Pausing for only the briefest of moments he turned his attention to the power source and started looking for its source. "Sergeant I have an active power source inside the tower. We may be able to source the building and hold it until we are ready to evac." After a brief pause and a hiss of static he heard the voice of the sergeant as he directed his men to fall back and secure the tower. A few minutes later he walked into the security center and was surprised to see that it was still functional. Just as he was about to see what information he could find through the terminals in the room there was a blip on his motion sensor and he spun raising his weapon as he turned to face the direction of the contact.
Kira checked the cameras once more after she was armed, just in time to see the Marines coming under attack by Covenant. With that she started to make her way out of the ruined tower. Though as she got within site of the door she saw it starting to open. This caused her to pause and pull back, "Shit..." she muttered to herself as she moved farther into the building. She would wait and see what who ever it was was after. The Spartans first thought was that it was a Covenant Elite, likely a Zealot coming to either kill her or try to find something in this tower. So Kira stayed back and watched for any movement. When she didn't see any from a distance she decided to get closer.

She went to the security center as it would be her best chance to find out who was here. Though as she got closer her motion sensor went off and she smirked a bit as she stopped around the corner from the security room. Looking around it she could make out the tell-tell shimmer of a cloaking device. This made her think it was a elite, so calmly she started to move towards it, intent to kill it. But as it started to turn around she had to change her plan and move faster.

As the other turned around their vision would be filled with an armored fist, just before the corridor was filled with the cracking sound of armored fist against a helmet and visor. After the punch Kira paused, not having expected the blow to feel like that. She had expected she feeling of punching an elite in the face, but this felt more like a helmet then the head and face armor of a Covenant Zealot Elite. The woman pulled her pistol on whatever she had hit, "Don't move... and... show yourself...." she said calmly.
Jake had just enough time to register that it was not a covenant fist rushing towards him. He didn't have time to question what he was seeing before the fist connected with his faceplate and snapped his head back. He tossed back a few feet before he fell to the floor. Hearing the voice he slowly sat up as he turned off his camo leaving his SPI armor a mat black. "Stand down Spartan. We are both on the same side." He relaxed his white knuckled grip on his SMG now that he knew he was not in imminent danger. Looking up at the Spartan standing in front of him he tried to remember any mention of her being lost on the planet but if she had been here since the glassing her mission must have been classified above his clearance since there had not been any reference of her unless she had been sent in after the glassing.

Jake stood as he ran his hand over his faceplate where she had punched him and was surprised to not see any cracking in the surface. "I am Jake B170. Who are you?" He was still recovering from the punch but his voice was calm as he activated the suit to suit radio. Until he knew more about the spartan he was going to act like he had known she was here if the marines asked. No need to ruin the god like image ONI pr people had built up for the Spartans. Turning to the consoles he started interfacing with them to see if he would be able to access the ONI serves from the security consoles.
Kira paused for a moment as the other Spartan decloaked and she frowned behind her visor. Putting her pistol back on her side she watched as the other Spartan got back up. Her armor was marked with battle scars and damage that had build up since she had been here before and after the glassing. It was no longer possible to tell the scars that had been on the armor before she came here from the once she had gotten here. Though thanks to the strength of the MJOLNIR Armor none of the damage would compromise the armor. After taking in the Armor of this other Spartan and his tone she guessed that he didn't know she was here. Since her mission had in fact been Classified she doubted anyone even knew she was still her, except for maybe Dr. Halsey and some other ONI asshole who liked to go behind Halsey's back.

"LCDR Kira-119." she answered his question in a cool tone as she looked over his armor. His question gave her more proof that he didn't know she was hear as she moved past him to the console. "You're a Spartan-III, You should make them get you some real armor instead of that cheap crap." she said as she looked at the cameras then glanced at Jake. "I don't know what your looking for, but you wont find any secure files here." she added matter-of-factly. Then she stepped away from the console and looked back down the hall way. "Covenant drop ships in bound, Those Marines need to step on it." an A.I. sounding voice spoke up in a calm tone. "I'd suggest you tell them to step on it, also we should cover their approach." Kari added calmly. She didn't think to explain about the voice, since she hadn't had to explain it before.
It only took Jake a few moments to figure out that he would not find anything he was looking for here but he furrowed his brow as he tried to place Kira-119 but after a moment he looked away from the video feeds as she mentioned his armor. "Ya know the techs on the Strident said the same but they were more tactful about it when they offered me an upgrade." He paused for a moment before adding with a hint of a laughter in his words. "They were probably worried I might snap them in half if they insulted my armor." He nodded acknowledging her comment and took a step back from the console. Jake had been about to check in with the marines when he heard what he thought was an AI speak over the secure com he had with Kira. A slight tilt of his helmet was the only show of surprise he showed before he patched Kira into the com traffic with the marines. "Sergeant, you have multiple covenant drop ships approaching. I suggest you get your men and in defensive positions asap. Myself and Spartan 119 will cover your approach just get your men inside." He started moving back to the hallway as he swapped weapons and checking to make sure the clip in his DMR was full even though he knew it was since he had checked only the flight down. Looking over at Kira he spoke again. "Glad to see we have not only found a Spartan but an AI as well. Now if you would prefer feel free to take command. I am used to being inserted alone from a Prowler. So I suspect a living legend like yourself would get more respect from the men than a third generation like myself." As he spoke he powered up the cloaking on his armor before starting to make his way back to the entrance of the building.

Once he was back at the entrance he had come through before he looked around outside until he spotted the incoming ships before moving to a heap of slag that might have been a warthog at one point and taking cover behind it as he got ready to cover the marines. He had more than a few questions that he wanted to ask Kira but he forced himself to wait until the time was right before he would ask.
Kira glanced at the other Spartan as he spoke, and scuffed a bit at the joke. Sure it might have been funny but Kira didn't really have much of a sense of humor. This wasn't any ones fault, other then not knowing the person, once she actually knew the person she would lighten up. For now though she kept anyone at arms length, after all she had lost a lot of friends, and been on this planet alone for a while. "Most Scientist and Techies are never direct enough." she said with a small shrug as she watched and listened to the Spartan. Of course she had more respect for Dr. Halsey then she did most Scientist so she didn't put her into the same category as the scientists she was speaking of. However their were more important matters then how she felt about anyone at the moment as she glanced once more at the other Spartan, "I doubt you even knew we were here or that you were sent to find us." she said calmly, "But seeing as I was already here luck doesn't really come in to play... at least not from my stand point, however unexpected your arrival was." she added as she grabbed a sniper rifle on the way out to the entrance. Once there she went up onto a slightly elevated platform that offered enough cover to snipe at some Covenant.

"I'd suggest you step on it Sargent, you don't want to me caught in the open when the last of those drop ships get here and any ammo here is limited at best." she said simply as she took aim on her first Target and dropped it with one round and moved to the next. "So Spartan what are you really looking for?" she asked between firing off rounds. For now Kira's AI stayed quiet once more, as she didn't feel the need to say anymore.
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