Mikulicious! (Exodus x Scribe)


*tap tap tap*
Hey, sis. Tell Mom and Dad I won't be coming home this week from college. Need to do some work here. <3 U

"What? Another day at the Pleasure Arcade?" said Usotsuki's friend.
"Yeah, don't wait up. See you guys later," replied Usotsuki.

Ignoring the scowl of the other residence's inhabitant, Usotsuki left his friend's house and took the train to Akihabara. As the train made its stops, he looked at the passengers, otaku like him going to Akihabara for that. He had been away from home for years, and didn't miss his sister at all. Not only did he remember her as clingy and wanting attention all the time, but she was skinny as a stick and not developed at all. Once at his destination, he made a beeline towards The Pleasure Arcade, a technological simulator specially built for otaku with their love of electronics, anime -- and sex. Ride in the tight-fitting mecha-like cockpit, and watch and feel all the 2D in 3D vision sex you could stand for the day.

Upon entering the men's waiting area, he was greeted by a pleasant non-threatening woman in a space-maid's uniform. "Welcome, master. What sort of ride would you like today?" she said, producing a tablet with a menu of options. The Pleasure Arcade had all sorts of simulator options. You could play with a partner, you could play anonymously. Your session could be private, it could be public (public was cheaper since videos of sessions brought in customers to the Pleasure Arcade website). You could choose your own avatar, and even change the appearance of the person you played with. The sex, however, was real. Or really well simulated. A tight fitting bodysuit slipped into a mecha "cockpit". The cockpit, however, responded to physical movement -- and delivered its own. The cockpit was lined in silicon, so as to hide the various "devices" underneath that gave pleasure to its inhabitants. He could play solo with just the simulator, but he paid the fee for an anonymous female partner.

Hmm... The Orb. The Orb was a riding toy. A woman (or man) sat on the toy, as it rotated, vibrated, or otherwise responded to her requests. The orb also was known for its appendages -- including tentacles. The request was for a male to operate the orb. This would be fun. An option on the Orb soon appeared. With spectators watching and eventually participating. Wow. This meant that he and other customers could watch her riding the toy, and the woman knew she was being watched. Eventually, when the woman was ready, the spectators would crowd closer, with some being allowed to have multiple-partner sex with her. And, since he was the Orb operator, this would be free for him if the woman said she had a good ride.

*tap tap tap*
Hey, gal friend. Get your brother out of my and my brother's place! He's been here for days! He and my brother don't even go out together! He just left to Pervert Arcade or whatever that pervert place is called in pervert Akihabara. You should be able to catch him if you go. NOW.
(From Exodus)

Humming as her head fell back, fruit-glossed lips pressed tightly together as the girl took a few deep breaths, her spine straight and hips rolling as she squeezed her thighs together. Drowning a breathy cry of yearning in a grumble, Taiketsu narrowed her eyes and glared at the screen of her cell phone, seemingly embarrassed by the words that nobody but her and the sender had seen and yet her response and feelings felt as if they were being broadcasted from under a microscope. Her no good brother had abandoned her once again, losing interest in favour of loose women and big breasts and pornography and maid cafes and pleasure arcades and getting off in general. She understood the appeal, and perhaps that was what made it so hard for her to accept or let go of, as a girl - a younger sister - there was no way she could enjoy the things he did in the way that he did, publicly, and without remorse. For a man like her brother there were no consequences, and with so much to distract him it was small wonder he had more interest in all the women who were not his little sister.

It was kind of funny that she had ended up in the same place and despite having wants and desires and urges all her own she found her thoughts dominated by thoughts of her brother and what he would be doing somewhere inside the garrishly lit building. It was intimidating walking in, being both humiliated and turned on by the feeling of so many appraising eyes on her, and completely blown away by what was on display. Somehow her own interests guided her further in, down some stairs and away from the main showroom, until she was quietly watching her brother browse through the selections made available to this particular cockpit and arena.

Thighs pressed together, she quietly and carefully trailed behind him, mirroring his choices as best she could. The orb shocked and fascinated her, and she giggled a little despite herself when she saw that her dear brother was open to playing with a real female, questing for her pleasure in order to lower his cost and rack up points the way a boy might in an arcade. He could alter her appearance, but she had the option of choosing one for herself to present to him in the beginning.

The attendant that helped her into the seat was grinning like an idiot, adjusting the partial erection he was nursing as he pulled the belts over her breasts and locked the dashboard around her body and up between her legs. She was riding the power of an incredible machine, but on her screen she was precariously balanced atop a sort of plush bubble, and in her mind she was in the lap of someone specific, the thought of which was enough to earn a weak, blushing whimper that would be recorded on tape for the attendants monitoring the machines as well as her brother as the Orb operator in the pod opposite hers.

He would see an avatar that looked incredibly like his sister, save for a few changes he would surely appreciate. Although she had not blossomed into an hourglass-shaped Goddess, puberty had brought a fullness to her breasts and roundness to her hips that her brother had been too long away to have seen her this way in person. Her costume was like something from an anime, Neko kitty ears poking through the waves of impossibly long teal-green hair that was tied up in pigtails. Her clothing was a sexual parody of the uniform it was meant to remind the user of, complete with a bell around her neck that rolled off the plush curves of her well shaped, modest breasts. Her clothing was a cross between schoolgirl uniforms and a horny, neko magical girl, complete with the striped panties often seen in anime and hentai. She looked very much like Hatsune Miku, but her face was her own and her brother would have no problem recognizing her the moment her avatar loaded.

Taiketsu held her breath as she pressed her thighs together, chewing her bottom lip as she waited. He could choose to change her appearance or reject her entirely, and she had taken a risk by showing her true face. He might want Hatsune, he might want her, and he might want the simulation to switch back and forth between the two. He might not want her at all. All she could do was wait and see how her brazen advances would be taken.
Usotsuki smiled back at the polite hostess. As she bent over to strap himself in, he took a good look at her low-hanging breasts. D-cup? C-cup? Well, they didn't quite fit her frame. He still tried to catch a glimpse of her panties. The underwear matched her costume-slash-uniform perfectly. Good job.

Usotsuki made himself comfortable in the cockpit. Most of his body was covered in the silicon skinsuit. The dashboard between his legs was still warm from its last play. How many players have you seen, thought Usotsuki, as he slid himself up and down, anticipating the simulated flesh of his play partner. A light vacuum permeated the suit, stretching it tighter across his skin. He wiggled his hips a bit more, so that the flexible plastic seat conformed to his butt better. His arms and hands were comfortably adjusted and calibrated, so that he could feel and fondle his partner better. His mouth even had attachments, if and when his partner wanted her boobs sucked, pussy licked, or even let him suck her fingers, lips, or other simulated body parts. He didn't need to wear glasses, either, as the machine adjusted its ocular vision to allow play without them.

He summoned the "Player's Wanted" screen. Girls... girls... he unset the filter of "Female players only" off out of curiosity and saw several avatars pop up. He set on again, of course. Most of the girls had computer-rendered 2D avatars, pretty standard stuff. Some chose to look just like them, some added obligatory "kawaii" modifications. A few players went more of the 3D route, basing themselves on various AV and gravure models. A player, of course, may have had several avatars, and a player's avatar would rotate like a slideshow. Most moved a bit, sometimes provocatively, reflecting a few seconds of a climactic scene they played in. The longer a player played -- at least for the women -- the more likely they would accumulate a library of slideshows.

One of them seemed to attract his attention. The avatar seemed to stare at him, unchanging. A new player? It looked like she chose to scan her face, then impose it in a Hatsune Miku avatar. A pretty face, though. Hatsune Miku with a realistic 3D rendering? It didn't quite look like a 3D Miku, so it must be... yep, another girl showing off herself as her avatar. Pfft. He wondered how close the avatar looked to her in real life. Even the "realistic" faces couldn't be trusted. Who know if this was her, or just some model, idol, or AV personality she put into a Miku skinsuit. Neko kitty ears? Well, he'd be making her purr all right. Usually, this sort of play would be fulfilled quite quickly by his fellow otaku, but he knew the orb was in less demand because it wasn't straight fucking. Or was she rejecting other male requests? Some members, in a vain attempt at hooking up, showed their actual pictures in their profiles. Usotsuki had one and... ah, best not to think too hard about this. Select.

Usotsuki let out a low contented moan as the orb slowly started. Just as the Mitsuki character could feel the sliding of the slick ball across her skintight suit (if she chose to wear one at all), he could feel the contented purring of the silicon flesh across his cock. It was as if he was the orb, infinite contact with the female body along his hardening shaft. He rotated the ball faster, adjusting the friction, so that he could feel himself glide faster along her slick skin. He groaned a bit, slowly edging himself, though it took quite a bit for him to come. His fingertips controlled the speed of the orb, and he wondered how fast she -- and he -- could take the pressure. He alternated it. Fast... slow... then fast again. He then slid it right... then left... then both, a perfect symmetry over his stiffening cock. Was she enjoying it, too? He groaned as the sliding sensation slipped to his balls and even closed his eyes to enjoy the sensation.

He looked up at the screen. Was she ready for some actual riding? He flicked to piston mode and smiled.
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