Two Ideas [m/m f/f m/f]

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Aug 30, 2014
1]. [m/m m/f] A teenager was the starting quarterback on his team back in junior high. The girls loved him. By his freshman year of high school while he stayed the same his friends had gotten taller and bulked up. He still made the 9th-grade team, but now spent most of the time on the bench. As he was still playing football and the girls still loved him. By the time his sophomore year rolled around his buddies were hunks and he was a shrimp. He was still cuter than most of the competition, but cheerleaders were now out of his league. He was no longer part of the social elite. To girls who couldn't land a jock a twink like him was a pretty good catch. His new girlfriend is cute enough. He thinks she could lose a few pounds, but keeps that to himself. To keep him she leaves him quite a bit of rope to have some boy-time with his new friends. It is with them he learns he is as sought after by a few of the guys as he was by the girls back in his jock days. One of the jocks may even have interest in him.

2]. [f/f some m/f] An 18yo female starts her first year of college at an all-girls school. Back in her high school days she was popular and a bit of a slut going down on a few boys whether she was in a relationship, or not. Now living in a dorm with all females on a campus that didn't have any penis getting a guy wasn't so easy. It wasn't long before she learned there were girls there with talented tongues, or in possession of a strap-on and that some alumni had money to spend on a pretty, young thing like herself.
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