When Stars Collide ( Atroxa & WnC)


Mar 16, 2013
Callie was a little surprised that the restaurant was as busy as it was, she didn't know why but she has thought that in the midst of war people might not be as inclined to partake in fine dining as usual. It seems she was wrong though, in fact it seemed even busier than the last couple times they had come here. She supposed if she really thought about it it made sense though, people wanted some form of normalcy and perhaps they felt the need now more than ever to enjoy themselves and indulge. It wasn’t too dissimilar for her and her husband, Corran, either. Normally a date night wasn’t so expensive or high end, but it had been a little while since they had been able to go on one, and the last time he had had to leave almost as soon as it began. So she supposed that he felt the need to make it up to her. Callie didn’t mind that one bit.

The galaxy had been tangled in a strange war for a few months now, one that none of them had really thought could or would happen. A war with the Reapers. The Council had assured them all that they were mere myth, that Commander Shepard, the Savior of the Citadel was misinformed and only being hyper alert in the aftermath of the Attack on the Citadel by the rogue Spectre Saren and his flag ship, Sovereign. There had even been rumors that humanity’s greatest hero had cracked under the pressure. Then she had died, and everything had seemed to quiet down. Life had returned to normal, just like everyone wanted, and her warning had gone ignored. That was impossible now, and not just because Shepard had returned from the dead like a ghost, but because the Reapers had arrived.

Earth had fallen first, targeted as an apparent threat, and one by one the home worlds of the Citadel races were being pulled into the fray. It felt strange to be sitting here in a restaurant with her husband, wearing a sleek, short black dress and her long black hair down in loose curls, the bottom half streaked with dark green, and her finely featured, angular face dolled up a little with make up, while Earth burned. Callie had never had to wear much in the way of makeup to make herself look good, she was beautiful, and Corran was handsome, they made a good looking couple. They’d been married about a year and a half, though how long they’d actually been together was a matter of contention between the two of them. Corran considered it to be the day they’d met, claiming he’d known then that he was going to marry her, Callie considered it some six months later, when he finally convinced her to start a relationship with him. A proposal had come soon after, then they had both let their contracts with the military run out, got married, and moved to the Citadel.

Corran’s application to Citadel Security had been accepted almost immediately, and Callie, who had been a medic in the Alliance Navy, had gotten a job at Huerta Memorial Hospital. The next year had been a normal one, a happy one, even if sometimes Callie did feel bored. She tried to keep herself busy with kickboxing and wall climbing and work, never having been the sort to be happy being idle, now they were both so busy they barely got to see one another. As the war had started, refugees of all races had come pouring into the Citadel, as had injured soldiers. C-Sec was scrambling to keep up, and so were the hospitals, with only the worst cases being sent to Huerta.

Tonight though they were trying to just slow down. They had just finished their appetizers and were waiting for their meals, an opened bottle of wine on the table for them to share. Technically they were both on call right now, but Callie had made it clear that she was taking tonight off, and Corran had assured her that his sergeant said he could have tonight as well. And since Callie wanted to get laid and Corran was always a bit friskier when he had a little booze in him, she had insisted on wine. Neglected was maybe a bit strong of a word to describe how she’d been feeling about their relationship lately, but it was close.

“So have you seen the previews for the new Blasto movie? Looks pretty good,” Callie chuckled, since by ‘good’ she meant cheesy and over dramatic, but that’s what made the series so endearing. Who could take a movie about a Hanar seriously?
Corran's eyes were reflective of his joyous mood. Despite the fact that C-Sec had more or less dumped the workload of two or three officers on his shoulders he'd convinced himself it was because if the Citadel wanted justice it was his responsibility to police it. Society would think that with the advanced understanding of the universe that a certain level of sophistication would follow but the truth was that society just found new and interesting ways to descend into depravity and the exploitation of those who were dealt a weaker hand in life. Corran was the razor thin line that kept those people from harm. Yet .. all of that sense of self-assurance and understanding isn't what kept him happy. It was the woman sitting across from him, a broad smile cracked his handsome face and it stayed put as he reached across the table to let his fingertips dance gently along the backside of her hand.

"Blasto? Mhh .. if we want to get a good laugh I say we see it tomorrow. If you just want to see people get shot, you could follow me around for a day."

A chuckle rumbled up baritone chords but it was relatively quiet compared to the low rumble of the chatter from all the restaurant patrons. Corran used his free hand to grasp the base of the wine bottle and he showed an uncanny precision as he poured the contents into his glass. Not a single drop spilled, but this was no surprise considering his profession required absolutely steady hands. After all, you couldn't flinch while holding a pistol and expect to be alive or not kill someone by mistake. Once the wine was poured into his own glass he leaned forward some in his chair to reach to her side of the table. Brow was arched in question and a tip of his head was to gesture towards her wine glass followed. "Refill, love?"

Callie for Corran was a spark of beauty among a world of tainted. It's not that the C-Sec or Military life had ruined his outlook on all of society but he was acutely aware of how quickly a person could devolve into a monster and while it certainly wasn't fair to place her atop such a pedestal, she was almost this idea of what a woman or person could be. Beautiful, passionate, and always focused on saving a life or bettering the situation of a person who was wounded. It's almost as if they fought the same war but on different fronts. As confident and headstrong as Corran was Callie had become something of an emotional rock for him, keeping him steady despite the crashing waves of pressure from his career. So it was no surprise then that he'd fallen so completely and absolutely for her when their relationship blossomed and even now. Married, years later, she was still a treasure to him.

"I'd think you'd want to see something with a little more skin then Blasto though.." Corran teased his right eyelid falling shut in a fast wink as if the words weren't indication enough to what he meant.
Callie hadn’t really known what to think of Corran when they had first met, she had gotten pretty used to soldiers hitting on every chance they got. They could come in with a bullet wound and she’d be trying to keep them from bleeding to death and they’d still be trying to flirt with her. Hell that still happened now, just not as frequently anymore. Either way, she had thought Corran just like all the other men who had been on death’s doorstep and decided they had nothing to lose by trying to get the affection of a beautiful woman. He had been persistent though, more so than usual, even trying to contact her after he was healed and gone. It had taken some convincing but eventually Callie believed his interest genuine, and had given him a chance. The rest was history, Corran being an eager beau in every way she’d found herself swept off her feet, which had surprised the hell out of her because she had never really been the type to be swept up very easily.

Everyone had been a little surprised really, her brothers hadn’t believed her at first when she told them she was engaged. Callie had always been the restless sort, boyfriends never lasted long, and she loved her job with the military, they thought she’d end up an old spinster, still stitching up dying soldiers. But here she was, eating dinner with her husband, both out of the military though their jobs were still pretty high stress. She wasn’t as preoccupied with Corran as being a hero, she simply enjoyed her work, saving people was just a very fortunate by product.

Callie gave him a slow, warm smile as his fingers trailed lightly over the back of her hand, only a few inches up ink worked into her skin. The black dress she wore showed her tattoos rather obviously, a raven on her back, wings stretched in flight, the tips each touching her shoulders, with a mountain peak rearing up behind it. An abstract watercolor design covered her left arm from her shoulder to her wrist, and her right arm was covered by two, a black and white forest scene on her forearm and the crest for the Alliance’s field medic division on her bicep.

She laughed at Corran’s offer to just follow him around at work if she wanted to see people get shot, “Yeah, but you’re nowhere near as witty as Blasto. And you can’t handle four guns at once.” She watched him pour himself some wine and smirked at his offer, nodding a little and picked up her own glass, placing it a little closer for him, “Yes, thank you.” Callie let him pour her more wine and took the glass back, sipping at it before setting it back aside, hazel eyes glancing at him with a mischievous smirk when he spoke of skin, and seeing more of it. “Well that’s for tonight,” she chuckled low in her throat as she took another sip of her wine then lowered the glass, “I mean, unless you’d like to show everyone here that sexy strip tease you do for me when you’re feeling particularly energetic.”

Their flirtatious conversation had to be put on pause for a moment as their food finally arrived, Callie behaving herself while the waitress was there, but once she was gone she looked back to her husband. “Your options are either do that when we get home or I ruin those very nice clothes by ripping them off of you,” she gave him a toothy, wicked grin and sipped her wine again before picking up her food to eat.
Corran was loving the moment, he'd missed these interactions with Callie and their relationship had been filled with them during their dating and engagement and he questioned himself internally now why he'd ever sacrificed them for any cause. Although his mood could have quickly turned somber Callie had said just the right series of words to keep his spirits up. She had kept him from allowing the internal guilt he felt from often times placing his duty before his love life from creeping out from conscious thought to outright disappointment. The warmth of her smile and the melody of her laughter made him feel energized all over again. Broad shoulders lifted into a simple shrug. "Well, I may not have four guns.. but you never complained about three." He taunted in return, mocking a flex with both of his arms and then letting his vision drift down the length of the table to his lap. It was clear the wine had done it's part in making him lower his guard a bit more then usual and with it came a little goofy behavior.

Corran's vision followed the waitress when she departed and then glanced over the patrons in their immediate area. "No, I couldn't get the applause from the audience. Now you on the other hand." He gestured with his free hand to the totality of her frame and his compliment was obvious. Callie was quite simply beautiful and he was sure that there was a plethora of eager individuals just hoping she had some sort of wardrobe malfunction before the night was over. Corran raised his hand that hadn't been engaged with her own and let his fingertips brush in circles around the rim of the glass. He snatched it up after a few rotations and didn't hesitate to take a large sip of the contents within a hum rumbling in his throat to indicate his satisfaction and when he pulled the glass away his lower lip was stained a deeper shade of red as a result.

"Mh, might be more exciting to watch you rip the clothes off.." The hand pressed beside her own wrapped around her hand lightly and followed that with a squeeze before Corran leaned back in his chair and straightened his spine. He reached for the silverware and went for the simple, elegant dark black cloth napkin that held his utensils. It took little effort and he was tucking the napkin in and around his lap which matched the shade of his slacks covering his lower half. A woven material that appeared much like a sweater ( but it breathed better ) was worn on his torso, it too was black but had an emblem of several brilliant colors that spilled onto the better part of one of his pectorals. It gave a sense of color and flair to an otherwise entirely conservative outfit.

Corran also reached for his food after that quick to use the utensils he made short work of the root vegetables on his plate, dicing them into manageable bites and then rotating them a touch to allow the vegetables to pick up some of the cascading flavor of the sauce on the plate. When he had broken the slightly cooler outside layer of the sauce a small plume of heat vapor rose and let him know that his plate was as freshly prepared as anyone could hope for.
Callie had rolled her eyes at his comment about wielding three guns, scoffing softly. Men, it seemed, stopped maturing their sense of humor when they were around the age of fifteen. She tilted her head with a pleased smile though at his compliment, waggling her brows at him a little. “They’d probably be disappointed that I charge for that,” she smiled, sipping her wine before setting it aside and turning her attention to her food. She cut into the breast of a foul that was fairly similar to chicken, letting it cool a little like that, a delicious wine-based sauce glazed over the skin and soaking her vegetables. If there was one thing she liked just as much as drinking wine it was cooking with it. She finally cut a piece free and popped it into her mouth, letting out a pleased noise that was more than a little suggestive, giving Corran a sly smile as she did.

The rest of their meal was spent drinking the entire bottle of wine and flirting, and of course eating. By the end of it, Callie’s cheeks seemed to be permanently a soft shade of red, and she had ditched one of her heels to rest her foot up between her husband’s legs on his chair to rub her foot against his thigh slowly. Her entire body felt warm, and she couldn’t remember the last time she had felt this happy and relaxed, not since the start of the war she supposed. It had been that long since she and Corran had spent this sort of time together, but as much as she was enjoying the wine and the food and flirting with her husband (something she always enjoyed doing in public), she was very ready to get back home.

They paid for the meal, Callie took far too long getting her shoe back on, and they called in a rapid transport back to their apartment building. Though apparently Callie was in no mood to be patient and behave herself, kicking off her shoes (they were far too much trouble with how buzzed she was) and slid into her husbands lap, straddling him tightly enough that the hem of her dress rode up her thighs a bit. “Now, about this private skin show you’re going to be giving me,” she grinned, her arms slipping around Corran’s neck, making her breasts spill out of the top of her dress close to his face, “have we decided on who will be removing your clothes? That seemed to be a point of contention earlier…” She tossed her head a bit to get her dark hair back over her shoulder and out of her face, smirking at him a little with her brows arched.
Although strange to some it was important that people did just what Callie and Corran were doing and that was remembering what life was meant to be despite the presence of war otherwise you'd soon forget what it was you were fighting so hard to protect. Corran felt a draw towards action, he felt strange even guilt for not being a part of the fighting force helping to restore balance and peace. Yet he convinced himself that Callie and the Citadel needed him more and that if war came to him, then and only then would he take his place. These deeper thoughts? Well, the wine took care of those and Callie's increasingly flirtatious attitude washed away anything but carnal expressions in his mind.

Smiles, laughter and warm touching proceeded throughout the whole of dinner and she'd nearly had his slacks tightening at several points throughout the night. Once they'd gotten into the taxi he'd been quick to shed the outermost layer covering his torso, the alcohol and moment suddenly made the material feel sweltering. The sweater was tossed aside haphazardly, connecting with the window of the backseat with a quiet thump before slipping down and turning into a small pile on the floor of the vehicle. The only thing now covering his chest was a white shirt made of pima cotton now considered somewhat of a rarity on the Citadel since it was an earth based cotton. Callie was quick to take up her post on his lap and to keep his gaze fixed on her own Corran's chin tilted upward just a hair to look toward his wife with a look that held both admiration and desire. "I'd wager that you're an expert at removing men's clothes, Doctor. Why should I interject when a professional is at work?" Eyebrow lifted and fell with a little taunting waggle.

Corran's hands fell upon her dress where it was taut around the flesh of her thighs, his fingertips intentionally curled beneath the hem of the material and started to aid the materials' shimmy up each thigh until it was bunched around her waist. The intensity of his gaze grew now as his hands were quick to slide back down, fingertips pressing into her skin as he massaged down the length of her thighs. "Besides we know who the performer is between the two of us don't we, love?" More words of wit meant to illicit some depraved thoughts, after all there had been a many occasion when they'd first became an item that he'd insist she rub herself while he tasted her or any other form of exhibitionist behavior.
Callie chuckled softly in her throat and grinned at her husband as he teased her about taking men’s clothes off. “Well usually if they’re in the way and it’s an emergency I just take some shears and cut them off,” she told him with a shrug, “But I don’t think you want me doing that to this shirt.” Her fingertips plucked at the soft white cotton, a thought creeping up in the back of her mind that there might never be another shirt made of this material, not from Earth anyway. There were colony planets with these animals on them, but those were even under threat from the Reapers. She tossed that thought out though, now was not the time. Corran was a more important subject to her, she had all the rest of her time to worry about the fate of the galaxy, but not tonight. She got to spend so little time with him these days, she wasn’t going to dampen her mood with doomsday bullshit.

She glanced down quickly as she felt his hands on her thighs, his fingers nudging the hem of her dress up until her legs were completely exposed, and even the crotch of her panties was visible. They were kind of hard to miss, being bright turquoise, standing out pretty sharply against her bronze skin and black dress. Callie’s brows arched a bit at his comment about someone being a performer, “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” she told him with an innocent shrug of her shoulders and her hazel eyes batting at him a little. She smirked though and leaned in to kiss him finally, her black and green hair falling around his face as she enjoyed the feel of his hands on her thighs. She knew exactly what Corran was talking about, he liked it when she showed off for him, the visual of her was apparently just as arousing to him as anything else.

Her lips brushed against his briefly before they pressed more fully, her tongue slipping out to run along his own lips lightly, her fingers running through his short hair lightly. They wouldn’t get to kiss for long before the transport stopped, making Callie lift her head with a bit of a frown. She considered having the thing just drive around for a while but she knew that they’d have more fun back in their apartment so she slipped off Corran’s lap and opened the door, grabbing her heels in one hand and climbing out carefully. She was more than a little buzzed, and about the last thing she wanted was to face plant right now. Somehow she doubted her mood would remain intact with a bruised face or a broken nose. “Come on slow poke,” Callie teased, her free hand twitching her dress back down her thighs a bit.
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