- Joined
- Mar 12, 2015
Welcome to my Resume
Might as well be one right? Hello there, I'm trying to catch a fellow fly's attention with a tantalizing web. My name is EuRo or if you prefer; James, Jim, or whatever floats your goat. I am twenty-five years old and I have been roleplaying about ten years and writing for probably fifteen years, give or take. I consider myself a literate writer, who aims to make wonderful stories with the right roleplay partner. As of right now, I am openly looking for new partners (Obviously, right? Otherwise this thread wouldn't be up. XD)
Methods to the Madness:
I use Emails and Personal Messaging. Threads and Messengers take some cajoling, as Messengers are reserved usually OOC chat or quick little one shots, and threads don't really send notifications a post has come out. I prefer some sort of notification to my phone, so that I can think of my reply between times; thus Email or PM's. Thought that does not mean I discourage asking for threads. I just prefer those that can come to my phone. It makes it easier to think about my next post or reply while I do other things. It fuels my imagination.
One might enjoy me as a partner if they:
-Enjoys stories as much as erotica.-
-Detail. Lots and Lots of Detail.-
-Prefer a partner whose responses are more than 'replying' to a post.-
-World building. Lore creating. Places that are our own.-
-Deep, meaningful themes and conflict.-
-Epic stories worth your time and effort.-
-Lots of ideas and with enough twists to sink a planet.-
-Detail. Lots and Lots of Detail.-
-Prefer a partner whose responses are more than 'replying' to a post.-
-World building. Lore creating. Places that are our own.-
-Deep, meaningful themes and conflict.-
-Epic stories worth your time and effort.-
-Lots of ideas and with enough twists to sink a planet.-
My Type of Style
How I write depends on the tone, theme and direction of the plot, but most of the time I follow a few basic rules. What I stick to the most is that I love detail. At times, my introductions are lengthy; clocking my longest one at a page and a half long. As for my normal posts, they vary but I can promise they never go below two paragraphs. That is at least ten full sentences. Why? Because I feel my characters I create are living, breathing creatures. There will not be a time they will be idly sitting by and waiting for your character to interact with them when they are not in contact. They have motivations, needs, and wants. Thus my posts are chock full of this and much more.
I can explain, or I can just show you. Here is a small post I wrote a while ago for the plot 'Ingenious Darkness'.
It was the only thing S. could imagine as a oxymoronic creation. The void was and would always be cold; empty of life. Yet filled with so much power and matter across the vast fabric that was space made him question what is it he was truly capable of. The human part of his conscious being still held a firm grip in his decisions and his well-being, but it was hard to determine if the humanity he clung onto was still viable when the shortcomings of human life did not hinder his own.
As he stared out into the blanket of absolute night, pure starlight greeted his vision. They-heavy balls of gas, molten rock and metal- often reminded that there was some hope to his condition. Although the near-absolute zero frigidness of universe could not penetrate his skin, or lack of air could not stave off his breaths, there was faith in knowing he could use it for something. As to what...there was little hope there. Days would go by back home and left little to quench his need to understand. Why is it he existed? Why is he the only one to have such vast power? Where, if he was not human, did he come from?
Often he would let those questions mull around until the words numbed his skull. He should of been human, as that was what he kept telling himself. Home had creatures that drained the life out of others, fought like animals and warred over power and greed. They too appeared human but they were nothing of the complex homo sapiens that populated the planet. He considered himself one, though it was to believe some days that he had human DNA. No human could of done the things he can, and even those creatures-some with magnitudes of power and skills-could not comprehend what he had underneath his skin. There was no inkling as to if a 'monster' on Earth could dare achieve what he had, because he had yet to come across creatures such as he. Granted that if there were many souls amongst the harsh undersociety that did share the condition, perhaps they could explain why having such an unshakable thirst combined with the remorse and regret for his victims that seemed impossible to silence. For even in the soundless landscape as the void, he could hear them. Clawing at the edge of his hearing range with flat, emotionless whispers. They said nothing but told him everything of their thoughts. Their needs and wants, fears and doubts, and minds full of nuanced emotions. They played softly on what he deemed his human subconscious, or what seemed like one. His short time alive found he had more in common with the empty void then anything, or anyone else. Though he shared a body reminiscent of a human structure and the mindset of one, that his where he believed the similarities ended. Time and time again, when he sent his metaphysical self out of his body, it ended with no answers. He doubted there were answers out there, in the void. It seemed as best a place to search. Home held nothing but empty strings and feared threats. But it was time to return.
He hungered, and the darkness did not hold answers on how to fill his aching need clawing at the rims of his conscious.
As he stared out into the blanket of absolute night, pure starlight greeted his vision. They-heavy balls of gas, molten rock and metal- often reminded that there was some hope to his condition. Although the near-absolute zero frigidness of universe could not penetrate his skin, or lack of air could not stave off his breaths, there was faith in knowing he could use it for something. As to what...there was little hope there. Days would go by back home and left little to quench his need to understand. Why is it he existed? Why is he the only one to have such vast power? Where, if he was not human, did he come from?
Often he would let those questions mull around until the words numbed his skull. He should of been human, as that was what he kept telling himself. Home had creatures that drained the life out of others, fought like animals and warred over power and greed. They too appeared human but they were nothing of the complex homo sapiens that populated the planet. He considered himself one, though it was to believe some days that he had human DNA. No human could of done the things he can, and even those creatures-some with magnitudes of power and skills-could not comprehend what he had underneath his skin. There was no inkling as to if a 'monster' on Earth could dare achieve what he had, because he had yet to come across creatures such as he. Granted that if there were many souls amongst the harsh undersociety that did share the condition, perhaps they could explain why having such an unshakable thirst combined with the remorse and regret for his victims that seemed impossible to silence. For even in the soundless landscape as the void, he could hear them. Clawing at the edge of his hearing range with flat, emotionless whispers. They said nothing but told him everything of their thoughts. Their needs and wants, fears and doubts, and minds full of nuanced emotions. They played softly on what he deemed his human subconscious, or what seemed like one. His short time alive found he had more in common with the empty void then anything, or anyone else. Though he shared a body reminiscent of a human structure and the mindset of one, that his where he believed the similarities ended. Time and time again, when he sent his metaphysical self out of his body, it ended with no answers. He doubted there were answers out there, in the void. It seemed as best a place to search. Home held nothing but empty strings and feared threats. But it was time to return.
He hungered, and the darkness did not hold answers on how to fill his aching need clawing at the rims of his conscious.
Another prompt, this one on a mass effect RP Universe.
As the sniper-lens drew into focus on the target, his view cleared to catch the blue tint of skin and womanly figure in the shadows, slouching forward and trying to remain hidden. 'Asari.' Harris assumed, as not many feminine creatures in the known galaxy had skin like an Asari. He watched with a wary gaze, finger on the trigger and feeling it gently push back against his fingertip. His crosshairs had a bead right between her head and shoulders; the 'T' section. Harris had an inkling that maybe the lone Asari had taken the facility; but it was far-fetched. So far she seemed to be the only creature alive in the station, a primarily human station, and had a weapon on her person. It was improbable, he knew that, but taking every possibility into account was his job after all. And who was it to say that one biotic fury couldn't take a mining Helium-3 plant with a shotgun and a few sweeps of her hands? was hard to believe, but Harris kept his scope steady on the back of her head while he watched her slink through the shadows, up to-
Wait. His throat caught his breath when the chattering clicks return in his helmet, eyebrows knitting together in concentration as he gently pulled back on the magnification. Turning from x4 to x3, Harris received a bit more awareness on his sneaky target to catch the glimpse of the source of the noises. A sight did manage to draw his attention: a pure red light a few feet up from the steel grate floor where the Asari crept. A silhouette of a pistol in the 'light's' hand made Harris' throat catch, shifting his feet and tensing his muscles for the chaos to follow; placing his aim right on top of the light. But he did not fire, as to not give away the Asari. As to why, he figured it would be best not to give away anyone's position. As for now the shot-gun biotic was the least of his problems. It was the Geth, that he was sure of. As he wasn't alive at the time of their appearance, Harris heard stories of their piercing red 'eye', staring into your own like a cold laser point. Putting that together with the incessant chattering in his helmet, and the fact his radar was frizzing slightly, all of it screamed mechanical synthetic beings with no kind disposition to anything with a heartbeat and blood.
He stayed silent as he witnessed the Asari demonstrate her shotgun (a Scimitar or Eviscerator, by the sounds of it) to the oblivious Geth's skull. It fell with a metallic shriek that made Harris lip twitch, glancing farther down to three of the machine's comrades moving to avenge their fallen comrade. But they were met with a very mouthy biotic, even though Harris couldn't make out what she said, apparently she had a lot to say to them. She had guts, he could give her that. Not too bright though; trying to punch and kick metal a foolish way to end a machine such as the Geth, and their resistance to her bludgeoning clear enough. The floor crumbled and slowly broke off from her quick blast of biotic energy, and the last enemy falling to it's death(Which he almost put a hole between it's shoulders had not the floor gave way), Harris observed the Asari shove herself to her feet and view her Omni-tool. He considered opening the channel and speaking of his presence; determine if she was a friendly or not. Considered being the operative word, as any comms traffic would reveal both of their postions. That would put him and her in jeopardy to the rest of the hidden Geth patrolling the facility. While the Asari seemed to attack without question, Harris was more of a cautious being. To put the whole compound on alert would not be smart nor stealthy on his part. So he elected to stay quiet.
Removing his Mantis rifle from the railing once the Asari returned to the shadows, Harris did the same and kept near the railing. Pulling up the radar via his Omni-tool, his eyes scanned over what looked like six more dots, excluding the Asari. He already made it easy by tagging her as a gray dot instead, neither friendly nor enemy. Until otherwise.
Harris switched to his sidearm and continued down the walkway of the fifth floor vantage point, staying above the ground floor for a better view and the higher ground. Clutching the Phalanx with a hardened steel grip, he tried to control his beating heart from going into overdrive, quieting the thrumming in his ears. If the Geth were in the building then Harris had to assume there wouldn't be much survivors, if any. The machines were not known for their taking of prisoners, so he heard, yet how they were unaware of the shadowy Asari until their comrade's head exploded made Harris wonder if they weren't as infamous as everyone claimed them to be. They were machines after all, and one would think that the Geth would be meticulous in their searching for any organic life-forms. Or the survivors were very good at hiding. Zion's facility was a big place; easy to miss a few stragglers cowering behind a few pipes or underneath their metal noses. Their....long metal noses...
Harris journeyed deeper into the facility, aiming for the loose cluster of six remaining dots. How they crowded around each other would tell him what their plans were, other than destroying the population inside. He had a few ideas as their motives, but it was only compounded on the destruction concept when he neared the gentle whirring of drills still on; working without their human masters, and the language of the Geth filling his helmet. Much of their force was spread out, setting their respective charges on some of the drills and others along the Helium barrels. Already there was a number of them on a few key pipes that filtered the raw, untapped Helium to the processing side of the plant, and anyone with a brain knew that Helium plus fiery explosive equals huge bang.
The deep and sudden 'click' of a charge magnetized itself to one of the drums of the Helium drew Harris' gaze, watching a rocket Geth typed away at the keys, priming the charge as its comrades worked on covering its back. They were already on alert. It seemed the Asari's little display of good welcoming cheer put them on the defensive. Wonderful. And they were in a hurry; judging by how even a Pyro Geth was handling a massive explosive near a console of one of the drills and their quick, fluid movements.
Harris counted six in total, three regular soldiers with rifles, two rocket Geth with compact explosive launchers, and a single flamethrower totting Geth. But as he moved on the catwalk, staring down at the ground-floor, three new blips entered his radar radius. But he could not see any signs of Geth in those new contacts. They must be farther down into the facility...
'Clank!' Another charge went up, and Harris stomach dropped into his knees, but he regained control quickly. He glanced at the timer counting down on a few charges: Ten minutes and slowly ticking away. Not much time, he was going to have to dispose of them quickly.
The sniper cloaked himself, melting away to a flickering silhouette as he got into position. Across the catwalk and hugging the north wall, a small jut of metal held a number of strong Alliance crates, a few plastic lounge chairs, and a cooler. It seemed like a place to sit and relax, but for the bodies slumped in the chairs, not so much.
Harris wished he could find a better vantage point, but time was short. So he maneuvered quickly across the bridge, switching back to his sniper rifle. Clicking the magnification from 3x to 1.5x. Even though he was on the fifth floor, he was only less than thirty feet up. And hardly covered except for the crates. So he was going to have to adapt and fight with only the benefit of the high ground. And the hope that the biotic wouldn't mind fighting more Geth. His position was to the left of the Geth, and pinned them between himself and the Asari, should she intervene as well. Creating a crossfire moment to hopefully confuse and spread the Geth thin before they could recover.
Once his knees skidded to behind one of the crates, his cloak melted away. Checking to see if he had his disruptor rounds set, and pulling the bolt back on the Mantis to see if thermal clip was nestled inside, he took in a deep breath and steadied his hands.
'Alright...' He breathed, slowly easing into position and peeking his rifle between the small nook of two crates. 'Rocket troops first. They would rip me apart up here. Then rifles. Stop their suppression. Pyro last, can't reach me up here...' With that tactic playing over in his mind, the human placed the back of the nearest Rocket Trooper between his crosshairs.
The bark of the Mantis reverberated against the metal interior of the facility; masking his origin to the machines as they tried desperately to scan their immediate surroundings upon the Rocket Trooper's long 'nose' exploding in a steely crunch and squish of oil.
Another shot rang out just a moment after the first, implanting a molten hot slip of metal into the remaining Rocket Trooper's neck. It tore through it's shields and passed straight through, but it was still alive; barely. Scrambling for cover as the rest of the Geth searched up high. They raised their rifles up to the small nook where Harris was hiding, finding his rifle before he could set off another shot. A rain of hot rapid plasma jetted to the crates, smacking against them with clinks and metal digging into hard plastic.
Harris sent out a globe of bright orange from his Omni-tool, arching up and over his cover and rapidly shot down right on top of the wounded Rocket Trooper's head. Screeching in pain (if the damn things could feel pain) it melted into a puddle of wires and pale white goo, a fire still smoldering in it's gelatinous remains. Harris reloaded another clip into his rifle and pulled it out of the crevice, hiding behind the crates and waited for the right moment to fire again.
The Pyro Geth continued his work quickly on the charges, keeping his frame away from the sniper above. The thing was dedicated, as his comrades kept him covered from return fire. was hard to believe, but Harris kept his scope steady on the back of her head while he watched her slink through the shadows, up to-
Wait. His throat caught his breath when the chattering clicks return in his helmet, eyebrows knitting together in concentration as he gently pulled back on the magnification. Turning from x4 to x3, Harris received a bit more awareness on his sneaky target to catch the glimpse of the source of the noises. A sight did manage to draw his attention: a pure red light a few feet up from the steel grate floor where the Asari crept. A silhouette of a pistol in the 'light's' hand made Harris' throat catch, shifting his feet and tensing his muscles for the chaos to follow; placing his aim right on top of the light. But he did not fire, as to not give away the Asari. As to why, he figured it would be best not to give away anyone's position. As for now the shot-gun biotic was the least of his problems. It was the Geth, that he was sure of. As he wasn't alive at the time of their appearance, Harris heard stories of their piercing red 'eye', staring into your own like a cold laser point. Putting that together with the incessant chattering in his helmet, and the fact his radar was frizzing slightly, all of it screamed mechanical synthetic beings with no kind disposition to anything with a heartbeat and blood.
He stayed silent as he witnessed the Asari demonstrate her shotgun (a Scimitar or Eviscerator, by the sounds of it) to the oblivious Geth's skull. It fell with a metallic shriek that made Harris lip twitch, glancing farther down to three of the machine's comrades moving to avenge their fallen comrade. But they were met with a very mouthy biotic, even though Harris couldn't make out what she said, apparently she had a lot to say to them. She had guts, he could give her that. Not too bright though; trying to punch and kick metal a foolish way to end a machine such as the Geth, and their resistance to her bludgeoning clear enough. The floor crumbled and slowly broke off from her quick blast of biotic energy, and the last enemy falling to it's death(Which he almost put a hole between it's shoulders had not the floor gave way), Harris observed the Asari shove herself to her feet and view her Omni-tool. He considered opening the channel and speaking of his presence; determine if she was a friendly or not. Considered being the operative word, as any comms traffic would reveal both of their postions. That would put him and her in jeopardy to the rest of the hidden Geth patrolling the facility. While the Asari seemed to attack without question, Harris was more of a cautious being. To put the whole compound on alert would not be smart nor stealthy on his part. So he elected to stay quiet.
Removing his Mantis rifle from the railing once the Asari returned to the shadows, Harris did the same and kept near the railing. Pulling up the radar via his Omni-tool, his eyes scanned over what looked like six more dots, excluding the Asari. He already made it easy by tagging her as a gray dot instead, neither friendly nor enemy. Until otherwise.
Harris switched to his sidearm and continued down the walkway of the fifth floor vantage point, staying above the ground floor for a better view and the higher ground. Clutching the Phalanx with a hardened steel grip, he tried to control his beating heart from going into overdrive, quieting the thrumming in his ears. If the Geth were in the building then Harris had to assume there wouldn't be much survivors, if any. The machines were not known for their taking of prisoners, so he heard, yet how they were unaware of the shadowy Asari until their comrade's head exploded made Harris wonder if they weren't as infamous as everyone claimed them to be. They were machines after all, and one would think that the Geth would be meticulous in their searching for any organic life-forms. Or the survivors were very good at hiding. Zion's facility was a big place; easy to miss a few stragglers cowering behind a few pipes or underneath their metal noses. Their....long metal noses...
Harris journeyed deeper into the facility, aiming for the loose cluster of six remaining dots. How they crowded around each other would tell him what their plans were, other than destroying the population inside. He had a few ideas as their motives, but it was only compounded on the destruction concept when he neared the gentle whirring of drills still on; working without their human masters, and the language of the Geth filling his helmet. Much of their force was spread out, setting their respective charges on some of the drills and others along the Helium barrels. Already there was a number of them on a few key pipes that filtered the raw, untapped Helium to the processing side of the plant, and anyone with a brain knew that Helium plus fiery explosive equals huge bang.
The deep and sudden 'click' of a charge magnetized itself to one of the drums of the Helium drew Harris' gaze, watching a rocket Geth typed away at the keys, priming the charge as its comrades worked on covering its back. They were already on alert. It seemed the Asari's little display of good welcoming cheer put them on the defensive. Wonderful. And they were in a hurry; judging by how even a Pyro Geth was handling a massive explosive near a console of one of the drills and their quick, fluid movements.
Harris counted six in total, three regular soldiers with rifles, two rocket Geth with compact explosive launchers, and a single flamethrower totting Geth. But as he moved on the catwalk, staring down at the ground-floor, three new blips entered his radar radius. But he could not see any signs of Geth in those new contacts. They must be farther down into the facility...
'Clank!' Another charge went up, and Harris stomach dropped into his knees, but he regained control quickly. He glanced at the timer counting down on a few charges: Ten minutes and slowly ticking away. Not much time, he was going to have to dispose of them quickly.
The sniper cloaked himself, melting away to a flickering silhouette as he got into position. Across the catwalk and hugging the north wall, a small jut of metal held a number of strong Alliance crates, a few plastic lounge chairs, and a cooler. It seemed like a place to sit and relax, but for the bodies slumped in the chairs, not so much.
Harris wished he could find a better vantage point, but time was short. So he maneuvered quickly across the bridge, switching back to his sniper rifle. Clicking the magnification from 3x to 1.5x. Even though he was on the fifth floor, he was only less than thirty feet up. And hardly covered except for the crates. So he was going to have to adapt and fight with only the benefit of the high ground. And the hope that the biotic wouldn't mind fighting more Geth. His position was to the left of the Geth, and pinned them between himself and the Asari, should she intervene as well. Creating a crossfire moment to hopefully confuse and spread the Geth thin before they could recover.
Once his knees skidded to behind one of the crates, his cloak melted away. Checking to see if he had his disruptor rounds set, and pulling the bolt back on the Mantis to see if thermal clip was nestled inside, he took in a deep breath and steadied his hands.
'Alright...' He breathed, slowly easing into position and peeking his rifle between the small nook of two crates. 'Rocket troops first. They would rip me apart up here. Then rifles. Stop their suppression. Pyro last, can't reach me up here...' With that tactic playing over in his mind, the human placed the back of the nearest Rocket Trooper between his crosshairs.
The bark of the Mantis reverberated against the metal interior of the facility; masking his origin to the machines as they tried desperately to scan their immediate surroundings upon the Rocket Trooper's long 'nose' exploding in a steely crunch and squish of oil.
Another shot rang out just a moment after the first, implanting a molten hot slip of metal into the remaining Rocket Trooper's neck. It tore through it's shields and passed straight through, but it was still alive; barely. Scrambling for cover as the rest of the Geth searched up high. They raised their rifles up to the small nook where Harris was hiding, finding his rifle before he could set off another shot. A rain of hot rapid plasma jetted to the crates, smacking against them with clinks and metal digging into hard plastic.
Harris sent out a globe of bright orange from his Omni-tool, arching up and over his cover and rapidly shot down right on top of the wounded Rocket Trooper's head. Screeching in pain (if the damn things could feel pain) it melted into a puddle of wires and pale white goo, a fire still smoldering in it's gelatinous remains. Harris reloaded another clip into his rifle and pulled it out of the crevice, hiding behind the crates and waited for the right moment to fire again.
The Pyro Geth continued his work quickly on the charges, keeping his frame away from the sniper above. The thing was dedicated, as his comrades kept him covered from return fire.
Now this last part is an optional addition to my posts. You see, sometimes there is a way to describe my post or reply via a little background music. Music is what I use for inspiration on many subjects and conflicts, and adding a rousing song to the post shows how the writing came to be. Epic, sweeping instrumental pieces to well-known pop songs; there are grains in the songs I like to show and share with my partners. Most of the time, it is through Youtube. It is optional, as this can be skipped when asked. It is more of a personal preference that sometimes I would like to share.
Themes I try to impart and enjoy in writing:
-Romantic: Being an old romantic at heart, I try to put this in with any story I create with a partner. Be it a dark, lusting need or a gentle and sweet love. I'm a sucker for this.-
-Conflict: It is conflict. Need I say more? This is included but not limited to; Tragedy, Angst, Greed, Trials, etc.-
-Physical and Mental Trials: From fights to coping with defeat, and everything in between. No view or tribulation left off the table.-
-Realism: Though I prefer fantasy and fiction, there is always a touch of realism in the roleplay. From the themes themselves, to the wounds sustained during a lengthy fight, I always try to implement this.-
-Philosophy and Psychology: From understanding why a dark warrior kills in cold blood to the sociopath that toys with another's emotions; these are the things that I love to write about.-
-Motivations and frames of mind: When someone is full of rage, yet in their eyes they are speaking rationally? I try to put that into my writing.-
-Detail: Did I mention I love Detail?-
-Dark characters, themes, and romance: Getting to the point of sunshine and roses is fun, but realizing the shared path is doomed to a journey laced in blood and dark deeds is just as fun.-
-Adult themes: Being the site is more for the erotic standpoint of writing, I also consider it a place where darker aspects of humanity can be written about. Greed, torture, those things that make me wonder why a person would go to such lengths to achieve a goal.-
Things that will stop the machine:
-Driving the plot solely: As in making me put a great deal of effort into the plot with little to no help from you. If I wished for this I would simply go write by myself, right?
-Bypassing the general rules: If you are a literate person yourself, then the normal rules really shouldn't need to be said. Godmodding, powerplaying, all those awful things. I will accept if you just ask before going through something that will press against these boundaries. I am sure I will do the same if the roles were reversed.
-Being dragged into posting: Please do not do this. Using guilt or bribing me into posting will only make me slop out posts, and so the roleplay will decline in quality. Nobody wants that. I want this to be a place of good times, not a place of work were I need a deadline. Asking if I'm alive after not hearing from me? That is fine! Asking if I could post soon? Ehh....
-Lack of Communication: Life happens and I'm fine with breaks in the roleplay for any reasons. I consider myself a patient man and can wait a long time for a partner's return. Or if you feel that the pairing is dying, or the story no longer interests you. I am fine with this. What will get under my skin? Ignoring, and just plain discarding the roleplay with NO NOTICE. You could call me shit, hate my characters, and so forth. But vanishing because you're too scared to talk to me is unacceptable in my eyes. In a social-based game I believe it is a figurative slap in the face.
Things Sexual In Nature:
Ask if you do not see your desired kink on my list for Yes or No. Combine for massive friendliness on my end.
-Contrasting sex; Rough and Lustful quicky behind the bar, to sweet lovemaking in the bedroom. I'm a fan of both.-
-Master to a submissive, pet, or slave; being in care for one considered beneath the other. Lovely.-
-Struggling for dominance in the bedroom.-
-Manhandling, biting, scratching, primal expressions in the throws of passion.-
-Noises, sounds, and all that jazz relating to banging.-
-Size Difference; Mostly bigger guys to smaller girls. I actually do not mind taller girls to smaller guys either, depending on the plot.-
-Frustration and Exhaustion; nothing is more basic than begging and aching for it and then passing out after a long session.-
-Cuddles; because...I like it, okay?!-
-Heavy Petting/Kissing and heavy buildup; sometimes the journey is just as good if not better than the destination.-
-Non-sexual caressing; expecting nothing in return yet don't mind the occasional brush-by, or touching another.-
-Sexual touch; turning that brush into something more with a wicked smile and drifting fingers.-
-Vaginal; doesn't really need to explained.-
-Anal; naughty place to mess with. That's why I like it.-
-Incest; I would never think of touching my own family, but for some reason inside a story or in erotica it is a tempting taboo.-
-Ageplay; older man to younger woman, or younger man to older woman. Best gap is seven to eight years.-
-Toys; Using these for the fun times is a treat indeed.-
-Oral and Facesitting; I enjoy giving more than receiving, to be honest. Nothing hotter than having a lady lay her bits inches from his lips to ravage.-
-Lingerie; Those fans of the tasteful cloth or the slutty will do fine with me. Especially corsets, choker necklaces, gloves, and stockings.-
-Elves, Vampires, Werewolves, etc; women that are strange from the normal human. Female elves are definitely my favorite thought. I'm looking at you Arwen Undómiel-
-M/F/F or M/F/M; Including others into the bed for a little spice; not necessarily the relationship (maybe, if you convince me).
-Humanoid Monster Girls; Newly acquired kink of mine, I enjoy women or girls who sport something that isn't normal to human anatomy. So fans of nekos, horned succubi, or other different ladies need not look further. Has to be human-like though! Nothing too...weird? I'll need a picture or description first sometimes before saying it is okay with me.-
Hard No:
Note: This is for acts for the bedroom's sake only, not for plot.
-Gore inside the bedroom; leave that to the battlefield.-
-Torture; I'm talking about painful, deranged torture that scars the fun. Leave it to the plot please.-
-Vore; it's not my thing. No thank you.-
-Mutilation; like Gore, leave it in the battlefield.-
-Castration; Because..that makes me shiver thinking about it. No thank you.-
-Toilet-play; No thanks. It does not appeal to me.-
Plots and They're Bunnies
Not a typo. They are literally bunnies; as they are soft and fuzzy and adorable, but bounce around and drive you nuts when they feel like it! Best way to describe the ideas in my head (didn't coin the term.)
These are my bunnies. Some are smaller than others, so nurture them into the plot and ideas you desire. So, don't hesitate to ask to change something, or input a few ideas of your own. Hell, even send me your plots. Worse I can do is say no, right? I don't bite. I CHOMP!
Heh. Sorry. Couldn't help it. ^^ Seriously. All you have to do is ask.
Heh. Sorry. Couldn't help it. ^^ Seriously. All you have to do is ask.
Pairings are all MxF. Maybe double for FxF, but must have primary male character.
Huge Bunnies:
Two warring families in a fractured kingdom
Hundred of thousands of lives spent in a rival family blood feud.
Both families have ancient lines to the throne of Alyssiana.
There you have the 'perfect' reason to arrange a marriage between the two states.
The radical Modeni family, set in a firm belief that 'one must always be mindful of change'; they have proclaimed it was their turn to the throne. "The Baronel family has been in power too long, and look what has happened! Poverty, crime, and a lazy unjust king. Now the throne sits empty, and our family is ready to change our kingdom to its once proud state. A state of peace and prosperity where no one has to worry about surviving the next day, where they can live in a safe and comfortable kingdom, with no more worries! Rise, my brothers and sisters, and together, we can take back what rightfully belongs to us!" Their house patriarch, Xavier Modeni would often cry and speak out to the public of the many cities that encompassed Alyssiana.
The Baronel family, the family of the recently deceased king, didn't take the speech too well. They accused the Modeni family of treason, and sparked the civil war that lasted for a decade.
Neither side was giving in. Each side lost droves of men and women under their command. Much to Xavier's proclaiming of change, he had numbers to rally under his banner. But they lacked the skills and veterans that the Baronel's possessed. So the Modeni family's numbers meant little to no positive affect on their side of the battle.
After another bloody and ruthless raid into one of the Modeni family household, that day Xavier Modeni aimed for peace. Seeing no end to the war other than one side perishing by the other's war machine. That day, he proposed a treaty. And in that treaty, he gave the Baronel's an ultimatum: That one son from the Modeni Family, and a Daughter from the Baronel would unite in matrimony. Effectively ending all hostilities between each family and put a stop to the bloodshed.
Of course, the families under both sides of the Banners still thirsted for blood, defecting from the treaty to form a new alliance. One to see the end of both reigns of the houses. But that is not all. While the land wars for someone to lead them, a more devious and evil blight begins to stir under their very noses. Threatening all who stand before it; not just Baronel, Modeni, or New Alliance.
Hundred of thousands of lives spent in a rival family blood feud.
Both families have ancient lines to the throne of Alyssiana.
There you have the 'perfect' reason to arrange a marriage between the two states.
The radical Modeni family, set in a firm belief that 'one must always be mindful of change'; they have proclaimed it was their turn to the throne. "The Baronel family has been in power too long, and look what has happened! Poverty, crime, and a lazy unjust king. Now the throne sits empty, and our family is ready to change our kingdom to its once proud state. A state of peace and prosperity where no one has to worry about surviving the next day, where they can live in a safe and comfortable kingdom, with no more worries! Rise, my brothers and sisters, and together, we can take back what rightfully belongs to us!" Their house patriarch, Xavier Modeni would often cry and speak out to the public of the many cities that encompassed Alyssiana.
The Baronel family, the family of the recently deceased king, didn't take the speech too well. They accused the Modeni family of treason, and sparked the civil war that lasted for a decade.
Neither side was giving in. Each side lost droves of men and women under their command. Much to Xavier's proclaiming of change, he had numbers to rally under his banner. But they lacked the skills and veterans that the Baronel's possessed. So the Modeni family's numbers meant little to no positive affect on their side of the battle.
After another bloody and ruthless raid into one of the Modeni family household, that day Xavier Modeni aimed for peace. Seeing no end to the war other than one side perishing by the other's war machine. That day, he proposed a treaty. And in that treaty, he gave the Baronel's an ultimatum: That one son from the Modeni Family, and a Daughter from the Baronel would unite in matrimony. Effectively ending all hostilities between each family and put a stop to the bloodshed.
Of course, the families under both sides of the Banners still thirsted for blood, defecting from the treaty to form a new alliance. One to see the end of both reigns of the houses. But that is not all. While the land wars for someone to lead them, a more devious and evil blight begins to stir under their very noses. Threatening all who stand before it; not just Baronel, Modeni, or New Alliance.
The human kingdom of Tyreal was considered one of the greatest human kingdoms since it's beginning of the Opal Age, 4500 years ago. Ruled by respectable kings and queens, backed behind a council of nobles, Tyreal has been the beacon for the human race. All of the other races respect it as a strong standing in politics, a say in the greater good of the land of Alyssiana, and a creditable threat. The recent king of Tyreal has passed away, leaving the kingdom to his daughter.
The greatest kingdom was on the verge of turmoil; Nobles were clamoring for the throne since the King's daughter is considered too young by political standards. What was to become of their kingdom as the political families warred and socially back-stabbed another for a chance at the throne? As such, the kingdom's council decided to pronounce Tyreal a neutral state until a king or queen can be placed on the throne. Many of the lesser kingdoms became angry with this as Tyreal was a major voice in politics for the human race; causing a major rift in human politics.
Just as things weren't worse enough, in five months time will be another Grand Council convening to decide important matters, where all the kingdoms of Alyssiana are expected to come, including Tyreal. The Princess that is aimed for the throne is the only political figurehead that other kingdoms will listen to. The only way that the Council would convene without another kingdom if the royal family was considered dead or no other political figure could take their place. One of the kingdoms sends Assassins, thugs, mercenaries, anything to get the Princess away from the Grand Council. To which kingdom it is unknown, but whatever their intentions are they do not want the Princess to attend.
The greatest kingdom was on the verge of turmoil; Nobles were clamoring for the throne since the King's daughter is considered too young by political standards. What was to become of their kingdom as the political families warred and socially back-stabbed another for a chance at the throne? As such, the kingdom's council decided to pronounce Tyreal a neutral state until a king or queen can be placed on the throne. Many of the lesser kingdoms became angry with this as Tyreal was a major voice in politics for the human race; causing a major rift in human politics.
Just as things weren't worse enough, in five months time will be another Grand Council convening to decide important matters, where all the kingdoms of Alyssiana are expected to come, including Tyreal. The Princess that is aimed for the throne is the only political figurehead that other kingdoms will listen to. The only way that the Council would convene without another kingdom if the royal family was considered dead or no other political figure could take their place. One of the kingdoms sends Assassins, thugs, mercenaries, anything to get the Princess away from the Grand Council. To which kingdom it is unknown, but whatever their intentions are they do not want the Princess to attend.
To increase their standings in the world of Alyssiana, the two kingdoms of Weithas and Blackwell wish to merge the two kingdoms into one. A son of one; a daughter of another. Wanting to be in good standings with the merging kingdoms, a far away Ambassador from another massive kingdom comes to negotiate trade, political information, and rub elbows with the prospective King and Queen to be. Among other things. The Ambassador becomes attached to one of the betrothed, forming a bond and maybe something more...
As their wedding day nears, the two betrothed are distant and uncaring to one another. Just a day before the date set for the marriage, one of the other young betrothed is found dead. Only....
The accused fiancee has no memory of taking the other's life. The innocent yet accused leave their home in hopes of clearing their name, finding out who done something to their mind, and prevent a war that would leave both kingdoms in ruin.
((This one is a rougher idea. So brainstorming is a must on this subject. ^^))[/font
As their wedding day nears, the two betrothed are distant and uncaring to one another. Just a day before the date set for the marriage, one of the other young betrothed is found dead. Only....
The accused fiancee has no memory of taking the other's life. The innocent yet accused leave their home in hopes of clearing their name, finding out who done something to their mind, and prevent a war that would leave both kingdoms in ruin.
((This one is a rougher idea. So brainstorming is a must on this subject. ^^))[/font
Textbooks don't tell the truth about human history.
When humans were starting to walk out of caves, they were ruled over by the creatures of the night. The very same creatures when one thinks of when trying to ignore the noises outside their window, scratching against the glass. Goblins, Wraiths, Demons, anything and everything that was demented had a hold on the human race. Humans were used as numerous things: Slaves, play-things, meals, anything that their masters could think of. They were the epitome of the sacrificial lambs to the slaughter. Under their rule for thousands and thousands of years, the humans flourished and grew, beginning to think for themselves. They began to steal, lie, cheat, and stand up to their masters. Usually this met an untimely end, but that was all about to change.
During the Dark Ages, a human boy and girl stole from the archives of their masters. The magical Zenith archives. These archives were used to teach young fledgling magic users. A practice that was forbidden to humans and other lower species like goblins and others like them.
How they received tomes and books without alerting their masters is still a mystery, but with this knowledge and their natural abilities, the humans slaves fought back their masters. Soon it was an all-out war.
The humans were winning. For the human race had untapped magical potential, and the first Witch and Warlock exploited this to their whim. And the two were the strongest of them all. Mastering the basic elements and the light and darkness, their power brought other humans under their wing. Training them, preparing them for war.
The boy and girl were the leaders of the human revolution, and with their immense power, sealed all the creatures of the night in another dimension, where they would do no more harm to their people. The nightmare was gone.
Soon the human race forgot all about the magic that they used. It was no longer needed, seeing now they were safe and were allowed to do what they pleased.
They grew and grew, until the human race became what it was today. Billions and Billions of people, all of different races and creeds, yet so divided.
Though they were various and broken off by petty squabbles and greed, their ignorance was blinding them to the truth: The same barrier that kept their ignorant lives from being ruled over once more, was weakening.
The only hope of keeping the barrier from falling, and repeating the nightmare that kept them from being free, was placed in the offspring of the first Wizard and Witch. The same boy and girl who led the revolt against their masters. Over the years, they created many bloodlines that lasted throughout time. Many 'exposed' Descendants of the First were cut down; barely living past their extended lifespan. Even so, every being on the Other Side rushed to find the bloodlines, snuffing them out for good. Now, after the last known Descendant was pronounced dead by the Order, they too rush to find another one to take the past Descendant's place.
But it is not only the creatures of the night the Order has to worry about now. New enemies comes into play. What happens when the very people they were sworn to protect become a new threat? Human corporations and para-military organizations that want all magic and creatures gone from their world. Benevolent or not. And to make matters worse, to prove that Warlocks and Witches were no longer needed, those shadow organizations began a three-way war with the Order, and the Other side. Melding the technology of their time with the spells and magic of the Order, plus the demonic and monstrous possessions of the Other Side, the Humans were creating a New World Order.
And just like that, the art of Techno-Sorcery was born.
Is it enough to protect the entire Earth though? The applications were promising for Techno-Sorcery, the process was still in its infant phase. More a scare tactic than an actual weapon of war. But like the exponential increase of human intelligence, soon humans with weapons that shoot through a Warlock's barrier and magic infused bullet-proof vests that leave the wearer able to withstand great heat soon become commonplace. So only a few select organizations possessed the knowledge, skill, and money to use those weapons.
While the secret world tears itself into three pieces; The monsters, the Order, and secret para-military organizations, other splinter groups emerge from the murky gray line of morality. Some half-blood humans staying out of the fight; only interested in self gain and picking up the spoils. Others like Warlocks and Witches who were sympathetic to the monsters. Another faction interested just only in the pursuit of power, whether evil or good.
But one thing is clear, if the human race does not get its act together, their freedom and lives would be at stake. Because the monsters are not second-guessing and underestimating the humans this time; bringing to life things that have never been seen before. Monsters as tall as buildings. Creatures that could force a warlock to kill himself without moving a muscle. And now, despite the internal bickering the human race is struggling to resolve, the creature's sheer numbers and power is slowly and surely ebbing away at the line of defenses protecting the 'normal' life of ignorant humans.
And it's only a matter of time before the creatures of the night finish what they started.
When humans were starting to walk out of caves, they were ruled over by the creatures of the night. The very same creatures when one thinks of when trying to ignore the noises outside their window, scratching against the glass. Goblins, Wraiths, Demons, anything and everything that was demented had a hold on the human race. Humans were used as numerous things: Slaves, play-things, meals, anything that their masters could think of. They were the epitome of the sacrificial lambs to the slaughter. Under their rule for thousands and thousands of years, the humans flourished and grew, beginning to think for themselves. They began to steal, lie, cheat, and stand up to their masters. Usually this met an untimely end, but that was all about to change.
During the Dark Ages, a human boy and girl stole from the archives of their masters. The magical Zenith archives. These archives were used to teach young fledgling magic users. A practice that was forbidden to humans and other lower species like goblins and others like them.
How they received tomes and books without alerting their masters is still a mystery, but with this knowledge and their natural abilities, the humans slaves fought back their masters. Soon it was an all-out war.
The humans were winning. For the human race had untapped magical potential, and the first Witch and Warlock exploited this to their whim. And the two were the strongest of them all. Mastering the basic elements and the light and darkness, their power brought other humans under their wing. Training them, preparing them for war.
The boy and girl were the leaders of the human revolution, and with their immense power, sealed all the creatures of the night in another dimension, where they would do no more harm to their people. The nightmare was gone.
Soon the human race forgot all about the magic that they used. It was no longer needed, seeing now they were safe and were allowed to do what they pleased.
They grew and grew, until the human race became what it was today. Billions and Billions of people, all of different races and creeds, yet so divided.
Though they were various and broken off by petty squabbles and greed, their ignorance was blinding them to the truth: The same barrier that kept their ignorant lives from being ruled over once more, was weakening.
The only hope of keeping the barrier from falling, and repeating the nightmare that kept them from being free, was placed in the offspring of the first Wizard and Witch. The same boy and girl who led the revolt against their masters. Over the years, they created many bloodlines that lasted throughout time. Many 'exposed' Descendants of the First were cut down; barely living past their extended lifespan. Even so, every being on the Other Side rushed to find the bloodlines, snuffing them out for good. Now, after the last known Descendant was pronounced dead by the Order, they too rush to find another one to take the past Descendant's place.
But it is not only the creatures of the night the Order has to worry about now. New enemies comes into play. What happens when the very people they were sworn to protect become a new threat? Human corporations and para-military organizations that want all magic and creatures gone from their world. Benevolent or not. And to make matters worse, to prove that Warlocks and Witches were no longer needed, those shadow organizations began a three-way war with the Order, and the Other side. Melding the technology of their time with the spells and magic of the Order, plus the demonic and monstrous possessions of the Other Side, the Humans were creating a New World Order.
And just like that, the art of Techno-Sorcery was born.
Is it enough to protect the entire Earth though? The applications were promising for Techno-Sorcery, the process was still in its infant phase. More a scare tactic than an actual weapon of war. But like the exponential increase of human intelligence, soon humans with weapons that shoot through a Warlock's barrier and magic infused bullet-proof vests that leave the wearer able to withstand great heat soon become commonplace. So only a few select organizations possessed the knowledge, skill, and money to use those weapons.
While the secret world tears itself into three pieces; The monsters, the Order, and secret para-military organizations, other splinter groups emerge from the murky gray line of morality. Some half-blood humans staying out of the fight; only interested in self gain and picking up the spoils. Others like Warlocks and Witches who were sympathetic to the monsters. Another faction interested just only in the pursuit of power, whether evil or good.
But one thing is clear, if the human race does not get its act together, their freedom and lives would be at stake. Because the monsters are not second-guessing and underestimating the humans this time; bringing to life things that have never been seen before. Monsters as tall as buildings. Creatures that could force a warlock to kill himself without moving a muscle. And now, despite the internal bickering the human race is struggling to resolve, the creature's sheer numbers and power is slowly and surely ebbing away at the line of defenses protecting the 'normal' life of ignorant humans.
And it's only a matter of time before the creatures of the night finish what they started.
During the First World War, England was to experience the next step in human evolution. Fifty 'volunteers' were enlisted into the war effort; effectively creating a new world power. The people, being as extraordinary as they were, could not survive the horrors of war. And thus, only seven of the original fifty survived WWI.
Those seven created the first political wing for those humans that were joining their ranks. Nicknamed Dreadnaughts during the War, their unbelievable power was respected and hailed as 'gods'. And more and more people hailed and revered the god's tales of heroism and fighting the enemy. Though like all good things, it came to an end abruptly.
It was no surprise that the Second World War was written in history as the War of Gods. Of course there were skirmishes and battles with foot soldiers and mobile armor, but it paled in comparison to what was going on between Dreadnaughts. When the Axis took control of their extraordinary beings, England, France, and other allied countries retaliated with their own. Their battles were magnificent; chaos and destruction raining down on the cities and soldiers. So fierce were these battles, that men from either side stopped their fighting watched in horror and jubilation at their nation's Dreadnaughts. But, it became clear when Dreadnaughts began to thirst for battle and blood, laying waste to the opposite side with unparalleled strength. There was little the decimated side could do except flee or cower in the dirt. And thus, the power bred contempt and hate to the Dreadnaughts. Even to those on one's own side. Fear turned to hate.
The Dreadnaughts now had many nicknames: Freak, Animals, Demons, etc. One name was more prevalent than the others. Those gifted people were known as 'Dreads', and it stuck to people as time passed on and the world was healing from the scars of WWII. The normal populace believe that "Once a Dread is nearby, disaster was soon to follow." The Dreads were literally shouted, cursed, and even shot at in their own countries. The Gods were now peasants in society's eye.
The 13th of May, 2005 soon brought the frustration of the Dreads and the fear of the humans to a tipping point. A group of Dreads fueled by anger, tired of being bashed and degraded, took hostages at TV stations in California, U.S.A, Cairo, Egypt, and London, England. They were coordinated takeovers, and funded by the same political group who protected the Dreads. It was an attempt to make the rest of normal society see reason; as they were just as human as they were. Flesh and blood, and just as scared as they were. But they did not listen, nor did the humans take pity on their superpowered cousins. Their governments retaliated with hostile force, and created a spark in the Dread's eyes. In anger and desperation, slowly being eroded by the human's, the Dreads killed themselves, not before taking all the hostages and the buildings with them in explosions that shook the world.
The Dread's population was cut in half overnight with hate crimes and killings.
In retaliation, the Dreads fought back and thus started the Dread War.
in 2023, eighteen years from that faithful day, the world is scarred and beaten. Fifty percent of it has been deemed 'too hazardous' to human or Dread health to live on. Thirty percent of that fifty belong to the humans, as they were higher in number compared to the Dreads. Dreads controlled the twenty percent leftover and were fewer in number, yet didn't lack strength.
During a stalemate across the warfront, a human group raid a Dread base, but fail. To gain information, a Dread tried to remove it from the humans and their group, only to find that their views are not unlike the Dread's expunging the information and the splinter group they lead. So the Dread recruits them, and tells them of the greater threat that involves both sides. Something that both sides needed to hear, and hopefully put a stop to all the bloodshed.
Those seven created the first political wing for those humans that were joining their ranks. Nicknamed Dreadnaughts during the War, their unbelievable power was respected and hailed as 'gods'. And more and more people hailed and revered the god's tales of heroism and fighting the enemy. Though like all good things, it came to an end abruptly.
It was no surprise that the Second World War was written in history as the War of Gods. Of course there were skirmishes and battles with foot soldiers and mobile armor, but it paled in comparison to what was going on between Dreadnaughts. When the Axis took control of their extraordinary beings, England, France, and other allied countries retaliated with their own. Their battles were magnificent; chaos and destruction raining down on the cities and soldiers. So fierce were these battles, that men from either side stopped their fighting watched in horror and jubilation at their nation's Dreadnaughts. But, it became clear when Dreadnaughts began to thirst for battle and blood, laying waste to the opposite side with unparalleled strength. There was little the decimated side could do except flee or cower in the dirt. And thus, the power bred contempt and hate to the Dreadnaughts. Even to those on one's own side. Fear turned to hate.
The Dreadnaughts now had many nicknames: Freak, Animals, Demons, etc. One name was more prevalent than the others. Those gifted people were known as 'Dreads', and it stuck to people as time passed on and the world was healing from the scars of WWII. The normal populace believe that "Once a Dread is nearby, disaster was soon to follow." The Dreads were literally shouted, cursed, and even shot at in their own countries. The Gods were now peasants in society's eye.
The 13th of May, 2005 soon brought the frustration of the Dreads and the fear of the humans to a tipping point. A group of Dreads fueled by anger, tired of being bashed and degraded, took hostages at TV stations in California, U.S.A, Cairo, Egypt, and London, England. They were coordinated takeovers, and funded by the same political group who protected the Dreads. It was an attempt to make the rest of normal society see reason; as they were just as human as they were. Flesh and blood, and just as scared as they were. But they did not listen, nor did the humans take pity on their superpowered cousins. Their governments retaliated with hostile force, and created a spark in the Dread's eyes. In anger and desperation, slowly being eroded by the human's, the Dreads killed themselves, not before taking all the hostages and the buildings with them in explosions that shook the world.
The Dread's population was cut in half overnight with hate crimes and killings.
In retaliation, the Dreads fought back and thus started the Dread War.
in 2023, eighteen years from that faithful day, the world is scarred and beaten. Fifty percent of it has been deemed 'too hazardous' to human or Dread health to live on. Thirty percent of that fifty belong to the humans, as they were higher in number compared to the Dreads. Dreads controlled the twenty percent leftover and were fewer in number, yet didn't lack strength.
During a stalemate across the warfront, a human group raid a Dread base, but fail. To gain information, a Dread tried to remove it from the humans and their group, only to find that their views are not unlike the Dread's expunging the information and the splinter group they lead. So the Dread recruits them, and tells them of the greater threat that involves both sides. Something that both sides needed to hear, and hopefully put a stop to all the bloodshed.
What happens when a struggling mind, lost in their profession finds no reason to keep continuing their work? A Professor at a lowly institute meets a student that seems ordinary. To the Professor they are just another student. One starry eyed and naive. Just there to pass the class and be done. As for the Professor, he/she is losing hope in their prospective field. They find no interest in their field anymore, finding no breakthroughs or theories. They begin to question their lives, unsure how to proceed onward except pretend to give a shit with their class. Or not, and appear disinterested with the questions being thrown their way. Instead they are just beaten and slowly withering into a depressed teacher.
Until they find that one of the students they have been teaching, is the subject. Something inside of the student's mind/body/will interests the Professor for academic purposes. A new breakthrough. As the student is subject to deeper, personal study, the feelings for that student begin to grow. And the student's naive view on the subject begins to remind the Professor why he/she got into the field in the first place; rekindling the want to continue their research. The love of their field. The need to put their name up in textbook and be recognized.
Then they realize the student is more than just a subject to study or read. Instead..they are something more.
It comes at a price, the need to be discovered and immortalized. For the teacher is not the only one who wants a piece of the student. And it is clear that the student's life, when their 'breakthrough' is put out into the world, will tear the teacher and themselves apart.
Until they find that one of the students they have been teaching, is the subject. Something inside of the student's mind/body/will interests the Professor for academic purposes. A new breakthrough. As the student is subject to deeper, personal study, the feelings for that student begin to grow. And the student's naive view on the subject begins to remind the Professor why he/she got into the field in the first place; rekindling the want to continue their research. The love of their field. The need to put their name up in textbook and be recognized.
Then they realize the student is more than just a subject to study or read. Instead..they are something more.
It comes at a price, the need to be discovered and immortalized. For the teacher is not the only one who wants a piece of the student. And it is clear that the student's life, when their 'breakthrough' is put out into the world, will tear the teacher and themselves apart.
It is modern times. The human population has grown to cover every inch of the globe, leaving no frontier undiscovered or unclaimed. Technology increases to an unprecedented level. And the intelligence of the brightest minds continue to flourish in the human pool of ingenuity and unyielding will.
The human's fast progress drew the attention from civilizations of the galaxy to the earth's doorstep. Only the humans have no idea what really is going on in their population, as extraterrestrials study and observe the humans from a distance. During a meeting with the sentient species, they decide to get more in depth and up close information. Learning their ways and deciding for themselves if the humans are ready to join their ranks. A scientific officer in a member of the species' military descends down on the human world, unknown and completely naive to the ways of the humans.
So it comes down to the one human to show the science officer of their ways. A quiet observer of the human populace; a loner and outcast watching from the sidelines with the intelligence to know the flaws of human society. And the good, if their own views weren't twisted themselves. It all comes down to them to show if the humans are ready to be galactic beings, or wallow in the mud they stand on?
The human's fast progress drew the attention from civilizations of the galaxy to the earth's doorstep. Only the humans have no idea what really is going on in their population, as extraterrestrials study and observe the humans from a distance. During a meeting with the sentient species, they decide to get more in depth and up close information. Learning their ways and deciding for themselves if the humans are ready to join their ranks. A scientific officer in a member of the species' military descends down on the human world, unknown and completely naive to the ways of the humans.
So it comes down to the one human to show the science officer of their ways. A quiet observer of the human populace; a loner and outcast watching from the sidelines with the intelligence to know the flaws of human society. And the good, if their own views weren't twisted themselves. It all comes down to them to show if the humans are ready to be galactic beings, or wallow in the mud they stand on?
Much of life is undiscovered. As much as the human race likes to put faith in their known routines and lives, the unconventional and unknown comes and bites them right on the ass. Things that are unexplained; hard to grasp with the fear of the truth threatening to rip their small 'world' apart. And one fears what one doesn't know.
Unless they're one of the few that get a thrill out of the fear for the unfamiliar. Many of those people adventurers. Others forefront to the exponential increase in knowledge; scientists.
It was once the famous Isaac Newton who said: “To me there has never been a higher source of earthly honor or distinction than that connected with advances in science.” Many like-minded individuals often thought the same, trying to make their world a better place through the means of the inquisitive mind; asking 'why' and 'how'. It is not hard to say that men and women such like Newton found things to help the daily lives of the human race. Be it through astronomy or biology; monumental discoveries that lept forward human understanding, it has shaped humans into land-conquering mammals.
Yet everything has a price.
Like most things known to humans, science has a dark edge as well. Killing instruments like the modern day assault rifle to the atomic bomb. Leaps of ingenuity turning into main sources of pain.
How does one determine which scientific finds are helpful or detrimental when it's discovered?
Trying to decide how society would integrate such discoveries is almost like trying to predict the future; difficult and near impossible. It his hard to determine such things, how one person would react to the new, dark reality that hides behind one's limited view. Problem is, that most people already have their viewpoints set in stone, and do little to change except by extreme circumstances. Even then it was hard to chisel new things into the tablet; as it was human nature.
As a well known science-fiction author put it plainly: “The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom.”
For when a new type of Monster comes terrorizing the supernatural world, things will change. Niches and the top of the food chain, such as Vampires, Werewolves, and other powerful beings are no longer safe behind their grasp over man.So what will another supernatural being or human do when it comes face to face with the new king of the food chain?
((Fans of Vampires will love this one, as the 'new' being on the block is Vampire-esque in his ways. ^^))
Unless they're one of the few that get a thrill out of the fear for the unfamiliar. Many of those people adventurers. Others forefront to the exponential increase in knowledge; scientists.
It was once the famous Isaac Newton who said: “To me there has never been a higher source of earthly honor or distinction than that connected with advances in science.” Many like-minded individuals often thought the same, trying to make their world a better place through the means of the inquisitive mind; asking 'why' and 'how'. It is not hard to say that men and women such like Newton found things to help the daily lives of the human race. Be it through astronomy or biology; monumental discoveries that lept forward human understanding, it has shaped humans into land-conquering mammals.
Yet everything has a price.
Like most things known to humans, science has a dark edge as well. Killing instruments like the modern day assault rifle to the atomic bomb. Leaps of ingenuity turning into main sources of pain.
How does one determine which scientific finds are helpful or detrimental when it's discovered?
Trying to decide how society would integrate such discoveries is almost like trying to predict the future; difficult and near impossible. It his hard to determine such things, how one person would react to the new, dark reality that hides behind one's limited view. Problem is, that most people already have their viewpoints set in stone, and do little to change except by extreme circumstances. Even then it was hard to chisel new things into the tablet; as it was human nature.
As a well known science-fiction author put it plainly: “The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom.”
For when a new type of Monster comes terrorizing the supernatural world, things will change. Niches and the top of the food chain, such as Vampires, Werewolves, and other powerful beings are no longer safe behind their grasp over man.So what will another supernatural being or human do when it comes face to face with the new king of the food chain?
((Fans of Vampires will love this one, as the 'new' being on the block is Vampire-esque in his ways. ^^))
Small Bunnies:
Brother/Father x Sister/Mother: A prophecy lays on a family; one that speaks of a power dwelling inside the females of the household. The males, assigned and proclaimed as protectors and mentors of the females, have strengths and skills of their own, but nothing near the power held within the gentler sex. For the only ones to hold this enormous gift belongs only to the females, and as such there are few within the family. Mothers to bear such burdens are chosen carefully, and Fathers just as much. It is their duty, if not the bloodline would cease to exist and horrors would spread to every corner of the globe.
((Prefer for both to double in this one. Adds more plot and tension that way.))
Brother/Son x Sister/Mother: Growing up in a kingdom to become the next in line is hard enough. Trying to do it with a war brewing, a plot hatching to overthrow the royal family, and the needs growing between two secluded heirs of the throne? The throne will never remain the same.
Father/Brother x Daughter: The male of the family has always been viewed as quiet, and didn't say much. The silent type, who didn't speak until spoken to and never drew attention to themselves. In fact it was hard to see for the daughter how the mother/girlfriend of the father/brother manage to see in them. That is, until one night the daughter catches the dominating, strong side hidden beneath the stoic faces.
((Prefer for both to double in this one. Adds more plot and tension that way.))
Brother/Son x Sister/Mother: Growing up in a kingdom to become the next in line is hard enough. Trying to do it with a war brewing, a plot hatching to overthrow the royal family, and the needs growing between two secluded heirs of the throne? The throne will never remain the same.
Father/Brother x Daughter: The male of the family has always been viewed as quiet, and didn't say much. The silent type, who didn't speak until spoken to and never drew attention to themselves. In fact it was hard to see for the daughter how the mother/girlfriend of the father/brother manage to see in them. That is, until one night the daughter catches the dominating, strong side hidden beneath the stoic faces.
Older Man/Older Woman x Younger Man/Younger Woman: It is no surprise when someone see's a couple with a visible age difference. They think it is out of lust, or money rather than love. ((Pretty simple plot. Will need some major brainstorming with this))
Female Boss x Male Underling: To be such a strong leader to her subordinates has it's merits. She is capable, hardworking, and takes no shit from anyone. Especially the males of the company. Being their boss sets a whole new standard, as she is considered an ice queen around men. Being a woman, though, she has her needs. Occasionally if it suits her she finds a young intern or underling to take home and boss around and eventually give them the ride of their lives. But, secretly, she wishes to be taken. Let a man take the reigns for once. Bent over and shown how it is done, not because she asked, because she needed it.
A search for Doms for a sexual frustrated Sub leads her to a secretive place, specializing in this act. Going from low to high, and no intercourse to full fledged use of all of her. Unsure, she tries out a low, no penetration client, and loves the things he does to her.
But what if he is know to her outside the hotel? He knows, but would not dare reveal his true identity. Until lust and romance flares, that is.
Businessman x Other: The master is a high businessman, one who attends meetings, high value dinners, and banquets. Beneath the poise, beneath the facade, he is a very sexually active man, who enjoys taking dates with toys between their legs and told to behave, albiet gently. He is not a cold man, neither is he a saint. In fact he is rather fond of being a dominate, ordering his prospective date around. Whether it is a high-priced private, favored escort, to a woman who he met at the said dinner, banquet, or meeting. Between the massive amounts of work scheduled, and needed for political dinners and events, getting his personal time in is low to none. So what does a perverted man do? Using the time between and during those moments to take it on his loved one. His pet,using toys and sneaking his needs into everything he can.
But what if he is know to her outside the hotel? He knows, but would not dare reveal his true identity. Until lust and romance flares, that is.
Businessman x Other: The master is a high businessman, one who attends meetings, high value dinners, and banquets. Beneath the poise, beneath the facade, he is a very sexually active man, who enjoys taking dates with toys between their legs and told to behave, albiet gently. He is not a cold man, neither is he a saint. In fact he is rather fond of being a dominate, ordering his prospective date around. Whether it is a high-priced private, favored escort, to a woman who he met at the said dinner, banquet, or meeting. Between the massive amounts of work scheduled, and needed for political dinners and events, getting his personal time in is low to none. So what does a perverted man do? Using the time between and during those moments to take it on his loved one. His pet,using toys and sneaking his needs into everything he can.
The teacher is alone, sacrificing her/his personal life to go to the students under her tutelage. Creative writing is her/his specialty, and they have a few bright stars among their students. Every once in a while, they has the students send poems, stories, or rantings through email. But what happens when they discovers once of their star pupils to have sent an erotica. Of her, with him, and (insert kinks here), and does he/she like it? Or appalled at first? Does she/he confront the student? Does she/he keep the story to keep them 'warm' at night? Lots and lots of questions.
As a prominent member of the Teacher Association, she is a vehement speaker of student x teacher relationships. Often protesting of their 'gross use of a young man or woman's vulnerability and mind'. But what happens when one of her very own students becomes a subject for her affection? As a secret admire when there is more to the quiet student than she seen before; almost a lyrical soul. Does she stop because of her hypocritical nature? Or work on those wants and needs when the student...finally doesn't become a student anymore and graduates.
As a prominent member of the Teacher Association, she is a vehement speaker of student x teacher relationships. Often protesting of their 'gross use of a young man or woman's vulnerability and mind'. But what happens when one of her very own students becomes a subject for her affection? As a secret admire when there is more to the quiet student than she seen before; almost a lyrical soul. Does she stop because of her hypocritical nature? Or work on those wants and needs when the student...finally doesn't become a student anymore and graduates.
A routine check-up for a patient brings together two individuals. The patient, a rather optimistic spirit who is battling a deadly disease and it is in remission. So his outsight onto the world brings the nurse a glimmer of hope, since she had seen death and carnage and the hubris of man. Thing is, when she takes interest, she finds that he is a son of a wealthy oil tycoon. He invites her to travel with him out of a whim, thinking since he could die tomorrow, he figures why not spend it in the company of a nice, beautiful woman? (Insert Doctor for Nurse)
What determines a soul? Is it because of a way humans minds are wired? Or is it a combination of memories and sensations mixing with the needs of the primal form, construed as a 'conscious'? Twenty years into the future, the first commercial AI synthetic humans come to be made, programmed, and sold. Of course, like everything in the world, even the synthetics were twisted and perverted. Sex slaves, made with human imprint personalities, serve their master's whim with very lifelike flesh.
What happens, when a consumer, who ordered an AI helper and worker accidentally buys a sex slave one? And this one, not shackled by the moralities of life and rules, mis programmed, begins to feel and want and need like a normal human?
What happens, when a consumer, who ordered an AI helper and worker accidentally buys a sex slave one? And this one, not shackled by the moralities of life and rules, mis programmed, begins to feel and want and need like a normal human?
Humans are ignorant. They know not of the kind of creatures that prey on their delicious souls and life energy. One particular creature, even if men sought after her like drooling mindless dogs, delights in doing just taking their life energy and going onto the next one. For that what a succubus does, right? An immortal being, charged with the life of men she had bedded, and find out what exactly is plaguing her mind. For a succubi to be brought into the physical plain, a female soul must be lifted from it's mortal shell, by means of her death long before her time, and this must be at the hands of men. Revenge must be in her heart before the end, and a spirit inhabits her form and brings them both to life. There is a catch. Although the woman turns into a temptress, able to bring men (and women, if so choses) to their knees, and posses a personal array of strength and abilities varying to each succubi, they lose their memories before their deaths. Their personality, knowledge, and skills remain, but they are only a hollow shell; unaware as to why their existence is put on the earth in the first place.
Though that the methods required to create a succubus are dark and powerful, the spirit that brings a woman back from the jaws of death does not control her, nor influence the mind of the woman. Instead it only gives her the means to wrought her wrath, or leave her to use the power for means beyond wrath. Some ignore the men to rise in ranks beyond what the men can achieve. Others enjoy the manipulation of men to push and pull them around like puppets on a string. Though for a few, there are that live in seclusion; hiding themselves away from the world in an attempt to find themselves in the solitude.
All Succubi are not harmful to humans, in fact, there are some known to use their immense pools of energy to give life back to the near dead. But that is a very rare occurrence, as the subject must have won the heart and mind of said temptress, even though to reach it one must wade through the distrust, anger, disgust, and or hatred that a succubi feels towards male.
Even though they are immortal, powerful beings, they too cannot escape the threat of death. For they must feed to keep the immortality, which is an unquenchable hunger that can bring them to do heinous acts when it is not taken seriously. They can still feel pain, and receive grievous, and fatal, wounds, but if she is not murdered or killed, she can live for a very, very long time.
As for one Succubus, one day her life is changed perhaps for the better. After taking heavy wounds and left to die, a stranger finds her and heals her back to health. Normally, after taking such damage, the succubus would of taken the stranger's life energy as payment, but an odd sight transpires before her. Most men cannot control themselves around such a tempting, vulnerable treat, but for the stranger he does not force his will upon her; nor advance and fall prey to her seduction. He is straight, that is for certain after more time spent with the stranger, he is not immune to her charms, but he is able to prevent himself from going into a mindless shell before her.[/font
Though that the methods required to create a succubus are dark and powerful, the spirit that brings a woman back from the jaws of death does not control her, nor influence the mind of the woman. Instead it only gives her the means to wrought her wrath, or leave her to use the power for means beyond wrath. Some ignore the men to rise in ranks beyond what the men can achieve. Others enjoy the manipulation of men to push and pull them around like puppets on a string. Though for a few, there are that live in seclusion; hiding themselves away from the world in an attempt to find themselves in the solitude.
All Succubi are not harmful to humans, in fact, there are some known to use their immense pools of energy to give life back to the near dead. But that is a very rare occurrence, as the subject must have won the heart and mind of said temptress, even though to reach it one must wade through the distrust, anger, disgust, and or hatred that a succubi feels towards male.
Even though they are immortal, powerful beings, they too cannot escape the threat of death. For they must feed to keep the immortality, which is an unquenchable hunger that can bring them to do heinous acts when it is not taken seriously. They can still feel pain, and receive grievous, and fatal, wounds, but if she is not murdered or killed, she can live for a very, very long time.
As for one Succubus, one day her life is changed perhaps for the better. After taking heavy wounds and left to die, a stranger finds her and heals her back to health. Normally, after taking such damage, the succubus would of taken the stranger's life energy as payment, but an odd sight transpires before her. Most men cannot control themselves around such a tempting, vulnerable treat, but for the stranger he does not force his will upon her; nor advance and fall prey to her seduction. He is straight, that is for certain after more time spent with the stranger, he is not immune to her charms, but he is able to prevent himself from going into a mindless shell before her.[/font
General Bunnies:
((On a side note.... *snickers imaging bunnies in uniform and in hats*))
Bold is my preferred role
Elf x Human
Elf x Elf
Elf x Other
Hunter x Vampire/Werewolf/Supernatural
Human x Vampire/Werewolf/Supernatural
Businessman x Female Escort
Businesswoman x Male Escort
Brother x Sister
Mother x Son
Father x Daughter
Elf x Human
Elf x Elf
Elf x Other
Hunter x Vampire/Werewolf/Supernatural
Human x Vampire/Werewolf/Supernatural
Businessman x Female Escort
Businesswoman x Male Escort
Brother x Sister
Mother x Son
Father x Daughter
Teaching Old Bunnies New Tricks:
If you wish for a fandom, keep in mind that unless it specifies, I only do Original Characters's in an Alternate Universe. No exceptions.
OC Inquisitior x OC teammate
Mage x Templar
Mage x Templar
OC Shepard x OC Teammate
OC Ashikabi x Musubi/Tsukiumi/Matsu/Kazehana
OC Ashikabi x OC Sekirei
OC Ashikabi x OC Sekirei
Kirito x OC
Vegeta x OC/Bulma
Goku x OC/ChiChi
Gohan x OC/Videl
Goku x OC/ChiChi
Gohan x OC/Videl
Roy Mustang x OC
Roy Mustang x Riza Hawkeye
Roy Mustang x Riza Hawkeye
OC Trainer x OC Trainer
OC Gym Leader x OC Trainer
OC Gym Leader x OC Trainer is real talk time. Although I come off as elitist, arrogant, or annoying (take your pick) I am not at all without respect to those who give me a wonderful PM. Simply asking "Hey wanna RP?" With no substance as to what you want, I will say no. But to those who actually like what they see, please message me. The worse I can do is say no, right?
If you do, please tell me what drew your attention. What you do like? What are you looking for? Plots or ideas that you wish to use? Kinds of characters you'd like to use? Any of these questions we can work off of to create a great story. Oh, and make it light; send me a joke along with it! Whatever it is. Hell, you can even just search for one on google in less then two seconds.
Either way, I hope you find what you are looking for here. If not, I wish you luck in finding other roleplay partners.
Until then~