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Lost my old Thread

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Arctic Fox

Sep 21, 2012
yes it has been a while since I have been able to get here. back though!
been thinking of a few new storylines I'd like to rp. So that being said....

1) looking for male playing a male. post apocalyptic Europe/U.S.. Possibly to play multiple males for a female, possible 2-3 females.

2) male for a female on a cruise from hell. Possible mysterious island.

coming back gonna kinda stick with a few basics.
interested contact me.
Thaedael said:
What kind of post apocalyptic setting do you have in mind?

Earth after WWIII. no zombies or abominations, no mutated humans. thinking similar to mad max. war still rages in pockets globally.
updating. almost had a few but they seem to have backed out.
still looking for the following. Males preferred, dominate preferred.
any interests in something western?
off world/ aliens?

any ideas talk to me we will work it out.
do prefer public threads. After all some stories are rather fun to read.
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