Of Men and Monsters(Luana_Blodwyn/TheSilentProtagonist)


Jul 8, 2012
It was a world where fear reigned. Even in the light of day no one was safe. Those who had not been turned moved in packs, angry and terrified. They carried whatever weapons they could. Some had enough money they had guns, rifles and handguns. Others had passed down family swords. The rest had tools of their trade: pitchforks, cleavers, heavy hammers and the like. These groups formed angry mobs and would run through the city in a blood crazed frenzy. Sometimes they killed monsters, most times they chose the wrong target. Even those fabled hunters succumbed to the furies of these mobs. There was no cure that anyone knew of. Every morning there seemed to be new tales of people dead or turned into monstrosities. One could imagine the terror of a bite and what it would bring.

She had been coming home from her Aunt's. It was late, not quite sundown but close. Wearing a dark cloak she clung to the shadows with a wicker basket slung over her arm. The hood was drawn up to hide the flame brightness of her red hair. Her heart hammered painfully in her chest as she darted from shadowy corner to shadowy corner. At one time it was a simple and pleasant ten minute walk. Now those ten minutes seemed to take hours as she paused and listened. Waiting to hear the feral howl of dogs or the croaking of crows. She paused in an alley to listen. Nothing, just the wind whispering through the byways.

CLANG! She screamed and spun about as a rubbish pile was knocked over, old tins clattering to the ground. A mangy cat scrabbled from the pile. Her heart beat a furious rhythm but slowed at the skinny beast. "Damnit it kitty! You nearly gave me a heart attack." The cat turned slowly to the sound of her voice. She smiled at the stray, but briefly. It was then she noticed it wasn't just mangy. Its fur and flesh hung from bones she could see. The cat's eyes glowed a deep crimson. She gasped but it was too late. The beast lunged and she felt fangs and claws sink into her leg. She screamed again and kicked at the creature as it bit and clawed. Like all smart travelers she carried a weapon. It was just a simple, small cudgel. She swung frantically at the beast until its teeth and claws dislodged from her flesh. In a blind panic she swung and swung and swung until the monster's head resembled mashed beets. Shaking she dropped her weapon and lifted her skirts to examine her leg. A hunk of flesh was missing and she bled profusely. Quickly she wrapped a kerchief around the wound and sped away home.

Screaming echoed through the streets. A mob had gathered but were not fairing well. The beast they had encountered stood a massive ten feet. It was a cat, sort of. Fur the color of newly kindled fire covered the monster's body. Its limbs were thin and lithe with a long, bushy tail. Teeth and claws were wildly exaggerated. The canines hanging down below the slavering maw. Claws like wicked scythes adorned each toe. Black stripes mottled the fiery fur and bright green eyes blazed from it's horrifying, feline face. It roared with a loud, wailing scream as it turned and dug its claws into a blacksmith. The man howled with agony until he was torn in half by the monster. People were beginning to run, they couldn't fight this beast. Bullets seemed to only enrage it further and it was not afraid of their torches.
RE: Of Men and Monsters

This city had seen much better days, but now the hunt was upon it. The creatures that rise up from the darkness and the blood are merciless. So too must those who hunt them be. That is what the tall, bronze skinned man thinks as he makes his way cautiously down the cobblestone street. His long dark hair falls in wild curls, covered only by the standard cap of a hunter. The rest of his clothes are a tad more out of place. He wears what was once a formal dress suit. The end of the black tailcoat has become tattered, and the white shirt under it is caked in dirt and blood from the journey. The black suit pants haven't fared much better so far. The loafers he originally had were quickly discarded and replaced with a more sturdy pair of workman's shoes that have so far lasted much longer.

The hunter has a name, though it was rarely spoken now. When he first arrived in this city, his Mediterranean had left him looking a bit suspicious to those people who were unfamiliar with foreigners. They spread rumors of him being a rich dignatary in search of a bride to take home to impress his peers. He hadn't done much to dispell those rumors more out of not caring about them than anything else. Then the hunt began and things changed. Now not fitting in started to hinder him. The monsters attacked him on sight for his flesh or his blood, and the humans rejected him for being an outsider, their paranoia keeping them from trusting the man. With no other choice, the man wandered the streets for a short time, running from the horde. One creature had managed to strike him, and he was sure the end was in sight.

The man's luck seemed to turn though when a kindly doctor took him in. He bandaged the wound and assured the soon to be hunter that everything would be fine before suddenly injecting him with... something. From there, things did change for the better. Now the man was able to fight back. He was filled with renewed vigor, and the further he went in this journey, the more he learned and the more powerful he became. In his dreams, he is given time to strengthen and regroup before entering the fray once again. Now, this man, Harik Sultan, is the hunter and not the hunted.

There are some rumors are a particularly large and ferocious beast prowling Apprentice Lane. Not sure what to make of it, Harik approaches the area with caution. The first creatures he meets along the way are what he can only describe as hellcats. The small, ferocious beass leap and strike at him quickly, seeming to take the worse of both the crows and the hounds he fought before. Fortunately, the hunter has a handy trick up his sleeve to deal with them. In his right hand, he holds a weapon called the Chained Star. It appears to be a spiked mace, a hefty but powerful weapon that he can bring down with a hard swing. A small tinge of flames seem to come from the weapon when it strikes, but that's not all there is to it.

As the spike smashes through the body of one hellcat, ending its monstrous existance in a single blow, Harik pulls the Chained Star back and flicks his wrist, causing the hilt to twist. The spiked mace seems to loosen and with his next attack, it launches forward, staying attached to the shaft by a chain link. The extra distance gives the fiery weapon just the range it needs to strike the next hellcat before it can reach Harik, taking it down with ease before he swings it back, admittedly more slowly than he would be able to were it in its original state. He makes quick work of the last monster there before continuing his journey, knowing these were nothing compared to his true goal.

The large cat monster is certainly beastly looking. On any other day, it's ferocious sight would horrify the hunter and send him reeling back, but after everything he'd seen, Harik had just become more jaded to the visceral images. "I pray for you." He says to the monster before preparing himself. He can't make the first move. It would be too quick, and any opening he leaves is more than enough to end his life. Instead, he circles around the beast, waiting for her to attack so he might have the opportunity to counter it with a shot from his pistol. Truth be told though, he wonders how much good even that would do. Firearms were limited in their usefulness, especially against larger monsters. Its leg might be sensitive to a well placed strike from his Chained Star though. A few good blows could leave it staggered.
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The mob saw the Mediterranean man first. One raised his hand as if to attack but another halted him. "We have other worries," said the man bearing a large scythe for a weapon. The mob began to back away and dissolve into the shadows. They had seen the weapon this new man carried. Such a device was only used by a certain breed of human. While they feared the hunters, they knew better than to stand in the way of his quarry. Besides, why risk their lives against this monstrous feline? If he vanquished it then they would be better off. If he should fail then that would make one less of his kind about. With luck he would die and the creature would be enough wounded that they could finish it off. The bravest of them lingered far from the range of the man and beast, watching hungrily.

The monster saw its prey leaving and yowled in frustration. It turned to track after one but stopped with its bright, verdant eyes fell on new flesh. It spoke but the words were like wind. They passed over the monster and meant nothing. Her human mind was gone. Flesh, she wanted to feast on flesh. She could taste the sweet, iron tang on her tongue from her kills, feel the crunch of bones between her teeth. The beast slavered as it stared down this new meat. She hunkered down as the flesh began walking in circles about her. It was a tactic the beast knew. Did this flesh think he were the hunter? If a beast possessed mirth she would have laughed. The feline's hackle raised as she followed the flesh in his circles. Scythe-like claws scraped the cobbled street as they sized one another up. She wanted to taste him, to consume that flesh and slack the burning in her belly.

The waiting grew to be too much. With a snarl she charged the flesh, slaver dripped from her open maw. She coiled her strong, hindquarters and leaped high into the air. Long claws extended to her prey as gravity pulled her down. Rip, tear, consume, yes she would feast on this new flesh and then finish with the others.
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The mob forces Harik to pause for a moment. They weren't infected yet, just normal men trying to survive during the hunt. He avoided attacking them when possible, if only because the alternative would be killing humans instead of those turned into monsters. The hunter isn't ready to go down that path yet. As they back away, he relaxes, but knows that the real danger is just beginning. If this large catlike creature managed to scare off a large crowd, then it's not something to take lightly, not that Harik would have anyways. Any monster could be deadly to those who aren't careful in their movements. He'd learned this well enough grom the hounds and crows that prowled the streets.

As the hunter sidesteps around the beast, he notices it sniffing and following his movement, keeping him in sight. It's a predator, through and through. This is an interesting game where both are the cat. Harik won't let himself become the mouse, of course, and soon enough, his patience pays off. It was a beast, after all. An animal wouldn't wait around forever to see what its prey would do. It would grow impatient and try to rush things. He brings the heavy pistol he holds in his left hand up as the creature makes the leap. Right at the peak, he fires the shot, the headon blast pelting the cat like monster with bullets and giving him his chance to dodge out of the way of its swipe.

Unfortunately for him, the shot wasn't enough to force the monster down. The hunter isn't ready to give up yet though. Not that he's sure he could if he tried. He steps behind the creature, crouching low before leaping at it himself, bringing his Chained Star's flail form down hard and connecting with the monster's back. It was a beast, more animal than anything else. He expects this to be much like the other bestial creatures he's fought up to now. Fire has proven especially effective against them up to this point. Other monsters are better suited to be fought with simple steel. Some hate the tinge of blood in his bullets, and still some need a burst of lightning to truly hurt them. With animals though, fire has suited him best, and he can only hope this still holds true. His Chained Star had become his most trusted weapon as a result.
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Slicing pain erupted. The flesh had a flashing stick, one of those sticks that caused pain. Not enough to stop her but enough to be irritating. Still it was distracting and the massive monster came to a halt on the ground with a furious snarl. The flesh had gotten away! The large, slavering head turned this way and that in search for her quary. She craved the flesh, why was this flesh so difficult? No other had been so hard to pin down and consume. It was frustrating and yet thrilling. She wished to eat, to tear and to kill but this chase was almost fun. A cat did so love to chase mice. While this flesh was the flesh of man and not mouse it was he same concept. Flesh of man tasted better and men were bigger. Mice weren't even a mouthful at her size. Yes...yes flesh of man. Speaking of man, where did the man go?

Her yowl rang out through the night as pain sliced through her back. She could smell blood, her blood, and singed fur. Burning and fire, she did not fear man's flame but it caused pain. The flesh was behind her. Snarling and yowling she spun around on her haunches. Rearing up to her hind legs she roared her anger and frustration. Hold still! she snarled out remaining on her hind legs. She swiped with her long arms and viscous claws. This time she had to catch this flesh. The chase was fun but this was getting frustrating. She wanted this to be over and eat her prey.
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The creature is large, fast, and fierce, but that alone isn't enough. Harik has faced down larger monsters, fierce hordes that showed no mercy, and fast hunters attacking him more cleverly than any other foe. He trusts his skill and his weapon to carry him through. The smell of singing fur and howl of pain let him know that this connected hit hurt far more than his gunshot did. A heavier weapon could be useful here in this case, he starts to think. Something large that he can hold in two hands and bring down with devastating blows could potentially make short work of the feline.

As it turns and swipes at him though, he realizes that the smaller weapon is the better choice. The monster's attack comes at him fast, and the hunter isn't so lucky this time in avoiding it. He cries out as the attack sends him rolling back on the ground. Knowing the creature will be on him soon, Harik wastes no time recovering from his tumble and getting back on his feet. He takes a shot with his gun and swipes with the Chained Star to put some distance between them before injecting a vial of blood into his leg. The red fluid does its work quickly, the hunter immediately starting to feel reinvigorated. He dodges away from the monster's next attack before making a horizontal swipe with his weapon. As the chain swings to the right, he flicks his wrist and leaps forward, reconnecting it into a it's mace form as it comes down on the creature's head.
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The beast's mouth stretched into a poor mockery of a smile. It roared triumph as her paws made contact with the flesh. Her strength sent him spiraling away. Like a housecat batting at a moth. If she could only rip off his wings and stop his movement. Her triumph was short lived at the flesh rebounded from her attack and regained its feet. She yowled indignation that it wasn't dead. Gnawing pain clawed at her belly. She was hungry, starving. With all the flesh attacking her she hadn't been able to eat any of it yet. This made the monster angrier. She hunkered back into all four paws, arching her back as the flesh did something. He seemed to hit himself with a small, shiny object. Suddenly his smell changed. She sniffed at the air, scenting the difference. He smelled stronger now, somehow. As if he had strengthened his blood. Her hackles raised and she hissed angrily.

Before she could attack the flesh ran for her. The strange stick became a chain and she dodged at first. She lunged forward to close the gap. The painful part of his stick was gone. Triumph was near, triumph and her well deserved meal. Though something happened the beast did not expect. The hurting part returned. Before it could react it connected with the side of her head. She felt it burn and puncture. Pain exploded through her skull as she fell to the cobbled street. The creature yowled with pain as her face blistered from the fire, hanks of flesh and fur hanging freely. The creature lay a moment where she fell, eyes closed as she mewled pathetically.

She blinked a moment as she lay there. Where was she? Why did her face hurt? She reached up to touch the ugly wound but stopped as she saw the long, black claws. She drew back as if afraid of her own hand. The creature looked down her body all the way to the busy tail. What...what was going on? She saw the man standing nearby. He was certainly not from their city. He had a faraway look, with his olive skin and fair curls. Who are you? Help me!] she cried out but found only a yowl issued from her lips. The beast looked taken aback for a moment before fire erupted through her body.

She screamed in agony from the pain that shot through her like lightening. Her bones groaned and cracked as if some invisible child was reshaping her. Slowly the monster began to shrink in size. Teeth and claws receded, still fanged but close to human size. The long fur became shorter and her tail shrank but never left. Still she screamed in pain as her eyes shrunk and her maw receded to a flat, human face.

As sudden as the pain had come it was gone. A naked woman rested on all fours, though not all human. While her flesh was the pale softness of a human a fluffy tail still swished the air. A set of tufted ears poked out from the top of her curling red hair. Nails on hands and feet were still long and lethally sharp but in human proportion. She lifted her head briefly to look around with wide, green eyes slotted just like a feline. Exhaustion took over and the woman collapsed. Her mouth a little open one would see the still sharp, cat-like teeth.

The mob slowly stepped from the shadows. "Is it dead?" One asked and another shook his head. "Unconscious, see how it still breathes." "Well kill it before it wakes!" A shout rose up and the four remaining men charged toward the unconscious woman with death in their hearts.
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That last hit seems to give Harik the advantage as it goes reeling back. He quickly follows through with another attack to the abdomen before taking a jump back. The hunter knows better than to get greedy with his prey. He held a strong vantage now, but there is no guarantee it would last long, and trying to bite off more than he can chew would just leave him tired and unable to cover any open spots. The linked chain runs down, the spiked ball attached to it dragging along the ground to leave a trail of flames following it. Sure enough, his patience seems to pay off as the creature begins to change, his fiery attack apparently igniting something in it. It seems to howl in pain at that, and roars and cries at the hunter. He doesn’t know what it’s saying, but he can take a guess. It’s hungry for his blood.

This alone doesn’t surprise Harik too much. He’d already fought against many foes who seemed to become more powerful once agitated. They’d change shape in some way, or start fighting him differently from how they did before. The larger, more dangerous of the creatures he hunts especially seem to he almost wants to say hold back. Only when he’s sufficiently shown just how dangerous he is do they fully unleash their abilities against him. Unfortunately for those monsters, now that he’s aware of this, it’s made things easier for him as he can use that brief period of change to truly retaliate against them. Locking the weapon in its normal form once again, he leaps to attack the girl. Wait, what?

Harik stops himself just short of bludgeoning the attractive young redhead in front of him. How had that happened? Is this a trick of the monster’s? Turning itself into a desirable form to throw off those who attack it? It would be new. That’s for sure. He stares for a moment at the naked form in front of him. Those were most definitely womanly curves. It had been a while, and the gruesome sights of the city had thrown Harik off his normal thoughts, but there’s no mistaking that before him is a beautiful young woman… that so happens to have ears and a tail. Okay, no, so maybe human isn’t the best term. She may well still be a monster. Those claws are menacing, even if not as dangerous looking as the ones that cut into him only a minute ago.

The argument of the mob gets the hunter’s attention and he looks their way. They had made up their minds it seems. At first Harik considers leaving the creature to them, but no, he can’t do that. He would like to say it’s a purely altruistic reason. That he wants to keep the girl safe to learn more about her, but that isn’t the truth. He’s a hunter. This was his prey, his mark, his to claim the prize and bounty for. Stepping in front of her, Harik stands in the way of the mob, his hand gripping his weapons tight. “This one’s mine.” He says simply. They stop in their tracks, eyeing him suspiciously. The look of him makes it clear that Harik is prepared for a fight, and the mob knows better than to face against a hunter. One by one, they slowly back down and step away, muttering insults as they go. Sighing in relief, the hunter turns his attention back to the girl. Gently, he nudges her unconscious form with his weapon before taking a quick step back in case of retaliation.
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Visions whirred and danced through her mind as she lay on the cold street. Cats, claws, blood and death. She could hear it, smell it and see it. She even remembered craving it. Desiring the tang of blood on her tongue. The visions were varied and blurry, fragments of memory. When her human mind returned it couldn't seem to comprehend the horrors she had just gone through and created. This was why her mind needed to shut down, even just for a little. It needed to process what had happened, the new sounds and smells, an extra appendage. Then there was a prod to her side. It was cold and more annoying than anything. The young woman gave a soft groan and swiped her hand, missing the weapons. Her hand fell back to the cobbles with a soft clicking from her elongated nails.

Slowly her eyes opened. They were the bright green of fresh spring grass, but slitted for the moment like a cat. It was dark and the eyes adjusted so she could see as perfectly as if it were daylight. She glanced around with just her eyes. There was a man standing over her. What had happened? She remembered...remembered...not much of anything. Blood and flesh, she remembered this craving and the thought made her stomach rumble. Her right ear twitched as she stared up at the man. Her bushy tail lay limply on the cobbles for the moment. Very slowly she pushed herself up onto her elbows. For the moment her long hair draped artfully to cover some of her nakedness, but she was no lady godiva.

"Who...are you?" She questioned the man. With his raven curls and olive skin she thought him rather handsome; beautifully exotic. When she pushed herself up more she gave a violent shiver of cold. Reaching up she rubbed her arm. First she scratched herself and brought forth a yelp of pain. Second she realized she was not wearing her cloak...chemise....dress...Slowly her eyes trailed down and she squeaked before trying to cover herself with her hands. "I'm...naked...why am I naked?" Her speech was a little funny from her elongated teeth. Though she held up a hand and gasped at the sight of her claws then rang her tongue over her teeth, feeling the length and sharpness of some. Her head swung this way and that, then she saw the tail. Reaching over she grabbed the fluffy tail and gave a tug in which a yowl followed. All she could do was stare for a time, the man forgotten. "What in God's name..." she whispered with wide eyes and began trembling from cold and sheer confusion.
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As the girl starts to sit up, Harik gets his weapon at the ready again, just in case. Dropping his guard would be deadly rigt now. When her eyes open, he's taken aback. Much like the rest of her, it would almost be human if not for the odd cat like features. The large green orbs are just another feature that add to her beauty, the hunter thinks, but he isn't going to be fooled. Beautiful things can still hide dangerous threats. Those eyes could suit her well in a fight in the dark, after all, and her smaller form may prove very flexible... in combat, of course.

She speaks, but other enemies have spoken before. Her speech is odd, likely because of the teeth he reasons. If she didn't have those sharp fangs he might find the slightly odd sound rather endearing. She's the first of these creatures to ask him for his name though. That is a rather new one. "I am a hunter." He answers simply. Harik had heard stories of creatures capable of using people's names to do horrible things. True or false, he isn't willing to take that risk yet with this thing. Not until he knows more about it.

Her own realization of her nakedness causes Harik to remember it as well. He lowers his gaze out of respect before shaking his head. No, it could all be a ruse, he tells himself. Taking his eyes off his opponent will be dangerous. Yes, that's why he looks back at her. Well, he just focuses on her face and eyes... for the most part. "Do you not remember what you are? What you've done?" He asks the girl, still suspicious of her. He looks around the area littered with corpses, overturned carriages and stalls, and tattered remains of various decor.

He sees a bloodstained dress lying on the floor, the body it belonged to likely wouldn't miss it. It's tattered, but still wearable as far as Harik can guess. Keeping his distance from the girl, he quickly removes the outfit and throws it over to her, figuring that if she has something on, it could make things easier. She could still be playing him, he knows, but her shock and surprise seems genuine. "Put that on, then we can talk more." He tells the girl as the dress lands right in front of her. "You can start by saying who you... well rather, what you are. I've never met an opponent quite like you, after all." He mutters the last sentence, looking the girl up and down again as he tries to figure her out.
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A hunter. Why was a hunter there? There no monsters about. He seemed nervous when looking at her. Like a man might look if confronted with a growling dog. Unsure if the dog meant him any harm. She frowned a little in her puzzlement. Her tongue ran across her sharp fangs once again. Her confusion was clear as she looked back to her bushy tail as it waved lazily in the air. As he moved away from her she concentrated on movement of the tail. It obeyed her with some thought, swishing back and forth. Her eyes turned back to him as he relieved a corpse of her dress. Slowly she began to take in the street around her. At least three bodies were visible. Their gore splattering the cobbles. Destroyed and upturned carts littered the street and there were several shop with destroyed fronts. What caught her attention were the claw marks in wood. Five long, deep rakes marred the wood. Her stomach began to coil in knots as he approached her with the torn, bloody dress.

Had she not been freezing and her modesty in serious neglect she would never have put the thing on. As it was she had little other choice. The fabric was damp and sticky with blood. With a grimace she slowly shrugged the dress on. It was a little roomy for her but would service for the time being. The man spoke with a curious but alluring accent. What he said cause her to halt as she smoothed the damp bodice over he front. "What do you mean what[\i] am I? I am a woman," she said indignantly. Though she gave pause once more. Female yes but...human? She looked to her wicked black claws and felt her fangs. Slowly reAching up she felt her tufted ears. Once more she surveyed the scene around her. It wasn't possible...she couldn't have done this, could she?

"But I don't....how could I..." She stopped as she remembered some things. The rage and the hunger. It wasn't memory, more like a recollection of feeling. "I...I did this? All of it?" She kept looking frantically about the carnage. "It...isn't possible. No. How?" She placed her hands over her mouth. The cat, that mangy stray. No, not mangy, a monster. She looked to her leg where the cat had bit and clawed. The scar was still bright pink. "But...how am I..." Her mind reeled. "When humans are bitten they become monsters but...I am no monster! No one comes back!" Her panic was rising. How was she still herself? More or less. The feline features were a new addition to her facade.
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Harik isn’t sure what to expect anymore. Seeing the girl panicking at the realization of her actions certainly wasn’t it though. These creatures never showed remorse. Hell, the hunters that attacked him never showed remorse. Regret served no purpose in the hunt. Everything, from the lowliest crow to the most… “sane” of humans knew that. Yet here this girl is, her tail swishing and ears twitching frantically as she tries to come to terms with what had happened. Was it all an act? It well could be, he thinks to himself. She is trying to pull him into a false sense of security to get him to lower his guard even more. Granted, if this is an act, she’s been holding it for quite a while already.

The sound of barking in the distance catches the hunter’s attention. He looks around, wondering how many other creatures of the hunt are approaching. He needs somewhere safe to hide, and the dream won’t do right now. Spotting what looks like an abandoned home, Harik nods towards it. “Go in there, and move slowly. One false move and I strike you.” He warns the girl, showing his weapon just in case she’d forgotten he’s holding it. “While you’re doing that, you can tell me more about you, yes?” He asks, getting ready to step forward, but not until this partially feline woman starts to move.
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Terror and panic were gripping her. Not to mention the beginnings of grief and guilt. How could she bear this? She had killed people. Perhaps not all were particularly innocent but she was not God. It was not up to her to end lives. Her chest and throat constricted and she felt a terrible pressure behind her eyes. She wanted to cry, normally she would have. This was beyond tears though or perhaps she really was a monster. A monster would not shed tears over this. Then a cacophony of barking broke into her thoughts. She started in fright and looked around. The hounds were out and they were hungry. She had understood that bark. How she knew what the hound said she didn't know but she heard it clear as day, as if this hunter had spoken it himself. They hungered for flesh. Fresh flesh from living victims. It made her shudder.

Her attention turned to the hunter as he nodded to a house and told her to get inside. He also threatened her if she should move too quickly. To emphasize his point he brandished his strange weapon just a little. For a moment the woman stared at him. She did not care to be bossed about by this foreign hunter or threatened. However, what he said not only made sense but she wasn't quite ready to be bludgeoned to death. So she slowly got to her feet. Her legs felt a little unsteady and she wobbled just a little. Her body was surprisingly weak. When on her feet she took tentative steps toward the house he had gestured at. As she walked the nails on her feet clicked softly on the cobbles. The dress felt oddly drafty and she turned back to look. Her tail was still held up just as a cat would as it walked. It made her skirts rise up to bare her backside. With a small squeak she slapped a hand behind her to close the folds and push her tail down.

Once inside the home she sniffed the air. It had a rank, musty scent to it. Clearly no one had lived there for some time. She went to a corner and turned to face the hunter. There she cut a hole in the back of the dress and fed her long, bushy tail through. God Almighty this was almost too much. She stepped from the corner to look about. They would have to wait here until sunrise. She watched the hunter carefully, worried he might strike at any moment. She did deserve it, after all she was a monster and had done unspeakable atrocities. Still, she did not yet wish to court death.

"I do not know what to tell you Hunter," she said quietly still with a small lisp from her longer and sharper teeth. "My name is Ivah...I work at my family's apothecary...and I suppose I am...a monster." She held out her hands to look at the claws at each finger tip. "But...at the same time not. Not right now, in some ways. I did all of that didn't I? Killed those people. I...I don't remember it...I only remember getting bitten by that cat and running then...then...nothing. Anger, fear, hunger...A blackness of emotions and nothing more. Then waking up in the street as though from a deep sleep. Not to mention a furious headache," she said as she rubbed her temple where the mace had connected when she was a beast. "You will tell me nothing of yourself save being a Hunter I suppose. I do not blame you...I would not trust me either." Misery stuck to her words as she placed a hand to a wall and leaned her forehead on the cool, damask surface.
Harik is quite surprised at the variety of emotions that seem to move across the girl’s face. Confusion, sadness, realization, horror, anguish, disgust, it was all so much more than the fear and anger he saw from the rest of the creatures in this hunt. They could be smart, cunning, and quick but he had yet to fight one that was remorseful. Even the hunters never acted in such a way, showing no regret in attacking a fellow human being for little reason. Is this all still an act by the feline like girl, or is she truly coming to realize what had happened to her and what she had done. If the former, then his vigilance will keep the hunter alive. If the latter, then… well, Harik isn’t sure what it would mean if the latter is true.

The indignant look the creature gives him has the hunter wondering for a moment if she might decide not to obey him. The barrel of his gun is moved into position, a single clean shot likely all he will need to stagger her for a killing blow. It seems she won’t be so foolish though, which Harik has to admit is a relief. Not having to fight her just yet gives him time to recover some more. Her wobbling stance, has him duck, ready to attack, but it looks as though the girl is just trying to get her balance. Hmm… walking straight on two legs would be something she needs to adjust to again, he tells himself. Not only would her more beastly form have been more comfortable on for legs (even if it seemed to be capable of semi-bipedal movement), but he has to wonder what effect the change had on her physical and mental state.

Well, when the girl turns around, the hunter can at least confirm it hadn’t done any particularly damage to this girl’s legs or backside. His close examination shows that both are still in very fine, firm condition. All too soon though, that possible distraction is brought to an end as the dress is moved to cover her properly. There’s still a large bulge where the tail is, but at least she seems to be clothed now. That is a good thing, of course. It helps the girl look more human, yes, but the cat ears twitching in the moonlight, the bulge in the back, and the sound of nails against stone serve as a constant reminder that at least a part of her is still in fact a beast.

Inside the home, Harik looks around. It’s a small one, most of the furnishings in it upturned or destroyed. This could be dangerous for maneuverability, the hunter decides. He sticks close to the door, figuring that if the girl is in fact just putting on an act, then he can make a getaway through it, since the enclosed space would be a major risk factor should she change back into the larger, more beastly form. Other than that, at least the place looks empty, and it muffled out he sound of the barking hounds in the distance, which is a plus to him as he sees it.

Ivah isn’t a name the hunter can say he’s too familiar with. Then again, he hadn’t gotten to know many of the people in this village, well, this entire country if truth be told. He doesn’t know how common the name actually is, as a result. The apothecary, he’d seen one nearby recently. It was in complete shambles. There weren’t any people there, and everything was overturned and cleared out. No corpses, at least, though he doesn’t mention that just yet. The whole situation may set her off, and until he knows more about Ivah, Harik doesn’t want to say or do anything that could make her emotions run wild.

Considering for a moment everything that Ivah had said, Harik moves closer to her very cautiously. This is a risk, but he’d already taken a few of them, and finding out more about this girl, what she could mean for the hunt, is important enough to take some more. Nodding his head, he lets out a small breath. “I am Harik. A hunter here. For now, you will be staying with me until I learn more about you.” There’s more barking in the distance again, and Harik looks in its direction. “Go on then, tell me everything you know. Anything that may be useful.”
Annoyance flashed through her. It was fierce and made her blood boil. She looked up from leaning on the wall and put her hands on her hips. "Isn't that just like a man, not to listen." The fur on her tail bristled with her annoyance and the tufted ears were laid back and flat on her head. "I just told you what I know. I was bitten by a cat and the next thing I know I wake up naked in the street." She snorted a little through her nose and folded her arms across her chest. The ears laid to the side and her tail smoothed back out. "I don't know what else happened. It is like trying to remember a dream or a dream of a dream. It is all emotion, no thought or sight. Anger and hunger...pain sometimes." Suddenly her stomach gives a rumbling squeal. Her ear perk up and she flushes, grinning ruefully. "Speaking of hunger...I am still rather hungry..." She turned away from Harik and slowly paced through the house.

Before the doorway into a modest kitchen was a large albeit torn couch. She leaned down and with the ease of flicking a bed sheet she flipped the couch up to lean on the wall and out of the way. As if this were nothing unnatural she continued to the kitchen. It was a positive disaster. Pots, pans, utensils and broken dinnerware littered the floor. She stepped cautiously over them so as to not cut her feet. She moved to the pantry and began inspecting the contents. There were various pickled things, mostly vegetables. She did find some flour however. Stepping over to an ice box she opened it but immediately began to gag. The ice had long since melted and the meat was more than rancid. Even when she closed the door the smell clung in the air. With a heightened sense of smell it made this putrid odor that more rank. It was too bad the meat was rancid. She was craving it. No milk or eggs so the flour was useless.

"When the sun rises I should like to go to my parents' apothecary," she said as she lifted down a few jars of pickled vegetables and preserved fruits. "I...just pray I do not find the worst there..." She said through a tight throat. She cleared her throat as she unscrewed the top from the glass jar. Lifted it she sniffed at a jar of pickled turnips. "Ech...I do not like pickled foods even at the best of times." She paused as she stared at the jar. Her stomach rumbles but she could hardly imagine eating this. Instinct told her meat, any meat. Rat meat would suffice...flesh of man. Her face suddenly went pale and she shook her head. Yes flesh of man, there was one close. No! She was not a beast! She put her hands to the side of her head as she fought down these thought. It made her stomach rumble yet roil at the same time.

Slowly she got ahold of herself with and let out a slow breath. "Harik..." Her voice was soft, barely audible even in the silence of the house. "Have you ever known one like me? Both monster and human in the same flesh?" She all but knew the answer. With his questions to her it lead her to believe she was unique in this world. The consciousness and body of a human. Yet at the same time aspects of a monster with the instincts to match.
Putting the pommel of his Chained Star to his temple and rubbing it, the hunter sighs. “Yes, I heard all that.” Harik remarks. “I meant tell me anything you know that could be of use. Quite honestly anything.” He reiterates. “Tell me about any secret paths or shortcuts in the village. About what you know of various people here and who might be able to give help.” He quietly thinks about it for a moment. “If you can tell me about how it feels to be as you are right now as well, that would help things further.” The hunter remarks, curious to know more about what Ivah has become.

As she walks to the kitchen, Harik lets her get further ahead of him before following slowly. He wants to keep an escape open for himself. Seeing her rummaging through the kitchen, he’s now just happy that his dreams can sustain him for so long. Being a hunter, it seems, limits how much sustenance he needs outside of blood. This proves even more fortunate when the rancid smell fills the room as any appetite he had would have likely quickly vanished. Harik covers his nose with his arm and takes a step back. It’s not too bad though, and he quickly adjusts. That would be one advantage to traveling through this town of decaying flesh and blood stained monsters. The smell of decomposition doesn’t bother him as much.

“There’s nothing for you there.” Harik answers her simply. If Ivah is going to ask about the apothecary, then he would answer as best he can. The girl is already expecting the worst, it seems. “I’ve been there before. Nothing is left. It’s been abandoned. All the medicine has been cleared out, likely by looters. Everything else is destroyed by the beasts. There is no sign of any blood or corpse there.” He tells Ivah, wondering if she would still want to go now. “If you are hungry, I think I saw a shop that had cured meats nearby. That may suffice for your… tastes.” Her teeth and feline features imply to the hunter that the girl is very likely carnivorous. He wonders if she even could eat the vegetables and fruits. Either way, her heightened sense will react badly to the smell.

The sudden movement has Harik’s defensive stance up again. Carefully stepping backwards, he answers her. “No, I can honestly say that you are… new. I haven’t yet met anything like you. Monsters, humans, and hunters are what I know of. You could potentially be any of the three, couldn’t you?” It was a possibility he hadn’t thought of yet, Harik realizes. Perhaps some sort of late realization of being a hunter. It seems very unlikely, but then, so is the girl standing in front of him right now.
Yes of course, beside the butcher was a ship that chiefly sold cured meats and cheeses. That didn't quite help her at the moment. Her stomach was empty to the point of near pain. Wether left from her monsterous state or a true hunger she didn't know. Perhaps he body just required fuel from the horrific transformation. Neither thought made her feel better for the subject. Not to mention it didn't solve the gnawing pain in her belly. She turned to look at the foreign man and tilted her head a little at him, her tail swished side to side lazily and her ears turned forward to him. He was afraid of her again. Well she supposed she couldn't blame him. She really needed a mirror to see what she looked like.

Well his response wasn't something unexpected. She hardly needed to ask to know his answer. Somehow she had come back. It could have been sheer luck or possibly even the grace of God. Though she had begun to doubt the latter. What God would bring about such horrors? Unless he felt this city needed punishing. That was entirely likely. Still, she was not the most devout of Catholics. She went to church and did the motions but there were others more fervent in their beliefs than her. When he mentioned she could be a hunter she blinked at him for a moment. Then she tosed her head back and laughed. "Me! A Hunter! You certainly have an odd sense of humor," leaned on the cooktop as her laughing slowly subsided. "Ohhh my...no I cannot believe that. Besides, what hunter becomes a monster and is returned to their right mind but subtly changed in body? I have not heard of such things." She looked to her nails and then to her tail. "I am merely an outlier. Like the person who manages not to contract the flu when it runs rampant through the city. Or does but only suffers one symptom." She paused and frowned a little. That wasn't quite true. She was more like a pox victim. One who manages to beat the odds but is left scarred by the disease.

Though as she thought on that it made a little sense. Growing up in an apothecary had educated her a little on the courses of disease. In rare occasions there were indeed people who were immune to the full effects of an illness. Was it possible she could be one of them? "Do you know of someone who might be able to solve this? You hunters operate under some sort of superior do you not? Someone must have an idea of sorts."
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