Young Justice: Next Generation (MysteriousD and LadyWolfe)


Star Fudge
Mar 9, 2014
"So the vote is unanimous," Superman said as current Chairman of the Justice League. Around him were the other Founding Seven: Batman, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, Zatanna, Green Lantern and the Flash, who all voted the same.

"Terrance Shaw; Code Name: Thoth. You have been found unfit to be leader of the Unit known as Young Justice. Furthermore, your conduct and behavior has been against everything we have stood for and it is with that we terminate your leadership and position with Young Justice," Superman ran.

The young man who was dressed in a dark-colored outfit with sleek gold designs of simplified Egyptian iconography and completed with a gold colored Thoth like head with red eyes simply crossed his arms.

"Very well," he said in a cool steely voice before turning in everything and stripped search before heading out, swearing vengeance on them before being beamed back to Earth.

"I don't think that's the last we've seen of him," Batman noted before he looked to his peers. "Agreed, but I think we need to move to other issue on hand. Whether Warhawk and Speedy are ready to be inducted into the Justice League or no," Martian Manhunter stated.
"Warhawk and Speedy have both shown exceptional leadership skills and the ability to hold the team together and come through with a bad leader. They both posses the qualities that we founded the League on." Green Lantern said calmly.

The Flash nodded as well, "I agree with G.L. on this one, they were lead into a trap and managed to pull their whole team through it despite a reckless leader who would've got them all roasted. Sorry no wise cracks on this one, they should be promoted." he agree, though he was serious for a change going against his usual comic relief type attitude.

Zatanna was the next to speak up, "I agree, but also who will we be promoting into Young Justice from the Titans to replace them?" she asked as she looked around the room. "I personally would suggest the Co-leaders of Nightstar and Paragon they both have shown exemplary skills and are the right age to join Young Justice." she added to the conversation.

"They can also be a test to root out anyone else that might have been swayed by Thoth, after all recklessness and arrogance like that can pass to any other members of the team, being that he was the leader no matter how brief it was." the Green Lantern added. "But back to the current vote we can worry about the other after.
Meanwhile, outside of the meeting room, a strong young man stood. He was approaching his mid 20s and was of mixed race. He was half human and half Thanagarian. He had somewhat dark skin and black hair with flecks of red. He was dressed in a large winged suit made out of Nth metal. He was Warhawk.

Well, that was the current alias of Rex Stewart. Should he choose to join the League, he would fulfill his mother's suggestion of becoming the next Hawkman. However, he was not feeling confident. He heard about Thoth's excommunication and it worried him how he didn't see it coming or the extent of his former comrade's negative qualities. The other reason was how he still viewed some of his younger comrades as simply rookies. Well-intentioned rookies, but still rookies. Ironically, this behavior was present in his father, John Stewart back when he was in the League.

He still needed to be around to make sure the Rookies learn properly what they need to do. He will still be Warhawk for some more.

"What do you think?" he asked his fellow member, Speedy. The second Speedy to be exact.
A girl with blond hair, with a single red streak, of similar age was leaning against the wall near by. She was wearing a dark red suit with yellow forearm guards, boots and cloak with a yellow arrow emblazoned on her chest. Looking over at Warhawk she thought about his question for a moment. "What do you mean?" she asked simply as she glanced at the door to the Justice Leagues meeting room. "Do you mean our possible promotions or Thoth being thrown out?" she added.

With a sigh she ran her fingers through her hair to straighten it out. "I suppose it doesn't matter what you mean, but as for Thoth he did almost get us killed, on more then one occasion. As for promotions.... I can't leave the team without a leader, I'm sure Supergirl would be a good Leader, but then if the rumors that Robin said she found about two Titans getting called up then there's no way I'm going to leave the team with two newbies to replace us, not when the team just lost our leader like this." she explained calmly. "We leave the Team like that and whatever Thoth did will reflect poorly on us and those still on the team, I can't let the others go through that. The fallout will be bad if both of us join the League and leave Supergirl and Robin holding the bag." she added. She was beginning to wonder what was taking the League members so long to do whatever it was they were doing.
"Both," Warkhawk said before listening to what she said. Warhawk remembered first meeting the mysterious half Egyptian half Caucasian. He was somewhat aloof and distant. He was intelligent, but very pragmatic and reckless. "I think they are just being courteous and giving us ample time to consider if we are ready. To be honest, I think we may still be needed over at Young Justice," Warhawk said to her. As the oldest, they were looked up to. Young Justice were for Titans who did not branch off, die, or did something else regarding their careers.

"What's your decision then? I'll let you announce it," Warhawk said before he let her step through the door first. Warhawk began wondering how their new team will be like. He wondered how many newcomers would be there.
Speedy chuckled as she heard Warhawk, "Right, because it's a hard choice." she said as she looked at the doors. She got off the wall and followed Warhawk towards the doors as they were called in. "I told you I'm staying with Young Justice." she added in a lower voice as she followed him into the room. Looking around at all the members she wasn't intimidated by any of them. After all she had grown up around this kind of think and when your parents were friends with most of the League members and some of them might even be your god-parents it wasn't nearly as scary or intimidating as it might be other wise. Though Batman always seemed to be brooding.

"I'm grateful for the chance you think we deserve, but I've made the decision to remain with Young Justice as I still feel that I have a lot to offer the team." she said calmly. Then she gently nudged Warhawk's side, "Your turn bird-boy." she said in a low voice, and a small smirk.

Meanwhile Nightstar had recived a notification on her Teen Titan's communicator to report to the Justice League Tower that orbited Earth. Both her mother and father had also been asked to accompany her meaning she would be traveling with Starfire and Dick Grayson the current Batman. Although this bit of information had surprised her since her Grandfather Bruce Wayne had already been called to a meeting and went as Batman. So Dick was taking on the role of Nightwing today. Nightstar's costume was almost an identical match to her Fathers, minus that her's was two pieces leaving her mid-drift exposed and purple design. A design choice Dick was against but Starfire let her keep considering her own costume choice. Nightstar also wore a mask much like Dick's Nightwing mask, since she wasn't allowed to reveal her secret identity to anyone including her teammates. This meant she also had to wear sunglasses when in civilian clothes, it was the same for Robin.

"Really dad... why do I have to hide my secret identity? If I'm being promoted to Young Justice like Grandpa told you then both Helena and Loral know who I am.... it's silly. Also hard to hide my real identity since I've pretty much grown up with these guys.... don't you think at least one or two will realize that I'm Dick and Koriand'r Grayson's Daughter... or at least Nightwing and Starfire's...." she said as they stood at the Batcaves Zeta Tubes. "I mean I have Mom's powers and my suit is basically identical to your's..." she added calmly.

"It's to protect you, as well as the people you care about. If your enemies find out who you really are it can put you and everyone you know in greater danger, that's why your grandfather made me and every one else he's trained follow this rule. It's the most important." Dick explained calmly, "We've been over this, now if we don't hurry we'll be late and you know how he is about being late." he added with a smile.

Starfire was content to watch her husband and daughter talk for the moment as she giggled a bit to herself, but she smiled as Nightstar looked to her. She knew the look in her Daughter's eyes she was worried about joining Young Justice, and having to make new friends with a few of the younger heroes she hadn't met yet. "Do not worry my dear Mar'i you will be fine. You are both skilled and caring you'll fit in with your new team just fine." she said as she hugged her daughter. Nightstar was 17, and her 18th birthday was just around the corner so this promotion was a bit early for her. "Now come my dearest we don't want to keep the Justice League waiting." she added with her usual warm smile.

With that Nightstar nodded, "Right I'm ready, and don't worry dad, I always follow your rules, how ever silly." she teased her father a bit as her usual fire returned. She knew the rules were for her protection, and so she didn't go against them. With this settled the three stepped through the Zeta Beam as it recognized them by their and an AI voice called out their designations. First it was Nightstar, followed closely by Starfire, and lastly Dick was announced as Batman since he had officially taken over the role. Once there the group made their way towards the Justice League's main meeting room.
Warhawk simply went aheaed and follow his partner. He looked over to Speedy. She inherited her father's skill with a bow and her mother's skill with martial arts. She could kick the butt of almost anyone in terms of skill except a few others.

"Likewise. I will remain in Young Justice. Considering the incident with Thoth, I feel we need to make it up to our younger team members to have good leadership and ensure any remnants of Thoth's problems have not influenced the team or present a danger to them," Warkhawk said to them.

"Very well. Speedy and Warhawk will remain in Young Justice for the time being. Remember, both of you will be invited once more to join the League in three years," Superman told them both before he dismissed them. With the agenda for the first seven over, they began heading out. Bruce and Diana stayed to make casual conversation, regarding the children of their proteges joining with Young Justice soon.

Meanwhile, a young man in dark hair was practicing his telekinetic powers. While he was granted a strong and good body as a result of his mom's genetics, his dad granted him psychic abilities. It wasn't excatly Tacile Telekinesis, but it did allow him to augment himself as well as levitate objects or send shockwaves by via a tactile-telekinetic punch. He has currently been punching a large boulder from several meters away. This young man was Aurelio Vendrix or more famously known as, Paragon. He was the son of two powerful heroes, Donna Troy aka the 2nd Wonder Woman and Diego Vendrix aka Transcemental.

He wore a costume that was someone similar to his mother's suit back when she was Troia. It was black with star designs on it. However, the star patterns were more colorful, resembling colorful novas. He also has gold-colored metal bracelets, boots and visored helmet that helped to conceral his identity. As he took a break, a notification came from his Titans communicator.

"Mama, Papa, I got a messege," Aurelio said as he entered his house. He was one of the heroes who's parents were happy regarding their secret identities. His dad worked as a pretty sucessful author while Donna worked as a photographer and had a pretty quiet homelife here. However, they still kept in contact with their old friends and the like.

"We know, mijo," Diego said as he came downstairs along with Donna. Diego looked to his son and Aurelio looked at his dad. Donna simply put her hands at her hips as she saw her husband and son communicate each other with a telepathic sense. She wasn't surprised though; Aurelio was very much like his father, though he was more confident and assured of himself at this age.

"Well, your father has given you the basics and I guess it's my turn," Donna said with a smile before she looked to him. He was growing tall and he would seen be taller than his father. Not that it was that difficult, as his dad was the average height for a man. "Some of your smarter teammates will probably suspect who you are in regards to your lineage, but you don't confirm anything until the time is right," Donna explained to her son with a smile. Diego then led his family for a group hug. They were an affectionate family.

"You're a good man, Aurelio. I'm happy I manage to raise you to be a good man, like my dad with me, though without the control freak tendencies," Diego said while chuckling a bit.

"I know, mom and dad. Thanks for the words though," Aurelio said with a smile. [color=#A9A9A9[/color]]"Although Olympian is gonna be there and I gotta make sure he doesn't do anything to mess around,"[/color] Aurelio added as he laughed. While his cousin was stronger and more tactful with mastery of military arts, Aurelio was reinforced by his psychic abilities.

"Let's get going," Donna said before she began to contact J'onn to beat them up. Both her and Diego are still active members of the Justice League, especially with Donna coming more into her own regarding being the second Wonder Woman.
Speedy sighed as she meeting concluded and glanced at Warhawk, "Well that was easy." she said simply before hitting Warhawk with the back of her hand on his shoulder, "Come on Bird-boy, lets get back to Mt. Justice before Impulse tears the place up, also I think it's Robin and Supergirl's turn to cook so we'll either return to a calculated and precise dinner..... or a burnt down kitchen area... again..." she said with a small laugh as she lead the way out of the meeting room.

Across the Watch Tower Nightstar and her parents were making their way across the station to the meeting room. Of course Nightstar knew that here she wasn't with her parents, just her mentors. This was another of her Grandfather's rules so that they could keep as much secret as possible. Though sometimes she wondered if it even worked as they group walked to the Meeting room. Once the arrived at the room Nightstar looked around, "So um... where is everyone?" she asked as she looked at her Grandfather and Wonder Woman.
Warhawk simply sighed in annoyance at his partner's nicknaming, but he said little else. Some days, there were moments were it was best to remain quiet. It was something he learned from his father. Being a military man, John Stewart knew how it can be dealing with unorthodox team members, especially when he became a member of the Green Lanterns and the Justice League. He told Warhawk to watch out for the newcomers as they would need the advice as newer and weirder threats would know no doubt come crawling from the woodwork.

"I am sure everything will remain steady," Warhawk said as he was following his companion. It had been a bit of a long day admittingly and he couldn't help but wonder why Thoth was up to. He was a shady fellow, but not an evil person. At least he hoped not.

Meanwhile, Paragon arrived with his parents. Unlike some of his fellow next generation heroes, most people pretty suspected if not knew that Aurelio was the son of Transcemental. Namely because of their personalities such as intelligence, larger-than-life and driven individuals. It was pretty inevitable that the people would pretty much think that Paragon was like Transcemental and think of them as son and father.

Transcemental led them to the Meeting room. Donna smiled and waved at Diana before Paragon looked at Nightstar. His eyes widened a bit as he looked at the founding seven leaders. "Why have we been summoned?" Paragon asked Wonder Woman.
Speedy just laughed as she heard Warhawk's reply, "Right we'll see, but don't be surprised when I get to say I told you so." she said as she continued to laugh as she entered the Zeta Tube and was sent back to Mt. Justice.

Meanwhile still on the station Nightstar was waiting with Nightwing and Starfire in the meeting room. It wasn't the first time for the two former Titans, but this was Nightstar's first time and she was pretty impressed by it. Glancing to the door as she heard it open once more and Paragon entered with his mentors/parents. "They called you too? How are you teammate?" she asked with a small smile. Then she turned her attention back to the League members as she heard one of them clear their throats.

It was Zatanna who spoke, in her usual calm tone, "Alright now that you both are here, I think it's best if Superman or Batman take the meeting from her on." she said as she glanced between the two founding members. Even if Bruce's Batman wasn't always a full member he was still one of the leaders. Of course they didn't know it was Bruce, only that Nightwing was the active Batman now and he was a full member of the League.
Warhark simply rolled his eyes at his teammate's antics before following her through the Zeta Tube and were at Mt. Justice. Everything was in current place and it looked things were okay. He went over to see some boxes of pizza standing over. "Team; there was a pizza party at Supergirl's school and she snuck us some leftover pizza before they could throw it away. Considering we have been called for an emergancy investigation, we couldn't cook, so enjoy the free piza," Warhawk read Robin's exact and neat handwriting.

"It appears that a third option has come into play,"
Warhawk stated to his comrade.

"I'm doing well. I didn't expect to see you here, Nightstar," Paragon said. Transcemental smiled as he saw his wife go and fist-bump her long-time ally and friend, Nightwing. He along with Donna faced the group, with Donna giving a greeting to her former mentor and sister figure, Wonder Woman.

"Welcome to the two of you. We have been monitoring your process along with your mentors. Both of you have served well among the Teen Titans. Now that you are of age, you are being offered the opportunity to join the Young Justice initiative. Some of your fellow Titans of years past have been a part of it along wth younger indepedent heroes," Bruce said to them.

"Neither of you have to become part of Young Justice. You have your own paths ahead of you to make in life. Whatever they may be, just keep being good people," Superman said to them before awaiting their decision.
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