Hell Frozen Over (Picklepeople123 and Pandemonium)

Apr 18, 2015
Hans was feeling immensely smug right now. He had finally gotten his reward for his defeat at the hands of Elsa and Anna. It had actually been very clever. His brothers of course had to make sure that those two had thought that he had been punished. In reality, they were more mad he failed than him doing anything that was evil. And what was it he was punished to do? Get back at those two and make Arendelle part of the family's kingdom as a whole. Not that he had much a choice anyway as it was his best odds to have his own kingdom. This time it had been a matter of family honor as well.

His plan had been simple. He was in touch with people who he had helped when he appeared benevolent. Despite how opinion probably had swayed against him, he had people who were loyal in Arendelle who were leery of Elsa and Anna. He had them hide him while he had snuck in with a contingent of soldiers. From there he had their food laced with a heavy sleeping herb. Once they were out cold it had been a simple matter for the soldiers to take them prisoner and take over the castle. Honestly, he was shocked it worked so well. After the trickery he tried last time, he figured that it would be more difficult.

Of course, his biggest concern had been transporting the new prisoners. The ice palace would have been way too problematic given Elsa's ability. Fortunately he had taken over the palace her parents had owned and now had a base. He knew some were concerned and his people were doing PR to spin things to his benefit. As for the sisters, he had them both in the dungeon. One on one end, the other on the opposite end. He thought it was a cruel bonus. So close to each other yet so far.

"Tell my brothers that I have succeeded. I WILL be king of Arendelle in due time. One way or the other." He told a messenger. Oh he was going to make sure they suffered. Elsa especially. She was key to his plan. Sure, he could use Anna for his plan but he planned to use Elsa's powers to his advantage. He went to her cell and waited. Once she seemed to awaken, he spoke again. "Glad to see you are awakening. I advise that you do not use your powers. I have your sister and you do not want anything to happen to her I am sure." He said, making it clear that he had come prepared as far as her powers went. He had not bothered to cuff her, he had made sure she was lying in a prison bed. She would be free to move around within the cell.
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