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Le Disco


Jan 20, 2009
Colin made his way slowly through the darkened back areas of the rave as he stalked for a victim. His cold blue eyes ran across numerous bodies while he walked his pale flawless skin blending in with the rest of the rave crowd's "beautiful" people. He however wasn't wearing make up and didn't bear any of the tell tale signs of acne under a heavy coating to pale his skin and hide it. His deep black coat and shirt weren't as flashy as many of the others, but his white hair, slightly pronounced canines and piercing gaze did occasionally draw attention. His steel capped and shanked boots clacked occasionally along the floor while he walked, most normal people with a wiry frame like his might be slowed by them but he was just fine in them.

Stopping he looked at a group of new arrivals through the slight fog and flashing lights. His eyes ran over them the low light in the warehouse not hampering them even in the slightest. "Come on..come on." He hoped slowly fully intent on taking someone away from the area to never be seen again.
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