Escape from the lab (Um and Fancy_Brat)


Jan 9, 2015
Drake hadn't been totally aware of what the job was or who he would be working for when he first took the position. It had started out innocently enough, researching Pokémon, observing them. Then it had moved onto studying their DNA, taking samples, mapping the genetic structure, trying to unlock the secrets of their abilities and the process of their strange evolutionary abilities. But then things had gotten....strange. At first it had just been theoretical computer simulations, Drake assisting with the virtual manipulation of Pokémon DNA. But the simulations hadn't been up to the task, the computers unable to accurately predict what the results of their manipulations would be.

When the actual manipulation of living Pokémon began to occur, several of the scientists Drake was working with had objected...that was when their real employers chose to reveal themselves, Team Rocket. The group were to be responsible for creating new strains of Pokémon, finding ways to make them stronger, more intelligent. The scientists that had spoken up were dealt with....harshly. From that point on Drake and the others realised they had no choice but to continue, if they wanted to live they would have to do as they were told, have to continue their experiments.
After several failures, the team had chosen to splice human DNA into three Pokémon DNA samples. This would give them something more known, more familiar, to work with. They were careful to lose nothing of the Pokémon DNA, only adding in additional parts from human DNA samples. The results had been staggering, beyond anyone's wildest expectations. Nobody had really expected the test subjects to survive...but not only did they survive, they had thrived. Though perhaps that hadn't been for the best, all three subjected to intense experiments which Drake had little choice but to be involved in.

Eventually though, Drake had been able to take no more of this. Despite the danger to himself, he couldn't sit by and let this happen anymore. He knew there was little to nothing he could do to stop the experiments entirely, but he could at least spare these three any further suffering. One night he had snuck into the lab, everything planned carefully. The cameras were all due to switch off in a specific sequence at specific times, allowing him to get into the lab, storing all three samples into specially designed Pokeballs, then hurriedly leave before anyone could realise what he had done.

Through the whole night Drake had trekked through the forest surrounding the lab. It wasn't until the middle of the following day that he finally stopped, slumping down exhausted. He looked at the three Pokeballs in his backpack, then slowly reached down to pull one out. How would they react? This was the first time any of the three had been outside...and he was one of the ones who had been experimenting on them all this time. But still, they deserved their freedom, even if it did doom him. He just hoped they would give him the chance to try and explain. With a deep breath he tapped the button on the Pokeball in his hand to enlarge it, then gently tossed it out to release the Pokémon inside, subject Jolteon.
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